// This is a regression test for . // It ensures that the items in the `doc(hidden)` const block don't show up in the // generated docs. //@ compile-flags: --document-private-items #![crate_name = "foo"] // @has 'foo/index.html' // @count - '//*[@class="item-table"]//a[@class="struct"]' 2 // @count - '//*[@class="item-table"]//a[@class="trait"]' 1 // @count - '//*[@class="item-table"]//a[@class="macro"]' 0 #[doc(hidden)] const _: () = { macro_rules! stry { () => {}; } struct ShouldBeHidden; // @has 'foo/struct.Foo.html' // @!has - '//*[@class="code-header"]' 'impl Bar for Foo' #[doc(hidden)] impl Bar for Foo { fn bar(&self) { struct SHouldAlsoBeHidden; } } // @has 'foo/struct.Private.html' // @has - '//*[@id="impl-Bar-for-Private"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'impl Bar for Private' // @has - '//*[@id="method.bar"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'fn bar(&self)' impl Bar for Private { fn bar(&self) {} } // @has - '//*[@id="impl-Private"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'impl Private' // @has - '//*[@id="method.tralala"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'fn tralala()' impl Private { fn tralala() {} } }; struct Private; pub struct Foo; pub trait Bar { fn bar(&self); }