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18 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2022, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
// This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License
// (UPL) 1.0 as shown at and Apache License
// 2.0 as shown at You may choose
// either license.
// If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
// the following applies:
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
'use strict';
const { Buffer } = require('buffer');
const constants = require('../constants');
const errors = require('../errors');
const protoConstants = require('./protocol/constants');
* It is used to cache the metadata about bind information
* associated with the statement. This will determine if statement needs
* to use Execute or Re-Execute.
class BindInfo {
constructor(name, isReturnBind = false) {
this.bindName = name;
this.isReturnBind = isReturnBind;
this.maxSize = 0;
this.numElements = 0;
this.maxArraySize = 0;
this.type = null;
this.isArray = false;
this.dir = constants.BIND_IN;
this.bindVar = null;
* Encapsulates the SQL statement run on the connection.
* It has information like type of stmt, bind infrmation, cursor number, ...
module.exports.BindInfo = BindInfo;
class Parser {
constructor() {
this.returningKeywordFound = false;
this.pos = 0;
this.maxPos = 0;
this.sqlData = "";
* Bind variables are identified as follows:
* - Quoted and non-quoted bind names are allowed.
* - Quoted bind names can contain any characters.
* - Non-quoted bind names must begin with an alphabetic character.
* - Non-quoted bind names can only contain alphanumeric characters, the
* underscore, the dollar sign and the pound sign.
* - Non-quoted bind names cannot be Oracle Database Reserved Names (this
* is left to the server to detect and return an appropriate error).
_parseBindName(stmt) {
let quotedName = false;
let inBind = false;
let digitsOnly = false;
let startPos = 0;
let pos = this.pos + 1;
let bindName;
let ch;
while (pos <= this.maxPos) {
ch = this.sqlData[pos];
if (!inBind) {
if (/\p{space}/u.test(ch)) {
pos += 1;
} else if (ch === '"') {
quotedName = true;
} else if (/\p{N}/u.test(ch)) {
digitsOnly = true;
} else if (!/\p{Alpha}/u.test(ch)) {
inBind = true;
startPos = pos;
} else if (digitsOnly && !(/\p{N}/u.test(ch))) {
this.pos = pos - 1;
} else if (quotedName && ch === '"') {
this.pos = pos;
} else if (!digitsOnly && !quotedName
&& !(/[\p{L}\p{N}]/u.test(ch))
&& !['$', '_', '#'].includes(ch)) {
this.pos = pos - 1;
pos += 1;
if (inBind) {
if (quotedName) {
bindName = stmt.sql.substring(startPos + 1, pos);
} else if (digitsOnly) {
bindName = stmt.sql.substring(startPos, pos);
} else {
bindName = stmt.sql.substring(startPos, pos).toUpperCase();
* Multiple line comments consist of the characters /* followed by all
* characters up until * followed by /. This method is called when the first
* slash is detected and checks for the subsequent asterisk. If found,
* the comment is traversed and the current position is updated; otherwise,
* the current position is left untouched.
_parseMultiLineComment() {
let inComment = false;
let exitingComment = false;
let pos = this.pos + 1;
let ch;
while (pos <= this.maxPos) {
ch = this.sqlData[pos];
if (!inComment) {
if (ch !== '*') {
inComment = true;
} else if (ch === '*') {
exitingComment = true;
} else if (exitingComment) {
if (ch === '/') {
this.pos = pos;
exitingComment = false;
pos += 1;
/** Parses a q-string which consists of the characters "q" and a single
* quote followed by a start separator, any text that does not contain the
* end seprator and the end separator and ending quote. The following are
* examples that demonstrate this:
* - q'[...]'
* - q'{...}'
* - q'<...>'
* - q'(...)'
* - q'?...?' (where ? is any character)
_parseQstring() {
let exitingQstring = false;
let inQstring = false;
let sep;
let ch;
this.pos += 1;
while (this.pos <= this.maxPos) {
ch = this.sqlData[this.pos];
if (!inQstring) {
if (ch === '[') {
sep = ']';
} else if (ch === '{') {
sep = '}';
} else if (ch === '(') {
sep = ')';
} else if (ch === '<') {
sep = '>';
} else {
sep = ch;
inQstring = true;
} else if (!exitingQstring && ch === sep) {
exitingQstring = true;
} else if (exitingQstring) {
if (ch === "'") {
} else if (ch !== sep) {
exitingQstring = false;
this.pos += 1;
* Parses a quoted string with the given separator. All characters until
* the separate is detected are discarded.
_parseQuotedString(sep) {
let ch;
this.pos += 1;
while (this.pos <= this.maxPos) {
ch = this.sqlData[this.pos];
if (ch === sep) {
this.pos += 1;
* Single line comments consist of two dashes and all characters up to the
* next line break (or the end of the data). This method is called when
* the first dash is detected and checks for the subsequent dash. If found,
* the single line comment is traversed and the current position is updated;
* otherwise, the current position is left untouched.
_parseSingleLineComment() {
let inComment = false;
let pos = this.pos + 1;
let ch;
while (pos <= this.maxPos) {
ch = this.sqlData[pos];
if (!inComment) {
if (ch !== '-') {
inComment = true;
} else if (ch === '\n') {
pos += 1;
this.pos = pos;
* Parses the SQL stored in the statement in order to determine the
* keyword that identifies the type of SQL being executed as well as a
* list of bind variable names. A check is also made for DML returning
* statements since the bind variables following the "INTO" keyword are
* treated differently from other bind variables.
parse(stmt) {
let initialKeywordFound = false;
let lastWasString = false;
let ch, lastCh = '', alphaStartCh = '';
let alphaStartPos = 0, alphaLen;
let isAlpha, lastWasAlpha = false;
let keyword;
// initialization
this.pos = 0;
this.maxPos = stmt.sql.length - 1;
this.sqlData = stmt.sql;
// scan all the characters in the string
while (this.pos <= this.maxPos) {
ch = this.sqlData[this.pos];
// look for certain keywords (initial keyword and the ones for
// detecting DML returning statements
isAlpha = /\p{L}/u.test(ch);
if (isAlpha && !lastWasAlpha) {
alphaStartPos = this.pos;
alphaStartCh = ch;
} else if (!isAlpha && lastWasAlpha) {
alphaLen = this.pos - alphaStartPos;
if (!initialKeywordFound) {
keyword = stmt.sql.substring(alphaStartPos, this.pos).toUpperCase();
initialKeywordFound = true;
if (stmt.isDdl) {
} else if (stmt.isDml && !this.returningKeywordFound
&& (alphaLen === 9 || alphaLen === 6)
&& ['r', 'R'].includes(alphaStartCh)) {
keyword = stmt.sql.substring(alphaStartPos, this.pos).toUpperCase();
if (['RETURNING', 'RETURN'].includes(keyword)) {
this.returningKeywordFound = true;
} else if (this.returningKeywordFound && alphaLen === 4
&& ['i', 'I'].includes(alphaStartCh)) {
keyword = stmt.sql.substring(alphaStartPos, this.pos).toUpperCase();
if (keyword === 'INTO') {
stmt.isReturning = true;
// need to keep track of whether the last token parsed was a string
// (excluding whitespace) as if the last token parsed was a string
// a following colon is not a bind variable but a part of the JSON
// constant syntax
if (ch === "'") {
lastWasString = true;
if (['q', 'Q'].includes(lastCh)) {
} else {
} else if (!(/\p{space}/u.test(ch))) {
if (ch === '-') {
} else if (ch === '/') {
} else if (ch === '"') {
} else if (ch === ':' && !lastWasString) {
lastWasString = false;
this.pos += 1;
lastWasAlpha = isAlpha;
lastCh = ch;
// if only a single word is found in sql, e.g. in case of commit/rollback
if (!initialKeywordFound) {
class Statement {
constructor() {
this.sql = "";
this.sqlBytes = [];
this.sqlLength = 0;
this.cursorId = 0;
this.requiresDefine = false;
this.isQuery = false;
this.isPlSql = false;
this.isDml = false;
this.isDdl = false;
this.isReturning = false;
this.bindInfoList = [];
this.queryVars = [];
this.bindInfoDict = new Map();
this.requiresFullExecute = false;
this.noPrefetch = false;
this.returnToCache = false;
this.numColumns = 0;
this.moreRowsToFetch = true;
this.inUse = false;
this.bufferRowIndex = 0;
this.bufferRowCount = 0;
this.pendingClear = false;
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
// _copy()
// Copying existing statement into new statement object required by drcp
_copy() {
const copiedStatement = new Statement();
copiedStatement.sql = this.sql;
copiedStatement.sqlBytes = this.sqlBytes;
copiedStatement.sqlLength = this.sqlLength;
copiedStatement.isQuery = this.isQuery;
copiedStatement.isPlSql = this.isPlSql;
copiedStatement.isDml = this.isDml;
copiedStatement.isDdl = this.isDdl;
copiedStatement.isReturning = this.isReturning;
copiedStatement.bindInfoList = [];
for (const bindInfo of this.bindInfoList) {
const newBindInfo = new BindInfo(bindInfo.bindName, bindInfo.isReturnBind);
const bindInfoDict = copiedStatement.bindInfoDict = new Map();
for (const bindInfo of copiedStatement.bindInfoList) {
if (bindInfoDict.has(bindInfo.bindName)) {
} else {
bindInfoDict.set(bindInfo.bindName, [bindInfo]);
copiedStatement.returnToCache = false;
return copiedStatement;
// _determineStatementType(sql)
// Determine the type of the SQL statement by examining the first keyword
// found in the statement
_determineStatementType(sqlKeyword) {
switch (sqlKeyword) {
case 'DECLARE':
this.isPlSql = true;
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_DECLARE;
case 'CALL':
this.isPlSql = true;
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_CALL;
case 'BEGIN':
this.isPlSql = true;
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_BEGIN;
case 'SELECT':
this.isQuery = true;
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_SELECT;
case 'WITH':
this.isQuery = true;
case 'INSERT':
this.isDml = true;
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_INSERT;
case 'UPDATE':
this.isDml = true;
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_UPDATE;
case 'DELETE':
this.isDml = true;
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_DELETE;
case 'MERGE':
this.isDml = true;
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_MERGE;
case 'ALTER':
this.isDdl = true;
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_ALTER;
case 'CREATE':
this.isDdl = true;
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_CREATE;
case 'DROP':
this.isDdl = true;
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_DROP;
case 'ANALYZE':
case 'AUDIT':
case 'COMMENT':
case 'GRANT':
case 'REVOKE':
case 'TRUNCATE':
this.isDdl = true;
case 'COMMIT':
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_COMMIT;
case 'ROLLBACK':
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_ROLLBACK;
this.statementType = constants.STMT_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
// prepare(sql)
// Prepare the SQL for execution by determining the list of bind names
// that are found within it. The length of the SQL text is also calculated
// at this time.
_prepare(sql) {
this.sql = sql;
this.sqlBytes = Buffer.from(this.sql, 'utf8');
this.sqlLength = this.sqlBytes.length;
const parser = new Parser();
// _addBinds(sql)
// Add bind information to the statement by examining the passed SQL for
// bind variable names.
_addBind(name) {
if (!this.isPlSql || !this.bindInfoDict.has(name)) {
const info = new BindInfo(name, this.isReturning);
if (this.bindInfoDict.has(info.bindName)) {
if (this.isReturning) {
const origInfo = this.bindInfoDict.get(info.bindName)[0];
if (!origInfo.isReturnBind) {
errors.throwErr(errors.ERR_DML_RETURNING_DUP_BINDS, name);
} else {
this.bindInfoDict.set(info.bindName, [info]);
// _setVariable(sql)
// Set the variable on the bind information and copy across metadata that
// will be used for binding. If the bind metadata has changed, mark the
// statement as requiring a full execute. In addition, binding a REF
// cursor also requires a full execute.
_setVariable(bindInfo, variable) {
if (variable.type._oraTypeNum === protoConstants.TNS_DATA_TYPE_CURSOR) {
this.requiresFullExecute = true;
if (variable.maxSize !== bindInfo.maxSize
|| variable.dir !== bindInfo.dir
|| variable.isArray !== bindInfo.isArray
|| variable.values.length > bindInfo.numElements
|| variable.type != bindInfo.type
|| variable.maxArraySize != bindInfo.maxArraySize) {
bindInfo.isArray = variable.isArray;
bindInfo.numElements = variable.values.length;
bindInfo.maxSize = variable.maxSize;
bindInfo.type = variable.type;
bindInfo.dir = variable.dir;
bindInfo.maxArraySize = variable.maxArraySize;
this.requiresFullExecute = true;
bindInfo.bindVar = variable;
// _clearAllState
// clear all state associated with the cursor
_clearAllState() {
this.cursorId = 0;
this.requiresDefine = false;
this.noPrefetch = false;
this.requiresFullExecute = false;
this.queryVars = [];
this.numQueryVars = 0;
this.bufferRowCount = 0;
this.bufferRowIndex = 0;
// _clearState
// clear some state associated with the cursor
_clearState() {
this.cursorId = 0;
this.requiresDefine = false;
this.noPrefetch = false;
this.requiresFullExecute = false;
module.exports.Statement = Statement;