// ignore-tidy-linelength //@ aux-build:normalize-assoc-item.rs //@ build-aux-docs //@ compile-flags:-Znormalize-docs pub trait Trait { type X; } impl Trait for usize { type X = isize; } impl Trait for () { type X = fn() -> i32; } impl Trait for isize { type X = <() as Trait>::X; } //@ has 'normalize_assoc_item/fn.f.html' '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub fn f() -> isize' pub fn f() -> ::X { 0 } //@ has 'normalize_assoc_item/fn.f2.html' '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub fn f2() -> fn() -> i32' pub fn f2() -> ::X { todo!() } pub struct S { //@ has 'normalize_assoc_item/struct.S.html' '//span[@id="structfield.box_me_up"]' 'box_me_up: Box' pub box_me_up: ::X, //@ has 'normalize_assoc_item/struct.S.html' '//span[@id="structfield.generic"]' 'generic: (usize, isize)' pub generic: as Trait>::X, } impl Trait for S { type X = Box; } pub struct Generic(Inner); impl Trait for Generic { type X = (Inner, Inner::X); } // These can't be normalized because they depend on a generic parameter. // However the user can choose whether the text should be displayed as `Inner::X` or `::X`. //@ has 'normalize_assoc_item/struct.Unknown.html' '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub struct Unknown(pub ::X);' pub struct Unknown(pub ::X); //@ has 'normalize_assoc_item/struct.Unknown2.html' '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub struct Unknown2(pub Inner::X);' pub struct Unknown2(pub Inner::X); trait Lifetimes<'a> { type Y; } impl<'a> Lifetimes<'a> for usize { type Y = &'a isize; } //@ has 'normalize_assoc_item/fn.g.html' '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' "pub fn g() -> &'static isize" pub fn g() -> >::Y { &0 } //@ has 'normalize_assoc_item/constant.A.html' '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' "pub const A: &'static isize" pub const A: >::Y = &0; // test cross-crate re-exports extern crate inner; //@ has 'normalize_assoc_item/fn.foo.html' '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' "pub fn foo() -> i32" pub use inner::foo; //@ has 'normalize_assoc_item/fn.h.html' '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' "pub fn h() -> IntoIter" pub fn h() -> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter { vec![].into_iter() }