//@ compile-flags: -Z unstable-options --document-hidden-items // test for trait methods with `doc(hidden)` with `--document-hidden-items` passed. #![crate_name = "foo"] //@ has foo/trait.Trait.html //@ has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Foo"]' 'type Foo' //@ has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Bar"]' 'type Bar' //@ has - '//*[@id="tymethod.f"]' 'fn f()' //@ has - '//*[@id="tymethod.g"]' 'fn g()' pub trait Trait { #[doc(hidden)] type Foo; type Bar; #[doc(hidden)] fn f(); fn g(); } //@ has foo/struct.S.html //@ has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Foo"]' 'type Foo' //@ has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Bar"]' 'type Bar' //@ has - '//*[@id="method.f"]' 'fn f()' //@ has - '//*[@id="method.g"]' 'fn g()' pub struct S; impl Trait for S { type Foo = (); type Bar = (); fn f() {} fn g() {} }