
38 lines
890 B

//@ compile-flags: -O
//@ assembly-output: emit-asm
//@ only-x86_64
#![crate_type = "lib"]
// Check that a struct_target_features type causes the compiler to effectively inline intrinsics.
use std::arch::x86_64::*;
#[target_feature(enable = "avx")]
struct Avx {}
#[target_feature(enable = "fma")]
struct Fma {}
pub fn add_simple(_: Avx, v: __m256) -> __m256 {
// CHECK-NOT: call
// CHECK: vaddps
unsafe { _mm256_add_ps(v, v) }
pub fn add_complex_type(_: (&Avx, ()), v: __m256) -> __m256 {
// CHECK-NOT: call
// CHECK: vaddps
unsafe { _mm256_add_ps(v, v) }
pub fn add_fma_combined(_: (&Avx, &Fma), v: __m256) -> (__m256, __m256) {
// CHECK-NOT: call
// CHECK-DAG: vaddps
let r1 = unsafe { _mm256_add_ps(v, v) };
// CHECK-DAG: vfmadd213ps
let r2 = unsafe { _mm256_fmadd_ps(v, v, v) };
(r1, r2)