
211 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File

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* 133. longrawProcedureBind_inout.js
* Test LONG RAW type PLSQL procedure support.
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const assert = require('assert');
const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const random = require('./random.js');
const testsUtil = require('./testsUtil.js');
describe('133. longrawProcedureBind_inout.js', function() {
let connection;
const tableName = "nodb_longraw_133";
var insertID = 0;
before(async function() {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sqlCreate = `
CREATE TABLE ${tableName} (
content LONG RAW
const sql = testsUtil.sqlCreateTable(tableName, sqlCreate);
await connection.execute(sql);
after(async function() {
const sql = testsUtil.sqlDropTable(tableName);
await connection.execute(sql);
await connection.close();
beforeEach(function() {
describe('133.1 PLSQL PROCEDURE BIND IN OUT AS LONG RAW', function() {
const proc_bindinout_name = "nodb_longraw_bindinout_proc_1";
const proc_bindinout_create = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE " + proc_bindinout_name + " (NUM IN NUMBER, C IN OUT LONG RAW) \n" +
"AS \n" +
"BEGIN \n" +
" insert into " + tableName + " values (NUM, C); \n" +
" select content into C from " + tableName + " where id = NUM; \n" +
"END " + proc_bindinout_name + ";";
const proc_bindinout_exec = "BEGIN " + proc_bindinout_name + " (:i, :c); END;";
const proc_bindinout_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE " + proc_bindinout_name;
before(async function() {
await connection.execute(proc_bindinout_create);
after(async function() {
await connection.execute(proc_bindinout_drop);
it('133.1.1 works with NULL', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout(null, proc_bindinout_exec);
it('133.1.2 works with undefined', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout(undefined, proc_bindinout_exec);
it('133.1.3 works with empty buffer', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout(Buffer.from(""), proc_bindinout_exec);
it('133.1.4 works with data size 2000', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout(random.getRandomLengthString(2000), proc_bindinout_exec);
it('133.1.5 works with data size 32760', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout(random.getRandomLengthString(32760), proc_bindinout_exec);
it('133.1.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout_maxSize(random.getRandomLengthString(100), proc_bindinout_exec, 32767);
it('133.1.7 set maxSize to size 1GB', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout_maxSize(random.getRandomLengthString(100), proc_bindinout_exec, 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
}); // 133.1
describe('133.2 PLSQL PROCEDURE BIND IN OUT AS RAW', function() {
const proc_bindinout_name = "nodb_longraw_bindinout_proc_2";
const proc_bindinout_create = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE " + proc_bindinout_name + " (NUM IN NUMBER, C IN OUT RAW) \n" +
"AS \n" +
"BEGIN \n" +
" insert into " + tableName + " values (NUM, C); \n" +
" select content into C from " + tableName + " where id = NUM; \n" +
"END " + proc_bindinout_name + ";";
const proc_bindinout_exec = "BEGIN " + proc_bindinout_name + " (:i, :c); END;";
const proc_bindinout_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE " + proc_bindinout_name;
before(async function() {
await connection.execute(proc_bindinout_create);
after(async function() {
await connection.execute(proc_bindinout_drop);
it('133.2.1 works with NULL', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout(null, proc_bindinout_exec);
it('133.2.2 works with undefined', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout(undefined, proc_bindinout_exec);
it('133.2.3 works with empty buffer', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout(Buffer.from(""), proc_bindinout_exec);
it('133.2.4 works with data size 2000', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout(random.getRandomLengthString(2000), proc_bindinout_exec);
it('133.2.5 works with data size 32760', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout(random.getRandomLengthString(32760), proc_bindinout_exec);
it('133.2.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout_maxSize(random.getRandomLengthString(100), proc_bindinout_exec, 32767);
it('133.2.7 set maxSize to size 1GB', async function() {
await longraw_bindinout_maxSize(random.getRandomLengthString(100), proc_bindinout_exec, 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
}); // 133.2
const longraw_bindinout = async function(insertContent, proc_bindinout_exec) {
let insertBuf, expectedBuf;
if (insertContent == null || insertContent == undefined || insertContent.length == 0) {
insertBuf = insertContent;
expectedBuf = null;
} else {
insertBuf = Buffer.from(insertContent);
expectedBuf = insertBuf;
const bind_in_var = {
i: { val: insertID, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN, type: oracledb.NUMBER },
c: { val: insertBuf, dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, type: oracledb.BUFFER, maxSize: 32768 }
const result = await connection.execute(proc_bindinout_exec, bind_in_var);
if (expectedBuf == null) {
assert.strictEqual(result.outBinds.c, expectedBuf);
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.outBinds.c, expectedBuf);
const longraw_bindinout_maxSize = async function(insertContent, proc_bindinout_exec, maxsize) {
let insertBuf, expectedBuf;
if (insertContent == null || insertContent == undefined || insertContent.length == 0) {
insertBuf = insertContent;
expectedBuf = null;
} else {
insertBuf = Buffer.from(insertContent);
expectedBuf = insertBuf;
const bind_in_var = {
i: { val: insertID, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN, type: oracledb.NUMBER },
c: { val: insertBuf, dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, type: oracledb.BUFFER, maxSize: maxsize }
const result = await connection.execute(proc_bindinout_exec, bind_in_var);
if (expectedBuf == null) {
assert.strictEqual(result.outBinds.c, expectedBuf);
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.outBinds.c, expectedBuf);