
537 lines
18 KiB

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* If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
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* 254. jsonBind2.js
* Test cases to store and fetch JSON data from BLOB , CLOB and VARCHAR2 column
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const assert = require('assert');
const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const testsUtil = require('./testsUtil.js');
describe('254. jsonBind2.js', function() {
let conn = null;
const outFormatBak = oracledb.outFormat;
before (async function() {
oracledb.outFormat = oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT;
oracledb.extendedMetaData = true;
conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
if (conn.oracleServerVersion < 1201000200) {
after (async function() {
oracledb.outFormat = outFormatBak;
await conn.close();
describe('254.1 Map javascript object into BLOB', function() {
const tableName = "jsonBind_tab1";
const rsSelect = `SELECT obj_data from ` + tableName;
const create_table_sql =
e_table_missing EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942);
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE ` + tableName + ` ');
WHEN e_table_missing
CREATE TABLE ` + tableName + ` (
obj_data BLOB CHECK (obj_data IS JSON)) LOB (obj_data) STORE AS (CACHE)
let result, j;
let skip = false;
before (async function() {
if (conn.oracleServerVersion < 1202000000) {
skip = true;
await conn.execute(create_table_sql);
after (async function() {
if (!skip) {
await conn.execute("DROP TABLE " + tableName + " PURGE");
beforeEach(async function() {
await conn.execute(`Delete from ` + tableName);
it('254.1.1 Number, String type', async function() {
const data = { "empId": 1, "empName": "Employee1", "city": "New City" };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
const b = Buffer.from(s, 'utf8');
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: b } });
result = await conn.execute(rsSelect);
const d = await result.rows[0].OBJ_DATA.getData();
j = JSON.parse(d);
assert.strictEqual(j.empId, 1);
assert.strictEqual(j.empName, 'Employee1');
assert.strictEqual(, 'New City');
it('254.1.2 Boolean and null value', async function() {
const data = { "middlename": null, "honest": true};
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
const b = Buffer.from(s, 'utf8');
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: b } });
result = await conn.execute(rsSelect);
const d = await result.rows[0].OBJ_DATA.getData();
j = JSON.parse(d);
assert.strictEqual(j.middlename, null);
assert.strictEqual(j.honest, true);
it('254.1.3 Array type', async function() {
const data = { "employees": [ "Employee1", "Employee2", "Employee3" ] };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
const b = Buffer.from(s, 'utf8');
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: b } });
result = await conn.execute(rsSelect);
const d = await result.rows[0].OBJ_DATA.getData();
j = JSON.parse(d);
assert.strictEqual(j.employees[0], 'Employee1');
assert.strictEqual(j.employees[1], 'Employee2');
assert.strictEqual(j.employees[2], 'Employee3');
it('254.1.4 Object type', async function() {
const data = { "employee": { "name": "Employee1", "age": 30, "city": "New City" } };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
const b = Buffer.from(s, 'utf8');
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: b } });
result = await conn.execute(rsSelect);
const d = await result.rows[0].OBJ_DATA.getData();
j = JSON.parse(d);
assert.strictEqual(, 'Employee1');
assert.strictEqual(j.employee.age, 30);
assert.strictEqual(, 'New City');
it('254.1.5 Using JSON_VALUE to extract a value from a BLOB column', async function() {
const data = { "empId": 1, "empName": "Employee1", "city": "New City" };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
const b = Buffer.from(s, 'utf8');
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: b } });
result = await conn.execute(
`SELECT JSON_VALUE(obj_data, '$.empName')
FROM ` + tableName,
[], {outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY});
j = result.rows[0][0];
assert.strictEqual(j, 'Employee1');
it('254.1.6 Using dot-notation to extract a value from a BLOB column', async function() {
const data = { "empId": 1, "empName": "Employee1", "city": "New City" };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
const b = Buffer.from(s, 'utf8');
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: b } });
result = await conn.execute(
`SELECT tb.obj_data.empName
FROM ` + tableName + ` tb`
j = result.rows[0].EMPNAME;
assert.strictEqual(j, 'Employee1');
describe('254.2 Map javascript object into VARCHAR2', function() {
const tableName = 'jsonBind_tab2';
const rsSelect = `SELECT obj_data from ` + tableName;
const create_table_sql =
e_table_missing EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942);
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE ` + tableName + ` ');
WHEN e_table_missing
CREATE TABLE ` + tableName + ` (
obj_data VARCHAR2(150) CHECK (obj_data IS JSON))
let result, j;
before (async function() {
await conn.execute(create_table_sql);
after (async function() {
await conn.execute("DROP TABLE " + tableName + " PURGE");
beforeEach(async function() {
await conn.execute(`Delete from ` + tableName);
it('254.2.1 Number, String type', async function() {
const data = { "empId": 1, "empName": "Employee1", "city": "New City" };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: s } });
result = await conn.execute(rsSelect);
j = result.rows[0].OBJ_DATA;
j = JSON.parse(j);
assert.strictEqual(j.empId, 1);
assert.strictEqual(j.empName, 'Employee1');
assert.strictEqual(, 'New City');
it('254.2.2 Boolean and null value', async function() {
const data = { "middlename": null, "honest": true};
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: s } });
result = await conn.execute(rsSelect);
j = result.rows[0].OBJ_DATA;
j = JSON.parse(j);
assert.strictEqual(j.middlename, null);
assert.strictEqual(j.honest, true);
it('254.2.3 Array type', async function() {
const data = { "employees": [ "Employee1", "Employee2", "Employee3" ] };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: s } });
result = await conn.execute(rsSelect);
j = result.rows[0].OBJ_DATA;
j = JSON.parse(j);
assert.strictEqual(j.employees[0], 'Employee1');
assert.strictEqual(j.employees[1], 'Employee2');
assert.strictEqual(j.employees[2], 'Employee3');
it('254.2.4 Object type', async function() {
const data = { "employee": { "name": "Employee1", "age": 30, "city": "New City" } };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: s } });
result = await conn.execute(rsSelect);
j = result.rows[0].OBJ_DATA;
j = JSON.parse(j);
assert.strictEqual(, 'Employee1');
assert.strictEqual(j.employee.age, 30);
assert.strictEqual(, 'New City');
it('254.2.5 Using JSON_VALUE to extract a value from a VARCHAR2 column', async function() {
const data = { "empId": 1, "empName": "Employee1", "city": "New City" };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: s } });
result = await conn.execute(
`SELECT JSON_VALUE(obj_data, '$.empName')
FROM ` + tableName,
[], {outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY});
j = result.rows[0][0];
assert.strictEqual(j, 'Employee1');
it('254.2.6 Using dot-notation to extract a value from a VARCHAR2 column', async function() {
if (conn.oracleServerVersion < 1202000000) {
const data = { "empId": 1, "empName": "Employee1", "city": "New City" };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: s } });
result = await conn.execute(
`SELECT tb.obj_data.empName
FROM ` + tableName + ` tb`
j = result.rows[0].EMPNAME;
assert.strictEqual(j, 'Employee1');
describe('254.3 Map javascript object into CLOB', function() {
const tableName = 'jsonBind_tab3';
const rsSelect = `SELECT obj_data from ` + tableName;
const create_table_sql =
e_table_missing EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942);
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE ` + tableName + ` ');
WHEN e_table_missing
CREATE TABLE ` + tableName + ` (
obj_data CLOB CHECK (obj_data IS JSON))
let result, j;
before (async function() {
await conn.execute(create_table_sql);
after (async function() {
await conn.execute("DROP TABLE " + tableName + " PURGE");
beforeEach(async function() {
await conn.execute(`Delete from ` + tableName);
it('254.3.1 Number, String type', async function() {
const data = { "empId": 1, "empName": "Employee1", "city": "New City" };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: s } });
result = await conn.execute(rsSelect);
j = await result.rows[0].OBJ_DATA.getData();
j = JSON.parse(j);
assert.strictEqual(j.empId, 1);
assert.strictEqual(j.empName, 'Employee1');
assert.strictEqual(, 'New City');
it('254.3.2 Boolean and null value', async function() {
const data = { "middlename": null, "honest": true};
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: s } });
result = await conn.execute(rsSelect);
j = await result.rows[0].OBJ_DATA.getData();
j = JSON.parse(j);
assert.strictEqual(j.middlename, null);
assert.strictEqual(j.honest, true);
it('254.3.3 Array type', async function() {
const data = { "employees": [ "Employee1", "Employee2", "Employee3" ] };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: s } });
result = await conn.execute(rsSelect);
j = await result.rows[0].OBJ_DATA.getData();
j = JSON.parse(j);
assert.strictEqual(j.employees[0], 'Employee1');
assert.strictEqual(j.employees[1], 'Employee2');
assert.strictEqual(j.employees[2], 'Employee3');
it('254.3.4 Object type', async function() {
const data = { "employee": { "name": "Employee1", "age": 30, "city": "New City" } };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: s } });
result = await conn.execute(rsSelect);
j = await result.rows[0].OBJ_DATA.getData();
j = JSON.parse(j);
assert.strictEqual(, 'Employee1');
assert.strictEqual(j.employee.age, 30);
assert.strictEqual(, 'New City');
it('254.3.5 Using JSON_VALUE to extract a value from a CLOB column', async function() {
const data = { "empId": 1, "empName": "Employee1", "city": "New City" };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: s } });
result = await conn.execute(
`SELECT JSON_VALUE(obj_data, '$.empName')
FROM ` + tableName,
[], {outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY});
j = result.rows[0][0];
assert.strictEqual(j, 'Employee1');
it('254.3.6 Using dot-notation to extract a value from a CLOB column', async function() {
if (conn.oracleServerVersion < 1202000000) {
const data = { "empId": 1, "empName": "Employee1", "city": "New City" };
const sql = `INSERT into ` + tableName + ` VALUES (:bv)`;
if (testsUtil.getClientVersion() >= 2100000000 && conn.oracleServerVersion >= 2100000000) {
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: {val: data, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON} });
} else {
const s = JSON.stringify(data);
await conn.execute(sql, { bv: { val: s } });
result = await conn.execute(
`SELECT tb.obj_data.empName
FROM ` + tableName + ` tb`
j = result.rows[0].EMPNAME;
assert.strictEqual(j, 'Employee1');