
559 lines
18 KiB

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* If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
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* 241. dbType04.js
* Test the type DB_TYPE_JSON.
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const assert = require('assert');
const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const testsUtil = require('./testsUtil.js');
describe('241. dbType04.js', function() {
let conn;
let isRunnable = false;
const TABLE = 'nodb_tab_jsontype';
const default_stmtCacheSize = oracledb.stmtCacheSize;
before(async function() {
conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
isRunnable = true;
if (!isRunnable) {
const sql = `
create table ${TABLE} (
id number(9) not null,
jsonval json not null
const plsql = testsUtil.sqlCreateTable(TABLE, sql);
await conn.execute(plsql);
oracledb.stmtCacheSize = 0;
}); // before()
after(async function() {
if (!isRunnable) {
if (conn)
await conn.close();
const sql = `drop table ${TABLE} purge`;
await conn.execute(sql);
await conn.close();
oracledb.stmtCacheSize = default_stmtCacheSize;
}); // after()
it('241.1 JSON type check', async () => {
const SQL = `SELECT :1 FROM dual`;
const jsonVal = {
keyA: 8,
keyB: "A String",
keyC: Buffer.from("A Raw"),
keyD: true,
keyE: false,
keyF: null,
keyG: undefined,
keyH: [ 9, 10, 11 ],
keyI: new Date()
oracledb.extendedMetaData = true;
const result = await conn.execute(SQL,
[{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }]);
// check to see if the column type is JSON
assert.strictEqual(result.metaData[0].dbTypeName, "JSON");
assert.strictEqual(result.metaData[0].dbType, oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON);
assert.strictEqual(result.metaData[0].fetchType, oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON);
}); // 241.1
it('241.2 JSON type data binding', async () => {
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const jsonId = 200;
const jsonVal = {
keyA: 8,
keyB: "A String",
keyC: Buffer.from("A Raw"),
keyD: true,
keyE: false,
keyF: null,
keyG: undefined,
keyH: [ 9, 10, 11 ],
keyI: new Date()
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
const out = result2.rows[0][1];
assert.strictEqual(out.keyA, jsonVal.keyA);
assert.strictEqual(out.keyB, jsonVal.keyB);
assert.strictEqual(out.keyC.toString(), 'A Raw');
assert.strictEqual(out.keyD, jsonVal.keyD);
assert.strictEqual(out.keyE, jsonVal.keyE);
assert.strictEqual(out.keyF, jsonVal.keyF);
assert.deepStrictEqual(out.keyH, jsonVal.keyH);
assert.strictEqual(testsUtil.isDate(out.keyI), true);
}); // 241.2
it('241.3 query number type from JSON column', async () => {
const jsonId = 3;
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, '5')`;
const binds = [ jsonId ];
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.strictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], 5);
}); // 241.3
it('241.4 query number type from JSON column', async () => {
const jsonId = 4;
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, '8.1234567899')`;
const binds = [ jsonId ];
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
const out = result2.rows[0][1];
assert.strictEqual(out, 8.1234567899);
}); // 241.4
it('241.5 query array type', async () => {
const jsonId = 5;
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, '[1, 2, 3]')`;
const binds = [ jsonId ];
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], [1, 2, 3]);
}); // 241.5
it('241.6 query JSON', async () => {
const jsonId = 6;
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, '{"fred": 5, "george": 6}')`;
const binds = [ jsonId ];
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], { fred: 5, george: 6 });
}); // 241.6
it('241.7 query json array', async () => {
const jsonId = 7;
const sqlOne = `
insert into ${TABLE} values (:1,
json_scalar(to_clob('A short CLOB')),
json_scalar(to_blob(utl_raw.cast_to_raw('A short BLOB'))),
json_scalar(to_date('2020-02-21', 'YYYY-MM-DD')),
json_scalar(to_timestamp('2020-02-20 08:00:25',
returning json))
const binds = [ jsonId ];
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
const out = result2.rows[0][1];
assert.strictEqual(out[0], 1);
assert.strictEqual(out[1], -200);
assert.strictEqual(out[2], 'Fred');
assert.strictEqual(out[3].toString(), 'George');
assert.strictEqual(out[4], 'A short CLOB');
assert.strictEqual(out[5].toString(), 'A short BLOB');
assert.strictEqual(testsUtil.isDate(out[6]), true);
assert.strictEqual(testsUtil.isDate(out[7]), true);
}); // 241.7
it('241.8 query json object', async () => {
const jsonId = 8;
const sqlOne = `
insert into ${TABLE} values (:1,
json_object(key 'Fred' value json_scalar(5), key 'George' value json_scalar('A string')
returning json))
const binds = [ jsonId ];
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
const out = result2.rows[0][1];
assert.strictEqual(out['Fred'], 5);
assert.strictEqual(out['George'], 'A string');
}); // 241.8
it('241.9 binding Number gets converted to a JSON NUMBER value', async () => {
const jsonId = 9;
const jsonVal = 2333;
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.strictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], jsonVal);
}); // 241.9
it('241.10 binding String gets converted to JSON VARCHAR2 value', async () => {
const jsonId = 10;
const jsonVal = 'FooBar';
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.strictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], jsonVal);
}); // 241.10
it('241.11 binding Date gets converted to JSON TIMESTAMP value', async () => {
const jsonId = 11;
const jsonVal = new Date();
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.strictEqual(testsUtil.isDate(result2.rows[0][1]), true);
}); // 241.11
it('241.12 binding Buffer gets converted to JSON RAW value', async () => {
const jsonId = 12;
const jsonVal = Buffer.from("A Raw");
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.strictEqual(result2.rows[0][1].toString(), "A Raw");
}); // 241.12
it('241.13 binding Array gets converted to JSON Array value', async () => {
const jsonId = 13;
const jsonVal = [3, 4, 5];
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], jsonVal);
}); // 241.13
it('241.14 binding simple dbobject with no attributes couldn\'t get converted to JSON Object value, returns an empty object', async function() {
// database objects not supported in thin mode yet
if (oracledb.thin) this.skip();
const sql =
name VARCHAR2(30)
await conn.execute(sql);
const objData = {
ID: 300,
NAME: 'Christopher Jones'
const objClass = await conn.getDbObjectClass("NODE_OBJ");
const jsonVal = new objClass(objData);
const jsonId = 14;
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select id, json_object(jsonval) from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.strictEqual(result2.rows[0][0], jsonId);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], "{\"jsonval\":{}}");
}); // 241.14
it('241.15 null', async () => {
const jsonId = 15;
const jsonVal = null;
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.strictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], jsonVal);
}); // 241.15
it('241.16 "undefined" gets converted to a JSON "NULL" value', async () => {
const jsonId = 16;
const jsonVal = undefined;
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.strictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], null);
}); // 241.16
it('241.17 true', async () => {
const jsonId = 17;
const jsonVal = true;
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.strictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], jsonVal);
}); // 241.17
it('241.18 false', async () => {
const jsonId = 18;
const jsonVal = false;
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.strictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], jsonVal);
}); // 241.18
it('241.19 empty string', async () => {
const jsonId = 19;
const jsonVal = "";
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.strictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], jsonVal);
}); // 241.19
it('241.20 empty json', async () => {
const jsonId = 20;
const jsonVal = {};
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], jsonVal);
}); // 241.20
it.skip('241.21 NaN', async () => {
const jsonId = 21;
const jsonVal = NaN;
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
//assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
// const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
// const result2 = await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
// console.log(result2.rows[0][1]);
// assert.strictEqual(result2.rows[0][1], jsonVal);
}); // 241.21
it('241.22 Negative - implicitly binding JSON', async () => {
const jsonId = 22;
const jsonVal = { "fred": 5, "george": 6 };
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [ jsonId, jsonVal ];
await assert.rejects(
async () => {
await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
// NJS-044: bind object must contain one of the following keys: "dir", "type", "maxSize", or "val"
}); // 241.22
it('241.23 Negative - type mismatch', async () => {
const jsonId = 23;
const jsonVal = { "fred": 5, "george": 6 };
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal }
await assert.rejects(
async () => {
await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
// NJS-012: encountered invalid bind data type in parameter 2
}); // 241.23
it('241.24 Negative - type mismatch', async () => {
const jsonId = 24;
const jsonVal = { "fred": 5, "george": 6 };
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2)`;
const binds = [
{ val: jsonVal, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_NUMBER }
await assert.rejects(
async () => {
await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
// NJS-011: encountered bind value and type mismatch
}); // 241.24
it('241.25 Negative - query INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH', async () => {
const jsonId = 25;
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, json_scalar(to_yminterval('+5-9')))`;
const binds = [ jsonId ];
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
await assert.rejects(
async () => {
await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
// NJS-078: unsupported data type 2016 in JSON value
}); // 241.25
it('241.26 Negative - query INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND', async () => {
const jsonId = 26;
const sqlOne = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, json_scalar(to_dsinterval('P25DT8H25M')))`;
const binds = [ jsonId ];
const result1 = await conn.execute(sqlOne, binds);
assert.strictEqual(result1.rowsAffected, 1);
const sqlTwo = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${jsonId}`;
await assert.rejects(
async () => {
await conn.execute(sqlTwo);
// NJS-078: unsupported data type 2016 in JSON value
}); // 241.26