
170 lines
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/* Copyright (c) 2018, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. */
* This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License
* (UPL) 1.0 as shown at and Apache License
* 2.0 as shown at You may choose
* either license.
* If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
* the following applies:
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* connectionpool.js
* Shows connection pool usage. Connection pools are recommended
* for applications that use a lot of connections for short periods.
* Other connection pool examples are in sessionfixup.js and webapp.js.
* For a standalone connection example, see connect.js
* In some networks forced pool termination may hang unless you have
* 'disable_oob=on' in sqlnet.ora, see
* In production applications, set poolMin=poolMax (and poolIncrement=0)
'use strict';
Error.stackTraceLimit = 50;
// Note: if you use Thick mode, and you increase poolMax, then you must also
// increase UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE before Node.js starts its thread pool. If you
// set UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE too late, the value is ignored and the default size
// of 4 is used.
// On Windows you must set the UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE environment variable
// externally before running your application.
// Increasing UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE is not needed if you use Thin mode.
// process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = 10; // set threadpool size to 10 for 10 connections
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
// This example runs in both node-oracledb Thin and Thick modes.
// Optionally run in node-oracledb Thick mode
if (process.env.NODE_ORACLEDB_DRIVER_MODE === 'thick') {
// Thick mode requires Oracle Client or Oracle Instant Client libraries.
// On Windows and macOS Intel you can specify the directory containing the
// libraries at runtime or before Node.js starts. On other platforms (where
// Oracle libraries are available) the system library search path must always
// include the Oracle library path before Node.js starts. If the search path
// is not correct, you will get a DPI-1047 error. See the node-oracledb
// installation documentation.
let clientOpts = {};
// On Windows and macOS Intel platforms, set the environment
// variable NODE_ORACLEDB_CLIENT_LIB_DIR to the Oracle Client library path
if (process.platform === 'win32' || (process.platform === 'darwin' && process.arch === 'x64')) {
clientOpts = { libDir: process.env.NODE_ORACLEDB_CLIENT_LIB_DIR };
oracledb.initOracleClient(clientOpts); // enable node-oracledb Thick mode
console.log(oracledb.thin ? 'Running in thin mode' : 'Running in thick mode');
async function init() {
try {
// Create a connection pool which will later be accessed via the
// pool cache as the 'default' pool.
await oracledb.createPool({
user: dbConfig.user,
password: dbConfig.password,
connectString: dbConfig.connectString,
// edition: 'ORA$BASE', // used for Edition Based Redefintion
// events: false, // whether to handle Oracle Database FAN and RLB events or support CQN
// externalAuth: false, // whether connections should be established using External Authentication
// homogeneous: true, // all connections in the pool have the same credentials
// poolAlias: 'default', // set an alias to allow access to the pool via a name.
// poolIncrement: 1, // only grow the pool by one connection at a time
// poolMax: 4, // maximum size of the pool. (Note: Increase UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE if you increase poolMax in Thick mode)
// poolMin: 0, // start with no connections; let the pool shrink completely
// poolPingInterval: 60, // check aliveness of connection if idle in the pool for 60 seconds
// poolTimeout: 60, // terminate connections that are idle in the pool for 60 seconds
// queueMax: 500, // don't allow more than 500 unsatisfied getConnection() calls in the pool queue
// queueTimeout: 60000, // terminate getConnection() calls queued for longer than 60000 milliseconds
// sessionCallback: myFunction, // function invoked for brand new connections or by a connection tag mismatch
// sodaMetaDataCache: false, // Set true to improve SODA collection access performance
// stmtCacheSize: 30, // number of statements that are cached in the statement cache of each connection
// enableStatistics: false // record pool usage for oracledb.getPool().getStatistics() and logStatistics()
console.log('Connection pool started');
// Now the pool is running, it can be used
await dostuff();
} catch (err) {
console.error('init() error: ' + err.message);
} finally {
await closePoolAndExit();
async function dostuff() {
let connection;
try {
// Get a connection from the default pool
connection = await oracledb.getConnection();
const sql = `SELECT CURRENT_DATE FROM dual WHERE :b = 1`;
const binds = [1];
const options = { outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT };
const result = await connection.execute(sql, binds, options);
// oracledb.getPool().logStatistics(); // show pool statistics. pool.enableStatistics must be true
} catch (err) {
} finally {
if (connection) {
try {
// Put the connection back in the pool
await connection.close();
} catch (err) {
async function closePoolAndExit() {
try {
// Get the pool from the pool cache and close it when no
// connections are in use, or force it closed after 10 seconds.
// If this hangs, you may need DISABLE_OOB=ON in a sqlnet.ora file.
// This setting should not be needed if both Oracle Client and Oracle
// Database are 19c (or later).
await oracledb.getPool().close(10);
console.log('Pool closed');
} catch (err) {
.once('SIGTERM', closePoolAndExit)
.once('SIGINT', closePoolAndExit);