
219 lines
8.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2016, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved
// You may not use the identified files except in compliance with the Apache
// License, Version 2.0 (the "License.")
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
'use strict';
const util = require('util');
// node-oracledb version number
let packageJSON;
try {
packageJSON = require('../package.json');
} catch(err) {
throw new Error('package.json is missing');
const PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION = packageJSON.version;
// Directory containing the node-oracledb add-on binary
const RELEASE_DIR = 'build/Release';
module.exports.RELEASE_DIR = RELEASE_DIR;
// The default node-oracledb add-on binary filename for this Node.js
const BINARY_FILE = 'oracledb-' + PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION + '-' + process.platform + '-' + process.arch + '.node';
module.exports.BINARY_FILE = BINARY_FILE;
// Staging directory used by maintainers building the npm package
const STAGING_DIR = 'package/Staging';
module.exports.STAGING_DIR = STAGING_DIR;
// errorMessages is for NJS error messages used in the JavaScript layer
const errorMessages = {
'NJS-002': 'NJS-002: invalid pool',
'NJS-004': 'NJS-004: invalid value for property %s',
'NJS-005': 'NJS-005: invalid value for parameter %d',
'NJS-009': 'NJS-009: invalid number of parameters',
'NJS-037': 'NJS-037: incompatible type of value provided',
'NJS-040': 'NJS-040: connection request timeout. Request exceeded queueTimeout of %d',
'NJS-041': 'NJS-041: cannot convert ResultSet to QueryStream after invoking methods',
'NJS-042': 'NJS-042: cannot invoke ResultSet methods after converting to QueryStream',
'NJS-043': 'NJS-043: ResultSet already converted to QueryStream',
'NJS-045': 'NJS-045: cannot load a node-oracledb binary for Node.js ' + process.versions.node + ' (' + process.platform + ' ' + process.arch + ') %s',
'NJS-046': 'NJS-046: poolAlias "%s" already exists in the connection pool cache',
'NJS-047': 'NJS-047: poolAlias "%s" not found in the connection pool cache',
'NJS-064': 'NJS-064: connection pool is closing',
'NJS-065': 'NJS-065: connection pool was closed',
'NJS-067': 'NJS-067: a pre-built node-oracledb binary was not found for %s',
'NJS-069': 'NJS-069: node-oracledb %s requires Node.js %s or later'
// getInstallURL returns a string with installation URL
function getInstallURL() {
return('Node-oracledb installation instructions:');
module.exports.getInstallURL = getInstallURL;
// getInstallHelp returns a string with installation usage tips that may be helpful
function getInstallHelp() {
let arch, url;
let mesg = getInstallURL() + '\n';
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
if (process.arch === 'x64') {
url = '\n';
arch = '64-bit';
} else if (process.arch === 'x32') {
url = '\n';
arch = '32-bit';
} else {
url = '\n';
arch = process.arch;
mesg += 'You must have ' + arch + ' Oracle client libraries in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or configured with ldconfig.\n';
mesg += 'If you do not have Oracle Database on this computer, then install the Instant Client Basic or Basic Light package from \n';
mesg += url;
} else if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
if (process.arch === 'x64') {
url = '';
arch = '64-bit';
} else if (process.arch === 'x32') {
url = '';
arch = '32-bit';
} else {
url = '\n';
arch = process.arch;
mesg += 'You must have the ' + arch + ' Oracle Instant Client Basic or Basic Light package in ~/lib or /usr/local/lib\n';
mesg += 'They can be downloaded from ' + url;
} else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
if (process.arch === 'x64') {
url = '\n';
arch = '64-bit';
} else if (process.arch === 'x32') {
url = '\n';
arch = '32-bit';
} else {
url = '\n';
arch = process.arch;
mesg += 'You must have ' + arch + ' Oracle client libraries in your PATH environment variable.\n';
mesg += 'If you do not have Oracle Database on this computer, then install the Instant Client Basic or Basic Light package from\n';
mesg += url;
mesg += 'A Microsoft Visual Studio Redistributable suitable for your Oracle client library version must be available.\n';
} else {
url = '\n';
mesg += 'You must have ' + process.arch + ' Oracle client libraries in your operating system library search path.\n';
mesg += 'If you do not have Oracle Database on this computer, then install an Instant Client Basic or Basic Light package from: \n';
mesg += url;
return mesg;
module.exports.getInstallHelp = getInstallHelp;
// getErrorMessage is used to get and format error messages to make throwing
// errors a little more convenient.
function getErrorMessage(errorCode) {
let args =;
args[0] = errorMessages[errorCode];
return util.format.apply(util, args);
module.exports.getErrorMessage = getErrorMessage;
// assert it typically used in the beginning of public functions to assert preconditions
// for the function to execute. Most commonly it's used to validate arguments lenght
// and types and throw an error if they don't match what is expected.
function assert(condition, errorCode, messageArg1) {
if (!condition) {
throw new Error(getErrorMessage(errorCode, messageArg1));
module.exports.assert = assert;
// The promisify function is used to wrap async methods to add optional promise
// support. If the last parameter passed to a method is a function, then it is
// assumed that the callback pattern is being used and the method is invoked as
// usual. Otherwise a promise is returned and later resolved or rejected based
// on the return of the method.
function promisify(oracledb, func) {
return function() {
const self = this;
let args;
if (!oracledb.Promise || typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] === 'function') {
return func.apply(self, arguments);
} else {
// Converting to an array so we can extend it later with a custom callback
args =;
return new oracledb.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let errorCode;
try {
args[args.length] = function(err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
func.apply(self, args);
} catch (err) {
errorCode = err.message.substr(0, 7);
// Check for invalid number or type of parameter(s) as they should be
// eagerly thrown.
if (errorCode === 'NJS-009' || errorCode === 'NJS-005') {
// Throwing the error outside of the promise wrapper so that its not
// swallowed up as a rejection.
process.nextTick(function() {
throw err;
} else {
module.exports.promisify = promisify;
function isObject(value) {
return value !== null && typeof value === 'object';
module.exports.isObject = isObject;
function isObjectOrArray(value) {
return (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') || Array.isArray(value);
module.exports.isObjectOrArray = isObjectOrArray;
function isSodaDocument(value) {
return (value != null && value._sodaDocumentMarker);
module.exports.isSodaDocument = isSodaDocument;