// This test checks the highlight colors in the source code pages. include: "utils.goml" go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/src/test_docs/lib.rs.html" show-text: true define-function: ( "check-colors", [ theme, kw, kw2, prelude_ty, prelude_val, lifetime, number, string, bool_val, self, attr, macro, question_mark, comment, doc_comment, ], block { call-function: ("switch-theme", {"theme": |theme|}) assert-css: ("pre.rust .kw", {"color": |kw|}, ALL) assert-css: ("pre.rust .kw-2", {"color": |kw2|}, ALL) assert-css: ("pre.rust .prelude-ty", {"color": |prelude_ty|}, ALL) assert-css: ("pre.rust .prelude-val", {"color": |prelude_val|}, ALL) assert-css: ("pre.rust .lifetime", {"color": |lifetime|}, ALL) assert-css: ("pre.rust .number", {"color": |number|}, ALL) assert-css: ("pre.rust .string", {"color": |string|}, ALL) assert-css: ("pre.rust .bool-val", {"color": |bool_val|}, ALL) assert-css: ("pre.rust .self", {"color": |self|}, ALL) assert-css: ("pre.rust .attr", {"color": |attr|}, ALL) assert-css: ("pre.rust .macro", {"color": |macro|}, ALL) assert-css: ("pre.rust .question-mark", {"color": |question_mark|}, ALL) assert-css: ("pre.rust .comment", {"color": |comment|}, ALL) assert-css: ("pre.rust .doccomment", {"color": |doc_comment|}, ALL) }, ) call-function: ("check-colors", { "theme": "ayu", "kw": "#ff7733", "kw2": "#ff7733", "prelude_ty": "#69f2df", "prelude_val": "#ff7733", "lifetime": "#ff7733", "number": "#b8cc52", "string": "#b8cc52", "bool_val": "#ff7733", "self": "#36a3d9", "attr": "#e6e1cf", "macro": "#a37acc", "question_mark": "#ff9011", "comment": "#788797", "doc_comment": "#a1ac88", }) call-function: ("check-colors", { "theme": "dark", "kw": "#ab8ac1", "kw2": "#769acb", "prelude_ty": "#769acb", "prelude_val": "#ee6868", "lifetime": "#d97f26", "number": "#83a300", "string": "#83a300", "bool_val": "#ee6868", "self": "#ee6868", "attr": "#ee6868", "macro": "#3e999f", "question_mark": "#ff9011", "comment": "#8d8d8b", "doc_comment": "#8ca375", }) call-function: ("check-colors", { "theme": "light", "kw": "#8959a8", "kw2": "#4271ae", "prelude_ty": "#4271ae", "prelude_val": "#c82829", "lifetime": "#b76514", "number": "#718c00", "string": "#718c00", "bool_val": "#c82829", "self": "#c82829", "attr": "#c82829", "macro": "#3e999f", "question_mark": "#ff9011", "comment": "#8e908c", "doc_comment": "#4d4d4c", })