#![crate_name = "user"] //@ aux-crate:rpitit=ret-pos-impl-trait-in-trait.rs //@ edition:2021 // Test that we can correctly render cross-crate RPITITs. // In particular, check that we don't render the internal associated type generated by // their desugaring. We count the number of associated items and ensure that it is exactly one. // This is more robust than checking for the absence of the associated type. //@ has user/trait.Trait.html //@ has - '//*[@id="method.create"]' 'fn create() -> impl Iterator' // The class "method" is used for all three kinds of associated items at the time of writing. //@ count - '//*[@id="main-content"]//section[@class="method"]' 1 pub use rpitit::Trait; //@ has user/struct.Basic.html //@ has - '//*[@id="method.create"]' 'fn create() -> impl Iterator' //@ count - '//*[@id="trait-implementations-list"]//*[@class="impl-items"]' 1 pub use rpitit::Basic; //@ has user/struct.Intermediate.html //@ has - '//*[@id="method.create"]' 'fn create() -> Range' //@ count - '//*[@id="trait-implementations-list"]//*[@class="impl-items"]' 1 pub use rpitit::Intermediate; //@ has user/struct.Advanced.html //@ has - '//*[@id="method.create"]' 'fn create() -> impl Iterator' //@ count - '//*[@id="trait-implementations-list"]//*[@class="impl-items"]' 1 pub use rpitit::Advanced; // Regression test for issue #113929: //@ has user/trait.Def.html //@ has - '//*[@id="method.def"]' 'fn def() -> impl Default' pub use rpitit::Def;