
83 lines
4.4 KiB

// SBUOpenChannelViewController.Deprecated.swift
// SendbirdUIKit
// Created by Jaesung Lee on 2022/01/18.
// Copyright © 2022 Sendbird, Inc. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SendbirdChatSDK
extension SBUOpenChannelViewController {
// MARK: 3.0.0
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This property has been moved to `SBUOpenChannelModule.Header`.", renamed: "headerComponent.channelInfoView")
public var channelInfoView: SBUChannelInfoHeaderView {
get { self.headerComponent?.channelInfoView as? SBUChannelInfoHeaderView ?? SBUChannelInfoHeaderView(delegate: nil) }
set { self.headerComponent?.channelInfoView = newValue }
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This property has been moved to `SBUOpenChannelModule.List`.", renamed: "listComponent.adminMessageCell")
public var adminMessageCell: SBUOpenChannelBaseMessageCell? {
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This property has been moved to `SBUOpenChannelModule.List`.", renamed: "listComponent.userMessageCell")
public var userMessageCell: SBUOpenChannelBaseMessageCell? {
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This property has been moved to `SBUOpenChannelModule.List`.", renamed: "listComponent.fileMessageCell")
public var fileMessageCell: SBUOpenChannelBaseMessageCell? {
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This property has been moved to `SBUOpenChannelModule.List`.", renamed: "listComponent.customMessageCell")
public var customMessageCell: SBUOpenChannelBaseMessageCell? {
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This property has been moved to `SBUOpenChannelModule.List`.", renamed: "listComponent.unknownMessageCell")
public var unknownMessageCell: SBUOpenChannelBaseMessageCell? {
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function has been moved to `SBUOpenChannelModule.List`.", renamed: "listComponent.register(adminMessageCell:nib:)")
public func register(adminMessageCell: SBUOpenChannelBaseMessageCell, nib: UINib? = nil) {
self.listComponent?.register(adminMessageCell: adminMessageCell, nib: nib)
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function has been moved to `SBUOpenChannelModule.List`.", renamed: "listComponent.register(userMessageCell:nib:)")
public func register(userMessageCell: SBUOpenChannelBaseMessageCell, nib: UINib? = nil) {
self.listComponent?.register(userMessageCell: userMessageCell, nib: nib)
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function has been moved to `SBUOpenChannelModule.List`.", renamed: "listComponent.register(fileMessageCell:nib:)")
public func register(fileMessageCell: SBUOpenChannelBaseMessageCell, nib: UINib? = nil) {
self.listComponent?.register(fileMessageCell: fileMessageCell, nib: nib)
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function has been moved to `SBUOpenChannelModule.List`.", renamed: "listComponent.register(customMessageCell:nib:)")
public func register(customMessageCell: SBUOpenChannelBaseMessageCell?, nib: UINib? = nil) {
guard let customMessageCell = customMessageCell else { return }
self.listComponent?.register(customMessageCell: customMessageCell, nib: nib)
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function has been moved to `SBUOpenChannelModule.List`.", renamed: "listComponent.generateCellIdentifier(by:)")
open func generateCellIdentifier(by message: BaseMessage) -> String {
self.listComponent?.generateCellIdentifier(by: message) ?? "\(type(of: message))Cell"
// MARK: - Message: Gestures
// MARK: - Media
/// The internal view provided for media such as photo or video. If you want to use `mediaView`, please call `enableMediaView(_:)` to enable and set its ratio through `updateMessageListRatio(to ratio:)`. If you want to overlay, use `overlayMediaView(_:messageListRatio:)` method.
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This property has been moved to `SBUOpenChannelModule.Media`.", renamed: "mediaComponent.mediaView")
public var mediaView: UIView {
get { self.mediaComponent?.mediaView ?? UIView() }
set { self.mediaComponent?.mediaView = newValue }