
213 lines
6.4 KiB

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* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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* 229. dbType03.js
* Test binding data of types DB_TYPE_BINARY_FLOAT and DB_TYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE.
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const should = require('should');
const dbconfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const testsUtil = require('./testsUtil.js');
describe('229. dbType03.js', () => {
let conn;
before(async () => {
try {
conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbconfig);
let sql = `create table ${TABLE} (id number,
bf binary_float, bd binary_double)`;
let plsql = testsUtil.sqlCreateTable(TABLE, sql);
await conn.execute(plsql);
} catch (error) {
after(async () => {
try {
let sql = `drop table ${TABLE} purge`;
await conn.execute(sql);
await conn.close();
} catch (error) {
function ApproxEql(v1, v2)
const precision = 0.001;
return Math.abs(v1 - v2) < precision;
it('229.1 IN binds binary_float and binary_double', async () => {
const NUM = 1;
try {
let sql = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2, :3)`;
let binds = [
{ val: 1.23, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_FLOAT },
{ val: 3.45678, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE }
let result = await conn.execute(sql, binds);
should.strictEqual(1, result.rowsAffected);
sql = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${NUM}`;
result = await conn.execute(sql);
should.strictEqual(binds[0], result.rows[0][0]);
let nearlyEqual = false;
nearlyEqual = ApproxEql(binds[1].val, result.rows[0][1]);
nearlyEqual = ApproxEql(binds[2].val, result.rows[0][2]);
} catch (error) {
}); // 229.1
it('229.2 OUT binds', async () => {
const NUM = 2;
const num1 = 2.345;
const num2 = 9876.54321;
try {
let sql = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2, :3)
returning bf, bd into :4, :5`;
let binds = [
{ val: num1, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_FLOAT },
{ val: num2, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE },
{ dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_FLOAT },
{ dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE }
let result = await conn.execute(sql, binds);
should.strictEqual(1, result.rowsAffected);
let nearlyEqual = false;
nearlyEqual = ApproxEql(num1, result.outBinds[0][0]);
nearlyEqual = ApproxEql(num2, result.outBinds[1][0]);
} catch (error) {
}); // 229.2
it('229.3 IN bind Infinity number', async () => {
const NUM = 3;
try {
let sql = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2, :3)`;
let binds = [
{ val: Infinity, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_FLOAT },
{ val: -Infinity, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE }
let result = await conn.execute(sql, binds);
should.strictEqual(1, result.rowsAffected);
sql = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${NUM}`;
result = await conn.execute(sql);
should.strictEqual(Infinity, result.rows[0][1]);
should.strictEqual(-Infinity, result.rows[0][2]);
} catch (error) {
}); // 229.3
it('229.4 OUT bind Infinity number', async () => {
const NUM = 4;
try {
let sql = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2, :3)
returning bf, bd into :4, :5`;
let binds = [
{ val: -Infinity, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_FLOAT },
{ val: Infinity, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE },
{ dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_FLOAT },
{ dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE }
let result = await conn.execute(sql, binds);
should.strictEqual(1, result.rowsAffected);
should.strictEqual(-Infinity, result.outBinds[0][0]);
should.strictEqual(Infinity, result.outBinds[1][0]);
} catch (error) {
}); // 229.4
it('229.5 IN bind NaN', async () => {
const NUM = 5;
try {
let sql = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2, :3)`;
let binds = [
{ val: NaN, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_FLOAT },
{ val: NaN, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE }
let result = await conn.execute(sql, binds);
should.strictEqual(1, result.rowsAffected);
sql = `select * from ${TABLE} where id = ${NUM}`;
result = await conn.execute(sql);
} catch (error) {
}); // 229.5
it('229.6 OUT bind NaN', async () => {
const NUM = 6;
try {
let sql = `insert into ${TABLE} values (:1, :2, :3)
returning bf, bd into :4, :5`;
let binds = [
{ val: NaN, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_FLOAT },
{ val: NaN, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE },
{ dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_FLOAT },
{ dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE }
let result = await conn.execute(sql, binds);
should.strictEqual(1, result.rowsAffected);
} catch (error) {
}); // 229.6