// unit-test: ElaborateDrops // needs-unwind // this tests move up progration, which is not yet implemented // EMIT_MIR basic_assignment.main.ElaborateDrops.diff // EMIT_MIR basic_assignment.main.SimplifyCfg-initial.after.mir // Check codegen for assignments (`a = b`) where the left-hand-side is // not yet initialized. Assignments tend to be absent in simple code, // so subtle breakage in them can leave a quite hard-to-find trail of // destruction. fn main() { // CHECK-LABEL: fn main( // CHECK: debug nodrop_x => [[nodrop_x:_.*]]; // CHECK: debug nodrop_y => [[nodrop_y:_.*]]; // CHECK: debug drop_x => [[drop_x:_.*]]; // CHECK: debug drop_y => [[drop_y:_.*]]; // CHECK-NOT: drop([[nodrop_x]]) // CHECK-NOT: drop([[nodrop_y]]) // CHECK-NOT: drop([[drop_x]]) // CHECK: [[drop_tmp:_.*]] = move [[drop_x]]; // CHECK-NOT: drop([[drop_x]]) // CHECK-NOT: drop([[drop_tmp]]) // CHECK: [[drop_y]] = move [[drop_tmp]]; // CHECK-NOT: drop([[drop_x]]) // CHECK-NOT: drop([[drop_tmp]]) // CHECK: drop([[drop_y]]) // CHECK-NOT: drop([[drop_x]]) // CHECK-NOT: drop([[drop_tmp]]) let nodrop_x = false; let nodrop_y; // Since boolean does not require drop, this can be a simple // assignment: nodrop_y = nodrop_x; let drop_x: Option> = None; let drop_y; // Since the type of `drop_y` has drop, we generate a `replace` // terminator: drop_y = drop_x; }