
554 lines
19 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. */
* This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License
* (UPL) 1.0 as shown at and Apache License
* 2.0 as shown at You may choose
* either license.
* If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
* the following applies:
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* 288. embedded_oid.js
* Embedded Keys lets documents include their own keys under an "_id" field,
* simplifying data management, while absent "_id" fields get generated
* unique "_id" keys upon write.
* Refer:
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const assert = require('assert');
const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const sodaUtil = require('./sodaUtil.js');
const testsUtil = require('./testsUtil.js');
describe('288. embedded_oid.js', function() {
let connection = null;
let isRunnable = true;
before(async function() {
const sodaRunnable = await testsUtil.isSodaRunnable();
const preRequisites = await testsUtil.checkPrerequisites(2300000000, 2300000000);
if (!sodaRunnable || !preRequisites || !dbConfig.test.DBA_PRIVILEGE || oracledb.thin) {
isRunnable = false;
if (!isRunnable) this.skip();
await sodaUtil.cleanup();
connection = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
after(async function() {
if (!isRunnable) return;
await connection.close();
describe('288.1 Test embedded oid normal operations', function() {
it('288.1.1 create collection with No key present in the input doc', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collname = "myc";
const options = {metaData: {"keyColumn": {"assignmentMethod": "EMBEDDED_OID"}}};
const collection = await sd.createCollection(collname, options);
await conn.commit();
assert.strictEqual(, collname);
assert.strictEqual(typeof (collection.metaData), "object");
// Insert a new document
const myContent = {"oracle": "database1a"};
const docs = await collection.insertOneAndGet(myContent);
If the _id field is not present in the document supplied to a write operation,
then it's injected by SODA into the content.
const myKey = docs.key;
assert.strictEqual(typeof (myKey), "string");
// Fetch the document back
const fetchedDoc = await collection.find().key(myKey).getOne();
const content = fetchedDoc.getContent(); // A JavaScript object
assert.strictEqual("08" + content._id, myKey.toLowerCase());
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); //288.1.1
it('288.1.2 Embedded varchar key already present in the doc', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collname = "myc";
const options = {metaData: {"keyColumn": {"assignmentMethod": "EMBEDDED_OID"}}};
const collection = await sd.createCollection(collname, options);
await conn.commit();
assert.strictEqual(, collname);
// Insert a new document
const myContent = {"oracle": "database1b", "_id": "key1"};
const docs = await collection.insertOneAndGet(myContent);
const myKey = docs.key;
assert.strictEqual(typeof (myKey), "string");
// Fetch the document back
const fetchedDoc = await collection.find().key(myKey).getOne();
const content = fetchedDoc.getContent(); // A JavaScript object
assert.strictEqual(content._id, Buffer.from(myKey.substring(2), "hex").toString("ascii"));
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); //288.1.2
it('288.1.3 Embedded number key already present in the doc', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collname = "myc";
const options = {metaData: {"keyColumn": {"assignmentMethod": "EMBEDDED_OID"}}};
const collection = await sd.createCollection(collname, options);
await conn.commit();
assert.strictEqual(, collname);
// Insert a new document
const myContent = {"oracle": "database1c", "_id": 2};
const docs = await collection.insertOneAndGet(myContent);
const myKey = docs.key;
assert.strictEqual(typeof (myKey), "string");
assert.strictEqual(myKey, '03C103');
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); //288.1.3
it('288.1.4 test replaceOne, for each replace op, use previously retrieved key', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collname = "myc";
const options = {metaData: {"keyColumn": {"assignmentMethod": "EMBEDDED_OID"}}};
const collection = await sd.createCollection(collname, options);
await conn.commit();
// Insert a new document
const myContent = {name: "Steven", office: "Bangalore" };
const docs = await collection.insertOneAndGet(myContent);
const myKey = docs.key;
assert.strictEqual(typeof (myKey), "string");
const inContent = { name: "Paul", office: "Singapore" };
const result = await collection.find().key(myKey).replaceOne(inContent);
assert.strictEqual(result.replaced, true);
const fetchedDoc = await collection.find().key(myKey).getOne();
const content = fetchedDoc.getContent(); // A JavaScript object
assert.deepStrictEqual(content, inContent);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); //288.1.4
it('288.1.5 test replaceOne, A new string ID is present in the target document', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collname = "myc";
const options = {metaData: {"keyColumn": {"assignmentMethod": "EMBEDDED_OID"}}};
const collection = await sd.createCollection(collname, options);
await conn.commit();
// Insert a new document
const myContent = {_id: "new key", name: "Steven", office: "Bangalore" };
const docs = await collection.insertOneAndGet(myContent);
const myKey = docs.key;
assert.strictEqual(typeof (myKey), "string");
const inContent = { name: "Paul", office: "Singapore" };
const result = await collection.find().key(myKey).replaceOne(inContent);
assert.strictEqual(result.replaced, true);
const fetchedDoc = await collection.find().key(myKey).getOne();
const content = fetchedDoc.getContent(); // A JavaScript object
assert.deepStrictEqual(content, inContent);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); //288.1.5
it('288.1.6 test replaceOne, A new integer ID is present in the target document', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collname = "myc";
const options = {metaData: {"keyColumn": {"assignmentMethod": "EMBEDDED_OID"}}};
const collection = await sd.createCollection(collname, options);
await conn.commit();
// Insert a new document
const myContent = {_id: 12345, name: "Steven", office: "Bangalore" };
const docs = await collection.insertOneAndGet(myContent);
const myKey = docs.key;
assert.strictEqual(typeof (myKey), "string");
const inContent = { name: "Paul", office: "Singapore" };
const result = await collection.find().key(myKey).replaceOne(inContent);
assert.strictEqual(result.replaced, true);
const fetchedDoc = await collection.find().key(myKey).getOne();
const content = fetchedDoc.getContent(); // A JavaScript object
assert.deepStrictEqual(content, inContent);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); //288.1.6
it('288.1.7 test replaceOneAndGet, for each replace op, use previously retrieved key', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collname = "myc";
const options = {metaData: {"keyColumn": {"assignmentMethod": "EMBEDDED_OID"}}};
const collection = await sd.createCollection(collname, options);
await conn.commit();
// Insert a new document
const myContent = {name: "Steven", office: "Bangalore" };
const docs = await collection.insertOneAndGet(myContent);
const myKey = docs.key;
assert.strictEqual(typeof (myKey), "string");
const inContent = { name: "Paul", office: "Singapore" };
const updatedDocument = await collection.find().key(myKey).replaceOneAndGet(inContent);
const fetchedDoc = await collection.find().key(myKey).getOne();
const content = fetchedDoc.getContent(); // A JavaScript object
assert.deepStrictEqual(content, inContent);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); //288.1.7
it('288.1.8 test replaceOneAndGet, A new string ID is present in the target document', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collname = "myc";
const options = {metaData: {"keyColumn": {"assignmentMethod": "EMBEDDED_OID"}}};
const collection = await sd.createCollection(collname, options);
await conn.commit();
// Insert a new document
const myContent = {_id: "new key", name: "Steven", office: "Bangalore" };
const docs = await collection.insertOneAndGet(myContent);
const myKey = docs.key;
assert.strictEqual(typeof (myKey), "string");
const inContent = { name: "Paul", office: "Singapore" };
const updatedDocument = await collection.find().key(myKey).replaceOneAndGet(inContent);
const fetchedDoc = await collection.find().key(myKey).getOne();
const content = fetchedDoc.getContent(); // A JavaScript object
assert.deepStrictEqual(content, inContent);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); //288.1.8
it('288.1.9 test replaceOneAndGet, A new integer ID is present in the target document', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collname = "myc";
const options = {metaData: {"keyColumn": {"assignmentMethod": "EMBEDDED_OID"}}};
const collection = await sd.createCollection(collname, options);
await conn.commit();
// Insert a new document
const myContent = {_id: 12345, name: "Steven", office: "Bangalore" };
const docs = await collection.insertOneAndGet(myContent);
const myKey = docs.key;
assert.strictEqual(typeof (myKey), "string");
const inContent = { name: "Paul", office: "Singapore" };
const updatedDocument = await collection.find().key(myKey).replaceOneAndGet(inContent);
const fetchedDoc = await collection.find().key(myKey).getOne();
const content = fetchedDoc.getContent(); // A JavaScript object
assert.deepStrictEqual(content, inContent);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); //288.1.9
it('288.1.10 Negative test for save()', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collname = "myc";
const options = {metaData: {"keyColumn": {"assignmentMethod": "EMBEDDED_OID"}}};
const collection = await sd.createCollection(collname, options);
const content = {"oracle": "database 23.3", "_id": 12345};
const doc = sd.createDocument(content);
await assert.rejects(
async () => await,
/ORA-03001:/ // ORA-03001: unimplemented feature
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); //288.1.10
it('288.1.11 Negative test for saveAndGet()', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collname = "myc";
const options = {metaData: {"keyColumn": {"assignmentMethod": "EMBEDDED_OID"}}};
const collection = await sd.createCollection(collname, options);
const content = {"oracle": "database 23.3", "_id": 12345};
const doc = sd.createDocument(content);
await assert.rejects(
async () => await collection.saveAndGet(doc),
/ORA-03001:/ // ORA-03001: unimplemented feature
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); //288.1.11
describe('288.2 Test QBEs - filter, skip and limit', function() {
let conn, collection, myContent;
const collname = "myColl";
before(async function() {
conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
collection = await sd.createCollection(collname);
after(async function() {
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
it('288.2.1 filter()', async () => {
myContent = [{"oracle": "database1a"},
{"oracle": "database1b", "_id": "key1"},
{"oracle": "database1c", "_id": 2}];
await Promise.all( {
return collection.insertOne(content);
const documents = await collection.find()
.filter({"oracle": {"$like": "database%"}})
for (let i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) {
const content = documents[i].getContent();
assert.deepStrictEqual(content, myContent[i]);
await collection.find().remove();
}); //288.2.1
it('288.2.2 skip() first doc', async () => {
myContent = [{"oracle": "database1a"},
{"oracle": "database1b", "_id": "key1"},
{"oracle": "database1c", "_id": 2}];
await Promise.all( {
return collection.insertOne(content);
const numberToSkip = 1;
const docCursor = await collection.find()
.filter({"oracle": {"$like": "database%"}})
const myContents = [];
const hasNext = true;
let myDocument;
for (let i = 0; hasNext; i++) {
myDocument = await docCursor.getNext();
if (!myDocument) {
} else {
myContents[i] = myDocument.getContent();
assert.strictEqual(myContents.length, (myContent.length - numberToSkip));
await docCursor.close();
await collection.find().remove();
}); //288.2.2
it('288.2.3 limit() operation to 1 doc', async () => {
myContent = [{"oracle": "database1a"},
{"oracle": "database1b", "_id": "key1"},
{"oracle": "database1c", "_id": 2}];
await Promise.all( {
return collection.insertOne(content);
const numberToSkip = 1;
const docCursor = await collection.find()
.filter({"oracle": {"$like": "database%"}})
const myContents = [];
const hasNext = true;
let myDocument;
for (let i = 0; hasNext; i++) {
myDocument = await docCursor.getNext();
if (!myDocument) {
} else {
myContents[i] = myDocument.getContent();
assert.deepStrictEqual(myContents[0], myContent[1]);
await docCursor.close();
await collection.find().remove();
}); //288.2.3
it('288.2.4 remove() previously retrieved key', async () => {
myContent = [{"oracle": "database1a"},
{"oracle": "database1b", "_id": "key1"},
{"oracle": "database1c", "_id": 2}];
await Promise.all( {
return collection.insertOne(content);
// fetch back
const outDocuments = await collection.find().getDocuments();
// remove
const result = await collection
assert.strictEqual(result.count, 1);
const remainingLength = await collection.find().count();
assert.strictEqual(remainingLength.count, (myContent.length - result.count));
await collection.find().remove();
}); //288.2.4
it('288.2.5 remove() with filter, No key present in the input doc', async () => {
myContent = [{"oracle": "database1a"},
{"oracle": "database1b", "_id": "key1"},
{"oracle": "database1c", "_id": 2}];
await Promise.all( {
return collection.insertOne(content);
// Fetch back
const result = await collection
.filter({"oracle": {"$like": "database1a"}})
assert.strictEqual(result.count, 1);
const remainingLength = await collection.find().count();
assert.strictEqual(remainingLength.count, (myContent.length - result.count));
}); //288.2.5