Update LLVM translation to match changes to slot and ty.

This commit is contained in:
Graydon Hoare 2010-06-29 14:06:50 -07:00
parent 1f9fd2710e
commit 7b11a52a37
1 changed files with 23 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -253,16 +253,24 @@ let trans_crate
fn_ty void_ty (Array.append [| lloutptr; lltaskty |] llins)
| Ast.TY_tup slots ->
s (Array.map (trans_slot None) slots)
s (Array.map trans_ty slots)
| Ast.TY_rec entries ->
s (Array.map (fun e -> trans_slot None (snd e)) entries)
s (Array.map (fun (_, e) -> trans_ty e) entries)
| Ast.TY_constrained (ty', _) -> trans_ty ty'
| Ast.TY_chan _ | Ast.TY_port _ | Ast.TY_task ->
p rc_opaque_ty
| Ast.TY_exterior t ->
(* FIXME: wrong, this needs to point to a refcounted cell. *)
p (trans_ty t)
| Ast.TY_mutable t ->
(* FIXME: No idea if 'mutable' translates to LLVM-type. *)
(trans_ty t)
| Ast.TY_native _ ->
@ -286,7 +294,6 @@ let trans_crate
let base_llty = trans_ty ty in
match slot.Ast.slot_mode with
Ast.MODE_exterior _
| Ast.MODE_alias _ ->
Llvm.pointer_type base_llty
| Ast.MODE_interior _ -> base_llty
@ -320,14 +327,14 @@ let trans_crate
| _ -> trans_free llbuilder lltask ptr
let rec iter_ty_slots_full
let rec iter_ty_parts_full
(llbuilder:Llvm.llbuilder ref)
-> Llvm.llvalue
-> Ast.slot
-> Ast.ty
-> (Ast.ty_iso option)
-> unit))
(curr_iso:Ast.ty_iso option)
@ -338,38 +345,38 @@ let trans_crate
match ty with
Ast.TY_rec entries ->
iter_rec_slots gep dst_ptr src_ptr entries f curr_iso
iter_rec_parts gep dst_ptr src_ptr entries f curr_iso
| Ast.TY_tup slots ->
iter_tup_slots gep dst_ptr src_ptr slots f curr_iso
| Ast.TY_tup tys ->
iter_tup_parts gep dst_ptr src_ptr tys f curr_iso
| Ast.TY_tag _
| Ast.TY_iso _
| Ast.TY_fn _
| Ast.TY_obj _ ->
bug () "unimplemented ty in Lltrans.iter_ty_slots_full"
bug () "unimplemented ty in Lltrans.iter_ty_parts_full"
| _ -> ()
and iter_ty_slots
and iter_ty_parts
(llbuilder:Llvm.llbuilder ref)
(f:Llvm.llvalue -> Ast.slot -> (Ast.ty_iso option) -> unit)
(f:Llvm.llvalue -> Ast.ty -> (Ast.ty_iso option) -> unit)
(curr_iso:Ast.ty_iso option)
: unit =
iter_ty_slots_full llbuilder ty ptr ptr
iter_ty_parts_full llbuilder ty ptr ptr
(fun _ src_ptr slot curr_iso -> f src_ptr slot curr_iso)
and drop_ty
(llbuilder:Llvm.llbuilder ref)
(curr_iso:Ast.ty_iso option)
: unit =
iter_ty_slots llbuilder ty ptr (drop_slot llbuilder lltask) curr_iso
iter_ty_parts llbuilder ty ptr (drop_ty llbuilder lltask) curr_iso
and drop_slot
(llbuilder:Llvm.llbuilder ref)
@ -461,7 +468,7 @@ let trans_crate
| MEM_interior when Semant.type_is_structured ty ->
(* FIXME: to handle recursive types, need to call drop
glue here, not inline. *)
drop_ty llbuilder lltask ty slot_ptr curr_iso
drop_ty llbuilder lltask slot_ptr ty curr_iso
| _ -> ()
@ -757,7 +764,7 @@ let trans_crate
Ast.STMT_init_tup (dest, atoms) ->
let zero = const_i32 0 in
let lldest = trans_lval dest in
let trans_tup_atom idx (_, _, atom) =
let trans_tup_atom idx atom =
let indices = [| zero; const_i32 idx |] in
let gep_id = anon_llid "init_tup_gep" in
let ptr =