//! This build script ensures that Clippy is not compiled with an //! incompatible version of rust. It will panic with a descriptive //! error message instead. //! //! We specifially want to ensure that Clippy is only built with a //! rustc version that is newer or equal to the one specified in the //! `min_version.txt` file. //! //! `min_version.txt` is in the repo but also in the `.gitignore` to //! make sure that it is not updated manually by accident. Only CI //! should update that file. //! //! This build script was originally taken from the Rocket web framework: //! https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket use std::env; fn main() { // Forward the profile to the main compilation println!("cargo:rustc-env=PROFILE={}", env::var("PROFILE").unwrap()); // Don't rebuild even if nothing changed println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=build.rs"); }