//@ compile-flags: -C no-prepopulate-passes -Zcf-protection=full //@ assembly-output: emit-asm //@ needs-asm-support //@ only-x86_64 #![crate_type = "lib"] #![feature(naked_functions)] use std::arch::asm; // The problem at hand: Rust has adopted a fairly strict meaning for "naked functions", // meaning "no prologue whatsoever, no, really, not one instruction." // Unfortunately, x86's control-flow enforcement, specifically indirect branch protection, // works by using an instruction for each possible landing site, // and LLVM implements this via making sure of that. #[no_mangle] #[naked] pub unsafe extern "sysv64" fn will_halt() -> ! { // CHECK-NOT: endbr{{32|64}} // CHECK: hlt asm!("hlt", options(noreturn)) } // what about aarch64? // "branch-protection"=false