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Line number information

Line number information maps between machine code instructions and the source level location.


The line number information is stored in the .debug_line section for ELF and __debug_line section of the __DWARF segment for Mach-O object files. The line number information contains a header followed by the line program. The line program is a program for a virtual machine with instructions like set line number for the current machine code instruction and advance the current machine code instruction.


You need to set either DW_AT_low_pc and DW_AT_high_pc or DW_AT_ranges of a DW_TAG_compilation_unit to the range of addresses in the compilation unit. After that you need to set DW_AT_stmt_list to the .debug_line section offset of the line program. Otherwise a debugger won't find the line number information. On macOS the debuginfo relocations must be section relative and not symbol relative. See #303 (comment) for more information.