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* (UPL) 1.0 as shown at and Apache License
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* either license.
* If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
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* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
* 98. binding_DMLReturningInto.js
* This suite tests the data binding, including:
* Test cases test returning into oracledb type STRING/BUFFER
* The cases take small/null bind values.
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const assert = require('assert');
const sql = require('./sql.js');
const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const assist = require('./dataTypeAssist.js');
describe('98.binding_DMLReturningInto.js', function() {
let connection;
before(async function() {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
after(async function() {
await connection.close();
const doTest = async function(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError) {
const inserted = getInsertVal(dbColType, nullBind);
let bindVar = {
c: { val: inserted[0], type: inserted[1], dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
output: { type: bindType, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: 2000 }
await dmlInsert(table_name, dbColType, bindVar, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
bindVar = [
{ val: inserted[0], type: inserted[1], dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
{ type: bindType, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: 2000 }
await dmlInsert(table_name, dbColType, bindVar, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
const getInsertVal = function(element, nullBind) {
const insertValue = [];
if (element.indexOf("CHAR") > -1 || element === "CLOB") {
insertValue[0] = (nullBind === true) ? null : "abcsca";
insertValue[1] = oracledb.STRING;
if (element === "BINARY_DOUBLE" || element.indexOf("FLOAT") > -1 || element === "NUMBER") {
insertValue[0] = (nullBind === true) ? null : 1;
insertValue[1] = oracledb.NUMBER;
if (element === "TIMESTAMP" || element === "DATE") {
insertValue[0] = (nullBind === true) ? null : new Date(0);
insertValue[1] = oracledb.DATE;
if (element === "BLOB" || element.indexOf("RAW") > -1) {
insertValue[0] = (nullBind === true) ? null : assist.createBuffer(100);
insertValue[1] = oracledb.BUFFER;
return insertValue;
const dmlInsert = async function(table_name, dbColType, bindVar, bindType, nullBind, throwError) {
const createTable = sql.createTable(table_name, dbColType);
const drop_table = "DROP TABLE " + table_name + " PURGE";
const sqlToExec = "insert into " + table_name + " ( content ) values (:c) returning content into :output";
await connection.execute(createTable);
if (throwError) {
await assert.rejects(
async () => await connection.execute(sqlToExec, bindVar),
(err) => {
if (bindType === oracledb.STRING) {
compareStrErrMsg(nullBind, dbColType, err);
} else {
// oracledb.BUFFER
compareBufErrMsg(dbColType, err);
return true;
} else {
await connection.execute(sqlToExec, bindVar);
await connection.execute(drop_table);
const compareBufErrMsg = function(element, err) {
switch (element) {
case "RAW":
case "BLOB":
case "CHAR":
case "NCHAR":
case "VARCHAR2":
if (err) {
// ORA-01465: invalid hex number
const compareStrErrMsg = function(nullBind, element, err) {
if (nullBind === false && element === "BLOB" && (connection.oracleServerVersion < 1202000100)) {
// ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected CHAR got BLOB
} else {
const tableNamePre = "table_981";
let index = 0;
describe('98.1 bind out small value', function() {
it('98.1.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = "small string";
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "NUMBER";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = "small string";
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "CHAR";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = "small string";
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "NCHAR";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = "small string";
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "VARCHAR2";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = "small string";
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "FLOAT";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = "small string";
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "BINARY_FLOAT";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = "small string";
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "BINARY_DOUBLE";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = "small string";
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "DATE";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = "small string";
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "TIMESTAMP";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = "small string";
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "RAW";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = "small string";
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "CLOB";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = "small string";
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "BLOB";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = assist.createBuffer(100);
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "NUMBER";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = assist.createBuffer(100);
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "CHAR";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = assist.createBuffer(100);
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "NCHAR";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = assist.createBuffer(100);
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "VARCHAR2";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = assist.createBuffer(100);
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "FLOAT";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = assist.createBuffer(100);
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "BINARY_FLOAT";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = assist.createBuffer(100);
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "BINARY_DOUBLE";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = assist.createBuffer(100);
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "DATE";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = assist.createBuffer(100);
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "TIMESTAMP";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = assist.createBuffer(100);
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "RAW";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = assist.createBuffer(100);
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "CLOB";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.1.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = assist.createBuffer(100);
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "BLOB";
const nullBind = false;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
describe('98.2 bind out null value', function() {
it('98.2.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "NUMBER";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "CHAR";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "NCHAR";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "VARCHAR2";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "FLOAT";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "BINARY_FLOAT";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "BINARY_DOUBLE";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "DATE";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "TIMESTAMP";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "RAW";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "CLOB";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.STRING;
const dbColType = "BLOB";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "NUMBER";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "CHAR";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "NCHAR";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "VARCHAR2";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "FLOAT";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "BINARY_FLOAT";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "BINARY_DOUBLE";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "DATE";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "TIMESTAMP";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "RAW";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "CLOB";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = true;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);
it('98.2.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB', async function() {
const table_name = tableNamePre + index;
const content = null;
const bindType = oracledb.BUFFER;
const dbColType = "BLOB";
const nullBind = true;
const throwError = false;
await doTest(table_name, dbColType, content, bindType, nullBind, throwError);