// skip-filecheck // unit-test: AddRetag // EMIT_MIR_FOR_EACH_PANIC_STRATEGY // ignore-tidy-linelength // compile-flags: -Z mir-emit-retag -Z mir-opt-level=0 -Z span_free_formats #![allow(unused)] struct Test(i32); // EMIT_MIR retag.{impl#0}-foo.SimplifyCfg-elaborate-drops.after.mir // EMIT_MIR retag.{impl#0}-foo_shr.SimplifyCfg-elaborate-drops.after.mir impl Test { // Make sure we run the pass on a method, not just on bare functions. fn foo<'x>(&self, x: &'x mut i32) -> &'x mut i32 { x } fn foo_shr<'x>(&self, x: &'x i32) -> &'x i32 { x } } // EMIT_MIR core.ptr-drop_in_place.Test.SimplifyCfg-make_shim.after.mir impl Drop for Test { fn drop(&mut self) {} } // EMIT_MIR retag.main.SimplifyCfg-elaborate-drops.after.mir // EMIT_MIR retag.main-{closure#0}.SimplifyCfg-elaborate-drops.after.mir fn main() { let mut x = 0; { let v = Test(0).foo(&mut x); // just making sure we do not panic when there is a tuple struct ctor let w = { v }; // assignment let w = w; // reborrow // escape-to-raw (mut) let _w = w as *mut _; } // Also test closures let c: fn(&i32) -> &i32 = |x: &i32| -> &i32 { let _y = x; x }; let _w = c(&x); // need to call `foo_shr` or it doesn't even get generated Test(0).foo_shr(&0); // escape-to-raw (shr) let _w = _w as *const _; array_casts(); } /// Casting directly to an array should also go through `&raw` and thus add appropriate retags. // EMIT_MIR retag.array_casts.SimplifyCfg-elaborate-drops.after.mir fn array_casts() { let mut x: [usize; 2] = [0, 0]; let p = &mut x as *mut usize; unsafe { *p.add(1) = 1; } let x: [usize; 2] = [0, 1]; let p = &x as *const usize; assert_eq!(unsafe { *p.add(1) }, 1); }