//@ compile-flags: -O --target wasm32-unknown-emscripten //@ needs-llvm-components: webassembly // Emscripten has its own unique implementation of catch_unwind (in `codegen_emcc_try`), // make sure it generates something reasonable. #![feature(no_core, lang_items, intrinsics, rustc_attrs)] #![crate_type = "lib"] #![no_std] #![no_core] #[lang = "sized"] trait Sized {} #[lang = "freeze"] trait Freeze {} #[lang = "copy"] trait Copy {} impl Copy for *mut T {} #[rustc_intrinsic] fn size_of() -> usize { loop {} } extern "rust-intrinsic" { fn catch_unwind( try_fn: fn(_: *mut u8), data: *mut u8, catch_fn: fn(_: *mut u8, _: *mut u8), ) -> i32; } // CHECK-LABEL: @ptr_size #[no_mangle] pub fn ptr_size() -> usize { // CHECK: ret [[PTR_SIZE:.*]] size_of::<*mut u8>() } // CHECK-LABEL: @test_catch_unwind #[no_mangle] pub unsafe fn test_catch_unwind( try_fn: fn(_: *mut u8), data: *mut u8, catch_fn: fn(_: *mut u8, _: *mut u8), ) -> i32 { // CHECK: start: // CHECK: [[ALLOCA:%.*]] = alloca // CHECK: catch.i: // CHECK: [[LANDINGPAD:%.*]] = landingpad // CHECK: [[EXCEPTION:%.*]] = extractvalue {{.*}} [[LANDINGPAD]], 0 // CHECK: [[SELECTOR:%.*]] = extractvalue {{.*}} [[LANDINGPAD]], 1 // CHECK: [[IS_RUST_EXN:%.*]] = icmp eq {{.*}}[[SELECTOR]] // CHECK: [[IS_RUST_EXN_I8:%.*]] = zext i1 [[IS_RUST_EXN]] to i8 // CHECK: store ptr [[EXCEPTION]], ptr [[ALLOCA]] // CHECK: [[IS_RUST_SLOT:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[ALLOCA]], [[PTR_SIZE]] // CHECK: store i8 [[IS_RUST_EXN_I8]], ptr [[IS_RUST_SLOT]] // CHECK: call void %catch_fn(ptr %data, ptr nonnull [[ALLOCA]]) catch_unwind(try_fn, data, catch_fn) }