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// SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List.swift
// SendbirdUIKit
// Created by Tez Park on 2021/09/30.
// Copyright © 2021 Sendbird, Inc. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SendbirdChatSDK
/// Event methods for the views updates and performing actions from the list component in a chat notification channel.
protocol SBUChatNotificationChannelModuleListDelegate: SBUCommonDelegate {
/// Called when theres a tap gesture on a notification that includes a web URL. e.g., `""`
/// ```swift
/// print( // ""
/// ```
func chatNotificationChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List,
shouldHandleWebAction action: SBUMessageTemplate.Action,
notification: BaseMessage,
forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath
/// Called when theres a tap gesture on a notification that includes a URL scheme defined by Sendbird UIKit. e.g., `"sendbirduikit://delete"`
/// ```swift
/// print( // "sendbirduikit://delete"
/// ```
func chatNotificationChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List,
shouldHandlePreDefinedAction action: SBUMessageTemplate.Action,
notification: BaseMessage,
forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath
/// Called when theres a tap gesture on a notification that includes a custom URL scheme. e.g., `"myapp://someaction"`
/// ```swift
/// print( // "myapp://someaction"
/// ```
func chatNotificationChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List,
shouldHandleCustomAction action: SBUMessageTemplate.Action,
notification: BaseMessage,
forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath
/// Called when a new cell is being drawn in a row in the list component.
func chatNotificationChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List,
willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell,
forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath
/// Called when the `scrollView` method has been used to scroll.
func chatNotificationChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List,
didScroll scrollView: UIScrollView
/// Called when the `scrollBottomView`was tapped in the `listComponent`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - listComponent: `SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List` object.
/// - animated: if it's `true`, the list component will be scrolled while animating
func chatNotificationChannelModuleDidTapScrollToButton(
_ listComponent: SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List,
animated: Bool
/// Called when a user selects the *retry* button in the list component.
func chatNotificationChannelModuleDidSelectRetry(
_ listComponent: SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List
extension SBUChatNotificationChannelModuleListDelegate {
func chatNotificationChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List,
shouldHandlePreDefinedAction action: SBUMessageTemplate.Action,
notification: BaseMessage,
forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath
) {
// INFO: In the current version, the notification feature does not support deletion.
// if"delete") {
// return
// }
/// Methods to get data source for list component in a group channel.
protocol SBUChatNotificationChannelModuleListDataSource: AnyObject {
/// Asks the data source to return a `GroupChannel` object that represents the notification channel.
func chatNotificationChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List,
channelForTableView tableView: UITableView
) -> GroupChannel?
/// Asks the data source to return notification notifications that are used in the table view.
func chatNotificationChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List,
notificationInTableView tableView: UITableView
) -> [BaseMessage]
/// Asks the data source to return the timestamp when the channel is last seen at.
func chatNotificationChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List,
lastSeenForTableView tableView: UITableView
) -> Int64
/// Ask the data source to return the starting point
/// - Parameters:
/// - listComponent: `SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List` object.
/// - tableView: `UITableView` object from list component.
/// - Returns: The starting point.
func chatNotificationChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List,
startingPointIn tableView: UITableView
) -> Int64?
extension SBUChatNotificationChannelModule {
/// A module component that represent the list of `SBUChatNotificationChannelModule`.
/// - Since: 3.5.0
public class List: UIView, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource, SBUEmptyViewDelegate {
// MARK: - UI properties (Public)
/// The table view to show notifications in the channel
var tableView = UITableView()
/// A view that shows when there is no notification in the channel.
var emptyView: UIView? {
didSet { self.tableView.backgroundView = self.emptyView }
/// A view that indicates a new received notification.
/// If you use a view that inherits `SBUNewNotificationInfo`, you can change the button and their action.
/// - NOTE: You can use the customized view and a view that inherits `SBUNewNotificationInfo`.
var newNotificationInfoView: UIView?
/// Specifies the theme object thats used as the theme of the list component. The theme must inherit the ``SBUNotificationTheme.List`` class.
var theme: SBUNotificationTheme.List {
switch SBUTheme.colorScheme {
case .light: return .light
case .dark: return .dark
/// Specifies the notification cell for the `BaseMessage` object. Use ``register(notificationCell:nib:)`` to update the notification cell.
var notificationCell: SBUBaseMessageCell?
/// The custom notification cell for some `BaseMessage`. Use ``register(customNotificationCell:nib:)`` to update.
var customNotificationCell: SBUBaseMessageCell?
// MARK: - UI properties (Private)
private lazy var defaultEmptyView: SBUNotificationEmptyView? = {
let emptyView = SBUNotificationEmptyView()
emptyView.type = EmptyViewType.none
emptyView.delegate = self
return emptyView
// MARK: - Logic properties (Public)
/// The object that acts as the delegate of the list component. The delegate must adopt the ``SBUChatNotificationChannelModuleListDelegate``.
weak var delegate: SBUChatNotificationChannelModuleListDelegate?
/// The object that acts as the base data source of the list component. The base data source must adopt the ``SBUChatNotificationChannelModuleListDataSource``.
weak var dataSource: SBUChatNotificationChannelModuleListDataSource?
/// The current *group* channel object from ``SBUChatNotificationChannelModuleListDataSource/ChatNotificationChannelModule(_:channelForTableView:)`` data source method.
var channel: GroupChannel? {
channelForTableView: self.tableView
/// The array of notification notifications in the channel. The value is returned by ``SBUChatNotificationChannelModuleListDataSource/ChatNotificationChannelModule(_:notificationInTableView:)`` data source method.
var notifications: [BaseMessage] {
notificationInTableView: self.tableView
) ?? []
// MARK: - Logic properties (Private)
private var lastSeenAt: Int64 {
self.dataSource?.chatNotificationChannelModule(self, lastSeenForTableView: self.tableView) ?? 0
var isTableViewReloading = false
/// Configures component with parameters.
/// - Parameters:
/// - delegate: `SBUChatNotificationChannelModuleListDelegate` type listener
/// - dataSource: The data source that is type of `SBUChatNotificationChannelModuleListDataSource`
func configure(
delegate: SBUChatNotificationChannelModuleListDelegate,
dataSource: SBUChatNotificationChannelModuleListDataSource
) {
self.delegate = delegate
self.dataSource = dataSource
// MARK: - LifeCycle
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List()")
required public init?(coder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: coder) }
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List()")
public override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame) }
deinit { }
/// Set values of the views in the list component when it needs.
func setupViews() {
// empty view
if self.emptyView == nil {
self.emptyView = self.defaultEmptyView
// table view
self.tableView.delegate = self
self.tableView.dataSource = self
self.tableView.separatorStyle = .none
self.tableView.allowsSelection = false
self.tableView.keyboardDismissMode = .interactive
self.tableView.bounces = false
self.tableView.alwaysBounceVertical = false
self.emptyView?.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1, y: -1)
self.tableView.backgroundView = self.emptyView
self.tableView.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1, y: -1)
self.tableView.rowHeight = UITableView.automaticDimension
self.tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 44.0
self.tableView.sectionHeaderHeight = 0
if self.notificationCell == nil {
self.register(notificationCell: SBUChatNotificationCell())
// common
if self.newNotificationInfoView == nil {
self.newNotificationInfoView = SBUNewNotificationInfo()
if let newNotificationInfoView = self.newNotificationInfoView {
newNotificationInfoView.isHidden = true
func setupLayouts() {
equalTo: self,
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0
bottomAnchor: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor, bottom: 0
(self.newNotificationInfoView as? SBUNewNotificationInfo)?
.sbu_constraint(equalTo: self, centerX: 0)
bottomAnchor: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor, bottom: 8
/// Sets styles of the views in the list component. If set theme parameter as `nil`, it uses the stored value.
func setupStyles() {
self.tableView.backgroundColor = self.theme.backgroundColor
(self.emptyView as? SBUEmptyView)?.setupStyles()
/// Updates styles of the views in the list component.
func updateStyles() {
(self.newNotificationInfoView as? SBUNewNotificationInfo)?.setupStyles()
(self.emptyView as? SBUEmptyView)?.setupStyles()
// MARK: - Actions
/// Sets gestures in notification cell.
/// - Parameters:
/// - cell: The notification cell
/// - notification: notification object
/// - indexPath: Cell's indexPath
func setNotificationCellGestures(
_ cell: SBUBaseMessageCell,
notification: BaseMessage,
indexPath: IndexPath
) {
cell.longPressHandlerToContent = { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.setLongTapGesture(cell, notification: notification, indexPath: indexPath)
/// This function sets the cell's long tap gesture handling.
/// - Parameters:
/// - cell: Notification cell object
/// - notification: Notification object
/// - indexPath: indexpath of cell
func setLongTapGesture(
_ cell: UITableViewCell,
notification: BaseMessage,
indexPath: IndexPath
) {
// .. Implement long tap gesture here
// MARK: - Notification cell
/// Registers a custom cell as a notification notification cell based on ``SBUBaseMessageCell``.
/// - Parameters:
/// - notificationCell: Customized notification notification cell
/// - nib: nib information. If the value is nil, the nib file is not used.
/// - Important: To register custom notification cell, please use this function before calling ``configure(delegate:dataSource:)``
func register(
notificationCell: SBUNotificationCell,
nib: UINib? = nil
) {
self.notificationCell = notificationCell
self.register(cell: notificationCell, nib: nib)
/// Registers a custom cell as a additional notification cell based on ``SBUBaseMessageCell``.
/// - Parameters:
/// - customNotificationCell: Customized notification cell
/// - nib: nib information. If the value is nil, the nib file is not used.
/// - Important: To register custom notification cell, please use this function before calling ``configure(delegate:dataSource:)``
/// ```swift
/// listComponent.register(customNotificationCell: MyCustomNotificationCell)
/// listComponent.configure(delegate: self, dataSource: self)
/// ```
func register(customNotificationCell: SBUBaseMessageCell, nib: UINib? = nil) {
self.customNotificationCell = customNotificationCell
self.register(cell: customNotificationCell, nib: nib)
func register(cell: SBUBaseMessageCell, nib: UINib? = nil) {
if let nib = nib {
forCellReuseIdentifier: cell.sbu_className
} else {
type(of: cell),
forCellReuseIdentifier: cell.sbu_className
func configureCell(
_ notificationCell: SBUBaseMessageCell,
notification: BaseMessage,
forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath
) {
guard let channel = else {
SBULog.error("Channel must exist!")
// NOTE: to disable unwanted animation while configuring cells
let isSameDay = self.checkSameDayAsNextNotification(
currentIndex: indexPath.row,
notificationList: notifications
switch (notification, notificationCell) {
case let (notification, notificationCell) as (BaseMessage, SBUNotificationCell):
let configuration = SBUBaseMessageCellParams(
message: notification,
hideDateView: isSameDay,
messagePosition: .left,
receiptState: .notUsed
configuration.profileImageURL =
notificationCell.delegate = self
// Read status
let hasRead = notification.createdAt <= self.lastSeenAt
// Action handler
notificationCell.notificationActionHandler = { [weak self, indexPath] action in
guard let self = self else { return }
// Action Events
switch action.type {
case .uikit:
shouldHandlePreDefinedAction: action,
notification: notification,
forRowAt: indexPath
case .custom:
shouldHandleCustomAction: action,
notification: notification,
forRowAt: indexPath
case .web:
shouldHandleWebAction: action,
notification: notification,
forRowAt: indexPath
notificationCell.configure(with: configuration)
self.setNotificationCellGestures(notificationCell, notification: notification, indexPath: indexPath)
let configuration = SBUBaseMessageCellParams(
message: notification,
hideDateView: false,
messagePosition: .center,
groupPosition: .none,
receiptState: .notUsed,
isThreadMessage: false,
joinedAt: channel.joinedAt
notificationCell.configure(with: configuration)
/// Generates identifier of notification cell. As a default, it returns ``SBUNotificationCell``'s `sbu_className`.
/// To use ``customNotificationCell``, please override this method.
/// - Parameter notification: Notification object
/// - Returns: The identifier of notification cell.
func generateCellIdentifier(by notification: BaseMessage) -> String {
notificationCell?.sbu_className ?? SBUNotificationCell.sbu_className
// MARK: - TableView
/// Reloads table view. This method corresponds to `UITableView reloadData()`.
public func reloadTableView() {
if Thread.isMainThread {
self.isTableViewReloading = true
self.isTableViewReloading = false
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.isTableViewReloading = true
self?.isTableViewReloading = false
public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return self.notifications.count
public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
guard indexPath.row < self.notifications.count else {
SBULog.error("The index is out of range.")
return .init()
let notification = self.notifications[indexPath.row]
let identifier = self.generateCellIdentifier(by: notification)
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: identifier) ?? UITableViewCell()
cell.contentView.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1, y: -1)
cell.selectionStyle = .none
guard let notificationCell = cell as? SBUBaseMessageCell else {
SBULog.error("There are no notification cells!")
return cell
self.configureCell(notificationCell, notification: notification, forRowAt: indexPath)
return cell
public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
willDisplay: cell,
forRowAt: indexPath
public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
// MARK: - ScrollView
/// Called when the ``tableView`` has been scrolled.
public func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
guard scrollView == self.tableView else { return }
self.delegate?.chatNotificationChannelModule(self, didScroll: scrollView)
// MARK: - EmptyView
/// Update the ``emptyView`` according its type.
/// - Parameter type: The value of ``EmptyViewType``.
func updateEmptyView(type: EmptyViewType) {
if let emptyView = self.emptyView as? SBUEmptyView {
public func didSelectRetry() {
if let emptyView = self.emptyView as? SBUEmptyView {
}"[Request] Retry load channel list")
// MARK: - Common
/// This function checks if the current notification and the next notification date have the same day.
/// - Parameters:
/// - currentIndex: Current notification index
/// - notificationList: The full notification list including failed/pending notifications as well as sent notifications
/// - Returns: If `true`, the notifications date is same day.
func checkSameDayAsNextNotification(
currentIndex: Int,
notificationList: [BaseMessage]
) -> Bool {
guard currentIndex < notificationList.count-1 else { return false }
let currentNotification = notificationList[currentIndex]
let nextNotification = notificationList[currentIndex+1]
let curCreatedAt = currentNotification.createdAt
let nextCreatedAt = nextNotification.createdAt
return Date.sbu_from(nextCreatedAt).isSameDay(as: Date.sbu_from(curCreatedAt))
// MARK: - SBUNotificationCellDelegate
extension SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List: SBUNotificationCellDelegate {
func notificationCellShouldReload(_ cell: SBUNotificationCell) {
guard let indexPath = tableView.indexPath(for: cell) else { return }
guard let visibleIndexPaths = tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows else { return }
guard visibleIndexPaths.contains(indexPath) else { return }
self.tableView.reloadRows(at: [indexPath], with: .none)
// MARK: - UITableViewCell
extension SBUChatNotificationChannelModule.List {
var isScrollNearByBottom: Bool {
tableView.contentOffset.y < 10
/// To keep track of which scrolls tableview.
func scrollTableView(
to row: Int,
at position: UITableView.ScrollPosition = .top,
animated: Bool = false
) {
func setContentOffset() {
if self.tableView.numberOfRows(inSection: 0) <= row ||
row < 0 {
let isScrollable = !self.notifications.isEmpty
&& row >= 0
&& row < self.notifications.count
if isScrollable {
at: IndexPath(row: row, section: 0),
at: position,
animated: animated
} else {
guard self.tableView.contentOffset != .zero else { return }
self.tableView.setContentOffset(.zero, animated: false)
if Thread.isMainThread {
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
/// This function keeps the current scroll position with upserted notifications.
/// - Note: Only newly added notifications are used for processing.
/// - Parameter upsertedNotifications: upserted notifications
func keepCurrentScroll(for upsertedNotifications: [BaseMessage]) -> IndexPath {
let firstVisibleIndexPath = tableView
.indexPathsForVisibleRows?.first ?? IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0)
let nextInsertedCount = 1
return IndexPath(
row: firstVisibleIndexPath.row + nextInsertedCount,
section: 0
/// Scrolls tableview to initial position.
/// If starting point is set, scroll to the starting point at `.middle`.
func scrollToInitialPosition() {
if let startingPoint = self.dataSource?.chatNotificationChannelModule(
self, startingPointIn:
) {
if let index = notifications.firstIndex(where: { $0.createdAt <= startingPoint }) {
self.scrollTableView(to: index, at: .middle)
} else {
self.scrollTableView(to: notifications.count - 1, at: .top)
} else {
self.scrollTableView(to: 0)