Implement many more float intrinsics

This commit is contained in:
bjorn3 2019-07-27 16:51:48 +02:00
parent bdf23c0201
commit 436a24a85d
2 changed files with 72 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ fn main() {
println!("{}", 2.3f32.ceil());
println!("{}", 2.3f32.min(1.0));
println!("{}", 2.3f32.max(1.0));
println!("{}", 2.3f32.powi(2));
assert_eq!(0b0000000000000000000000000010000010000000000000000000000000000000_0000000000100000000000000000000000001000000000000100000000000000u128.leading_zeros(), 26);
assert_eq!(0b0000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000_0000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000010000000u128.trailing_zeros(), 7);

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@ -59,6 +59,35 @@ macro_rules! intrinsic_match {
macro_rules! call_intrinsic_match {
($fx:expr, $intrinsic:expr, $substs:expr, $ret:expr, $destination:expr, $args:expr, $(
$name:ident($($arg:ident),*) -> $ty:ident => $func:ident,
)*) => {
match $intrinsic {
stringify!($name) => {
if let [$($arg),*] = *$args {
let res = $fx.easy_call(stringify!($func), &[$($arg),*], $fx.tcx.types.$ty);
$ret.write_cvalue($fx, res);
if let Some((_, dest)) = $destination {
let ret_ebb = $fx.get_ebb(dest);
$fx.bcx.ins().jump(ret_ebb, &[]);
} else {
} else {
bug!("wrong number of args for intrinsic {:?}", $intrinsic);
_ => {}
macro_rules! atomic_binop_return_old {
($fx:expr, $op:ident<$T:ident>($ptr:ident, $src:ident) -> $ret:ident) => {
let clif_ty = $fx.clif_type($T).unwrap();
@ -117,6 +146,48 @@ pub fn codegen_intrinsic_call<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
let u64_layout = fx.layout_of(fx.tcx.types.u64);
let usize_layout = fx.layout_of(fx.tcx.types.usize);
call_intrinsic_match! {
fx, intrinsic, substs, ret, destination, args,
expf32(flt) -> f32 => expf,
expf64(flt) -> f64 => exp,
exp2f32(flt) -> f32 => exp2f,
exp2f64(flt) -> f64 => exp2,
sqrtf32(flt) -> f32 => sqrtf,
sqrtf64(flt) -> f64 => sqrt,
powif32(a, x) -> f32 => __powisf2, // compiler-builtins
powif64(a, x) -> f64 => __powidf2, // compiler-builtins
logf32(flt) -> f32 => logf,
logf64(flt) -> f64 => log,
fabsf32(flt) -> f32 => fabsf,
fabsf64(flt) -> f64 => fabs,
fmaf32(x, y, z) -> f32 => fmaf,
fmaf64(x, y, z) -> f64 => fma,
// rounding variants
floorf32(flt) -> f32 => floorf,
floorf64(flt) -> f64 => floor,
ceilf32(flt) -> f32 => ceilf,
ceilf64(flt) -> f64 => ceil,
truncf32(flt) -> f32 => truncf,
truncf64(flt) -> f64 => trunc,
roundf32(flt) -> f32 => roundf,
roundf64(flt) -> f64 => round,
// trigonometry
sinf32(flt) -> f32 => sinf,
sinf64(flt) -> f64 => sin,
cosf32(flt) -> f32 => cosf,
cosf64(flt) -> f64 => cos,
tanf32(flt) -> f32 => tanf,
tanf64(flt) -> f64 => tan,
// minmax
minnumf32(a, b) -> f32 => fminf,
minnumf64(a, b) -> f64 => fmin,
maxnumf32(a, b) -> f32 => fmaxf,
maxnumf64(a, b) -> f64 => fmax,
intrinsic_match! {
fx, intrinsic, substs, args,
@ -604,73 +675,6 @@ pub fn codegen_intrinsic_call<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
_ if intrinsic.starts_with("atomic_umin"), <T> (v ptr, v src) {
atomic_minmax!(fx, IntCC::UnsignedLessThan, <T> (ptr, src) -> ret);
expf32, (c flt) {
let res = fx.easy_call("expf", &[flt], fx.tcx.types.f32);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
expf64, (c flt) {
let res = fx.easy_call("exp", &[flt], fx.tcx.types.f64);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
exp2f32, (c flt) {
let res = fx.easy_call("exp2f", &[flt], fx.tcx.types.f32);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
exp2f64, (c flt) {
let res = fx.easy_call("exp2", &[flt], fx.tcx.types.f64);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
fabsf32, (c flt) {
let res = fx.easy_call("fabsf", &[flt], fx.tcx.types.f32);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
fabsf64, (c flt) {
let res = fx.easy_call("fabs", &[flt], fx.tcx.types.f64);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
sqrtf32, (c flt) {
let res = fx.easy_call("sqrtf", &[flt], fx.tcx.types.f32);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
sqrtf64, (c flt) {
let res = fx.easy_call("sqrt", &[flt], fx.tcx.types.f64);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
floorf32, (c flt) {
let res = fx.easy_call("floorf", &[flt], fx.tcx.types.f32);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
floorf64, (c flt) {
let res = fx.easy_call("floor", &[flt], fx.tcx.types.f64);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
ceilf32, (c flt) {
let res = fx.easy_call("ceilf", &[flt], fx.tcx.types.f32);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
ceilf64, (c flt) {
let res = fx.easy_call("ceil", &[flt], fx.tcx.types.f64);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
minnumf32, (c a, c b) {
let res = fx.easy_call("fminf", &[a, b], fx.tcx.types.f32);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
minnumf64, (c a, c b) {
let res = fx.easy_call("fmin", &[a, b], fx.tcx.types.f64);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
maxnumf32, (c a, c b) {
let res = fx.easy_call("fmaxf", &[a, b], fx.tcx.types.f32);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
maxnumf64, (c a, c b) {
let res = fx.easy_call("fmax", &[a, b], fx.tcx.types.f64);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
if let Some((_, dest)) = destination {