#! /bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Google. All Rights Reserved. # # Amit Singh # Repurposes code from several earlier scripts by Ted Bonkenburg. # PATH=/Developer/usr/sbin:/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/Tools:/Developer/Applications:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin export PATH # Configurables # # Beware: GNU libtool cannot handle directory names containing whitespace. # Therefore, do not set M_CONF_TMPDIR to such a directory. # readonly M_CONF_TMPDIR=/tmp readonly M_CONF_PRIVKEY=/etc/macfuse/private.der # Other constants # readonly M_PROGDESC="MacFUSE build tool" readonly M_PROGNAME=macfuse_buildtool readonly M_PROGVERS=1.0 readonly M_DEFAULT_VALUE=__default__ readonly M_CONFIGURATIONS="Debug Release" # default is Release readonly M_PLATFORMS="10.5 10.6" # default is native readonly M_PLATFORMS_REALISTIC="10.5" readonly M_TARGETS="clean dist examples lib libsrc reload smalldist swconfigure" readonly M_TARGETS_WITH_PLATFORM="examples lib libsrc smalldist swconfigure" readonly M_DEFAULT_PLATFORM="$M_DEFAULT_VALUE" readonly M_DEFAULT_TARGET="$M_DEFAULT_VALUE" readonly M_XCODE_VERSION_REQUIRED=3.1.1 # Globals # declare m_args= declare m_active_target="" declare m_configuration=Release declare m_developer=0 declare m_osname="" declare m_platform="$M_DEFAULT_PLATFORM" declare m_release="" declare m_shortcircuit=0 declare m_srcroot="" declare m_srcroot_platformdir="" declare m_stderr=/dev/stderr declare m_stdout=/dev/stdout declare m_suprompt=" invalid " declare m_target="$M_DEFAULT_TARGET" declare m_usdk_dir="" declare m_version_tiger="" declare m_version_leopard="" declare m_version_snowleopard="" declare m_xcode_version= # Other implementation details # readonly M_FSBUNDLE_NAME=fusefs.fs readonly M_INSTALL_RESOURCES_DIR=Install_resources readonly M_KEXT_ID=com.google.filesystems.fusefs readonly M_KEXT_NAME=fusefs.kext readonly M_KEXT_SYMBOLS=fusefs-symbols readonly M_LIBFUSE_SRC=fuse-current.tar.gz readonly M_LIBFUSE_PATCH=fuse-current-macosx.patch readonly M_LOGPREFIX=MacFUSEBuildTool readonly M_MACFUSE_PRODUCT_ID=com.google.filesystems.fusefs readonly M_PKGNAME_CORE="MacFUSE Core.pkg" readonly M_PKGNAME=MacFUSE.pkg readonly M_WANTSU="needs the Administrator password" readonly M_WARNING="*** Warning" function m_help() { cat <<__END_HELP_CONTENT $M_PROGDESC version $M_PROGVERS Copyright (C) 2008 Google. All Rights Reserved. Usage: $M_PROGNAME [-dhqsv] [-c configuration] [-p platform] -t target * configuration is one of: $M_CONFIGURATIONS (default is $m_configuration) * platform is one of: $M_PLATFORMS (default is the host's platform) * target is one of: $M_TARGETS * platforms can only be specified for: $M_TARGETS_WITH_PLATFORM The target keywords mean the following: clean clean all targets dist create a multiplatform distribution package examples build example file systems (e.g. fusexmp_fh and hello) lib build the user-space library (e.g. to run fusexmp_fh) libsrc unpack and patch the user-space library source reload rebuild and reload the kernel extension smalldist create a platform-specific distribution package swconfigure configure software (e.g. sshfs) for compilation Other options are: -d create a developer prerelease package instead of a regular release -q enable quiet mode (suppresses verbose build output) -s enable shortcircuit mode (useful for testing the build mechanism itself) -v report version numbers and quit __END_HELP_CONTENT return 0 } # m_version() # function m_version { echo "$M_PROGDESC version $M_PROGVERS" m_set_platform m_set_srcroot "$m_platform" local mv_platform_dirs=`ls -d "$m_srcroot"/core/10.*` for i in $mv_platform_dirs do local mv_release=`awk '/#define[ \t]*MACFUSE_VERSION_LITERAL/ {print $NF}' "$i/fusefs/common/fuse_version.h"` if [ ! -z "$mv_release" ] then echo "Platform source '$i': MacFUSE version $mv_release" fi done return 0 } # m_log(msg) # function m_log() { printf "%-30s: %s\n" "$M_LOGPREFIX($m_active_target)" "$*" } # m_warn(msg) # function m_warn() { echo "$M_WARNING: $*" } # m_exit_on_error(errmsg) # function m_exit_on_error() { if [ "$?" != 0 ] then local retval=$? echo "$M_LOGPREFIX($m_active_target) failed: $1" 1>&2 exit $retval fi # NOTREACHED } # m_set_suprompt(msg) # function m_set_suprompt() { m_suprompt="$M_LOGPREFIX($m_active_target) $M_WANTSU $*: " } # m_set_srcroot([platform]) # function m_set_srcroot() { local macfuse_dir="" local is_absolute_path=`echo "$0" | cut -c1` if [ "$is_absolute_path" == "/" ] then macfuse_dir="`dirname $0`/" else macfuse_dir="`pwd`/`dirname $0`/" fi pushd . > /dev/null cd "$macfuse_dir" || exit 1 macfuse_dir=`pwd` popd > /dev/null m_srcroot="$macfuse_dir" return 0 } # m_set_platform() # function m_set_platform() { local retval=0 if [ "$m_platform" == "$M_DEFAULT_PLATFORM" ] then m_platform=`sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d . -f 1,2` fi # XXX For now if [ "$m_platform" == "10.6" ] then m_platform="10.5" fi case "$m_platform" in 10.5*) m_osname="Leopard" m_usdk_dir="/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk" ;; 10.6*) m_osname="Snow Leopard" m_usdk_dir="/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk" ;; *) m_osname="Unknown" m_usdk_dir="" retval=1 ;; esac return $retval } # m_build_pkg(pkgversion, install_srcroot, install_payload, pkgname, output_dir) # function m_build_pkg() { local bp_pkgversion=$1 local bp_install_srcroot=$2 local bp_install_payload=$3 local bp_pkgname=$4 local bp_output_dir=$5 local bp_infoplist_in="$bp_install_srcroot/Info.plist.in" local bp_infoplist_out="$bp_output_dir/Info.plist" local bp_descriptionplist="$bp_install_srcroot/Description.plist" # Fix up the Info.plist # sed -e "s/MACFUSE_VERSION_LITERAL/$bp_pkgversion/g" \ < "$bp_infoplist_in" > "$bp_infoplist_out" m_exit_on_error "cannot finalize Info.plist for package '$bp_pkgname'." # Get rid of .svn files from M_INSTALL_RESOURCES_DIR # (tar -C "$bp_install_srcroot" --exclude '.svn' -cpvf - \ "$M_INSTALL_RESOURCES_DIR" | tar -C "$bp_output_dir/" \ -xpvf - >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr)>$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot migrate resources from '$M_INSTALL_RESOURCES_DIR'." # Make the package m_set_suprompt "to run packagemaker" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" \ packagemaker -build -p "$bp_output_dir/$bp_pkgname" \ -f "$bp_install_payload" -b "$M_CONF_TMPDIR" -ds -v \ -r "$bp_output_dir/$M_INSTALL_RESOURCES_DIR" -i "$bp_infoplist_out" \ -d "$bp_descriptionplist" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot create package '$bp_pkgname'." return 0 } # Prepare the user-space library source # function m_handler_libsrc() { m_active_target="libsrc" m_set_platform m_set_srcroot "$m_platform" local lib_dir="$m_srcroot"/core/"$m_platform"/libfuse if [ ! -d "$lib_dir" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot access directory '$lib_dir'." fi local kernel_dir="$m_srcroot"/core/"$m_platform"/fusefs if [ ! -d "$kernel_dir" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot access directory '$kernel_dir'." fi local package_dir=`tar -tzvf "$lib_dir/$M_LIBFUSE_SRC" | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}'` if [ "x$package_dir" == "x" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot determine MacFUSE library version." fi local package_name=`basename "$package_dir"` if [ "x$package_name" == "x" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot determine MacFUSE library version." fi rm -rf "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$package_name" if [ "$1" == "clean" ] then local retval=$? m_log "cleaned (platform $m_platform)" return $retval fi m_log "initiating Universal build for $m_platform" tar -C "$M_CONF_TMPDIR" -xzvf "$lib_dir/$M_LIBFUSE_SRC" \ >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot untar MacFUSE library source from '$M_LIBFUSE_SRC'." cd "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$package_name" m_exit_on_error "cannot access MacFUSE library source in '$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$package_name'." m_log "preparing library source" patch -p1 < "$lib_dir/$M_LIBFUSE_PATCH" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot patch MacFUSE library source." echo >$m_stdout m_log "succeeded, results in '$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$package_name'." echo >$m_stdout return 0 } # Build the user-space library # function m_handler_lib() { m_active_target="lib" m_set_platform m_set_srcroot "$m_platform" local lib_dir="$m_srcroot"/core/"$m_platform"/libfuse if [ ! -d "$lib_dir" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot access directory '$lib_dir'." fi local kernel_dir="$m_srcroot"/core/"$m_platform"/fusefs if [ ! -d "$kernel_dir" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot access directory '$kernel_dir'." fi local package_dir=`tar -tzvf "$lib_dir/$M_LIBFUSE_SRC" | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}'` if [ "x$package_dir" == "x" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot determine MacFUSE library version." fi local package_name=`basename "$package_dir"` if [ "x$package_name" == "x" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot determine MacFUSE library version." fi rm -rf "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$package_name" if [ "$1" == "clean" ] then local retval=$? m_log "cleaned (platform $m_platform)" return $retval fi m_log "initiating Universal build for $m_platform" tar -C "$M_CONF_TMPDIR" -xzvf "$lib_dir/$M_LIBFUSE_SRC" \ >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot untar MacFUSE library source from '$M_LIBFUSE_SRC'." cd "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$package_name" m_exit_on_error "cannot access MacFUSE library source in '$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$package_name'." m_log "preparing library source" patch -p1 < "$lib_dir/$M_LIBFUSE_PATCH" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot patch MacFUSE library source." m_log "configuring library source" /bin/sh ./darwin_configure.sh "$kernel_dir" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot configure MacFUSE library source for compilation." m_log "running make" make -j2 >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "make failed while compiling the MacFUSE library." echo >$m_stdout m_log "succeeded, results in '$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$package_name'." echo >$m_stdout return 0 } # Rebuild and reload the kernel extension # function m_handler_reload() { m_active_target="reload" # Argument validation would have ensured that we use native platform # for this target. m_set_platform m_set_srcroot "$m_platform" local kernel_dir="$m_srcroot/core/$m_platform/fusefs" if [ ! -d "$kernel_dir" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot access directory '$kernel_dir'." fi if [ -e "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$M_KEXT_NAME" ] then m_set_suprompt "to remove old MacFUSE kext" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" rm -rf "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$M_KEXT_NAME" m_exit_on_error "cannot remove old copy of MacFUSE kext." fi if [ -e "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$M_KEXT_SYMBOLS" ] then m_set_suprompt "to remove old copy of MacFUSE kext symbols" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" rm -rf "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$M_KEXT_SYMBOLS" m_exit_on_error "cannot remove old copy of MacFUSE kext symbols." fi if [ "$1" == "clean" ] then rm -rf "$kernel_dir/build/" local retval=$? m_log "cleaned (platform $m_platform)" return $retval fi m_log "initiating kernel extension rebuild/reload for $m_platform" kextstat -l -b "$M_KEXT_ID" | grep "$M_KEXT_ID" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ] then m_log "unloading kernel extension" m_set_suprompt "to unload MacFUSE kext" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" \ kextunload -v -b "$M_KEXT_ID" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot unload kext '$M_KEXT_ID'." fi cd "$kernel_dir" m_exit_on_error "failed to access the kext source directory '$kernel_dir'." m_log "rebuilding kext" xcodebuild -configuration Debug -target fusefs >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "xcodebuild cannot build configuration Debug for target fusefs." mkdir "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$M_KEXT_SYMBOLS" m_exit_on_error "cannot create directory for MacFUSE kext symbols." cp -R "$kernel_dir/build/Debug/$M_KEXT_NAME" "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$M_KEXT_NAME" m_exit_on_error "cannot copy newly built MacFUSE kext." m_set_suprompt "to set permissions on newly built MacFUSE kext" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" chown -R root:wheel "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$M_KEXT_NAME" m_exit_on_error "cannot set permissions on newly built MacFUSE kext." m_log "reloading kext" m_set_suprompt "to load newly built MacFUSE kext" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" \ kextload -s "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$M_KEXT_SYMBOLS" \ -v "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$M_KEXT_NAME" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot load newly built MacFUSE kext." echo >$m_stdout m_log "checking status of kernel extension" kextstat -l -b "$M_KEXT_ID" echo >$m_stdout echo >$m_stdout m_log "succeeded, results in '$M_CONF_TMPDIR'." echo >$m_stdout return 0 } # Build examples from the user-space MacFUSE library # function m_handler_examples() { m_active_target="examples" m_set_platform m_set_srcroot "$m_platform" local lib_dir="$m_srcroot"/core/"$m_platform"/libfuse if [ ! -d "$lib_dir" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot access directory '$lib_dir'." fi local kernel_dir="$m_srcroot"/core/"$m_platform"/fusefs if [ ! -d "$kernel_dir" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot access directory '$kernel_dir'." fi local package_dir=`tar -tzvf "$lib_dir/$M_LIBFUSE_SRC" | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}'` if [ "x$package_dir" == "x" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot determine MacFUSE library version." fi local package_name=`basename "$package_dir"` if [ "x$package_name" == "x" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot determine MacFUSE library version." fi rm -rf "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$package_name" if [ "$1" == "clean" ] then local retval=$? m_log "cleaned (platform $m_platform)" return $retval fi m_log "initiating Universal build for $m_platform" tar -C "$M_CONF_TMPDIR" -xzvf "$lib_dir/$M_LIBFUSE_SRC" \ >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot untar MacFUSE library source from '$M_LIBFUSE_SRC'." cd "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$package_name" m_exit_on_error "cannot access MacFUSE library source in '$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$package_name'." m_log "preparing library source" patch -p1 < "$lib_dir/$M_LIBFUSE_PATCH" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot patch MacFUSE library source." m_log "configuring library source" /bin/sh ./darwin_configure_ino64.sh "$kernel_dir" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot configure MacFUSE library source for compilation." cd example m_exit_on_error "cannot access examples source." local me_installed_lib="/usr/local/lib/libfuse_ino64.la" perl -pi -e "s#../lib/libfuse.la#$me_installed_lib#g" Makefile m_exit_on_error "failed to prepare example source for build." m_log "running make" make -j2 >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "make failed while compiling the MacFUSE examples." echo >$m_stdout m_log "succeeded, results in '$M_CONF_TMPDIR/$package_name/example'." echo >$m_stdout return 0 } # Build a multiplatform distribution package # function m_handler_dist() { m_active_target="dist" if [ "$1" == "clean" ] then for m_p in $M_PLATFORMS_REALISTIC do m_platform="$m_p" m_handler_smalldist clean done m_active_target="dist" m_set_platform m_set_srcroot "$m_platform" rm -rf "$m_srcroot/core/autoinstaller/build" m_log "cleaned internal subtarget autoinstaller" rm -rf "$m_srcroot/core/prefpane/build" m_log "cleaned internal subtarget prefpane" m_release=`awk '/#define[ \t]*MACFUSE_VERSION_LITERAL/ {print $NF}' "$m_srcroot/core/$m_platform/fusefs/common/fuse_version.h" | cut -d . -f 1,2` if [ ! -z "$m_release" ] then if [ -e "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/macfuse-$m_release" ] then m_set_suprompt "to remove previous output packages" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" rm -rf "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/macfuse-$m_release" m_log "cleaned any previous output packages in '$M_CONF_TMPDIR'" fi fi return 0 fi m_log "initiating Universal build of MacFUSE" m_set_platform m_set_srcroot "$m_platform" m_log "configuration is '$m_configuration'" if [ "$m_developer" == "0" ] then m_log "packaging flavor is 'Mainstream'" else m_log "packaging flavor is 'Developer Prerelease'" fi m_log "locating MacFUSE private key" if [ ! -f "$M_CONF_PRIVKEY" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot find MacFUSE private key in '$M_CONF_PRIVKEY'." fi # Autoinstaller # local md_ai_builddir="$m_srcroot/core/autoinstaller/build" if [ "$m_shortcircuit" != "1" ] then rm -rf "$md_ai_builddir" # ignore any errors fi m_log "building the MacFUSE autoinstaller" pushd "$m_srcroot/core/autoinstaller" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null m_exit_on_error "cannot access the autoinstaller source." xcodebuild -configuration "$m_configuration" -target "Build All" \ >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "xcodebuild cannot build configuration $m_configuration for subtarget autoinstaller." popd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null local md_ai="$md_ai_builddir/$m_configuration/autoinstall-macfuse-core" if [ ! -x "$md_ai" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot find autoinstaller '$md_ai'." fi local md_plistsigner="$md_ai_builddir/$m_configuration/plist_signer" if [ ! -x "$md_plistsigner" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot find plist signer '$md_plistsigner'." fi # Create platform-Specific MacFUSE subpackages # for m_p in $M_PLATFORMS_REALISTIC do pushd . >/dev/null 2>/dev/null m_active_target="dist" m_platform="$m_p" m_log "building platform $m_platform" m_handler_smalldist popd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null done # Build the preference pane # local md_pp_builddir="$m_srcroot/core/prefpane/build" if [ "$m_shortcircuit" != "1" ] then rm -rf "$md_pp_builddir" # ignore any errors fi m_log "building the MacFUSE prefpane" pushd "$m_srcroot/core/prefpane" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null m_exit_on_error "cannot access the prefpane source." xcodebuild -configuration "$m_configuration" -target "MacFUSE" \ >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "xcodebuild cannot build configuration $m_configuration for subtarget prefpane." popd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null local md_pp="$md_pp_builddir/$m_configuration/MacFUSE.prefPane" if [ ! -d "$md_pp" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot find preference pane." fi cp "$md_ai" "$md_pp/Contents/MacOS" m_exit_on_error "cannot copy the autoinstaller to the prefpane bundle." # Build the container # m_active_target="dist" m_release=`awk '/#define[ \t]*MACFUSE_VERSION_LITERAL/ {print $NF}' "$m_srcroot/core/$m_platform/fusefs/common/fuse_version.h" | cut -d . -f 1,2` m_exit_on_error "cannot get MacFUSE release version." local md_macfuse_out="$M_CONF_TMPDIR/macfuse-$m_release" local md_macfuse_root="$md_macfuse_out/pkgroot/" if [ -e "$md_macfuse_out" ] then m_set_suprompt "to remove a previously built container package" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" rm -rf "$md_macfuse_out" # ignore any errors fi m_log "initiating distribution build" local md_platforms="" local md_platform_dirs=`ls -d "$M_CONF_TMPDIR"/macfuse-core-*${m_release}.* | paste -s -` m_log "found payloads $md_platform_dirs" for i in $md_platform_dirs do local md_tmp_versions=${i#*core-} local md_tmp_release_version=${md_tmp_versions#*-} local md_tmp_os_version=${md_tmp_versions%-*} md_platforms="${md_platforms},${md_tmp_os_version}=${i}/$M_PKGNAME_CORE" case "$md_tmp_os_version" in 10.5) m_version_leopard=$md_tmp_release_version ;; 10.6) m_version_snowleopard=$md_tmp_release_version ;; esac m_log "adding [ '$md_tmp_os_version', '$md_tmp_release_version' ]" done m_log "building '$M_PKGNAME'" mkdir "$md_macfuse_out" m_exit_on_error "cannot create directory '$md_macfuse_out'." mkdir "$md_macfuse_root" m_exit_on_error "cannot create directory '$md_macfuse_root'." m_log "copying generic container package payload" mkdir -p "$md_macfuse_root/Library/PreferencePanes" m_exit_on_error "cannot make directory '$md_macfuse_root/Library/PreferencePanes'." cp -R "$md_pp" "$md_macfuse_root/Library/PreferencePanes/" m_exit_on_error "cannot copy the prefpane to '$md_macfuse_root/Library/PreferencePanes/'." m_set_suprompt "to chown '$md_macfuse_root/'." sudo -p "$m_suprompt" chown -R root:wheel "$md_macfuse_root/" local md_srcroot="$m_srcroot/core/packaging/macfuse" local md_infoplist_in="$md_srcroot/Info.plist.in" local md_infoplist_out="$md_macfuse_out/Info.plist" local md_descriptionplist="$md_srcroot/Description.plist" local md_install_resources="$md_macfuse_out/$M_INSTALL_RESOURCES_DIR" # Get rid of .svn files from M_INSTALL_RESOURCES_DIR # (tar -C "$md_srcroot" --exclude '.svn' -cpvf - \ "$M_INSTALL_RESOURCES_DIR" | tar -C "$md_macfuse_out" -xpvf - \ >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr)>$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr # Copy subpackage platform directories under Resources # local md_pkg_size=0 local md_saved_ifs="$IFS" IFS="," for i in $md_platforms do if [ x"$i" == x"" ] then continue; # Skip empty/bogus comma-item fi local md_tmp_os_version=${i%%=*} local md_tmp_core_pkg=${i##*=} local md_tmp_core_pkg_dir=$(dirname "$md_tmp_core_pkg") local md_tmp_core_pkg_name=$(basename "$md_tmp_core_pkg") local md_tmp_pkg_dst="$md_install_resources/$md_tmp_os_version" local md_tmp_new_size=$(defaults read "$md_tmp_core_pkg/Contents/Info" IFPkgFlagInstalledSize) if [ -z "$md_tmp_new_size" ] then m_warn "unable to read package size from '$md_tmp_core_pkg'." fi if [ $md_tmp_new_size -gt $md_pkg_size ] then md_pkg_size=$md_tmp_new_size fi mkdir "$md_tmp_pkg_dst" m_exit_on_error "cannot make package subdirectory '$md_tmp_pkg_dst'." m_set_suprompt "to add platform-specific package to container" (sudo -p "$m_suprompt" tar -C "$md_tmp_core_pkg_dir" -cpvf - "$md_tmp_core_pkg_name" | sudo -p "$m_suprompt" tar -C "$md_tmp_pkg_dst" -xpvf - >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr)>$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot add package." done IFS="$md_saved_ifs" # XXX For now, make 10.5 also valid for 10.6 # if [ -d "$md_install_resources/10.5" ] then ln -s "10.5" "$md_install_resources/10.6" fi # Throw in the autoinstaller # cp "$md_ai" "$md_install_resources" m_exit_on_error "cannot copy '$md_ai' to '$md_install_resources'." # Fix up the container's Info.plist # sed -e "s/MACFUSE_PKG_VERSION_LITERAL/$m_release/g" \ -e "s/MACFUSE_PKG_INSTALLED_SIZE/$md_pkg_size/g" \ < "$md_infoplist_in" > "$md_infoplist_out" m_exit_on_error "cannot fix the Info.plist of the container package." # Create the big package # m_set_suprompt "to run packagemaker for the container package" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" \ packagemaker -build -p "$md_macfuse_out/$M_PKGNAME" \ -f "$md_macfuse_root" -b "$M_CONF_TMPDIR" -ds -v \ -r "$md_install_resources" -i "$md_infoplist_out" \ -d "$md_descriptionplist" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot create container package '$M_PKGNAME'." # Create the distribution volume # local md_volume_name="MacFUSE $m_release" local md_scratch_dmg="$md_macfuse_out/macfuse-scratch.dmg" hdiutil create -layout NONE -megabytes 10 -fs HFS+ \ -volname "$md_volume_name" "$md_scratch_dmg" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot create scratch MacFUSE disk image." # Attach/mount the volume # hdiutil attach -private -nobrowse "$md_scratch_dmg" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot attach scratch MacFUSE disk image." # Create the .engine_install file # local md_volume_path="/Volumes/$md_volume_name" local md_engine_install="$md_volume_path/.engine_install" cat > "$md_engine_install" <<__END_ENGINE_INSTALL #!/bin/sh -p /usr/sbin/installer -pkg "\$1/$M_PKGNAME" -target / __END_ENGINE_INSTALL chmod +x "$md_engine_install" m_exit_on_error "cannot set permissions on autoinstaller engine file." # For backward compatibility, we need a .keystone_install too # ln -s ".engine_install" "$md_volume_path/.keystone_install" # ignore any errors # Copy over the package # cp -pRX "$md_macfuse_out/$M_PKGNAME" "$md_volume_path" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then hdiutil detach "$md_volume_path" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr false m_exit_on_error "cannot copy '$M_PKGNAME' to scratch disk image." fi # Set the custom icon # cp -pRX "$md_install_resources/.VolumeIcon.icns" \ "$md_volume_path/.VolumeIcon.icns" m_exit_on_error "cannot copy custom volume icon to scratch disk image." /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a C "$md_volume_path" m_exit_on_error "cannot set custom volume icon on scratch disk image." # Copy over the license file # cp "$md_install_resources/License.rtf" "$md_volume_path/License.rtf" m_exit_on_error "cannot copy MacFUSE license to scratch disk image." # Copy over the CHANGELOG.txt file # cp "$m_srcroot/CHANGELOG.txt" "$md_volume_path/CHANGELOG.txt" m_exit_on_error "cannot copy MacFUSE CHANGELOG to scratch disk image." # Detach the volume. hdiutil detach "$md_volume_path" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr if [ $? -ne 0 ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot detach volume '$md_volume_path'." fi # Convert to a read-only compressed dmg # local md_dmg_name="MacFUSE-$m_release.dmg" local md_dmg_path="$md_macfuse_out/$md_dmg_name" hdiutil convert -imagekey zlib-level=9 -format UDZO "$md_scratch_dmg" \ -o "$md_dmg_path" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot finalize MacFUSE distribution disk image." rm -f "$md_scratch_dmg" # ignore any errors m_log "creating autoinstaller rules" # Make autoinstaller rules file # local md_dmg_hash=$(openssl sha1 -binary "$md_dmg_path" | openssl base64) local md_dmg_size=$(stat -f%z "$md_dmg_path") local md_rules_plist="$md_macfuse_out/DeveloperRelease.plist" local md_download_url="http://macfuse.googlecode.com/svn/releases/developer/$md_dmg_name" if [ "$m_developer" == "0" ] then md_rules_plist="$md_macfuse_out/CurrentRelease.plist" md_download_url="http://macfuse.googlecode.com/svn/releases/$md_dmg_name" fi cat > "$md_rules_plist" <<__END_RULES_PLIST Rules ProductID $M_MACFUSE_PRODUCT_ID Predicate SystemVersion.ProductVersion beginswith "10.6" AND Ticket.version != "$m_version_leopard" Version $m_version_leopard Codebase $md_download_url Hash $md_dmg_hash Size $md_dmg_size ProductID $M_MACFUSE_PRODUCT_ID Predicate SystemVersion.ProductVersion beginswith "10.5" AND Ticket.version != "$m_version_leopard" Version $m_version_leopard Codebase $md_download_url Hash $md_dmg_hash Size $md_dmg_size __END_RULES_PLIST # Sign the output rules # m_log "signing autoinstaller rules" m_set_suprompt "to sign the rules file" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" \ "$md_plistsigner" --sign --key "$M_CONF_PRIVKEY" \ "$md_rules_plist" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot sign the rules file '$md_rules_plist' with key '$M_CONF_PRIVKEY'." echo >$m_stdout m_log "succeeded, results in '$md_macfuse_out'." echo >$m_stdout return 0 } # Build a platform-specific distribution package # function m_handler_smalldist() { m_active_target="smalldist" m_set_platform m_set_srcroot "$m_platform" local lib_dir="$m_srcroot"/core/"$m_platform"/libfuse if [ ! -d "$lib_dir" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot access directory '$lib_dir'." fi local kernel_dir="$m_srcroot"/core/"$m_platform"/fusefs if [ ! -d "$kernel_dir" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot access directory '$kernel_dir'." fi if [ "$m_shortcircuit" != "1" ] then rm -rf "$kernel_dir/build/" rm -rf "$m_srcroot/core/sdk-objc/build/" fi local ms_os_version="$m_platform" local ms_macfuse_version=`awk '/#define[ \t]*MACFUSE_VERSION_LITERAL/ {print $NF}' "$kernel_dir"/common/fuse_version.h` m_exit_on_error "cannot get platform-specific MacFUSE version." local ms_macfuse_out="$M_CONF_TMPDIR/macfuse-core-$ms_os_version-$ms_macfuse_version" local ms_macfuse_build="$ms_macfuse_out/build/" local ms_macfuse_root="$ms_macfuse_out/pkgroot/" if [ "$m_shortcircuit" != "1" ] then if [ -e "$ms_macfuse_out" ] then m_set_suprompt "to remove a previously built platform-specific package" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" rm -rf "$ms_macfuse_out" m_exit_on_error "failed to clean up previous platform-specific MacFUSE build." fi if [ -e "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/macfuse-core-$ms_os_version-"* ] then m_warn "removing unrecognized version of platform-specific package" m_set_suprompt "to remove unrecognized version of platform-specific package" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" rm -rf "$M_CONF_TMPDIR/macfuse-core-$ms_os_version-"* m_exit_on_error "failed to clean up unrecognized version of platform-specific package." fi else if [ -e "$ms_macfuse_out/$M_PKGNAME_CORE" ] then echo >$m_stdout m_log "succeeded (shortcircuited), results in '$ms_macfuse_out'." echo >$m_stdout return 0 fi fi if [ "$1" == "clean" ] then local retval=$? m_log "cleaned (platform $m_platform)" return $retval fi m_log "initiating Universal build for $m_platform" cd "$kernel_dir" m_exit_on_error "failed to access the kext source directory '$kernel_dir'." m_log "building MacFUSE kernel extension and tools" if [ "$m_developer" == "0" ] then xcodebuild -configuration "$m_configuration" -target All >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr else xcodebuild MACFUSE_BUILD_FLAVOR=Beta -configuration "$m_configuration" -target All >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr fi m_exit_on_error "xcodebuild cannot build configuration $m_configuration." # Go for it local ms_project_dir="$kernel_dir" local ms_built_products_dir="$kernel_dir/build/$m_configuration/" if [ ! -d "$ms_built_products_dir" ] then m_exit_on_error "cannot find built products directory." fi ms_macfuse_system_dir="" mkdir -p "$ms_macfuse_build" m_exit_on_error "cannot make new build directory '$ms_macfuse_build'." mkdir -p "$ms_macfuse_root" m_exit_on_error "cannot make directory '$ms_macfuse_root'." mkdir -p "$ms_macfuse_root$ms_macfuse_system_dir/Library/Filesystems/" m_exit_on_error "cannot make directory '$ms_macfuse_root$ms_macfuse_system_dir/Library/Filesystems/'." mkdir -p "$ms_macfuse_root/Library/Frameworks/" m_exit_on_error "cannot make directory '$ms_macfuse_root/Library/Frameworks/'." mkdir -p "$ms_macfuse_root/usr/local/lib/" m_exit_on_error "cannot make directory '$ms_macfuse_root/usr/local/lib/'." mkdir -p "$ms_macfuse_root/usr/local/include/" m_exit_on_error "cannot make directory '$ms_macfuse_root/usr/local/include/'." mkdir -p "$ms_macfuse_root/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/" m_exit_on_error "cannot make directory '$ms_macfuse_root/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/'." local ms_bundle_dir_generic="/Library/Filesystems/$M_FSBUNDLE_NAME" local ms_bundle_dir="$ms_macfuse_root$ms_macfuse_system_dir/$ms_bundle_dir_generic" local ms_bundle_support_dir="$ms_bundle_dir/Support" cp -pRX "$ms_built_products_dir/$M_FSBUNDLE_NAME" "$ms_bundle_dir" m_exit_on_error "cannot copy '$M_FSBUNDLE_NAME' to destination." mkdir -p "$ms_bundle_support_dir" m_exit_on_error "cannot make directory '$ms_bundle_support_dir'." cp -pRX "$ms_built_products_dir/$M_KEXT_NAME" "$ms_bundle_support_dir/$M_KEXT_NAME" m_exit_on_error "cannot copy '$M_KEXT_NAME' to destination." cp -pRX "$ms_built_products_dir/load_fusefs" "$ms_bundle_support_dir/load_fusefs" m_exit_on_error "cannot copy 'load_fusefs' to destination." cp -pRX "$ms_built_products_dir/mount_fusefs" "$ms_bundle_support_dir/mount_fusefs" m_exit_on_error "cannot copy 'mount_fusefs' to destination." cp -pRX "$m_srcroot/core/$m_platform/packaging/macfuse-core/uninstall-macfuse-core.sh" "$ms_bundle_support_dir/uninstall-macfuse-core.sh" m_exit_on_error "cannot copy 'uninstall-macfuse-core.sh' to destination." ln -s "/Library/PreferencePanes/MacFUSE.prefPane/Contents/MacOS/autoinstall-macfuse-core" "$ms_bundle_support_dir/autoinstall-macfuse-core" m_exit_on_error "cannot create legacy symlink '$ms_bundle_support_dir/autoinstall-macfuse-core'". # Build the user-space MacFUSE library # m_log "building user-space MacFUSE library" tar -C "$ms_macfuse_build" -xzf "$lib_dir/$M_LIBFUSE_SRC" \ >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot untar MacFUSE library source from '$M_LIBFUSE_SRC'." cd "$ms_macfuse_build"/fuse* m_exit_on_error "cannot access MacFUSE library source in '$ms_macfuse_build/fuse*'." patch -p1 < "$lib_dir/$M_LIBFUSE_PATCH" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot patch MacFUSE library source." /bin/sh ./darwin_configure.sh "$kernel_dir" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot configure MacFUSE library source for compilation." make -j2 >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "make failed while compiling the MacFUSE library." make install DESTDIR="$ms_macfuse_root" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot prepare library build for installation." ln -s libfuse.dylib "$ms_macfuse_root/usr/local/lib/libfuse.0.dylib" m_exit_on_error "cannot create compatibility symlink." rm -f "ms_macfuse_root"/usr/local/lib/*ulockmgr* # ignore any errors rm -f "ms_macfuse_root"/usr/local/include/*ulockmgr* # ignore any errors # Now build again, if necessary, with 64-bit inode support # m_log "building user-space MacFUSE library (ino64)" cd "$ms_macfuse_build"/fuse*/lib m_exit_on_error "cannot access MacFUSE library (ino64) source in '$ms_macfuse_build/fuse*/lib'." make clean >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "make failed while compiling the MacFUSE library (ino64)." perl -pi -e 's#libfuse#libfuse_ino64#g' Makefile m_exit_on_error "failed to prepare MacFUSE library (ino64) for compilation." perl -pi -e 's#-D__FreeBSD__=10#-D__DARWIN_64_BIT_INO_T=1 -D__FreeBSD__=10#g' Makefile m_exit_on_error "failed to prepare MacFUSE library (ino64) for compilation." make -j2 >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "make failed while compiling the MacFUSE library (ino64)." make install DESTDIR="$ms_macfuse_root" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "cannot prepare MacFUSE library (ino64) build for installation." rm -f "$ms_macfuse_root"/usr/local/lib/*ulockmgr* # ignore any errors rm -f "$ms_macfuse_root"/usr/local/include/*ulockmgr* # ignore any errors # generate dsym dsymutil "$ms_macfuse_root"/usr/local/lib/libfuse.dylib m_exit_on_error "cannot generate debugging information for libfuse." dsymutil "$ms_macfuse_root"/usr/local/lib/libfuse_ino64.dylib m_exit_on_error "cannot generate debugging information for libfuse_ino64." # Build MacFUSE.framework # m_log "building MacFUSE Objective-C SDK" cd "$ms_project_dir/../../sdk-objc" m_exit_on_error "cannot access Objective-C SDK directory." rm -rf build/ m_exit_on_error "cannot remove previous build of MacFUSE.framework." xcodebuild -configuration "$m_configuration" -target "MacFUSE-$ms_os_version" "MACFUSE_BUILD_ROOT=$ms_macfuse_root" "MACFUSE_BUNDLE_VERSION_LITERAL=$ms_macfuse_version" >$m_stdout 2>$m_stderr m_exit_on_error "xcodebuild cannot build configuration '$m_configuration'." cp -pRX build/"$m_configuration"/*.framework "$ms_macfuse_root/Library/Frameworks/" m_exit_on_error "cannot copy 'MacFUSE.framework' to destination." mv "$ms_macfuse_root"/usr/local/lib/*.dSYM "$ms_macfuse_root"/Library/Frameworks/MacFUSE.framework/Resources/Debug/ mkdir -p "$ms_macfuse_root/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Project Templates" m_exit_on_error "cannot create directory for Xcode templates." ln -s "/Library/Frameworks/MacFUSE.framework/Resources/ProjectTemplates/" "$ms_macfuse_root/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Project Templates/MacFUSE" m_exit_on_error "cannot create symlink for Xcode templates." m_set_suprompt "to chown '$ms_macfuse_root/*'" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" chown -R root:wheel "$ms_macfuse_root"/* m_exit_on_error "cannot chown '$ms_macfuse_root/*'." m_set_suprompt "to setuid 'load_fusefs'" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" chmod u+s "$ms_bundle_support_dir/load_fusefs" m_exit_on_error "cannot setuid 'load_fusefs'." m_set_suprompt "to chown '$ms_macfuse_root/Library/'" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" chown root:admin "$ms_macfuse_root/Library/" m_exit_on_error "cannot chown '$ms_macfuse_root/Library/'." m_set_suprompt "to chown '$ms_macfuse_root/Library/Frameworks/" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" \ chown -R root:admin "$ms_macfuse_root/Library/Frameworks/" m_exit_on_error "cannot chown '$ms_macfuse_root/Library/Frameworks/'." m_set_suprompt "to chmod '$ms_macfuse_root/Library/Frameworks/'" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" chmod 0775 "$ms_macfuse_root/Library/Frameworks/" m_exit_on_error "cannot chmod '$ms_macfuse_root/Library/Frameworks/'." m_set_suprompt "to chmod '$ms_macfuse_root/Library/'" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" chmod 1775 "$ms_macfuse_root/Library/" m_exit_on_error "cannot chmod '$ms_macfuse_root/Library/'." m_set_suprompt "to chmod files in '$ms_macfuse_root/usr/local/lib/'" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" \ chmod -h 755 `find "$ms_macfuse_root/usr/local/lib" -type l` m_exit_on_error "cannot chmod files in '$ms_macfuse_root/usr/local/lib/'." m_set_suprompt "to chmod files in '$ms_macfuse_root/Library/Frameworks/'" sudo -p "$m_suprompt" \ chmod -h 755 `find "$ms_macfuse_root/Library/Frameworks/" -type l` # no exit upon error cd "$ms_macfuse_root" m_exit_on_error "cannot access directory '$ms_macfuse_root'." # Create the MacFUSE Installer Package # m_log "building installer package for $m_platform" m_build_pkg "$ms_macfuse_version" "$m_srcroot/core/$m_platform/packaging/macfuse-core" "$ms_macfuse_root" "$M_PKGNAME_CORE" "$ms_macfuse_out" m_exit_on_error "cannot create '$M_PKGNAME_CORE'." echo >$m_stdout m_log "succeeded, results in '$ms_macfuse_out'." echo >$m_stdout return 0 } function m_handler_swconfigure() { m_active_target="swconfigure" m_set_platform m_set_srcroot "$m_platform" local lib_dir="$m_srcroot"/core/"$m_platform"/libfuse if [ ! -d "$lib_dir" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot access directory '$lib_dir'." fi local kernel_dir="$m_srcroot"/core/"$m_platform"/fusefs if [ ! -d "$kernel_dir" ] then false m_exit_on_error "cannot access directory '$kernel_dir'." fi local current_dir=`pwd` local current_product=`basename "$current_dir"` local extra_cflags="" local architectures="" architectures="-arch i386 -arch x86_64" local common_cflags="-O0 -g $architectures -isysroot $m_usdk_dir -I/usr/local/include" local common_ldflags="-Wl,-syslibroot,$m_usdk_dir $architectures -L/usr/local/lib" local final_cflags="$common_cflags $extra_cflags" local final_ldflags="$common_ldflags" local retval=1 # For pkg-config and such PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin export PATH # We have some special cases for current_product case "$current_product" in gettext*) m_log "Configuring Universal build of gettext for Mac OS X \"$m_osname\"" CFLAGS="$final_cflags -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L" LDFLAGS="$final_ldflags -fno-common" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-dependency-tracking --with-libiconv-prefix="$m_usdk_dir"/usr retval=$? ;; glib*) m_log "Configuring Universal build of glib for Mac OS X \"$m_osname\"" CFLAGS="$final_cflags" LDFLAGS="$final_ldflags" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-static retval=$? ;; pkg-config*) m_log "Configuring Universal build of pkg-config for Mac OS X \"$m_osname\"" CFLAGS="$final_cflags" LDFLAGS="$final_ldflags" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-dependency-tracking ;; *sshfs*) m_log "Configuring Universal build of sshfs for Mac OS X \"$m_osname\"" CFLAGS="$final_cflags -D__FreeBSD__=10 -DDARWIN_SEMAPHORE_COMPAT -DSSH_NODELAY_WORKAROUND" LDFLAGS="$final_ldflags" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-dependency-tracking ;; *) m_log "Configuring Universal build of generic software for Mac OS X \"$m_osname\"" CFLAGS="$final_cflags" LDFLAGS="$final_ldflags" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-dependency-tracking ;; esac return $retval } # -- function m_validate_xcode() { m_xcode_version=`xcodebuild -version | head -1 | grep Xcode | awk '{print $NF}'` if [ $? != 0 ] || [ -z "$m_xcode_version" ] then echo "failed to determine Xcode version." exit 2 fi local mvs_xcode_major=`echo $m_xcode_version | cut -d . -f 1` local mvs_xcode_minor=`echo $m_xcode_version | cut -d . -f 2` if [ -z $mvs_xcode_minor ] then mvs_xcode_minor=0 fi local mvs_xcode_rev=`echo $m_xcode_version | cut -d . -f 3` if [ -z $mvs_xcode_rev ] then mvs_xcode_rev=0 fi local mvs_have=$(( $mvs_xcode_major * 100 + $mvs_xcode_minor * 10 + $mvs_xcode_rev )) mvs_xcode_major=`echo $M_XCODE_VERSION_REQUIRED | cut -d . -f 1` mvs_xcode_minor=`echo $M_XCODE_VERSION_REQUIRED | cut -d . -f 2` if [ -z $mvs_xcode_minor ] then mvs_xcode_minor=0 fi mvs_xcode_rev=`echo $M_XCODE_VERSION_REQUIRED | cut -d . -f 3` if [ -z $mvs_xcode_rev ] then mvs_xcode_rev=0 fi local mvs_want=$(( $mvs_xcode_major * 100 + $mvs_xcode_minor * 10 + $mvs_xcode_rev )) if [ $mvs_have -lt $mvs_want ] then echo "Xcode version $M_XCODE_VERSION_REQUIRED or higher is required to build MacFUSE." exit 2 fi m_active_target="preflight" m_log "Xcode version $m_xcode_version found (minimum requirement is $M_XCODE_VERSION_REQUIRED)" return 0 } function m_validate_input() { local mvi_found= local mvi_good= # Validate scratch directory if [ ! -d "$M_CONF_TMPDIR" ] || [ ! -w "$M_CONF_TMPDIR" ] then echo "M_CONF_TMPDIR (currently '$M_CONF_TMPDIR') must be set to a writeable directory." exit 2 fi # Validate if platform was specified when it shouldn't have been # if [ "$m_platform" != "$M_DEFAULT_PLATFORM" ] then mvi_found="0" for m_p in $M_TARGETS_WITH_PLATFORM do if [ "$m_target" == "$m_p" ] then mvi_found="1" break fi done if [ "$mvi_found" == "0" ] then echo "Unknown argument or invalid combination of arguments." echo "Try $0 -h for help." exit 2 fi fi # Validate platform if [ "$m_platform" != "$M_DEFAULT_PLATFORM" ] then mvi_good="0" for m_p in $M_PLATFORMS do if [ "$m_platform" == "$m_p" ] then mvi_good="1" break fi done if [ "$mvi_good" == "0" ] then echo "Unknown platform '$m_platform'." echo "Valid platforms are: $M_PLATFORMS." exit 2 fi fi # Validate target # if [ "$m_target" != "$M_DEFAULT_TARGET" ] then mvi_good="0" for m_t in $M_TARGETS do if [ "$m_target" == "$m_t" ] then mvi_good="1" break fi done if [ "$mvi_good" == "0" ] then echo "Unknown target '$m_target'." echo "Valid targets are: $M_TARGETS." exit 2 fi fi # Validate configuration # mvi_good="0" for m_c in $M_CONFIGURATIONS do if [ "$m_configuration" == "$m_c" ] then mvi_good="1" break fi done if [ "$mvi_good" == "0" ] then echo "Unknown configuration '$m_configuration'." echo "Valid configurations are: $M_CONFIGURATIONS." exit 2 fi if [ "$m_shortcircuit" == "1" ] && [ "$m_target" == "clean" ] then echo "Cleaning cannot be shortcircuited!" exit 2 fi return 0 } function m_read_input() { m_args=`getopt c:dhp:qst:v $*` if [ $? != 0 ] then echo "Try $0 -h for help." exit 2 fi set -- $m_args for m_i do case "$m_i" in -c) m_configuration="$2" shift shift ;; -d) m_developer=1 shift ;; -h) m_help exit 0 ;; -p) m_platform="$2" shift shift ;; -q) m_stderr=/dev/null m_stdout=/dev/null shift ;; -s) m_shortcircuit="1" shift ;; -t) m_target="$2" shift shift ;; -v) m_version exit 0 shift ;; --) shift break ;; esac done } function m_handler() { case "$m_target" in "clean") m_handler_examples clean m_handler_lib clean m_handler_reload clean m_handler_dist clean ;; "dist") m_validate_xcode m_handler_dist ;; "examples") m_handler_examples ;; "lib") m_handler_lib ;; "libsrc") m_handler_libsrc ;; "reload") m_validate_xcode m_handler_reload ;; "smalldist") m_validate_xcode m_handler_smalldist ;; "swconfigure") m_handler_swconfigure ;; *) echo "Try $0 -h for help." ;; esac } # main() # { m_read_input $* m_validate_input m_handler exit $? # }