rustdoc: use `<wbr>`-tolerant function to check text contents

This commit is contained in:
Michael Howell 2024-07-06 17:12:53 -07:00
parent 583bf1e5bf
commit 0d0e18e7f6
10 changed files with 36 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/macro.a.html"
wait-for: ".sidebar-elems .macro"
// Check there is only one macro named "a" listed in the sidebar.
assert-count: (
"//*[@class='sidebar-elems']//*[@class='block macro']//li/a[text()='a']",
"//*[@class='sidebar-elems']//*[@class='block macro']//li/a[normalize-space()='a']",
// Check there is only one macro named "b" listed in the sidebar.
assert-count: (
"//*[@class='sidebar-elems']//*[@class='block macro']//li/a[text()='b']",
"//*[@class='sidebar-elems']//*[@class='block macro']//li/a[normalize-space()='b']",

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
// This test checks that the font weight is correctly applied.
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/lib2/struct.Foo.html"
assert-css: ("//*[@class='rust item-decl']//a[text()='Alias']", {"font-weight": "400"})
assert-css: ("//*[@class='rust item-decl']//a[normalize-space()='Alias']", {"font-weight": "400"})
assert-css: (
"//*[@class='structfield section-header']//a[text()='Alias']",
"//*[@class='structfield section-header']//a[normalize-space()='Alias']",
{"font-weight": "400"},
assert-css: ("#method\.a_method > .code-header", {"font-weight": "600"})

View File

@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ assert-position: (".item-info .stab", {"x": 245})
// test for <>.
set-window-size: (850, 800)
store-position: (
"//*[@class='stab portability']//code[text()='Win32_System']",
"//*[@class='stab portability']//code[normalize-space()='Win32_System']",
{"x": first_line_x, "y": first_line_y},
store-position: (
"//*[@class='stab portability']//code[text()='Win32_System_Diagnostics']",
"//*[@class='stab portability']//code[normalize-space()='Win32_System_Diagnostics']",
{"x": second_line_x, "y": second_line_y},
assert: |first_line_x| != |second_line_x| && |first_line_x| == 516 && |second_line_x| == 272

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ assert-css: (
// table like view
assert-css: (".desc.docblock-short", { "padding-left": "0px" })
compare-elements-position-near: (
".item-name .stab.deprecated",
{"y": 2},
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ compare-elements-position: (
// Ensure no wrap
compare-elements-position: (
"//*[@class='desc docblock-short'][text()='a thing with a label']",
"//*[@class='desc docblock-short'][normalize-space()='a thing with a label']",
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ set-window-size: (600, 600)
// staggered layout with 2em spacing
assert-css: (".desc.docblock-short", { "padding-left": "32px" })
compare-elements-position-near: (
".item-name .stab.deprecated",
{"y": 2},
@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ compare-elements-position: (
// Ensure wrap
compare-elements-position-false: (
"//*[@class='desc docblock-short'][text()='a thing with a label']",
"//*[@class='desc docblock-short'][normalize-space()='a thing with a label']",
compare-elements-position-false: (
".item-name .stab.deprecated",
"//*[@class='desc docblock-short'][text()='a thing with a label']",
"//*[@class='desc docblock-short'][normalize-space()='a thing with a label']",
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/cfgs/index.html"
// This part of the tags should not be on the same line as the beginning since the width
// is too small for that.
compare-elements-position-false: (
"//*[@class='stab portability']/code[text()='appservice-api-c']",
"//*[@class='stab portability']/code[text()='server']",
"//*[@class='stab portability']/code[normalize-space()='appservice-api-c']",
"//*[@class='stab portability']/code[normalize-space()='server']",

View File

@ -9,19 +9,19 @@ define-function: (
block {
// Checking they have the same y position.
compare-elements-position: (
// Checking they don't have the same x position.
compare-elements-position-false: (
// The `i` should be *after* the type.
assert-position: (
{"x": |x|},
assert-position: (
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ call-function: ("check-notable-tooltip-position-complete", {
// Now only the `i` should be on the next line.
set-window-size: (1055, 600)
compare-elements-position-false: (
["y", "x"],

View File

@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ define-function: (
assert-css: (
"//*[@class='desc'][text()='Just a normal struct.']",
"//*[@class='desc'][normalize-space()='Just a normal struct.']",
{"color": |desc_color|},
assert-css: (
{"color": |path_color|},
@ -85,19 +85,19 @@ define-function: (
move-cursor-to: ".search-input"
focus: ".search-input" // To ensure the `<a>` container isn't focused or hovered.
assert-css: (
{"color": |path_color|, "background-color": "transparent"},
// Checking color and background on hover.
move-cursor-to: "//*[@class='desc'][text()='Just a normal struct.']"
move-cursor-to: "//*[@class='desc'][normalize-space()='Just a normal struct.']"
assert-css: (
{"color": |hover_path_color|},
assert-css: (
{"color": |hover_path_color|, "background-color": |hover_background|},

View File

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
// displayed twice in the sidebar.
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/macro.repro.html"
wait-for: ".sidebar-elems .block.macro a"
assert-count: ("//*[@class='sidebar-elems']//*[@class='block macro']//a[text()='repro']", 1)
assert-count: ("//*[@class='sidebar-elems']//*[@class='block macro']//a[normalize-space()='repro']", 1)

View File

@ -25,9 +25,12 @@ click: ".sidebar-menu-toggle"
assert-css: (".sidebar", {"left": "0px"})
// Make sure the "struct Foo" header is hidden, since the mobile topbar already does it.
assert-css: ("//nav[contains(@class, 'sidebar')]//h2/a[text()='Foo']/parent::h2", {"display": "none"})
assert-css: ("//nav[contains(@class, 'sidebar')]//h2/a[normalize-space()='Foo']/parent::h2", {"display": "none"})
// Make sure the global navigation is still here.
assert-css: ("//nav[contains(@class, 'sidebar')]//h2/a[text()='In crate test_docs']/parent::h2", {"display": "block"})
assert-css: (
"//nav[contains(@class, 'sidebar')]//h2/a[normalize-space()='In crate test_docs']/parent::h2",
{"display": "block"}
// Click elsewhere.
click: "body"

View File

@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ click: "#sidebar-button"
// We wait for the sidebar to be expanded.
wait-for-css: (".src-sidebar-expanded nav.sidebar", {"width": "300px"})
assert: "//*[@class='dir-entry' and @open]/*[text()='lib2']"
assert: "//*[@class='dir-entry' and @open]/*[text()='another_folder']"
assert: "//*[@class='dir-entry' and @open]/*[text()='sub_mod']"
assert: "//*[@class='dir-entry' and @open]/*[normalize-space()='another_folder']"
assert: "//*[@class='dir-entry' and @open]/*[normalize-space()='sub_mod']"
// Only "another_folder" should be "open" in "lib2".
assert: "//*[@class='dir-entry' and not(@open)]/*[text()='another_mod']"
assert: "//*[@class='dir-entry' and not(@open)]/*[normalize-space()='another_mod']"
// All other trees should be collapsed.
assert-count: ("//*[@id='src-sidebar']/details[not(text()='lib2') and not(@open)]", 11)
assert-count: ("//*[@id='src-sidebar']/details[not(normalize-space()='lib2') and not(@open)]", 11)
// We now switch to mobile mode.
set-window-size: (600, 600)

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ click: '//a[text() = "barbar" and @href="#5-7"]'
assert-property: ("html", {"scrollTop": "123"})
click: '//a[text() = "bar" and @href="#28-36"]'
assert-property: ("html", {"scrollTop": "154"})
click: '//a[text() = "sub_fn" and @href="#2-4"]'
click: '//a[normalize-space() = "sub_fn" and @href="#2-4"]'
assert-property: ("html", {"scrollTop": "51"})
// We now check that clicking on lines doesn't change the scroll