//@ unit-test: EarlyOtherwiseBranch //@ compile-flags: -Zmir-enable-passes=+UnreachableEnumBranching enum Option2 { Some(T), None, Other, } // We can't optimize it because y may be an invalid value. // EMIT_MIR early_otherwise_branch.opt1.EarlyOtherwiseBranch.diff fn opt1(x: Option, y: Option) -> u32 { // CHECK-LABEL: fn opt1( // CHECK: bb0: { // CHECK: [[LOCAL1:_.*]] = discriminant({{.*}}); // CHECK-NOT: Ne // CHECK-NOT: discriminant // CHECK: switchInt(move [[LOCAL1]]) -> [ // CHECK-NEXT: } match (x, y) { (Some(a), Some(b)) => 0, _ => 1, } } // FIXME: `switchInt` will have three targets after `UnreachableEnumBranching`, // otherwise is unreachable. We can consume the UB fact to transform back to if else pattern. // EMIT_MIR early_otherwise_branch.opt2.EarlyOtherwiseBranch.diff fn opt2(x: Option, y: Option) -> u32 { // CHECK-LABEL: fn opt2( // CHECK: bb0: { // CHECK: [[LOCAL1:_.*]] = discriminant({{.*}}); // CHECK-NOT: Ne // CHECK-NOT: discriminant // CHECK: switchInt(move [[LOCAL1]]) -> [ // CHECK-NEXT: } match (x, y) { (Some(a), Some(b)) => 0, (None, None) => 2, _ => 1, } } // optimize despite different types // EMIT_MIR early_otherwise_branch.opt3.EarlyOtherwiseBranch.diff fn opt3(x: Option2, y: Option2) -> u32 { // CHECK-LABEL: fn opt3( // CHECK: let mut [[CMP_LOCAL:_.*]]: bool; // CHECK: bb0: { // CHECK: [[LOCAL1:_.*]] = discriminant({{.*}}); // CHECK: [[LOCAL2:_.*]] = discriminant({{.*}}); // CHECK: [[CMP_LOCAL]] = Ne([[LOCAL1]], move [[LOCAL2]]); // CHECK: switchInt(move [[CMP_LOCAL]]) -> [ // CHECK-NEXT: } match (x, y) { (Option2::Some(a), Option2::Some(b)) => 0, (Option2::None, Option2::None) => 2, (Option2::Other, Option2::Other) => 3, _ => 1, } } // EMIT_MIR early_otherwise_branch.opt4.EarlyOtherwiseBranch.diff fn opt4(x: Option2, y: Option2) -> u32 { // CHECK-LABEL: fn opt4( // CHECK: let mut [[CMP_LOCAL:_.*]]: bool; // CHECK: bb0: { // CHECK: [[LOCAL1:_.*]] = discriminant({{.*}}); // CHECK: [[LOCAL2:_.*]] = discriminant({{.*}}); // CHECK: [[CMP_LOCAL]] = Ne([[LOCAL1]], move [[LOCAL2]]); // CHECK: switchInt(move [[CMP_LOCAL]]) -> [ // CHECK-NEXT: } match (x, y) { (Option2::Some(a), Option2::Some(b)) => 0, (Option2::None, Option2::None) => 2, (Option2::Other, Option2::Other) => 3, _ => 1, } } fn main() { opt1(None, Some(0)); opt2(None, Some(0)); opt3(Option2::None, Option2::Some(false)); opt4(Option2::None, Option2::Some(0)); }