
378 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2016, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
// This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License
// (UPL) 1.0 as shown at and Apache License
// 2.0 as shown at You may choose
// either license.
// If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
// the following applies:
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
'use strict';
const QueryStream = require('./queryStream.js');
const BaseDbObject = require('./dbObject.js');
const nodbUtil = require('./util.js');
const constants = require('./constants.js');
const Lob = require('./lob.js');
const errors = require('./errors.js');
class ResultSet {
constructor() {
this._rowCache = [];
this._processingStarted = false;
this._convertedToStream = false;
this._allowGetRowCall = false;
this._isActive = false;
// _getAllRows()
// Return all of the rows in the result set.
async _getAllRows() {
try {
// retain initial values of the maximum number of rows to fetch and the
// number of rows to fetch from the database at a single time
let maxRows = this._setupData.maxRows;
let fetchArraySize = this._setupData.fetchArraySize;
// fetch all rows
let rowsFetched = [];
while (true) { // eslint-disable-line
if (maxRows > 0 && fetchArraySize >= maxRows) {
fetchArraySize = maxRows;
const rows = await this._impl.getRows(fetchArraySize);
if (rows) {
await this._processRows(rows, true);
rowsFetched = rowsFetched.concat(rows);
if (rows.length == maxRows || rows.length < fetchArraySize) {
if (maxRows > 0) {
maxRows -= rows.length;
return rowsFetched;
} finally {
await this._impl.close();
delete this._impl;
// _processRows()
// Process rows returned by the implementation. This will transform result
// set and LOB implementations into user facing objects. It will also perform
// any fetched that are needed (if a result set is undesirable)
async _processRows(rows, expandNestedCursors) {
// transform any nested cursors into user facing objects
for (let i = 0; i < this._setupData.nestedCursorSetupData.length; i++) {
const setupData = this._setupData.nestedCursorSetupData[i];
for (let j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
const row = rows[j];
const val = row[setupData.index];
if (val) {
const resultSet = new ResultSet();
resultSet._setup(this._connection, val, this._setupData, setupData);
const metaData = this._setupData.metaData[setupData.index];
if (!metaData.metaData)
metaData.metaData = setupData.metaData;
if (expandNestedCursors) {
row[setupData.index] = await resultSet._getAllRows();
} else {
row[setupData.index] = resultSet;
// transform any LOBs into user facing objects
for (const i of this._setupData.lobIndices) {
for (let j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
const val = rows[j][i];
if (val) {
const lob = rows[j][i] = new Lob();
lob._setup(val, true);
// transform any database objects into user facing objects
for (const i of this._setupData.dbObjectIndices) {
const dbObjectClass = this._setupData.metaData[i].dbTypeClass;
for (let j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
const val = rows[j][i];
if (val) {
const obj = rows[j][i] = Object.create(dbObjectClass.prototype);
obj._impl = val;
if (this._setupData.dbObjectAsPojo) {
rows[j][i] = obj._toPojo();
} else if (obj.isCollection) {
rows[j][i] = new Proxy(obj, BaseDbObject._collectionProxyHandler);
// create objects, if desired
if (this._setupData.outFormat === constants.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT) {
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const origRow = rows[i];
const newRow = rows[i] = {};
const metaData = this._setupData.metaData;
for (let j = 0; j < metaData.length; j++) {
newRow[metaData[j].name] = origRow[j];
// _setup()
// Setup a result set. The metadata is acquired from the implementation and
// used to determine if any columns need to be manipulated before being
// returned to the caller. If the rows fetched from the result set are
// expected to be objects, a unique set of attribute names are also
// determined.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_setup(connection, resultSetImpl, options, setupData) {
this._connection = connection;
this._impl = resultSetImpl;
if (setupData === undefined)
setupData = {};
this._setupData = setupData;
if (setupData.metaData === undefined) {
setupData.metaData = this._impl.getMetaData();
setupData.nestedCursorSetupData = [];
setupData.lobIndices = [];
setupData.dbObjectIndices = [];
setupData.outFormat = options.outFormat;
setupData.fetchArraySize = options.fetchArraySize;
setupData.dbObjectAsPojo = options.dbObjectAsPojo;
setupData.maxRows = options.maxRows;
const names = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < setupData.metaData.length; i++) {
const name = setupData.metaData[i].name;
if (!names.has(name)) {
names.set(name, i);
for (let i = 0; i < setupData.metaData.length; i++) {
const info = setupData.metaData[i];
if (info.fetchType === constants.DB_TYPE_CURSOR) {
setupData.nestedCursorSetupData.push({"index": i});
} else if (info.fetchType === constants.DB_TYPE_CLOB ||
info.fetchType === constants.DB_TYPE_NCLOB ||
info.fetchType === constants.DB_TYPE_BLOB) {
} else if (info.fetchType === constants.DB_TYPE_OBJECT) {
const cls = this._connection._getDbObjectClass(info.dbTypeClass);
info.dbTypeClass = cls;
let name =;
if (names.get(name) !== i) {
let seqNum = 0;
while (names.has(name)) {
seqNum = seqNum + 1;
name = `${}_${seqNum}`;
names.set(name, i); = name;
// close()
// Close the result set and make it unusable for further operations.
async close() {
errors.assertArgCount(arguments, 0, 0);
errors.assert(this._impl && this._connection._impl, errors.ERR_INVALID_RS);
if (this._convertedToStream) {
this._processingStarted = true;
const resultSetImpl = this._impl;
delete this._impl;
delete this._setupData;
await resultSetImpl.close();
// getRow()
// Returns a single row to the caller from the result set, if one is
// available. Rows are buffered in a JavaScript array in order to avoid trips
// through the thread pool that would be required if implemented in C.
async getRow() {
errors.assertArgCount(arguments, 0, 0);
errors.assert(this._impl && this._connection._impl, errors.ERR_INVALID_RS);
if (this._convertedToStream && !this._allowGetRowCall) {
this._allowGetRowCall = false;
this._processingStarted = true;
if (this._rowCache.length == 0) {
const rows = await this._impl.getRows(this._setupData.fetchArraySize);
await this._processRows(rows, false);
this._rowCache = rows;
return this._rowCache.shift();
// getRows()
// Check to see if any rows are in the JS buffer (which could result from
// interspersed calls to getRow() and getRows()). If no rows are in the
// buffer, the call is just proxied to the implementation layer. Otherwise,
// rows are pulled from the buffer and potentially concatenated with rows
// from calls to the implementation's getRows().
async getRows(numRows) {
let rowsNeeded;
errors.assertArgCount(arguments, 0, 1);
errors.assert(this._impl && this._connection._impl, errors.ERR_INVALID_RS);
if (arguments.length == 0) {
numRows = 0;
} else {
errors.assertParamValue(Number.isInteger(numRows) && numRows >= 0, 1);
if (this._convertedToStream) {
this._processingStarted = true;
let requestedRows;
if (numRows == 0) {
requestedRows = this._rowCache;
const fetchArraySize = this._setupData.fetchArraySize;
while (true) { // eslint-disable-line
const rows = await this._impl.getRows(fetchArraySize);
if (rows) {
await this._processRows(rows, false);
requestedRows = requestedRows.concat(rows);
if (rows.length < fetchArraySize)
return requestedRows;
if (this._rowCache.length === 0) {
requestedRows = await this._impl.getRows(numRows);
await this._processRows(requestedRows, false);
} else {
rowsNeeded = numRows - this._rowCache.length;
if (rowsNeeded <= 0) {
requestedRows = this._rowCache.splice(0, numRows);
} else {
const rows = await this._impl.getRows(rowsNeeded);
await this._processRows(rows, false);
requestedRows = this._rowCache.concat(rows);
this._rowCache = [];
return requestedRows;
// metaData()
// Property returning the metadata associated with the result set.
get metaData() {
if (this._impl) {
return this._setupData.metaData;
return undefined;
// toQueryStream()
// Converts a result set to a QueryStream object.
toQueryStream() {
errors.assertArgCount(arguments, 0, 0);
if (this._processingStarted) {
if (this._convertedToStream) {
this._convertedToStream = true;
return new QueryStream(this);
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
const resultSet = this;
return {
async next() {
const row = await resultSet.getRow();
return {value: row, done: row === undefined};
return() {
return {done: true};
nodbUtil.wrap_fns(ResultSet.prototype, errors.ERR_BUSY_RS,
module.exports = ResultSet;