
234 lines
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/* Copyright (c) 2015, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */
* You may not use the identified files except in compliance with the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License.")
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var util = require('util');
var Readable = require('stream').Readable;
// This class was originally based on
function QueryStream(resultSet, oracledb) {
var self = this;
_oracledb: { // storing a reference to the base instance to avoid circular references with require
value: oracledb
_resultSet: {
value: resultSet,
writable: true
_fetching: { // used to serialize method calls on the ResultSet
value: false,
writable: true
_closed: { // used to track that the stream is closed
value: false,
writable: true
);, {
objectMode: true,
emitClose: false // Prevents duplicate close events
// Check if QueryStream was created via ResultSet.toQueryStream() then the
// ResultSet will already be available.
if (self._resultSet) {
// Emitting the events via process.nextTick to allow event handlers to be
// registered prior to the events being emitted.
process.nextTick(function() {
if (!self._closed) {
self.emit('metadata', self._resultSet.metaData);
self.on('end', function() {
// Using setImmediate to ensure that end event handlers are processed
// before the destroy logic is invoked.
setImmediate(function() {
self._destroy(null, function() {});
util.inherits(QueryStream, Readable);
// The _open method is called by Connection.execute() when the ResultSet is
// ready.
QueryStream.prototype._open = function(err, rs) {
var self = this;
if (err) {
self.emit('error', err);
self._resultSet = rs;
// Trigger the event listener that may have been added in _read now that the
// ResultSet is ready.
if (!self._closed) {
self.emit('metadata', self._resultSet.metaData);
QueryStream.prototype._read = function() {
var self = this;
if (!self._resultSet) {
// Still waiting on the ResultSet to be added via _open, add an event listener
// to retry when ready.
self.once('open', function() {
if (self._closed) {
// Using _fetching to indicate that the ResultSet is working to avoid potential
// errors related to concurrent operations on ResultSets (such as calling _close).
self._fetching = true;
// Using the JS getRow to leverage the JS row cache. The ResultSet's
// _allowGetRowCall is set to true to allow the call for queryStreams
// created via ResultSet.toQueryStream().
self._resultSet._allowGetRowCall = true;
self._resultSet.getRow(function(getRowErr, row) {
self._fetching = false;
if (getRowErr) {
self._close(function(closeErr) {
if (closeErr) {
self.emit('error', new Error(getRowErr.message + '\n' + closeErr.message));
self.emit('error', getRowErr);
// _close may have been called while the ResultSet was fetching.
if (self._closed) {
// Trigger the event listener that may have been added in _close now that
// the ResultSet has finished working.
if (row) {
} else {
// Pushing null will signal the end of the stream. The 'end' event will
// be emitted when the streams internal buffer is flushed out.
// The _close method is used to close the QueryStream and underlying ResultSet.
// The destroyCallback is only used when _close is invoked by _destroy. In that
// case, errors are passed back via the callback rather than emitted.
QueryStream.prototype._close = function(callback) {
var self = this;
if (self._closed) {
// Setting _closed early to prevent _read invocations from being processed and
// to allow '_doneFetching' to be emitted from _read
self._closed = true;
// It's possible for close to be called very early, even before the ResultSet
// has been set via _open (used by Connection.queryStream).
if (!self._resultSet) {
self.once('open', function() {
self._closed = false; // Need to reset this to allow the _close call to work.
// We can't close the ResultSet if it's currently fetching. Add a listener
// to call _close when the ResultSet is done fetching.
if (self._fetching) {
self.once('_doneFetching', function() {
self._closed = false; // Need to reset this to allow the _close call to work.
// Calling the C layer close directly to avoid assertions on the public method.
// The 'close' event is not emitted in the callback function here because,
// according to the doc, the event should be the last one emitted.
self._resultSet._close(function(err) {
if (err) {
// _destroy is called when the user invokes destroy on the stream. The user can
// pass an error that will be emitted after the ResultSet is closed (provided
// no other errors occur).
QueryStream.prototype._destroy = function(userErr, callback) {
var self = this;
this._close(function(closeErr) {
// Invoking this callback will signal the end of destroy. If an error is
// passed in it will be emitted via core stream logic.
callback(closeErr || userErr || null);
if (!closeErr) {
// Using setImmediate to ensure that the 'end' event is emitted before
// 'close'.
setImmediate(function() {
module.exports = QueryStream;