
138 lines
4.5 KiB

// Google Bard AI plugin for radare2
// author: pancake/nopcode.org
// TODO: this program requires bard-cli to be installed
// 1) go install github.com/mosajjal/bard-cli@latest
// 2) login in bard.google.com and take the cookie named: __Secure-1PSID
// 3) create ~/.bardcli.yaml and put ~/go/bin/bard-cli in $PATH
(function() {
// global settings
const settings = {
usePdc: true
function queryEsil(question) {
if (question.indexOf('expression') !== -1) {
const res = r2.cmd("aoeq");
bard (question + res);
} else if (question.indexOf('ranslate') !== -1) {
const res = r2.cmd("piq 1 @e:scr.color=0");
bard (question + ": " + res);
} else {
const res = r2.cmd("pdf @e:asm.bytes=0@e:asm.esil=true@e:scr.color=0");
const message = question + ":\n```\n" + res + '\n```\n';
bard (message);
function queryProgram(question) {
const res = r2.cmd("afs @@@F");
const quote = (x) => `"${x}"`;
if (res.length > 0) {
let message = "";
const fun = res[0];
message += 'Considering a program with the following functions:\n```';
message += res + '\n```\n';
message += question;
} else {
console.error ("No function found");
function queryFunction(question) {
const res = r2.cmdj("afij");
const quote = (x) => `"${x}"`;
if (res.length > 0) {
let message = "";
const fun = res[0];
message += `The function have this signature '${fun.signature}'.\n`;
const pdsf = r2.cmd("pdsf@e:scr.color=0");
const imports = [];
const strings = [];
for (const line of pdsf.split(/\n/g)) {
const words = line.split(/ /g);
for (const word of words) {
if (word.startsWith("sym.imp.")) {
imports.push (word.slice(8));
if (word.startsWith("str.")) {
strings.push (word.slice(4));
if (imports.length > 0) {
message += " It is calling the following external functions: " + imports.join(', ') + ".\n";
if (strings.length > 0) {
message += " And uses these strings: " + strings.map(quote).join(', ') + ".\n";
if (settings.usePdc || (imports.length === 0 && strings.length === 0)) {
message += ' The function code is:\n```c\n' + r2.cmd("pdc@e:scr.color=0") + '```';
message += question;
} else {
console.error ("No function found");
const actions = {
"esil explain": "\nExplain the following ESIL expression: ",
"esil decompile": "\nOptimize and give me a decompilation in python of the given function in ESIL",
"esil generate": "\nTranslate the following instruction to ESIL",
"fun name": "\nCan you give this function a better name?",
"fun pseudo": "\nCan you provide a pseudocode in python?",
"fun explain": "\nPlease, explain what this function is doing",
"fun deco": "\nOptimize and remove unnecessary code of this C function", //include any explanation", // Display only the optimized code of the following function", // Remove dead code and unnecessary assignments in the following function and rewrite it in Perl ", // optimize and decompile this function without including any introductory text?",
"program frida-trace": "\nGive me a frida script to hook the write function and print the arguments passed.",
function bardAction(action) {
if (action.startsWith ("query")) {
bard(action.split(/ /g).slice(1).join(' '));
} else if (action in actions) {
const a = actions[action];
if (action.startsWith ("esil")) {
} else if (action.startsWith ("program")) {
} else if (action.startsWith ("fun")) {
} else {
} else {
console.error("Usage: bard [action] # The following are supported:");
console.error("- " + Object.keys(actions).join("\n- "));
console.error("- query <your-message>");
function bard(query) {
// console.log(query);
r2.cmd("p6ds "+ b64(query) + " > q.txt");
// r2.call('!x="$(cat q.txt)"; bard-cli "$x"');
r2.syscmd('x="$(cat q.txt)"; bard-cli "$x"');
r2.call ("rm q.txt")
function bardCommand(input) {
const registerPlugin = true; // set to false for experimenting
if (registerPlugin) {
function bardPlugin() {
function coreCall(input) {
if (input.startsWith("bard")) {
return true;
return false;
return {
name: "bard",
desc: "Google Bard AI plugin for radare",
call: coreCall,
r2.plugin("core", bardPlugin);
} else {
bardAction("fun explain");