
342 lines
11 KiB

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* (UPL) 1.0 as shown at and Apache License
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* If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
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* 59. lobResultSet.js
* Inspired by
* Testing Lob data and result set.
* Create a table contains Lob data. Read the Lob to result set. Get
* rows one by one. Read the lob data on each row.
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const fs = require('fs');
const assert = require('assert');
const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const assist = require('./dataTypeAssist.js');
describe('59. lobResultSet.js', function() {
let connection = null;
before('get one connection', async function() {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
after('release connection', async function() {
await connection.close();
describe('59.1 CLOB data', function() {
let insertID = 1;
const tableName = "nodb_myclobs";
const inFileName = './test/clobexample.txt';
before('create table', async function() {
await connection.execute(assist.sqlCreateTable(tableName));
after('drop table', async function() {
await connection.execute(`DROP table ` + tableName + ` PURGE`);
async function fetchOneRowFromRS(resultSet, rowsFetched, rowsExpected) {
const row = await resultSet.getRow();
if (!row) {
await resultSet.close();
assert.strictEqual(rowsFetched, rowsExpected);
} else {
const text = await row[1].getData();
const originalData = fs.readFileSync(inFileName, { encoding: 'utf8' });
assert.strictEqual(text, originalData);
await fetchOneRowFromRS(resultSet, rowsFetched, rowsExpected);
async function streamIntoClob(id) {
const result = await connection.execute(
"INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES (:n, EMPTY_CLOB()) RETURNING content INTO :lobbv",
{ n: id, lobbv: { type: oracledb.CLOB, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT } });
const lob = result.outBinds.lobbv[0];
const inStream = await fs.createReadStream(inFileName);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
lob.on('error', reject);
lob.on('finish', resolve);
inStream.on('error', reject);
await connection.commit();
it('59.1.1 reads clob data one by one row from result set', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const id_2 = insertID++;
const id_3 = insertID++;
await streamIntoClob(id_1);
await streamIntoClob(id_2);
await streamIntoClob(id_3);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT num, content FROM " + tableName + " where num = " + id_1 + " or num = " + id_2 + " or num = " + id_3,
{ resultSet: true });
const actualRowsFetched = 0; // actual rows read from resultset
const rowsExpected = 3; // expected rows read from resultSet
await fetchOneRowFromRS(result.resultSet, actualRowsFetched, rowsExpected);
}); // 59.1.1
it('59.1.2 works with oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows fetched', async function() {
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 10;
const id_1 = insertID++;
const id_2 = insertID++;
const id_3 = insertID++;
await streamIntoClob(id_1);
await streamIntoClob(id_2);
await streamIntoClob(id_3);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT num, content FROM " + tableName + " where num = " + id_1 + " or num = " + id_2 + " or num = " + id_3,
{ resultSet: true });
const actualRowsFetched = 0; // actual rows read from resultset
const rowsExpected = 3; // expected rows read from resultSet
await fetchOneRowFromRS(result.resultSet, actualRowsFetched, rowsExpected);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
}); // 59.1.2
it('59.1.3 works with oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows fetched', async function() {
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 3;
const id_1 = insertID++;
const id_2 = insertID++;
const id_3 = insertID++;
await streamIntoClob(id_1);
await streamIntoClob(id_2);
await streamIntoClob(id_3);
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT num, content FROM ` + tableName + ` where num = ` + id_1 + ` or num = ` + id_2 + ` or num = ` + id_3,
{ resultSet: true });
const actualRowsFetched = 0; // actual rows read from resultset
const rowsExpected = 3; // expected rows read from resultSet
await fetchOneRowFromRS(result.resultSet, actualRowsFetched, rowsExpected);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
}); // 59.1.3
it('59.1.4 works with oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows fetched', async function() {
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 1;
const id_1 = insertID++;
const id_2 = insertID++;
const id_3 = insertID++;
await streamIntoClob(id_1);
await streamIntoClob(id_2);
await streamIntoClob(id_3);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT num, content FROM " + tableName + " where num = " + id_1 + " or num = " + id_2 + " or num = " + id_3,
{ resultSet: true });
const actualRowsFetched = 0; // actual rows read from resultset
const rowsExpected = 3; // expected rows read from resultSet
await fetchOneRowFromRS(result.resultSet, actualRowsFetched, rowsExpected);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
}); // 59.1.4
}); // 59.1
describe('59.2 BLOB data', function() {
let insertID = 1;
const tableName = "nodb_myblobs";
const jpgFileName = "./test/fuzzydinosaur.jpg";
before('create table', async function() {
await connection.execute(assist.sqlCreateTable(tableName));
after('drop table', async function() {
await connection.execute(`DROP table ` + tableName + ` PURGE`);
async function fetchOneRowFromRS(resultSet, rowsFetched, rowsExpected) {
const row = await resultSet.getRow();
if (!row) {
await resultSet.close();
assert.strictEqual(rowsFetched, rowsExpected);
rowsFetched = 0;
} else {
const blobData = await row[1].getData();
const originalData = fs.readFileSync(jpgFileName);
assert.deepStrictEqual(originalData, blobData);
await fetchOneRowFromRS(resultSet, rowsFetched, rowsExpected);
async function streamIntoBlob(id) {
const result = await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:n, EMPTY_BLOB()) RETURNING content INTO :lobbv`,
{ n: id, lobbv: { type: oracledb.BLOB, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT } });
const lob = result.outBinds.lobbv[0];
const inStream = await fs.createReadStream(jpgFileName);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
inStream.on('error', reject);
lob.on('error', reject);
lob.on('finish', resolve);
await connection.commit();
it('59.2.1 reads blob data one by one row from result set', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const id_2 = insertID++;
const id_3 = insertID++;
await streamIntoBlob(id_1);
await streamIntoBlob(id_2);
await streamIntoBlob(id_3);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT num, content FROM " + tableName + " where num = " + id_1 + " or num = " + id_2 + " or num = " + id_3,
{ resultSet: true });
const actualRowsFetched = 0; // actual rows read from resultset
const rowsExpected = 3; // expected rows read from resultSet
await fetchOneRowFromRS(result.resultSet, actualRowsFetched, rowsExpected);
}); // 59.2.1
it('59.2.2 works with oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows fetched', async function() {
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 10;
const id_1 = insertID++;
const id_2 = insertID++;
const id_3 = insertID++;
await streamIntoBlob(id_1);
await streamIntoBlob(id_2);
await streamIntoBlob(id_3);
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT num, content FROM ` + tableName + ` where num = ` + id_1 + ` or num = ` + id_2 + ` or num = ` + id_3,
{ resultSet: true });
const actualRowsFetched = 0; // actual rows read from resultset
const rowsExpected = 3; // expected rows read from resultSet
await fetchOneRowFromRS(result.resultSet, actualRowsFetched, rowsExpected);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
}); // 59.2.2
it('59.2.3 works with oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows fetched', async function() {
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 3;
const id_1 = insertID++;
const id_2 = insertID++;
const id_3 = insertID++;
await streamIntoBlob(id_1);
await streamIntoBlob(id_2);
await streamIntoBlob(id_3);
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT num, content FROM ` + tableName + ` where num = ` + id_1 + ` or num = ` + id_2 + ` or num = ` + id_3,
{ resultSet: true });
const actualRowsFetched = 0; // actual rows read from resultset
const rowsExpected = 3; // expected rows read from resultSet
await fetchOneRowFromRS(result.resultSet, actualRowsFetched, rowsExpected);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
}); // 59.2.3
it('59.2.4 works with oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows fetched', async function() {
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 1;
const id_1 = insertID++;
const id_2 = insertID++;
const id_3 = insertID++;
await streamIntoBlob(id_1);
await streamIntoBlob(id_2);
await streamIntoBlob(id_3);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT num, content FROM " + tableName + " where num = " + id_1 + " or num = " + id_2 + " or num = " + id_3,
{ resultSet: true });
const actualRowsFetched = 0; // actual rows read from resultset
const rowsExpected = 3; // expected rows read from resultSet
await fetchOneRowFromRS(result.resultSet, actualRowsFetched, rowsExpected);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
}); // 59.2.4
}); // 59.2
}); // 59