//@ run-pass use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut}; struct Foo { x: isize, y: isize, } impl Index for Foo { type Output = isize; fn index(&self, z: isize) -> &isize { if z == 0 { &self.x } else { &self.y } } } impl IndexMut for Foo { fn index_mut(&mut self, z: isize) -> &mut isize { if z == 0 { &mut self.x } else { &mut self.y } } } trait Int { fn get(self) -> isize; fn get_from_ref(&self) -> isize; fn inc(&mut self); } impl Int for isize { fn get(self) -> isize { self } fn get_from_ref(&self) -> isize { *self } fn inc(&mut self) { *self += 1; } } fn main() { let mut f = Foo { x: 1, y: 2, }; assert_eq!(f[1], 2); f[0] = 3; assert_eq!(f[0], 3); { let p = &mut f[1]; *p = 4; } { let p = &f[1]; assert_eq!(*p, 4); } // Test calling methods with `&mut self`, `self, and `&self` receivers: f[1].inc(); assert_eq!(f[1].get(), 5); assert_eq!(f[1].get_from_ref(), 5); }