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Overview of node-oracledb functional tests
1. connection.js
1.1 can run SQL query with different output formats
1.1.1 ARRAY format by default
1.1.2 ARRAY format explicitly
1.1.3 OBJECT format
1.1.4 Negative test - invalid outFormat value
1.2 can call PL/SQL procedures
1.2.1 bind parameters in various ways
1.3 statementCacheSize controls statement caching
1.3.1 stmtCacheSize = 0, which disable statement caching
1.3.2 works well when statement cache enabled (stmtCacheSize > 0)
1.4 Testing commit() & rollback() functions
1.4.1 commit() function works well
1.4.2 rollback() function works well
1.5 Testing parameter assertions
1.5.1 too few params should throw an error
1.5.2 too many params should throw error
1.5.3 wrong type for param 1 should throw an error
1.5.4 wrong type for param 2 should throw an error
1.5.5 wrong type for param 3 should throw an error
1.5.6 wrong type for param 4 should throw an error
1.6 Close method
1.6.1 close can be used as an alternative to release
1.7 invalid credentials
1.7.1 cannot get connections with invalid credentials
2. pool.js
2.1 default values
2.1.1 set properties to default values if not explicitly specified
2.2 poolMin
2.2.1 poolMin cannot be a negative number
2.2.2 poolMin must be a Number
2.2.3 poolMin cannot equal to poolMax
2.2.4 poolMin cannot greater than poolMax
2.2.5 (poolMin + poolIncrement) cannot greater than poolMax
2.2.6 (poolMin + poolIncrement) can equal to poolMax
2.3 poolMax
2.3.1 poolMax cannot be a negative value
2.3.2 poolMax cannot be 0
2.3.3 poolMax must be a number
2.3.4 poolMax limits the pool capacity
2.4 poolIncrement
2.4.1 poolIncrement cannot be a negative value
2.4.2 poolIncrement cannot be 0
2.4.3 poolIncrement must be a Number
2.4.4 the amount of open connections equals to poolMax when (connectionsOpen + poolIncrement) > poolMax
2.5 poolTimeout
2.5.1 poolTimeout cannot be a negative number
2.5.2 poolTimeout can be 0, which disables timeout feature
2.5.3 poolTimeout must be a number
2.6 stmtCacheSize
2.6.1 stmtCacheSize cannot be a negative value
2.6.2 stmtCacheSize can be 0
2.6.3 stmtCacheSize must be a Number
2.7 getConnection
2.7.1 passes error in callback if called after pool is terminated and a callback is provided
2.8 connection request queue (basic functionality)
2.8.1 generates ORA-24418 when calling getConnection if queueing is disabled
2.8.2 does not generate ORA-24418 when calling getConnection if queueing is enabled
2.8.3 generates NJS-040 if request is queued and queueTimeout expires
2.8.4 does not generate NJS-040 if request is queued for less time than queueTimeout
2.9 connection request queue (_enableStats & _logStats functionality)_logStats must be called prior to terminating pool.
2.9.1 does not work after the pool as been terminated
2.10 Close method
2.10.1 close can be used as an alternative to release
2.11 Invalid Credential
2.11.1 error occurs at creating pool when poolMin >= 1
2.11.2 error occurs at getConnection() when poolMin is the default value 1
3. examples.js
3.1 connect.js
3.1.1 tests a basic connection to the database
3.2 version.js
3.2.1 shows the oracledb version attribute
3.3 select1.js & select2.js
3.3.1. execute a basic query
3.3.2. execute queries to show array and object formats
3.4 selectjson.js - feature
3.4.1 executes a query from a JSON table
3.5 date.js
3.5.1 inserts and query DATE and TIMESTAMP columns
3.6 rowlimit.js
3.6.1 by default, the number is 100
3.6.2 can also specify for each execution
3.7 plsql.js
3.7.1 can call PL/SQL procedure and binding parameters in various ways
3.7.2 can call PL/SQL function
3.8 insert1.js
3.8.1 creates a table and inserts data
3.9 insert2.js
3.9.1 tests the auto commit behavior
3.10 resultset.js
3.10.1 resultset1.js - getRow() function
3.10.2 resultset2.js - getRows() function
3.11 refcursor.js
4. binding.js
4.1 test STRING, NUMBER, ARRAY & JSON format
4.1.1 VARCHAR2 binding, Object & Array formats
4.1.2 NUMBER binding, Object & Array formats
4.1.3 Multiple binding values, Object & Array formats
4.1.4 Multiple binding values, Change binding order
4.1.5 default bind type - STRING
4.2 mixing named with positional binding
4.2.1 array binding is ok
4.2.2 array binding with mixing JSON should throw an error
4.3 insert with DATE column and DML returning
4.3.1 passes in object syntax without returning into
4.3.2 passes in object syntax with returning into
4.3.3 passes in array syntax without returning into
4.3.4 should pass but fail in array syntax with returning into
4.4 test maxSize option
4.4.1 outBind & maxSize restriction
4.4.2 default value is 200
4.4.3 Negative - bind out data exceeds default length
4.4.4 maximum value is 32767
4.5 The default direction for binding is BIND_IN
4.5.1 DML default bind
4.5.2 negative DML invalid bind direction
4.6 PL/SQL block with empty outBinds
4.7 Value as JSON named/unamed test cases
4.7.1 valid case when numeric values are passed as it is
4.7.2 Valid values when one of the value is passed as JSON
4.7.3 Valid test case when one of the value is passed as JSON
4.7.4 Valid Test case when both values are passed as JSON
4.7.5 Invalid Test case when value is passed as named JSON
4.7.6 Invalid Test case when other-value is passed as named JSON
4.7.7 Invalid Test case when all values is passed as named JSON
4.8 bind DATE
4.8.1 binding out in Object & Array formats
4.8.2 BIND_IN
5. externalAuth.js
5.1 tests that work both when DB has configured externalAuth and not configured
5.1.1 can get connection from oracledb with correct user/password when externalAuth is disabled
5.1.2 throws error when getting connection from oracledb with correct user/password when externalAuth is enabled
5.1.3 throws error when gettting connection from oracledb given only 'user' when externalAuth is enabled
5.1.4 throws error when gettting connection from oracledb given only 'password' when externalAuth is enabled
5.1.5 can get pool from oracledb with user/password when externalAuth is disabled
5.1.6 throws error when getting pool from oracledb given user/password when externalAuth is enabled
5.1.7 throws error when getting pool from oracledb only given username when externalAuth is enabled
5.1.8 throws error when getting pool from oracledb only given password when externalAuth is enabled
5.2 tests only work when externalAuth is configured on DB
5.2.1 can get connection from oracledb with external authentication
5.2.2 can get pool from oracledb with external authentication
5.2.3 gets multiple connections from oracledb
5.2.4 gets multiple pools from oracledb
6. dmlReturning.js
6.1 NUMBER & STRING driver data type
6.1.1 INSERT statement with Object binding
6.1.2 INSERT statement with Array binding
6.1.3 INSERT statement with small maxSize restriction
6.1.4 UPDATE statement with single row matched
6.1.5 UPDATE statement with single row matched & Array binding
6.1.6 UPDATE statements with multiple rows matched
6.1.7 UPDATE statements with multiple rows matched & Array binding
6.1.8 DELETE statement with Object binding
6.1.9 DELETE statement with Array binding
6.1.10 Stress test - support 4k varchars
6.1.11 Negative test - throws correct error message
6.1.12 Negative test - data type is not supported with DML Returning statments
6.2 DATE and TIMESTAMP data
6.2.1 INSERT statement, single row matched, Object binding, no bind in data
6.2.2 INSERT statement with JavaScript date bind in
6.2.3 INSERT statement with Array binding
6.2.4 UPDATE statement with single row matched
6.2.5 UPDATE statements with multiple rows matched, ARRAY binding format
6.2.6 UPDATE statements, multiple rows, TIMESTAMP data
6.2.7 DELETE statement, single row matched, Object binding format
6.2.8 DELETE statement, multiple rows matched, Array binding format
6.2.9 Negative test - bind value and type mismatch
7. autoCommit.js
7.1 autoCommit takes effect when setting oracledb.autoCommit before connecting
7.2 autoCommit takes effect when setting oracledb.autoCommit after connecting
7.3 autoCommit setting does not affect previous SQL result
7.4 global option - oracledb.autoCommit
7.4.1 Negative - 0
7.4.2 Negative - negative number
7.4.3 Negative - positive number
7.4.4 Negative - NaN
7.4.5 Negative - undefined
7.5 set autoCommit as an execute() option
7.5.1 Negative - 0
7.5.2 Negative - negative number
7.5.3 Negative - positive number
7.5.4 Negative - NaN
7.5.5 works as 'false' when setting to 'undefined'
8. autoCommitForSelect.js
8.1 should return previous value when autoCommit is false
8.2 can use explicit commit() to keep data consistent
8.3 can also use the autoCommit for SELECTs feature
9. columnMetadata.js
9.1 tests with the same table
9.1.1 shows metaData correctly when retrieving 1 column from a 4-column table
9.1.2 shows metaData when retrieving 2 columns. MetaData is correct in content and sequence
9.1.3 shows metaData correctly when retrieve 3 columns
9.1.4 shows metaData correctly when retrieving all columns with [SELECT * FROM table] statement
9.1.5 works for SELECT count(*)
9.1.6 works when a query returns no rows
9.1.7 only works for SELECT statement, does not work for INSERT
9.1.8 only works for SELECT statement, does not work for UPDATE
9.1.9 works with a SQL WITH statement
9.1.10 displays metaData correctly with result set
9.2 case sensitive
9.2.1 works for tables whose column names were created case sensitively
9.3 Large number of columns
9.10 works with a large number of columns
9.4 single character column
9.4.1 works with column names consisting of single characters
9.5 duplicate column alias
9.5.1 works when using duplicate column alias
10. nullColumnValues.js
10.1 a simple query for null value
10.2 in-bind for null column value
10.3 out-bind for null column value
10.4 DML Returning for null column value
10.5 resultSet for null value
12. resultSet1.js
12.1 Testing resultSet option
12.1.1 when resultSet option = false, content of result is correct
12.1.2 when resultSet option = true, content of result is correct
12.1.3 negative - 0
12.1.4 negative - null
12.1.5 when resultSet option = undefined, it behaves like false
12.1.6 negative - NaN
12.1.7 negative - 1
12.1.8 negative - (-1)
12.1.9 negative - random string
12.2 Testing fetchArraySize option
12.2.1 negative - negative value
12.2.2 negative - random string
12.2.3 negative - NaN
12.2.4 negative - null
12.2.5 negative - zero value
12.3 Testing function getRows()
12.3.1 retrieved set is exactly the size of result
12.3.2 retrieved set is greater than the size of result
12.3.3 retrieved set is half of the size of result
12.3.4 retrieved set is one tenth of the size of the result
12.3.5 data in resultSet is array when setting outFormat ARRAY
12.3.6 data in resultSet is object when setting outFormat OBJECT
12.3.7 the size of retrieved set can be set to 1
12.3.8 query 0 row
12.3.9 Negative - To omit the first parameter
12.3.10 Negative - set the 1st parameter of getRows() to be 0
12.3.11 Negative - set the 1st parameter of getRows() to be -5
12.3.12 Negative - set the 1st parameter of getRows() to be null
12.4 Testing function getRow()
12.4.1 works well with all correct setting (39ms)
12.4.2 data in resultSet is array when setting outFormat ARRAY
12.4.3 data in resultSet is object when setting outFormat OBJECT
12.4.4 query 0 row
12.4.5 Negative - set the first parameter like getRows()
12.5 Testing function close()
12.5.1 does not call close()
12.5.2 invokes close() twice
12.5.3 uses getRows after calling close()
12.5.4 closes one resultSet and then open another resultSet
12.6 Testing metaData
12.6.1 the amount and value of metaData should be correct
12.6.2 can distinguish lower case and upper case
12.6.3 can contain quotes
12.6.4 can contain underscore
12.7 Testing maxRows
12.7.1 maxRows option is ignored when resultSet option is true
12.7.2 maxRows option is ignored with REF Cursor
12.8 Testing errInvalidResultSet
12.8.1 Negative: UPDATE BIND out with oracledb.CURSOR - bind by name
12.8.2 Negative: UPDATE BIND out with oracledb.CURSOR - bind by position
12.8.3 Negative: INSERT BIND out with oracledb.CURSOR - bind by name
12.8.4 Negative: INSERT BIND out with oracledb.CURSOR - bind by position
13. stream1.js
13.1 Testing QueryStream
13.1.1 stream results for oracle connection
13.1.2 stream results for oracle connection (outFormat: oracledb.OBJECT)
13.1.3 errors in query
13.1.4 no result
13.1.5 single row
13.1.6 multiple row
13.1.7 invalid SQL
13.1.8 Read CLOBs
13.1.9 Read CLOBs after stream close
13.1.10 meta data
13.1.11 stream stress test
13.2 Testing QueryStream._close
13.2.1 should be able to stop the stream early with _close
13.2.2 should be able to stop the stream before any data
13.2.3 should invoke an optional callback passed to _close
13.3 Testing QueryStream's fetchArraySize option
13.3.1 should use oracledb.fetchArraySize for fetching
14. stream2.js
14.1 Bind by position and return an array
14.2 Bind by name and return an array
14.3 Bind by position and return an object
14.4 Bind by name and return an object
14.5 explicitly setting resultSet option to be false takes no effect
14.6 maxRows option is ignored as expect
14.7 Negative - queryStream() has no parameters
14.8 Negative - give invalid SQL as first parameter
14.9 Negatvie - give non-query SQL
14.10 metadata event - single column
14.11 metadata event - multiple columns
14.12 metadata event - all column names occurring
14.13 metadata event - no return rows
14.14 metadata event - negative: non-query SQL
14.15 metadata event - case sensitive columns
14.16 metadata event - large number of columns
14.17 metadata event - single character column
14.18 metadata event - duplicate column alias
15. resultsetToStream.js
15.1 Testing ResultSet.toQueryStream
15.1.1 should allow resultsets to be converted to streams
15.2 Testing ResultSet/QueryStream conversion errors
15.2.1 should prevent conversion to stream after getRow is invoked
15.2.2 should prevent conversion to stream after getRows is invoked
15.2.3 should prevent conversion to stream after close is invoked
15.2.4 should prevent invoking getRow after conversion to stream
15.2.5 should prevent invoking getRows after conversion to stream
15.2.6 should prevent invoking close after conversion to stream
15.2.7 should prevent calling toQueryStream more than once
16. promises.js
16.1 returns a promise from oracledb.getConnection
16.2 returns a promise from oracledb.createPool
16.3 returns a promise from pool.terminate
16.4 returns a promise from pool.getConnection
16.5 returns a promise from connection.release
16.6 returns a promise from connection.execute
16.7 returns a promise from connection.commit
16.8 returns a promise form connection.rollback
16.9 returns a promise from resultSet.close
16.10 returns a promise from resultSet.getRow
16.11 returns a promise from resultSet.getRows
17. extendedMetaData.js
17.1 extendedMetaData as an execute() option
17.1.1 default value is 'false' when not setting
17.1.2 sets to be 'false' explicitly
17.1.3 sets to be 'true' to enable extended metadata display
17.1.4 negative - 0
17.1.5 negative - null
17.1.6 works as 'false' when setting to 'undefined'
17.1.7 negative - NaN
17.1.8 negative - positive number
17.1.9 negative - negative number
17.1.10 negative - random string
17.1.11 the option is case-sensitive
17.1.12 only works with SELECT query
17.2 global option - oracledb.extendedMetaData
17.2.1 default value is 'false'
17.2.2 sets to be 'true'
17.2.3 negative - 0
17.2.4 negative - 'null'
17.2.5 negative - 'undefined'
17.2.6 negative - 'NaN'
17.2.7 negative - positive number
17.2.8 negative - negative number
17.2.9 negative - string
17.2.10 can be overrided by execute() option
17.3 data types
17.3.1 VARCHAR2
17.3.2 NVARCHAR2
17.3.3 CHAR
17.3.4 NCHAR
17.3.5 NUMBER
17.3.6 NUMBER(9)
17.3.7 NUMBER(15, 5)
17.3.8 NUMBER(*, 1)
17.3.9 NUMBER(7, -2)
17.3.10 NUMERIC(23, 15)
17.3.11 DECIMAL
17.3.12 DECIMAL(8, 18)
17.3.13 INTEGER
17.3.14 INT
17.3.15 SMALLINT
17.3.16 FLOAT
17.3.17 FLOAT(90)
17.3.19 REAL
17.3.20 LONG
17.3.23 DATE
17.3.25 TIMESTAMP(5)
17.3.32 ROWID
17.3.33 UROWID
17.3.34 CLOB
17.3.35 BLOB
17.3.36 NCLOB
17.3.37 BFILE
17.3.38 RAW(2000)
17.3.39 LONG RAW
17.4 result set
17.4.1 default settings
17.4.2 extendedMetaData option of execute()
17.4.3 global option
17.4.4 REF Cursor
17.5 metadata event
17.5.1 queryStream()
17.6 fetch as string
17.6.1 fetchInfo - changes 'fetchType' to oracledb.STRING
17.6.2 oracledb.fetchAsString
17.6.3 can override at execution
17.7 sql WITH
17.7.1 works for SQL WITH statement
17.8 case sensitive columns
17.8.1 works with tables whose column names are case-sensitive
17.9 single character column
17.9.1 works with column names comprised of single character
17.10 duplicate column alias
17.10.1 works when using duplicate column alias
17.11 basic stress test
17.11.1 large number of columns
18. constants.js
18.1 dbTypes maps correctly between names and numbers
18.2 jsTypes maps correctly
18.3 binding contants maps correctly
19. fetchTimestampAsString.js
19.1.1 fetchInfo option
19.1.2 fetchInfo option, outFormat is OBJECT
19.1.3 fetchInfo option, enables resultSet
19.1.4 fetchInfo option, resultSet and OBJECT outFormat
19.1.5 fetchAsString property
19.1.6 fetchAsString property and OBJECT outFormat
19.1.7 fetchAsString property, resultSet
19.1.8 fetchAsString property, resultSet and OBJECT outFormat
19.2.1 fetchInfo option
19.2.2 fetchInfo option, outFormat is OBJECT
19.2.3 fetchInfo option, enables resultSet
19.2.4 fetchInfo option, resultSet and OBJECT outFormat
19.2.5 fetchAsString property
19.2.6 fetchAsString property and OBJECT outFormat
19.2.7 fetchAsString property, resultSet
19.2.8 fetchAsString property, resultSet and OBJECT outFormat
19.3 testing maxRows setttings and queryStream() to fetch as string
19.3.1 works well when setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
19.3.2 maxRows = actual num of rows
19.3.3 works when oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
19.3.4 uses queryStream() and maxRows > actual number of rows
19.3.5 uses queryStream() and maxRows = actual number of rows
19.3.6 maxRows < actual rows. maxRows does not restrict queryStream()
21. dataTypeAssist.js
22. dataTypeChar.js
22.1 testing CHAR data in various lengths
22.1.1 works well with SELECT query
22.1.2 works well with result set
22.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
22.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
22.2 stores null value correctly
22.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
22.3 PL/SQL binding scalar
22.3.1 PL/SQL binding scalar values IN
22.3.2 bind scalar values INOUT
22.3.3 bind scalar values OUT
22.4 PL/SQL binding indexed tables
- 22.4.1 bind indexed table IN
23. dataTypeNchar.js
23.1 testing NCHAR data in various lengths
23.1.1 SELECT query
23.1.2 resultSet stores NCHAR data correctly
23.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
23.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
23.2 stores null value correctly
23.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
24. dataTypeVarchar2.js
24.1 testing VARCHAR2 data in various lengths
24.1.1 SELECT query
24.1.2 resultSet stores VARCHAR2 data correctly
24.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
24.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
24.2 stores null value correctly
24.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
25. dataTypeNvarchar2.js
25.1 testing NVARCHAR2 data in various lengths
25.1.1 SELECT query
25.1.2 resultSet stores NVARCHAR2 data correctly
25.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
25.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
25.2 stores null value correctly
25.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
26. dataTypeNumber.js
26.1 testing NUMBER data
26.1.1 SELECT query
26.1.2 resultSet stores NUMBER data correctly
26.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
26.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
26.1.5 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by oracledb.fetchAsString
26.2 stores null value correctly
26.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
27. dataTypeNumber2.js
27.1 testing NUMBER(p, s) data
27.1.1 SELECT query
27.1.2 resultSet stores NUMBER(p, s) data correctly
27.2 stores null value correctly
27.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
28. dataTypeFloat.js
28.1 testing FLOAT data type
28.1.1 works well with SELECT query
28.1.2 works well with result set
28.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
28.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
28.1.5 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by oracledb.fetchAsString
28.2 stores null value correctly
28.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
29. dataTypeFloat2.js
29.1 testing FLOAT(p) data type
29.1.1 works well with SELECT query
29.1.2 works well with result set
29.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
29.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
29.1.5 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by oracledb.fetchAsString
29.2 stores null value correctly
29.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
30. dataTypeBinaryFloat.js
30.1 testing BINARY_FLOAT data
30.1.1 works well with SELECT query
30.1.2 works well with result set
30.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
30.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
30.1.5 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by oracledb.fetchAsString
30.2 stores null value correctly
30.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
30.3 testing floating-point numbers which cannot be precisely represent
30.3.1 rounding numbers
31. dataTypeBinaryDouble.js
31.1 testing BINARY_DOUBLE data
31.1.1 works well with SELECT query
31.1.2 works well with result set
31.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
31.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
31.1.5 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by oracledb.fetchAsString
31.2 stores null value correctly
31.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
31.3 testing floating-point numbers which can be precisely represent
31.3.1 testing floating-point numbers
32. dataTypeDate.js
32.1 Testing JavaScript Date data
32.1.1 works well with SELECT query
32.1.2 works well with result set
32.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
32.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
32.1.5 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by oracledb.fetchAsString
32.2 stores null value correctly
32.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
32.3 insert SQL Date data
32.3.1 SELECT query - original data
32.3.2 SELECT query - formatted data for comparison
33.3.3 returns scalar types from PL/SQL block
33. dataTypeTimestamp1.js
33.1 Testing JavaScript Date with database TIMESTAMP
33.1.1 works well with SELECT query
33.1.2 works well with result set
33.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
33.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
33.1.5 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by oracledb.fetchAsString
33.2 stores null value correctly
33.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
33.3 testing TIMESTAMP without TIME ZONE
32.3.1 SELECT query - original data
33.3.2 SELECT query - formatted data for comparison
34. dataTypeTimestamp2.js
34.1 Testing JavaScript Date with database TIMESTAMP(p)
34.1.1 works well with SELECT query
34.1.2 works well with result set
34.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
34.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
34.1.5 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by oracledb.fetchAsString
34.2 sotres null value correctly
34.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
34.3 testing database TIMESTAMP(p)
34.3.1 SELECT query - original data
34.3.2 SELECT query - formatted data for comparison
35. dataTypeTimestamp3.js
35.1 Testing JavaScript Date with database TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
35.1.1 works well with SELECT query
35.1.2 works well with result set
35.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
35.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
35.1.5 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by oracledb.fetchAsString
35.2 stores null value correctly
35.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
32.3.1 SELECT query - original data
35.3.2 SELECT query - formatted data for comparison
35.3.3 returns scalar types from PL/SQL block
36. dataTypeTimestamp4.js
36.1 Testing JavaScript Date with database TIMESTAMP (4) WITH TIME ZONE
36.1.1 works well with SELECT query
36.1.2 works well with result set
36.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
36.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
36.1.5 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by oracledb.fetchAsString
36.2 stores null value correctly
36.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
32.3.1 SELECT query - original data
36.3.2 SELECT query - formatted data for comparison
36.3.3 returns scalar types from PL/SQL block
37. dataTypeTimestamp5.js
37.1 Testing JavaScript Date with database TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE
37.1.1 works well with SELECT query
37.1.2 works well with result set
37.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
37.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
37.1.5 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by oracledb.fetchAsString
37.2 stores null value correctly
37.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
37.3.1 SELECT query - original data
37.3.2 SELECT query - formatted data for comparison
38. dataTypeTimestamp6.js
38.1 Testing JavaScript Date with database TIMESTAMP(9) WITH LOCAL TIME ZON
38.1.1 works well with SELECT query
38.1.2 works well with result set
38.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
38.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
38.1.5 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by oracledb.fetchAsString
38.2 stores null value correctly
38.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
38.3.1 SELECT query - original data
38.3.2 SELECT query - formatted data for comparison
39. dataTypeRowid.js
39.1 testing ROWID data type
39.1.1 query rowid
39.1.2 works well with result set
39.1.3 ROWID couldn't update
39.1.4 can get data object number correctly
39.1.5 can get datafile number correctly
39.1.6 can get data block number correctly
39.1.7 can get row number correctly
39.1.8 works well with REF Cursor
39.1.9 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
39.2 stores null value correctly
39.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
40. dataTypeClob.js
40.1 testing CLOB data type
40.1.1 stores CLOB value correctly
40.2 stores null value correctly
40.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
41. dataTypeBlob.js
41.1 testing BLOB data type
41.1.1 stores BLOB value correctly
41.2 stores null value correctly
41.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
42. dataTypeRaw.js
42.1 testing RAW data in various lengths
42.1.1 SELECT query
42.1.2 resultSet stores RAW data correctly
42.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
42.1.4 result set getRow() function works well with RAW
42.1.5 a negative case which hits NJS-011 error
42.2 stores null value correctly
42.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
42.3 DML Returning - Currently not support RAW
42.3.1 INSERT statement with Object binding
42.3.2 INSERT statement with ARRAY binding
42.3.3 INSERT statement with exact maxSize restriction
42.3.4 UPDATE statement
42.3.6 DELETE statement with single row matching
42.3.7 DELETE statement with multiple rows matching
42.4 in PL/SQL, the maximum size is 32767
42.4.1 works well when the length of data is less than maxSize
42.4.2 works well when the length of data is exactly 32767
42.4.3 throws error when the length of data is greater than maxSize
42.4.4 throws error when both data and maxSize are greater than 32767
42.5.1 works with data size 100
42.5.2 works with data size 2000
42.5.3 works with default type/dir
42.6.1 works with data size 100
42.6.2 works with data size 2000
42.6.3 works with default type/dir
43. plsqlBindIndexedTable1.js
43.1 binding PL/SQL indexed table
43.1.1 binding PL/SQL indexed table IN by name
43.1.2 binding PL/SQL indexed table IN by position
43.1.3 binding PL/SQL indexed table IN OUT
43.1.4 binding PL/SQL indexed table OUT
43.2 test exceptions when using PL/SQL indexed table bindings
43.2.1 maxArraySize is ignored when specifying BIND_IN
43.2.2 maxArraySize is mandatory for BIND_INOUT
43.2.3 maxArraySize cannot smaller than the number of array elements
43.2.4 DATE type indexed table has not been supported yet
43.2.5 negative case: incorrect type of array element - bind by name 1
43.2.6 negative case: incorrect type of array element - bind by name 2
43.2.7 negative case: incorrect type of array element - bind by name 3
43.2.8 negative case: incorrect type of array element - bind by name 4
43.2.9 supports binding by position
43.2.10 negative case: incorrect type of array elements - bind by pos 1
43.2.11 negative case: incorrect type of array elements - bind by pos 2
43.2.12 negative case: incorrect type of array elements - bind by pos 3
43.2.13 negative case: incorrect type of array elements - bind by pos 4
43.3 binding PL/SQL scalar
43.3.1 binding PL/SQL scalar IN
43.3.2 binding PL/SQL scalar IN/OUT
43.3.3 binding PL/SQL scalar OUT by name
43.3.4 binding PL/SQL scalar OUT by position
43.4 test attribute - maxArraySize
43.4.1 maxArraySize property is ignored for BIND_IN
43.4.2 maxArraySize is mandatory for BIND_INOUT
43.4.3 maxArraySize cannot smaller than the number of array elements
43.4.4 maxArraySize can be equal to the number of array elements
43.4.5 negative case: large value
43.4.6 negative case: < 0
43.4.7 negative case: = 0
43.4.8 negative case: assign a string to it
43.4.9 negative case: NaN
44. plsqlBindIndexedTable2.js.js
44.1 example case
44.2 example case binding by position
44.3 default binding type and direction with binding by name
44.4 default binding type and direction with binding by position
44.5 null elements in String and Number arrays
44.6 empty array for BIND_IN and BIND_INOUT
44.7 empty array for BIND_OUT
44.8 maxSize option applies to each elements of an array
45. instanceof.js
45.1 instanceof works for the oracledb instance
45.2 instanceof works for pool instances
45.3 instanceof works for connection instances
45.4 instanceof works for resultset instances
45.5 instanceof works for lob instances
51. poolClose.js
51.1 can not get/set the attributes of terminated pool
51.2 can not get connections from the terminated pool
51.3 can not terminate the same pool multiple times
51.4 can not close the same pool multiple times
51.5 pool is still available after the failing close
51.6 can not close the same connection multiple times
51.7 can not get connection in promise version from the terminated pool
52. connClose.js
52.1 can not set property value after connection closes
52.2 can not get property value after connection closes
52.3 can not set clientId property value
52.4 can not set module property value
52.5 can not set action property value
52.6 can not get oracleServerVersion property value
52.7 can not call execute() method
52.8 can not get metaData property after connection closes
53. resultSetClose.js
53.1 can not get metaData property
53.2 can not call close() again
53.3 can not call getRow()
53.4 can not call getRows()
53.5 can not call toQueryStream()
53.6 can call getRow() again in the callback of getRow()
55. resultSet2.js
55.1 query a RDBMS function
55.1.1 LPAD function
55.2 binding variables
55.2.1 query with one binding variable
55.3 alternating getRow() & getRows() function
55.3.1 result set
55.3.2 REF Cursor
55.4 release connection before close resultSet
55.4.1 result set
55.4.2 REF Cursor
55.5 the content of resultSet should be consistent
55.5.1 (1) get RS (2) modify data in that table and commit (3) check RS
55.6 access resultSet simultaneously
55.6.1 concurrent operations on resultSet are not allowed
55.6.2 concurrent operation on REF Cursor are not allowed
55.7 getting multiple resultSets
55.7.1 can access multiple resultSet on one connection
55.7.2 can access multiple REF Cursor
55.8 Negative - resultSet is only for query statement
55.8.1 resultSet cannot be returned for non-query statements
55.9 test querying a PL/SQL function
55.10 calls getRows() once and then close RS before getting more rows
55.11 result set with unsupported data types
55.11.1 INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH data type
55.12 bind a cursor BIND_INOUT
55.12.1 has not supported binding a cursor with BIND_INOUT
55.13 Invalid Ref Cursor
56. fetchAs.js
56.1 property value check
56.2 Fetch DATE column values as STRING - by-Column name
56.3 Fetch DATE, NUMBER column values STRING - by Column-name
56.4 Fetch DATE, NUMBER as STRING by-time configuration and by-name
56.5 Fetch DATE, NUMBER column as STRING by-type and override at execute time
56.6 Fetch ROWID column values STRING - non-ResultSet
56.7 Fetch ROWID column values STRING - ResultSet
56.8 large numbers with fetchInfo
56.9 large numbers with setting fetchAsString property
56.10 invalid syntax for type should result in error
56.11 assigns an empty array to fetchAsString
56.12 Negative - empty string
56.13 Negative - null
56.14 Negative - undefined
56.15 Negative - NaN
56.16 Negative - invalid type of value, number
56.17 Negative - invalid type of value, string
56.18 Negative - passing oracledb.DATE type to fetchInfo
56.19 Negative - passing empty JSON to fetchInfo
56.20 Negative - passing oracledb.NUMBER type to fetchInfo
56.21 Negative - passing Date for fetchAsString
56.22 Negative - passing Buffer for fetchAsstring
57. nestedCursor.js
57.1 testing nested cursor support - result set
57.2 testing nested cursor support - REF Cursor
58. properties.js
58.1 Oracledb Class
58.1.1 poolMin
58.1.2 poolMax
58.1.3 poolIncrement
58.1.4 poolTimeout
58.1.5 maxRows
58.1.6 fetchArraySize
58.1.7 autoCommit
58.1.8 version (read-only)
58.1.9 connectionClass
58.1.10 externalAuth
58.1.11 fetchAsString
58.1.12 outFormat
58.1.13 lobPrefetchSize
58.1.14 oracleClientVersion (read-only)
58.1.15 queueRequests
58.1.16 queueTimeout
58.1.17 stmtCacheSize
58.1.18 poolPingInterval
58.1.19 fetchAsBuffer
58.1.20 Negative - connectionClass
58.1.21 Negative - autoCommit
58.1.22 Negative - outFormat
58.1.23 Negative - externalAuth
58.2 Pool Class
58.2.1 poolMin
58.2.2 poolMax
58.2.3 poolIncrement
58.2.4 poolTimeout
58.2.5 stmtCacheSize
58.2.6 connectionsInUse
58.2.7 connectionsOpen
58.2.8 queueRequests
58.2.9 queueTimeout
58.2.10 poolPingInterval
58.3 Connection Class
58.3.1 Connection object initial toString values
58.3.2 stmtCacheSize (read-only)
58.3.3 clientId (write-only)
58.3.4 action (write-only)
58.3.5 module (write-only)
58.3.6 oracleServerVersion (read-only)
58.4 ResultSet Class
58.4.1 metaData (read-only)
59. lobResultSet.js
59.1 CLOB data
59.1.1 reads clob data one by one row from result set
59.1.2 works with oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows fetched
59.1.3 works with oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows fetched
59.1.4 works with oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows fetched
59.2 BLOB data
59.2.1 reads blob data one by one row from result set
59.2.2 works with oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows fetched
59.2.3 works with oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows fetched
59.2.4 works with oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows fetched
60. clobPlsqlString.js
60.1.1 PL/SQL OUT CLOB parameters can also be bound as STRING
60.1.2 The returned length is limited to the maximum size
60.2.1 maxSize option does not take effect when bind out type is clob
61. checkClassesTypes.js
61.1 Oracledb class
61.2 Connection class
61.3 Lob Class
61.4 Pool Class
61.5 ResultSet Class
62. lobProperties1.js
62.1 chunkSize (read-only)
62.2 length (read-only)
62.3 pieceSize -default value is chunkSize
62.4 pieceSize - can be increased
62.5 pieceSize - can be decreased
62.6 pieceSize - can be zero
62.7 pieceSize - cannot be less than zero
62.8 pieceSize - cannot be null
62.9 pieceSize - must be a number
62.10 type (read-only)
63. autoCommit4nestedExecutes.js
63.1 nested execute() functions
64. sqlWithWarnings.js
64.1 test case offered by GitHub user
64.1.1 Executes an aggregate query which causes warnings
64.2 PL/SQL - Success With Info
64.2.1 Execute SQL Statement to create PLSQL procedure with warnings
65. uninitializedLob.js
65.1 an uninitialized Lob is returned from a PL/SQL block
66. writableProperties.js
66.1 allows overwriting of public methods on pool instances
66.2 allows overwriting of public methods on connection instances
66.3 allows overwriting of public methods on resultset instances
66.4 allows overwriting of public methods on lob instances
67. poolCache.js
67.1 basic functional tests
67.1.1 caches pool as default if pool is created when cache is empty
67.1.2 removes the pool from the cache on terminate
67.1.3 can cache and retrieve an aliased pool
67.1.4 throws an error if the poolAlias already exists in the cache
67.1.5 does not throw an error if multiple pools are created without an alias
67.1.6 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is not a string
67.1.7 makes poolAttrs.poolAlias a read-only attribute on the pool named alias
67.1.8 retrieves the default pool, even after an aliased pool is created
67.1.9 retrieves the right pool, even after multiple pools are created
67.1.10 throws an error if the pool specified in getPool doesn't exist
67.1.11 does not throw an error if multiple pools are created without a poolAlias in the same call stack
67.1.12 uses callback syntax function(err) instead of function(err,pool)
67.1.13 Negative: callback is called with function(err)
67.1.14 a named pool does not also create a default pool
67.2 oracledb.getConnection functional tests
67.2.1 gets a connection from the default pool
67.2.2 gets a connection from the pool with the specified alias when no alias is specified
67.2.3 throws an error if an attempt is made to use the default pool when it does not exist
67.2.4 throws an error if an attempt is made to use a poolAlias for a pool that is not in the cache
67.2.5 gets a connection from the default pool, even after an aliased pool is created
67.2.6 uses the right pool, even after multiple pools are created
67.2.7 gets a connection from the default pool with callback function(err)
67.3 poolAlias attribute
67.3.1 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is an object
67.3.2 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is an array
67.3.3 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is a number
67.3.4 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is a boolean
67.3.5 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is null
67.3.6 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is an empty string
67.3.7 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is NaN
67.3.8 works if poolAttrs.poolAlias is undefined
68. multipleLobInsertion.js
68.1 inserts multiple BLOBs
68.2 inserts multiple CLOBs
69. driverName.js
69.1 checks the driver name
70. plsqlBindScalar.js
70.1 PL/SQL bind scalar, dir: BIND_IN and BIND_OUT, type: STRING
70.1.1 basic case: a simple string
70.1.2 negative: bind in value and type mismatch
70.1.3 val: null
70.1.4 val: empty string
70.1.5 val: undefined
70.1.6 tests default dir & type
70.1.7 val: NaN
70.2 dir: BIND_IN and BIND_OUT, type: NUMBER
70.2.1 basic case
70.2.2 auto detect number type
70.2.3 val: null
70.2.4 Negative: bind value and type mismatch - val: empty string
70.2.5 val: 0
70.2.6 val: undefined
70.2.7 val: NaN
70.2.8 val: -1
- 70.2.9 val: maxval
70.3 dir: BIND_IN and BIND_OUT, type: DATE
70.3.1 basic case
70.3.2 auto detect Date type
70.3.3 val: null
70.3.4 val: empty string, negative - bind value and type mismatch
70.3.5 val: undefined
70.3.6 val: NaN
70.3.7 val: invalid Date Value: Feb 30, 2016
70.3.8 val: 1969-12-31
70.3.9 val: epoc date 1970-1-1
70.3.10 val: create Date value using numeric value: new Date(number)
70.3.11 val: create Date value using numeric value: new Date(7 number)
70.3.12 val: create Date value using numeric value: 0
70.4 dir: BIND_IN and BIND_OUT, type: BUFFER
70.4.1 basic case
70.4.2 auto detect Buffer type
70.4.3 val: null
70.4.4 val: empty string
70.4.5 val: undefined
70.4.6 val: NaN
70.5 dir: BIND_INOUT, type: STRING
70.5.1 basic case: a simple string
70.5.2 tests default type
70.5.3 negative: bind value and type mismatch
70.5.4 val: null
70.5.5 val: empty string
70.5.6 val: undefined
70.5.7 val: NaN
70.5.8 NULL IN and NON-NULL out
70.5.10 n Length IN and 2n OUT
70.5.11 2n Length IN and n OUT
70.6 dir: BIND_INOUT, type: NUMBER
70.6.1 basic case
70.6.2 auto detect number type
70.6.3 negative: bind value and type mismatch - val: empty string
70.6.4 val: null
70.6.5 val: undefined
70.6.6 val: NaN
70.6.7 val: 0
70.6.8 val: -1
- 70.6.9 val: maxval
70.6.10 NULL IN and NON-NULL out
70.6.11 NON-NULL IN and NULL OUT
70.7 dir: BIND_INOUT, type: DATE
70.7.1 basic case
70.7.2 auto detect Date type
70.7.3 val: null
70.7.4 val: empty string, negative - bind value and type mismatch
70.7.5 val: undefined
70.7.6 val: NaN
70.7.7 val: invalid Date Value: Feb 30, 2016
70.7.8 val: 1969-12-31
70.7.9 val: epoc date 1970-1-1
70.7.10 NULL IN and NON-NULL out
70.7.11 NON-NULL IN and NULL OUT
70.8 dir: BIND_INOUT, type: BUFFER
70.8.1 basic case
70.8.2 auto detect BUFFER type
70.8.3 val: null
70.8.4 val: empty string
70.8.5 val: undefined
70.8.6 val: NaN
70.9 Query the binded data by SQL
70.9.1 basic case
70.9.2 dir: BIND_INOUT, val: null
70.9.3 dir: BIND_IN, val: null
70.9.4 dir: BIND_INOUT, val: undefined
70.9.5 dir: BIND_IN, val: undefined
70.10 Check the bind-in values in PL/SQL
70.10.1 STRING, basic
70.10.2 STRING, null, empty string, undefined
70.10.3 NUMBER, null values
70.10.4 DATE, null values
70.10.5 BUFFER
70.10.6 TIMESTAMP, null values
70.10.7 TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, null values
70.11 dir: BIND_IN and BIND_OUT, type: TIMESTAMP(convert STRING to TIMESTAMP)
70.11.1 basic case
70.11.2 val: null
70.11.3 val: empty string
70.11.4 val: undefined
70.11.5 val: NaN
70.11.7 val: invalid Date Value: Feb 30, 2016
70.11.8 val: 1969-12-31
70.11.9 val: epoch date 1970-1-1
70.12.1 basic case
70.12.2 val: null
70.12.3 val: empty string
70.12.4 val: undefined
70.12.5 val: NaN
70.12.7 val: invalid Date Value: Feb 30, 2016
70.12.8 val: 1969-12-31
70.12.9 val: epoch date 1970-1-1
70.12.10 val: create Date value using numeric value: new Date(number)
70.12.11 val: create Date value using numeric value: 0
70.13 dir: BIND_IN and BIND_OUT, type: TIMESTAMP
70.13.1 val: empty string
70.13.2 val: undefined
70.13.3 val: NaN
70.14 dir: BIND_INOUT, type:TIMESTAMP
70.14.1 basic case
70.14.2 auto detect data type
70.14.3 val: null
70.14.4 val: empty string
70.14.5 val: undefined
70.14.6 val: NaN
70.14.7 val: invalid Date Value: Feb 30, 2016
70.14.8 val: 1969-12-31
70.14.9 val: epoch date 1970-1-1
70.14.10 NULL IN and NON-NULL out
70.14.11 NON-NULL IN and NULL OUT
70.15.1 basic case
70.15.2 val: null
70.15.3 val: empty string
70.15.4 val: undefined
70.15.5 val: NaN
70.15.7 val: invalid Date Value: Feb 30, 2016
70.15.8 val: 1969-12-31
70.15.9 val: epoch date 1970-1-1
70.16.1 basic case
70.16.2 val: null
70.16.3 val: empty string
70.16.4 val: undefined
70.16.5 val: NaN
70.16.7 val: invalid Date Value: Feb 30, 2016
70.16.8 val: 1969-12-31
70.16.9 val: epoch date 1970-1-1
70.16.10 val: create Date value using numeric value: new Date(number)
70.16.11 val: create Date value using numeric value: 0
70.17.1 val: empty string
70.17.2 val: undefined
70.17.3 val: NaN
70.18.1 basic case
70.18.2 auto detect data type
70.18.3 val: null
70.18.4 val: empty string
70.18.5 val: undefined
70.18.6 val: NaN
70.18.7 val: invalid Date Value: Feb 30, 2016
70.18.8 val: 1969-12-31
70.18.9 val: epoch date 1970-1-1
70.18.10 NULL IN and NON-NULL out
70.18.11 NON-NULL IN and NULL OUT
70.19.1 basic case
70.19.2 val: null
70.19.3 val: empty string
70.19.4 val: undefined
70.19.5 val: NaN
70.19.7 val: invalid Date Value: Feb 30, 2016
70.19.8 val: 1969-12-31
70.19.9 val: epoch date 1970-1-1
70.20.1 basic case
70.20.2 val: null
70.20.3 val: empty string
70.20.4 val: undefined
70.20.5 val: NaN
70.20.7 val: invalid Date Value: Feb 30, 2016
70.20.8 val: 1969-12-31
70.20.9 val: epoch date 1970-1-1
70.20.10 val: create Date value using numeric value: new Date(number)
70.20.11 val: create Date value using numeric value: 0
70.21.1 val: empty string
70.21.2 val: undefined
70.21.3 val: NaN
70.22.1 basic case
70.22.2 auto detect data type
70.22.3 val: null
70.22.4 val: empty string
70.22.5 val: undefined
70.22.6 val: NaN
70.22.7 val: invalid Date Value: Feb 30, 2016
70.22.8 val: 1969-12-31
70.22.9 val: epoch date 1970-1-1
70.22.10 NULL IN and NON-NULL OUT
70.22.11 NON-NULL IN and NULL OUT
71. lobBind1.js
71.1 persistent CLOB
71.1.1 BIND_IN, DML, a String variable
71.1.2 BIND_IN, DML, null
71.1.3 BIND_IN, DML, a txt file
71.1.4 BIND_IN, PL/SQL, a txt file
71.1.5 BIND_OUT, PL/SQL, a string
71.1.6 BIND_OUT, PL/SQL, a txt file
71.1.7 BIND_INOUT, PL/SQL, A String. IN LOB gets closed automatically.
71.1.8 BIND_INOUT, PL/SQL, a txt file
71.1.9 BIND_INOUT, PL/SQL, a String as the bind IN Value
71.2 persistent BLOB
71.2.1 BIND_IN, DML, a Buffer value
71.2.2 BIND_IN, DML, null
71.2.3 BIND_IN, DML, a jpg file
71.2.4 BIND_IN, PL/SQL, a jpg file
71.2.5 BIND_OUT, PL/SQL, a Buffer value
71.2.6 BIND_OUT, PL/SQL, a jpg file
71.2.7 BIND_INOUT, PL/SQL, a Buffer value
71.2.8 BIND_INOUT, PL/SQL, a jpg file
71.2.9 BIND_INOUT, PL/SQL, a Buffer as the bind IN value
72. lobBind2.js
72.1 CLOB
72.1.1 BIND_IN, DML, a txt file
72.1.2 BIND_IN, PL/SQL, a txt file
72.1.3 Negative - invalid type
72.1.4 Negative - invalid value
72.1.5 DML - UPDATE statement
72.1.6 promise test of createLob()
72.1.7 BIND_INOUT, PL/SQL, IN LOB gets closed automatically
72.2 BLOB
72.2.1 BIND_IN, DML, a jpg file
72.2.2 BIND_IN, PL/SQL, a jpg file
72.2.3 Negative - inconsistent datatypes
72.2.4 Negative - not providing first parameter
72.2.5 promise test of createLob()
72.2.6 call lob.close() multiple times sequentially
72.2.7 BIND_INOUT, PL/SQL, needs to close out lob explicitly
73. poolPing.js
73.1 the default value of poolPingInterval is 60
73.2 does not change after the pool has been created
73.3 can not be changed on pool object
73.4 can not be accessed on connection object
73.5 can be set to 0, means always ping
73.6 can be set to negative values, means never ping
73.7 Negative: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
73.8 cannot surpass the upper limit
73.9 cannot surpass the lower Limit
73.10 Negative: null
73.11 Negative: NaN
73.12 Negative: undefined
73.13 Negative: 'random-string'
73.14 can be set at pool creation, e.g. positive value 1234
73.15 can be set at pool creation, e.g. negative value -4321
73.16 can be set at pool creation, e.g. 0 means always ping
73.17 Negative: null
73.18 Setting to 'undefined' will use current value from oracledb
73.19 can be set at pool creation. Negative: NaN
73.20 can be set at pool creation. Negative: 'random-string'
73.21 cannot surpass the upper limit at pool creation
73.22 cannot surpass the lower limit at pool creation
74. clobPlsqlBindAsString_bindin.js
74.1.1 works with EMPTY_CLOB
74.1.2 works with EMPTY_CLOB and bind in maxSize set to 1
74.1.3 works with EMPTY_CLOB and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
74.1.4 works with null
74.1.5 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 1
74.1.6 works with null and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
74.1.7 works with empty string
74.1.8 works with empty string and bind in maxSize set to 1
74.1.9 works with empty string and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
74.1.10 works with undefined
74.1.11 works with undefined and bind in maxSize set to 1
74.1.12 works with undefined and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
74.1.13 works with NaN
74.1.14 works with 0
74.1.15 works with String length 32K
74.1.16 works with String length (64K - 1)
74.1.17 works with String length (64K + 1)
74.1.18 works with String length (1MB + 1)
74.1.19 works with bind value and type mismatch
74.1.20 mixing named with positional binding
74.1.21 works with invalid CLOB
74.1.22 works with bind in maxSize smaller than string length
74.1.23 RETURN with bind type STRING
74.1.24 works with UPDATE
74.1.25 bind error: NJS-037, bind by name 1
74.1.26 bind error: NJS-037, bind by name 2
74.1.27 bind error: NJS-037, bind by name 3
74.1.28 bind error: NJS-037, bind by name 4
74.1.29 bind error: NJS-052, bind by pos 1
74.1.30 bind error: NJS-052, bind by pos 2
74.1.31 bind error: NJS-052, bind by pos 3
74.1.32 bind error: NJS-052, bind by pos 4
74.2.1 works with EMPTY_CLOB
74.2.2 works with EMPTY_CLOB and bind in maxSize set to 1
74.2.3 works with EMPTY_CLOB and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
74.2.4 works with null
74.2.5 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 1
74.2.6 works with null and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
74.2.7 works with empty string
74.2.8 works with empty string and bind in maxSize set to 1
74.2.9 works with empty string and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
74.2.10 works with undefined
74.2.11 works with undefined and bind in maxSize set to 1
74.2.12 works with undefined and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
74.2.13 works with NaN
74.2.14 works with 0
74.2.15 works with String length (32K - 1)
74.2.16 works with String length 32K
74.2.17 works with invalid CLOB
74.2.18 works with bind in maxSize smaller than string length
74.2.19 works with UPDATE
74.3 Multiple CLOBs, BIND_IN
74.3.1 bind two string
74.3.2 bind a txt file and a string
74.3.3 bind two string, one > (64K - 1)
75. clobPlsqlBindAsString_bindout.js
75.1.1 works with EMPTY_LOB
75.1.2 works with EMPTY_LOB and bind out maxSize set to 1
75.1.3 works with EMPTY_LOB and bind out maxSize set to (64k - 1)
75.1.4 works with null
75.1.5 works with null and bind out maxSize set to 1
75.1.6 works with null and bind out maxSize set to (64k - 1)
75.1.7 works with empty string
75.1.8 works with empty string and bind out maxSize set to 1
75.1.9 works with empty string and bind out maxSize set to (64K - 1)
75.1.10 works with undefined
75.1.11 works with undefined and bind out maxSize set to 1
75.1.12 works with undefined and bind out maxSize set to (64K - 1)
75.1.13 works with NaN
75.1.14 works with 0
75.1.15 works with String length 32K
75.1.16 works with String length (64K - 1)
75.1.17 works with String length (64K + 1)
75.1.18 works with String length (1MB + 1)
75.1.19 works with bind value and type mismatch
75.1.20 mixing named with positional binding
75.1.21 works with UPDATE
75.1.22 works with substr
75.1.23 named binging, bind out maxSize smaller than string length ( < 32K )
75.1.24 named binging, bind out maxSize smaller than string length ( > 32K )
75.1.25 named binging, bind out maxSize smaller than string length ( > 64K )
75.1.26 positional binging, bind out maxSize smaller than string length ( < 32K )
75.1.27 positional binging, bind out maxSize smaller than string length ( > 32K )
75.1.28 positional binging, bind out maxSize smaller than string length ( > 63K )
75.2.1 works with EMPTY_LOB
75.2.2 works with EMPTY_LOB and bind out maxSize set to 1
75.2.3 works with EMPTY_LOB and bind out maxSize set to (64k - 1)
75.2.4 works with null
75.2.5 works with null and bind out maxSize set to 1
75.2.6 works with null and bind out maxSize set to (64k - 1)
75.2.7 works with empty string
75.2.8 works with empty string and bind out maxSize set to 1
75.2.9 works with empty string and bind out maxSize set to (64K - 1)
75.2.10 works with undefined
75.2.11 works with undefined and bind out maxSize set to 1
75.2.12 works with undefined and bind out maxSize set to (64K - 1)
75.2.13 works with NaN
75.2.14 works with 0
75.2.15 works with String length (32K - 1)
75.2.16 works with String length 32K
75.2.17 works with bind out maxSize smaller than string length
75.2.18 works with UPDATE
75.2.19 works with substr
75.3 Multiple CLOBs, BIND_OUT
75.3.1 bind two string
75.3.2 bind a txt file and a string
75.3.3 bind two string, one > (64K - 1)
76. clobPlsqlBindAsString_bindinout.js
76.1.1 works with EMPTY_CLOB
76.1.2 works with EMPTY_CLOB and maxSize set to 1
76.1.3 works with EMPTY_CLOB and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
76.1.4 works with null
76.1.5 works with null and maxSize set to 1
76.1.6 works with null and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
76.1.7 works with empty string
76.1.8 works with empty string and maxSize set to 1
76.1.9 works with empty string and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
76.1.10 works with undefined
76.1.11 works with undefined and maxSize set to 1
76.1.12 works with undefined and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
76.1.13 works with NaN
76.1.14 works with 0
76.1.15 works with String length 32K
76.1.16 works with String length (64K - 1)
76.1.17 works with String length (64K + 1)
76.1.18 works with String length (1MB + 1)
76.1.19 works with bind value and type mismatch
76.1.20 mixing named with positional binding
76.1.21 works with UPDATE
76.1.22 works with invalid CLOB
76.1.23 works with substr
- 76.1.24 named binding: maxSize smaller than string length( < 32K )
76.1.25 named binding: maxSize smaller than string length( > 32K )
76.1.26 named binding: maxSize smaller than string length( > 64K )
- 76.1.27 positional binding: maxSize smaller than string length( < 32K )
76.1.28 positional binding: maxSize smaller than string length( > 32K )
76.1.29 positional binding: maxSize smaller than string length( > 64K )
76.2.1 works with EMPTY_CLOB
76.2.2 works with EMPTY_CLOB and maxSize set to 1
76.2.3 works with EMPTY_CLOB and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
76.2.4 works with null
76.2.5 works with null and maxSize set to 1
76.2.6 works with null and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
76.2.7 works with empty string
76.2.8 works with empty string and maxSize set to 1
76.2.9 works with empty string and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
76.2.10 works with undefined
76.2.11 works with undefined and maxSize set to 1
76.2.12 works with undefined and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
76.2.13 works with NaN
76.2.14 works with 0
76.2.15 works with String length (32K - 1)
76.2.16 works with String length 32K
76.2.17 works with bind out maxSize smaller than string length
76.2.18 works with UPDATE
76.2.19 works with invalid CLOB
76.2.20 works with substr
76.3 Multiple CLOBs, BIND INOUT
76.3.1 bind a txt file and a 32K string
76.3.2 bind a txt file and a (64K - 1) string
76.3.3 bind a txt file and a (64K + 1) string
77. blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer_bindin.js
77.1.1 works with EMPTY_BLOB
77.1.2 works with EMPTY_BLOB and bind in maxSize set to 1
77.1.3 works with EMPTY_BLOB and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
77.1.4 works with null
77.1.5 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 1
77.1.6 works with null and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
77.1.7 works with empty buffer
77.1.8 works with empty buffer and bind in maxSize set to 1
77.1.9 works with empty buffer and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
77.1.10 works with undefined
77.1.11 works with undefined and bind in maxSize set to 1
77.1.12 works with undefined and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
77.1.13 works with NaN
77.1.14 works with 0
77.1.15 works with Buffer size 32K
77.1.16 works with Buffer size (64K - 1)
77.1.17 works with Buffer size (64K + 1)
77.1.18 works with Buffer size (1MB + 1)
77.1.19 works with bind value and type mismatch
77.1.20 mixing named with positional binding
77.1.21 works with invalid BLOB
77.1.22 works without maxSize
77.1.23 works with bind in maxSize smaller than buffer size
77.1.24 works with UPDATE
77.2.1 works with EMPTY_BLOB
77.2.2 works with EMPTY_BLOB and bind in maxSize set to 1
77.2.3 works with EMPTY_BLOB and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
77.2.4 works with null
77.2.5 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 1
77.2.6 works with null and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
77.2.7 works with empty buffer
77.2.8 works with empty buffer and bind in maxSize set to 1
77.2.9 works with empty buffer and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
77.2.10 works with undefined
77.2.11 works with undefined and bind in maxSize set to 1
77.2.12 works with undefined and bind in maxSize set to (64K - 1)
77.2.13 works with NaN
77.2.14 works with 0
77.2.15 works with Buffer size (32K - 1)
77.2.16 works with Buffer size 32K
77.2.17 works with invalid BLOB
77.2.18 works without maxSize
77.2.19 works with bind in maxSize smaller than buffer size
77.2.20 works with UPDATE
77.3 Multiple BLOBs, BIND_IN
77.3.1 bind two Buffer
77.3.2 bind a JPG file and a Buffer
77.3.3 bind two Buffer, one > (64K - 1)
78. blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer_bindout.js
78.1.1 works with EMPTY_BLOB
78.1.2 works with EMPTY_BLOB and bind out maxSize set to 1
78.1.3 works with EMPTY_BLOB and bind out maxSize set to (64K - 1)
78.1.4 works with null
78.1.5 works with null and bind out maxSize set to 1
78.1.6 works with null and bind out maxSize set to (64K - 1)
78.1.7 works with empty buffer
78.1.8 works with empty buffer and bind out maxSize set to 1
78.1.9 works with empty buffer and bind out maxSize set to (64K - 1)
78.1.10 works with undefined
78.1.11 works with undefined and bind out maxSize set to 1
78.1.12 works with undefined and bind out maxSize set to (64K - 1)
78.1.13 works with Buffer size 32K
78.1.14 works with Buffer size (64K - 1)
78.1.15 works with Buffer size (64K + 1)
78.1.16 works with Buffer size (1MB + 1)
78.1.17 mixing named with positional binding
78.1.18 works with UPDATE
78.1.19 works with dbms_lob.substr()
78.1.20 named binding: bind out maxSize smaller than buffer size( < 32K )
78.1.21 named binding: bind out maxSize smaller than buffer size( > 32K )
78.1.22 named binding: bind out maxSize smaller than buffer size( > 64K )
78.1.23 positional binding: bind out maxSize smaller than buffer size( < 32K )
78.1.24 positional binding: bind out maxSize smaller than buffer size( > 32K )
78.1.25 positional binding: bind out maxSize smaller than buffer size( > 64K )
78.1.26 bind out without maxSize
78.1.28 bind out without maxSize
78.2.1 works with EMPTY_BLOB
78.2.2 works with EMPTY_BLOB and bind out maxSize set to 1
78.2.3 works with EMPTY_BLOB and bind out maxSize set to (64K - 1)
78.2.4 works with null
78.2.5 works with null and bind out maxSize set to 1
78.2.6 works with null and bind out maxSize set to (64K - 1)
78.2.7 works with empty buffer
78.2.8 works with empty buffer and bind out maxSize set to 1
78.2.9 works with empty buffer and bind out maxSize set to (64K - 1)
78.2.10 works with undefined
78.2.11 works with undefined and bind out maxSize set to 1
78.2.12 works with undefined and bind out maxSize set to (64K - 1)
78.2.13 works with Buffer size (32K - 1)
78.2.14 works with Buffer size 32K
78.2.15 works with bind out maxSize smaller than buffer size
78.2.16 bind out without maxSize
78.2.17 works with UPDATE
78.2.18 works with dbms_lob.substr()
78.3 Multiple BLOBs, BIND_OUT
78.3.1 bind two buffer
78.3.2 PLSQL, BIND_OUT, bind a JPG file and a Buffer
78.3.3 bind two buffer, one > (64K - 1)
79. blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer_bindinout.js
79.1.1 works with EMPTY_BLOB
79.1.2 works with EMPTY_BLOB and maxSize set to 1
79.1.3 works with EMPTY_BLOB and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
79.1.4 works with null
79.1.5 works with null and maxSize set to 1
79.1.6 works with null and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
79.1.7 works with empty buffer
79.1.8 works with empty buffer and maxSize set to 1
79.1.9 works with empty buffer and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
79.1.10 works with undefined
79.1.11 works with undefined and maxSize set to 1
79.1.12 works with undefined and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
79.1.13 works with NaN
79.1.14 works with 0
79.1.15 works with buffer size 32K
79.1.16 works with buffer size (64K - 1)
79.1.17 works with buffer size (64K + 1)
79.1.18 works with buffer size (1MB + 1)
79.1.19 works with bind value and type mismatch
79.1.20 mixing named with positional binding
79.1.21 works with invalid BLOB
79.1.22 works with substr
79.1.23 works with UPDATE
- 79.1.24 named binding: maxSize smaller than buffer size ( < 32K )
79.1.25 named binding: maxSize smaller than buffer size ( > 32K )
79.1.26 named binding: maxSize smaller than buffer size ( > 64K )
- 79.1.27 positional binding: maxSize smaller than buffer size ( < 32K )
79.1.28 positional binding: maxSize smaller than buffer size ( > 32K )
79.1.29 positional binding: maxSize smaller than buffer size ( > 64K )
79.1.30 bind without maxSize
79.2.1 works with EMPTY_BLOB
79.2.2 works with EMPTY_BLOB and maxSize set to 1
79.2.3 works with EMPTY_BLOB and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
79.2.4 works with null
79.2.5 works with null and maxSize set to 1
79.2.6 works with null and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
79.2.7 works with empty buffer
79.2.8 works with empty buffer and maxSize set to 1
79.2.9 works with empty buffer and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
79.2.10 works with undefined
79.2.11 works with undefined and maxSize set to 1
79.2.12 works with undefined and maxSize set to (64K - 1)
79.2.13 works with NaN
79.2.14 works with 0
79.2.15 works with buffer size (32K - 1)
79.2.16 works with buffer size 32K
79.2.17 works with buffer size > maxSize
79.2.18 works with invalid BLOB
79.2.19 works with substr
79.2.20 works with UPDATE
79.2.21 works without maxSize
79.3 Multiple BLOBs, BIND_INOUT
79.3.1 bind a JPG and a 32K buffer
79.3.2 bind two buffers
79.3.3 bind two buffers, one > (64K - 1)
80. lobBindAsStringBuffer.js
80.1 Multiple LOBs, BIND_IN
80.1.1 PLSQL, CLOB&BLOB, bind a string and a buffer
80.1.2 PLSQL, CLOB&BLOB, bind a string and a JPG file
80.1.3 PLSQL, CLOB&BLOB, bind a txt file and a Buffer
80.2 Multiple LOBs, BIND_OUT
80.2.1 PLSQL, CLOB&BLOB, bind a string and a buffer
80.2.2 PLSQL, CLOB&BLOB, bind a string and a JPG file
80.2.3 PLSQL, CLOB&BLOB, bind a txt file and a buffer
80.3 Multiple LOBs, BIND_INOUT
80.3.1 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT, bind a 32K string and a 32K buffer
80.3.2 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT, bind a (64K - 1) string and a (64K - 1) buffer
81. clobDMLBindAsString.js
81.1.1 works with EMPTY_CLOB
81.1.2 works with empty string
81.1.3 works with empty string and bind in maxSize set to 32767
81.1.4 works with empty string and bind in maxSize set to 50000
81.1.5 works with undefined
81.1.6 works with null
81.1.7 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 32767
81.1.8 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 50000
81.1.9 works with NaN
81.1.10 works with 0
81.1.11 works with String length 32K
81.1.12 works with String length (64K - 1)
81.1.13 works with String length (64K + 1)
81.1.14 works with String length (1MB + 1)
81.1.15 bind value and type mismatch
81.1.16 mixing named with positional binding
81.1.17 bind with invalid CLOB
81.1.18 RETURNING INTO with bind type STRING
81.1.19 Negative: RETURNING INTO with autocommit on
81.1.20 works with bind in maxSize smaller than string length
81.2.1 update EMPTY_CLOB column
81.2.2 update a cloumn with EMPTY_CLOB
81.2.3 update EMPTY_CLOB column with empty string
81.2.4 update empty string column
81.2.5 update a column with empty string
82. blobDMLBindAsBuffer.js
82.1.1 works with EMPTY_BLOB
82.1.2 works with empty buffer
82.1.3 works with empty buffer and bind in maxSize set to 32767
82.1.4 works with empty buffer and bind in maxSize set to 50000
82.1.5 works with undefined
82.1.6 works with null
82.1.7 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 32767
82.1.8 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 50000
82.1.9 works with NaN
82.1.10 works with 0
82.1.11 works with Buffer length 32K
82.1.12 works with Buffer length (64K - 1)
82.1.13 works with Buffer length (64K + 1)
82.1.14 works with Buffer length (1MB + 1)
82.1.15 bind value and type mismatch
82.1.16 mixing named with positional binding
82.1.17 bind with invalid BLOB
82.1.18 Negative: RETURNING INTO with bind type BUFFER
82.1.19 Negative: RETURNING INTO with autocommit on
82.1.20 works with bind in maxSize smaller than buffer size
82.2.1 update EMPTY_BLOB column
82.2.2 update a cloumn with EMPTY_BLOB
82.2.3 update EMPTY_BLOB column with empty buffer
82.2.4 update empty buffer column
82.2.5 update a column with empty buffer
83. lobProperties2.js
83.1 CLOB: chunkSize (read-only)
83.2 BLOB: chunkSize (read-only)
83.3 CLOB: length (read-only)
83.4 BLOB: length (read-only)
83.5 CLOB: type (read-only)
83.6 BLOB: type (read-only)
83.7 pieceSize
83.7.1 default value is chunkSize
83.7.2 can be increased
83.7.3 can be decreased
83.7.4 can be zero
83.7.5 cannot be less than zero
83.7.6 cannot be null
83.7.7 must be a number
84. fetchClobAsString1.js
84.1 fetch CLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsString
84.1.1 works with NULL value
84.1.2 works with empty string
84.1.3 works with small CLOB data
84.1.4 works with (64K - 1) data
84.1.5 works with (64K + 1) data
84.1.6 works with (1MB + 1) data
84.1.7 fetch with substr()
84.1.8 works with EMPTY_CLOB()
84.1.9 fetch multiple CLOB columns as String
84.1.10 fetch the same CLOB column multiple times
84.1.11 works with update statement
84.1.12 works with REF CURSOR
84.1.13 fetch CLOB with stream
84.1.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
84.1.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
84.1.16 override oracledb.fetchAsString with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT
84.1.17 works with connection.queryStream()
84.1.18 works with connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
84.1.19 works with connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows in the table
84.1.20 works with connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
84.2 fetch CLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsString and outFormat = oracledb.OBJECT
84.2.1 works with NULL value
84.2.2 works with empty String
84.2.3 works with small value
84.2.4 works with (64K - 1) value
84.2.5 works with (64K + 1) value
84.2.6 works with (1MB + 1) data
84.2.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
84.2.8 works with EMPTY_CLOB()
84.2.9 fetch multiple CLOB rows as String
84.2.10 fetch the same CLOB column multiple times
84.2.11 works with update statement
84.2.12 works with REF CURSOR
84.2.13 fetch CLOB with stream
84.2.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
84.2.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
84.2.16 override oracledb.fetchAsString with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT
84.3 fetch CLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsString, outFormat = oracledb.OBJECT and resultSet = true
84.3.1 works with NULL value
84.3.2 works with empty String
84.3.3 works with small value
84.3.4 works with (64K - 1) value
84.3.5 works with (64K + 1) value
84.3.6 works with (1MB + 1) data
84.3.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
84.3.8 works with EMPTY_CLOB()
84.3.9 fetch multiple CLOB rows as String
84.3.10 fetch the same CLOB column multiple times
84.3.11 works with update statement
84.3.12 works with REF CURSOR
84.3.13 fetch CLOB with stream
84.3.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
84.3.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
84.3.16 override oracledb.fetchAsString with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT
84.4 fetch CLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsString and outFormat = oracledb.ARRAY
84.4.1 works with NULL value
84.4.2 works with empty String
84.4.3 works with small value
84.4.4 works with (64K - 1) value
84.4.5 works with (64K + 1) value
84.4.6 works with (1MB + 1) data
84.4.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
84.4.8 works with EMPTY_CLOB()
84.4.9 fetch multiple CLOB rows as String
84.4.10 fetch the same CLOB column multiple times
84.4.11 works with update statement
84.4.12 works with REF CURSOR
84.4.13 fetch CLOB with stream
84.4.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
84.4.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
84.4.16 override oracledb.fetchAsString with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT
84.5 fetch CLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsString, outFormat = oracledb.ARRAY and resultSet = true
84.5.1 works with NULL value
84.5.2 works with empty String
84.5.3 works with small value
84.5.4 works with (64K - 1) value
84.5.5 works with (64K + 1) value
84.5.6 works with (1MB + 1) data
84.5.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
84.5.8 works with EMPTY_CLOB()
84.5.9 fetch multiple CLOB rows as String
84.5.10 fetch the same CLOB column multiple times
84.5.11 works with update statement
84.5.12 works with REF CURSOR
84.5.13 fetch CLOB with stream
84.5.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
84.5.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
84.5.16 override oracledb.fetchAsString with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT
85. fetchClobAsString2.js
85.1 fetch CLOB columns by setting fetchInfo option
85.1.1 works with NULL value
85.1.2 works with empty String
85.1.3 works with small value
85.1.4 works with (64K - 1) value
85.1.5 works with (64K + 1) value
85.1.6 works with (1MB + 1) value
85.1.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
85.1.8 works with EMPTY_CLOB()
85.1.9 fetch multiple CLOB rows as String
85.1.10 fetch the same CLOB column multiple times
85.1.11 works with update statement
85.1.12 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
85.1.13 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
85.1.14 works with connection.queryStream()
85.1.15 works with connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
85.1.16 works with connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows in the table
85.1.17 works with connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
85.1.18 works with REF CURSOR
85.2 fetch CLOB columns by setting fetchInfo option and outFormat = oracledb.OBJECT
85.2.1 works with NULL value
85.2.2 works with empty buffer
85.2.3 works with small value
85.2.4 works with (64K - 1) value
85.2.5 works with (64K + 1) value
85.2.6 works with (1MB + 1) value
85.2.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
85.2.8 works with EMPTY_CLOB()
85.2.9 fetch multiple CLOB rows as String
85.2.10 fetch the same CLOB column multiple times
85.2.11 works with update statement
85.2.12 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
85.2.13 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
85.2.14 works with REF CURSOR
85.3 fetch CLOB columns by setting fetchInfo option, outFormat = oracledb.OBJECT and resultSet = true
85.3.1 works with NULL value
85.3.2 works with empty buffer
85.3.3 works with small value
85.3.4 works with (64K - 1) value
85.3.5 works with (64K + 1) value
85.3.6 works with (1MB + 1) value
85.3.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
85.3.8 works with EMPTY_CLOB()
85.3.9 fetch multiple CLOB rows as String
85.3.10 fetch the same CLOB column multiple times
85.3.11 works with update statement
85.3.12 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
85.3.13 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
85.3.14 works with REF CURSOR
85.4 fetch CLOB columns by setting fetchInfo option and outFormat = oracledb.ARRAY
85.4.1 works with NULL value
85.4.2 works with empty String
85.4.3 works with small value
85.4.4 works with (64K - 1) value
85.4.5 works with (64K + 1) value
85.4.6 works with (1MB + 1) value
85.4.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
85.4.8 works with EMPTY_CLOB()
85.4.9 fetch multiple CLOB rows as String
85.4.10 fetch the same CLOB column multiple times
85.4.11 works with update statement
85.4.12 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
85.4.13 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
85.4.14 works with REF CURSOR
85.5 fetch CLOB columns by setting fetchInfo option, outFormat = oracledb.ARRAY and resultSet = true
85.5.1 works with NULL value
85.5.2 works with empty String
85.5.3 works with small value
85.5.4 works with (64K - 1) value
85.5.5 works with (64K + 1) value
85.5.6 works with (1MB + 1) value
85.5.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
85.5.8 works with EMPTY_CLOB()
85.5.9 fetch multiple CLOB rows as String
85.5.10 fetch the same CLOB column multiple times
85.5.11 works with update statement
85.5.12 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
85.5.13 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
85.5.14 works with REF CURSOR
86. fetchClobAsString3.js
86.1 fetch multiple CLOBs
86.1.1 fetch multiple CLOB columns as String
86.1.2 fetch two CLOB columns, one as string, another streamed
86.1.3 works with Restult Set
86.2 types support for fetchAsString property
86.2.1 String not supported in fetchAsString
86.2.2 BLOB not supported in fetchAsString
86.2.3 Cursor not supported in fetchAsString
86.2.4 Buffer not supported in fetchAsString
86.2.5 Number supported in fetchAsString
86.2.6 Date supported in fetchAsString
86.2.7 CLOB supported in fetchAsString
87. fetchBlobAsBuffer1.js
87.1 fetch BLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsBuffer
87.1.1 works with NULL value
87.1.2 works with empty Buffer
87.1.3 works with small value
87.1.4 works with (64K - 1) value
87.1.5 works with (64K + 1) value
87.1.6 works with (1MB + 1) data
87.1.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
87.1.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()
87.1.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer
87.1.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times
87.1.11 works with update statement
87.1.12 works with REF CURSOR
87.1.13 fetch BLOB with stream
87.1.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
87.1.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
87.1.16 override oracledb.fetchAsBuffer with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT
87.1.17 works with connection.queryStream()
87.1.18 works with connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
87.1.19 works with connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows in the table
87.1.20 works with connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
87.2 fetch BLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsBuffer and outFormat = oracledb.OBJECT
87.2.1 works with NULL value
87.2.2 works with empty Buffer
87.2.3 works with small value
87.2.4 works with (64K - 1) value
87.2.5 works with (64K + 1) value
87.2.6 works with (1MB + 1) data
87.2.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
87.2.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()
87.2.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer
87.2.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times
87.2.11 works with update statement
87.2.12 works with REF CURSOR
87.2.13 fetch BLOB with stream
87.2.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
87.2.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
87.2.16 override oracledb.fetchAsBuffer with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT
87.3 fetch BLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsBuffer, outFormat = oracledb.OBJECT and resultSet = true
87.3.1 works with NULL value
87.3.2 works with empty Buffer
87.3.3 works with small value
87.3.4 works with (64K - 1) value
87.3.5 works with (64K + 1) value
87.3.6 works with (1MB + 1) data
87.3.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
87.3.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()
87.3.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer
87.3.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times
87.3.11 works with update statement
87.3.12 works with REF CURSOR
87.3.13 fetch BLOB with stream
87.3.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
87.3.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
87.3.16 override oracledb.fetchAsBuffer with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT
87.4 fetch BLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsBuffer and outFormat = oracledb.ARRAY
87.4.1 works with NULL value
87.4.2 works with empty Buffer
87.4.3 works with small value
87.4.4 works with (64K - 1) value
87.4.5 works with (64K + 1) value
87.4.6 works with (1MB + 1) data
87.4.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
87.4.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()
87.4.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer
87.4.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times
87.4.11 works with update statement
87.4.12 works with REF CURSOR
87.4.13 fetch BLOB with stream
87.4.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
87.4.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
87.4.16 override oracledb.fetchAsBuffer with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT
87.5 fetch BLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsBuffer, outFormat = oracledb.ARRAY and resultSet = true
87.5.1 works with NULL value
87.5.2 works with empty Buffer
87.5.3 works with small value
87.5.4 works with (64K - 1) value
87.5.5 works with (64K + 1) value
87.5.6 works with (1MB + 1) data
87.5.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
87.5.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()
87.5.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer
87.5.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times
87.5.11 works with update statement
87.5.12 works with REF CURSOR
87.5.13 fetch BLOB with stream
87.5.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
87.5.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
87.5.16 override oracledb.fetchAsBuffer with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT
88. fetchBlobAsBuffer2.js
88.1 fetch BLOB columns by setting fetchInfo option
88.1.1 works with NULL value
88.1.2 works with empty Buffer
88.1.3 works with small value
88.1.4 works with (64K - 1) value
88.1.5 works with (64K + 1) value
88.1.6 works with (1MB + 1) value (121ms)
88.1.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
88.1.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()
88.1.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer
88.1.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times
88.1.11 works with update statement
88.1.12 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
88.1.13 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
88.1.14 works with connection.queryStream()
88.1.15 works with connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
88.1.16 works with connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows in the table
88.1.17 works with connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
88.2 fetch BLOB columns by setting fetchInfo option and outFormat = oracledb.OBJECT
88.2.1 works with NULL value
88.2.2 works with empty buffer
88.2.3 works with small value
88.2.4 works with (64K - 1) value
88.2.5 works with (64K + 1) value
88.2.6 works with (1MB + 1) value
88.2.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
88.2.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()
88.2.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer
88.2.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times
88.2.11 works with update statement
88.2.12 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
88.2.13 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
88.3 fetch BLOB columns by setting fetchInfo option, outFormat = oracledb.OBJECT and resultSet = true
88.3.1 works with NULL value
88.3.2 works with empty buffer
88.3.3 works with small value
88.3.4 works with (64K - 1) value
88.3.5 works with (64K + 1) value
88.3.6 works with (1MB + 1) value
88.3.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
88.3.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()
88.3.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer
88.3.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times
88.3.11 works with update statement
88.3.12 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
88.3.13 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
88.4 fetch BLOB columns by setting fetchInfo option and outFormat = oracledb.ARRAY
88.4.1 works with NULL value
88.4.2 works with empty Buffer
88.4.3 works with small value
88.4.4 works with (64K - 1) value
88.4.5 works with (64K + 1) value
88.4.6 works with (1MB + 1) value
88.4.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
88.4.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()
88.4.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer
88.4.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times
88.4.11 works with update statement
88.4.12 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
88.4.13 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
88.5 fetch BLOB columns by setting fetchInfo option, outFormat = oracledb.ARRAY and resultSet = true
88.5.1 works with NULL value
88.5.2 works with empty Buffer
88.5.3 works with small value
88.5.4 works with (64K - 1) value
88.5.5 works with (64K + 1) value
88.5.6 works with (1MB + 1) value
88.5.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()
88.5.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()
88.5.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer
88.5.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times
88.5.11 works with update statement
88.5.12 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table
88.5.13 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table
89. fetchBlobAsBuffer3.js
89.1 fetch multiple BLOBs
89.1.1 fetch multiple BLOB columns as Buffer
89.1.2 fetch two BLOB columns, one as string, another streamed
89.2 types support for fetchAsBuffer property
89.2.1 String not supported in fetchAsBuffer
89.2.2 CLOB not supported in fetchAsBuffer
89.2.3 Number not supported in fetchAsBuffer
89.2.4 Date not supported in fetchAsBuffer
89.2.5 Cursor not supported in fetchAsBuffer
89.2.6 Buffer not supported in fetchAsBuffer
89.2.7 BLOB supported in fetchAsBuffer
89.2.8 negative - null value for fetchAsBuffer
89.2.9 negative - undefined value for fetchAsBuffer
89.2.10 negative - numeric value for fetchAsBuffer
89.2.11 negative - empty string value for fetchAsBuffer
89.2.12 negative - arbitary string value for fetchAsBuffer
89.2.13 negative - date value for fetchAsBuffer
89.2.14 negative - buffer value for fetchAsBuffer
90. fetchClobAsString4.js
90.1.1 bind by position - 1
90.1.2 bind by name - 1
90.1.3 bind by position - 2
90.1.4 bind by name - 2
90.2.1 bind by position - 1
90.2.2 bind by name - 1
90.2.3 bind by position - 2
90.2.4 bind by name - 2
90.3.1 bind by name - 1
90.3.2 bind by position - 1
90.3.3 bind by name - 2
90.3.4 bind by position - 2
91. fetchBlobAsBuffer4.js
91.1.1 bind by position - 1
91.1.2 bind by name - 1
91.1.3 bind by position - 2
91.1.4 bind by name - 2
91.2.1 bind by position - 1
91.2.2 bind by name - 1
91.2.3 bind by position - 2
91.2.4 bind by name - 2
91.3.1 bind by name - 1
91.3.2 bind by position - 1
91.3.3 bind by name - 2
91.3.4 bind by position - 2
92.1 insert small value of oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
92.1.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
92.1.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
92.1.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
92.1.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
92.1.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
92.1.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
92.1.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
92.1.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
92.1.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
92.1.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
92.1.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
92.1.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
92.1.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
92.1.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
92.1.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
92.1.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
92.1.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
92.1.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
92.1.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
92.1.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
92.1.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
92.1.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
92.1.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
92.1.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
92.2 insert null value of oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
92.2.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
92.2.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
92.2.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
92.2.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
92.2.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
92.2.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
92.2.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
92.2.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
92.2.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
92.2.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
92.2.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
92.2.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
92.2.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
92.2.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
92.2.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
92.2.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
92.2.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
92.2.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
92.2.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
92.2.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
92.2.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
92.2.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
92.2.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
92.2.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
92.3 insert large value of oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
92.3.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
92.3.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
92.3.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
92.3.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
92.3.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
92.3.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
92.3.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
92.3.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
92.3.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
92.3.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
92.3.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
92.3.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
92.3.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
92.3.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
92.3.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
92.3.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
92.3.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
92.3.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
92.3.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
92.3.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
92.3.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
92.3.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
92.3.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
92.3.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
93.1 PLSQL procedure: bind in small value of oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
93.1.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
93.1.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
93.1.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
93.1.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
93.1.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
93.1.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
93.1.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
93.1.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
93.1.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
93.1.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
93.1.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
93.1.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
93.1.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
93.1.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
93.1.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
93.1.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
93.1.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
93.1.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
93.1.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
93.1.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
93.1.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
93.1.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
93.1.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
93.1.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
93.2 PLSQL procedure: bind in null value of oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
93.2.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
93.2.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
93.2.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
93.2.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
93.2.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
93.2.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
93.2.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
93.2.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
93.2.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
93.2.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
93.2.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
93.2.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
93.2.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
93.2.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
93.2.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
93.2.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
93.2.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
93.2.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
93.2.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
93.2.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
93.2.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
93.2.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
93.2.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
93.2.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
94.1 PLSQL procedure: bind inout small value of oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
94.1.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
94.1.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
94.1.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
94.1.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
94.1.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
94.1.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
94.1.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
94.1.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
94.1.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
94.1.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
94.1.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
94.1.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
94.1.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
94.1.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
94.1.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
94.1.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
94.1.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
94.1.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
94.1.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
94.1.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
94.1.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
94.1.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
94.1.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
94.1.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
94.2 PLSQL procedure: bind inout null value of oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
94.2.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
94.2.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
94.2.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
94.2.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
94.2.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
94.2.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
94.2.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
94.2.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
94.2.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
94.2.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
94.2.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
94.2.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
94.2.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
94.2.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
94.2.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
94.2.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
94.2.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
94.2.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
94.2.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
94.2.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
94.2.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
94.2.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
94.2.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
94.2.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
95.1 PLSQL function: bind inout small value of oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
95.1.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
95.1.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
95.1.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
95.1.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
95.1.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
95.1.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
95.1.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
95.1.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
95.1.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
95.1.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
95.1.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
95.1.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
95.1.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
95.1.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
95.1.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
95.1.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
95.1.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
95.1.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
95.1.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
95.1.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
95.1.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
95.1.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
95.1.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
95.1.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
95.2 PLSQL function: bind inout null value of oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
95.2.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
95.2.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
95.2.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
95.2.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
95.2.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
95.2.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
95.2.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
95.2.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
95.2.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
95.2.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
95.2.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
95.2.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
95.2.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
95.2.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
95.2.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
95.2.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
95.2.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
95.2.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
95.2.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
95.2.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
95.2.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
95.2.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
95.2.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
95.2.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
96.1 PLSQL procedure: bind out small value to oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
96.1.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
96.1.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
96.1.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
96.1.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
96.1.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
96.1.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
96.1.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
96.1.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
96.1.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
96.1.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
96.1.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
96.1.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
96.1.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
96.1.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
96.1.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
96.1.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
96.1.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
96.1.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
96.1.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
96.1.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
96.1.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
96.1.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
96.1.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
96.1.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
96.2 PLSQL procedure: bind out null value to oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
96.2.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
96.2.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
96.2.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
96.2.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
96.2.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
96.2.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
96.2.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
96.2.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
96.2.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
96.2.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
96.2.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
96.2.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
96.2.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
96.2.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
96.2.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
96.2.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
96.2.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
96.2.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
96.2.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
96.2.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
96.2.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
96.2.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
96.2.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
96.2.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
97.1 PLSQL function: bind out small value to oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
97.1.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
97.1.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
97.1.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
97.1.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
97.1.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
97.1.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
97.1.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
97.1.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
97.1.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
97.1.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
97.1.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
97.1.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
97.1.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
97.1.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
97.1.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
97.1.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
97.1.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
97.1.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
97.1.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
97.1.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
97.1.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
97.1.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
97.1.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
97.1.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
97.2 PLSQL function: bind out null value to oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
97.2.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
97.2.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
97.2.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
97.2.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
97.2.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
97.2.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
97.2.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
97.2.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
97.2.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
97.2.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
97.2.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
97.2.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
97.2.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
97.2.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
97.2.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
97.2.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
97.2.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
97.2.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
97.2.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
97.2.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
97.2.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
97.2.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
97.2.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
97.2.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
98.1 bind out small value
98.1.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
98.1.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
98.1.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
98.1.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
98.1.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
98.1.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
98.1.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
98.1.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
98.1.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
98.1.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
98.1.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
98.1.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
98.1.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
98.1.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
98.1.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
98.1.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
98.1.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
98.1.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
98.1.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
98.1.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
98.1.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
98.1.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
98.1.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
98.1.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
98.2 bind out null value
98.2.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
98.2.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
98.2.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
98.2.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
98.2.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
98.2.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
98.2.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
98.2.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
98.2.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
98.2.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
98.2.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
98.2.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
98.2.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
98.2.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
98.2.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
98.2.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
98.2.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
98.2.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
98.2.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
98.2.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
98.2.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
98.2.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
98.2.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
98.2.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
99.1 PLSQL function: bind in small value of oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
99.1.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
99.1.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
99.1.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
99.1.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
99.1.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
99.1.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
99.1.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
99.1.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
99.1.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
99.1.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
99.1.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
99.1.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
99.1.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
99.1.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
99.1.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
99.1.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
99.1.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
99.1.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
99.1.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
99.1.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
99.1.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
99.1.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
99.1.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
99.1.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
99.2 PLSQL function: bind in null value of oracledb.STRING/BUFFER
99.2.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
99.2.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
99.2.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
99.2.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
99.2.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
99.2.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
99.2.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
99.2.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
99.2.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
99.2.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
99.2.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
99.2.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
99.2.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
99.2.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
99.2.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
99.2.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
99.2.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
99.2.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
99.2.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
99.2.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
99.2.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
99.2.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
99.2.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
99.2.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
100.1 PLSQL procedure: bind in null value with default type and dir
100.1.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
100.1.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
100.1.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
100.1.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
100.1.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
100.1.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
100.1.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
100.1.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
100.1.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
100.1.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
100.1.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
100.1.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
100.1.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
100.1.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
100.1.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
100.1.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
100.1.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
100.1.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
100.1.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
100.1.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
100.1.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
100.1.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
100.1.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
100.1.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
100.2 PLSQL function: bind in null value with default type and dir
100.2.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
100.2.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
100.2.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
100.2.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
100.2.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
100.2.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
100.2.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
100.2.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
100.2.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
100.2.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
100.2.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
100.2.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
100.2.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
100.2.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
100.2.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
100.2.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
100.2.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
100.2.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
100.2.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
100.2.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
100.2.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
100.2.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
100.2.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
100.2.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
101.1 PLSQL procedure: bind out null value with default type and dir
101.1.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
101.1.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
101.1.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
101.1.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
101.1.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
101.1.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
101.1.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
101.1.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
101.1.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
101.1.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
101.1.11 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CLOB
101.1.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
101.1.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
101.1.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
101.1.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
101.1.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
101.1.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
101.1.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
101.1.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
101.1.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
101.1.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
101.1.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
101.1.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
101.1.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
101.2 PLSQL procedure bind out null value with default type and dir
101.2.1 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NUMBER
101.2.2 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: CHAR
101.2.3 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: NCHAR
101.2.4 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: VARCHAR2
101.2.5 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: FLOAT
101.2.6 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
101.2.7 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
101.2.8 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: DATE
101.2.9 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
101.2.10 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: RAW
101.2.11 oracledb.STpRING <--> DB: CLOB
101.2.12 oracledb.STRING <--> DB: BLOB
101.2.13 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NUMBER
101.2.14 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CHAR
101.2.15 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: NCHAR
101.2.16 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: VARCHAR2
101.2.17 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: FLOAT
101.2.18 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_FLOAT
101.2.19 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BINARY_DOUBLE
101.2.20 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: DATE
101.2.21 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: TIMESTAMP
101.2.22 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: RAW
101.2.23 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: CLOB
101.2.24 oracledb.BUFFER <--> DB: BLOB
102. bindTimestamp.js
102.1 DML, IN bind, bind by name
102.2 DML, IN bind, bind by position
102.3 DML, IN bind, Null
102.4 Negative - IN bind, value and type mismatch
102.5 DML, OUT bind, bind by position
102.6 DML, OUT bind, bind by name
102.7 Negative - OUB bind, value and type mismatch
102.8 DML, INOUT bind, bind by position
102.9 DML, INOUT bind, bind by name
102.10 Negative - INOUT bind, in bind value and type mismatch
102.11 Negative - INOUT bind, out bind value and type mismatch
102.12 DML, INOUT bind, Null values
PL/SQL, IN bind
102.13 PL/SQL, IN bind, bind by name
102.14 PL/SQL, IN bind, bind by position
102.15 PL/SQL, IN bind, Null
102.16 Negative - PL/SQL, IN bind, value and type mismatch
102.17 Negative - type and value mismatch, BLOB
102.18 Negative - type and value mismatch, BUFFER
102.19 Negative - type and value mismatch, CLOB
102.20 Negative - type and value mismatch, CURSOR
- 102.21 Negative - type and value mismatch, DEFAULT
102.22 Negative - type and value mismatch, NUMBER
102.23 Negative - type and value mismatch, STRING
- 102.24 Negative - type and value mismatch, NOTEXIST
PL/SQL, OUT bind
102.25 PL/SQL, OUT bind, bind by position
102.26 PL/SQL, OUT bind, bind by name
102.27 PL/SQL, OUT bind, Null
102.28 Negative - PL/SQL, OUT bind, value and type mismatch
102.29 Negative - type and value mismatch, BLOB
- 102.30 Negative - type and value mismatch, BUFFER
102.31 Negative - type and value mismatch, CLOB
- 102.32 Negative - type and value mismatch, CURSOR
102.33 Negative - type and value mismatch, DEFAULT
102.34 Negative - type and value mismatch, NUMBER
- 102.35 Negative - type and value mismatch, STRING
- 102.36 Negative - type and value mismatch, NOTEXIST
102.37 PL/SQL, IN OUT bind, bind by name
102.38 PL/SQL, IN OUT bind, bind by position
102.39 PL/SQL, IN OUT bind, Null
102.40 Negative - value and type mismatch
102.41 Negative - type and value mismatch, BLOB
102.42 Negative - type and value mismatch, BUFFER
102.43 Negative - type and value mismatch, CLOB
102.44 Negative - type and value mismatch, CURSOR
- 102.45 Negative - type and value mismatch, DEFAULT
102.46 Negative - type and value mismatch, NUMBER
102.47 Negative - type and value mismatch, STRING
103. dataTypeLong.js
103.1 LONG data type support
103.1.1 SELECT query
103.1.2 works well with result set
103.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
103.2 stores null values correctly
103.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
104. dataTypeLongRaw.js
104.1 LONG RAW data type support
104.1.1 SELECT query
104.1.2 works well with result set
104.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
104.2 stores null values correctly
104.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
105. streamErrorEvent.js
105.1 triggers stream error event
106. fetchRowidAsString.js
106.1 works with fetchInfo option
106.1.1 fetchInfo
106.1.2 fetchInfo, and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
106.1.3 fetchInfo, and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
106.1.4 fetchInfo, and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
106.1.5 fetchInfo, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
106.1.6 fetchInfo, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
106.1.7 fetchInfo, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
106.1.8 fetchInfo, resultSet = true
106.2 works with fetchInfo and outFormat = OBJECT
106.2.1 fetchInfo with outFormat = OBJECT
106.2.2 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, and resultSet = true
106.2.3 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
106.2.4 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
106.2.5 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
106.2.6 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
106.2.7 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
106.2.8 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
106.3 works with fetchInfo and outFormat = ARRAY
106.3.1 fetchInfo
106.3.2 fetchInfo, and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
106.3.3 fetchInfo, and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
106.3.4 fetchInfo, and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
106.3.5 fetchInfo, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
106.3.6 fetchInfo, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
106.3.7 fetchInfo, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
106.3.8 fetchInfo, resultSet = true
106.4 fetch as string by default
106.4.1 fetch by default
106.4.2 oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
106.4.3 oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
106.4.4 oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
106.4.5 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
106.4.6 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
106.4.7 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
106.4.8 resultSet = true
106.5 fetch as string by default with outFormat = OBJECT
106.5.1 fetch by default
106.5.2 oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
106.5.3 oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
106.5.4 oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
106.5.5 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
106.5.6 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
106.5.7 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
106.5.8 resultSet = true
106.6 fetch as string by default with outFormat = ARRAY
106.6.1 fetch by default
106.6.2 oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
106.6.3 oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
106.6.4 oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
106.6.5 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
106.6.6 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
106.6.7 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
106.6.8 resultSet = true
107. rowidDMLBindAsString.js
107.1.1 works with null
107.1.2 works with empty string
107.1.3 works with extended rowid
107.1.4 works with restricted rowid
107.1.5 throws error with number 0
107.1.6 works with string 0
107.1.7 works with substr
107.1.8 bind null with default type/dir - named bind
107.1.9 bind null with default type/dir - positional bind
107.1.10 bind extented rowid with default type/dir - named bind
107.1.11 bind extented rowid with default type/dir - positional bind
107.1.12 works with undefined
107.1.13 bind undefined with default type/dir - named bind
107.1.14 bind undefined with default type/dir - positional bind
107.1.15 works with NaN
107.2 UPDATE
107.2.1 UPDATE null column
107.2.1 UPDATE extented rowid with restricted rowid
107.2.3 UPDATE restricted rowid with null
107.3.1 INSERT null
107.3.2 INSERT extented rowid
107.3.3 INSERT restricted rowid
107.3.7 UPDATE null with extented rowid
107.3.8 UPDATE extented rowid with null
107.3.9 UPDATE restricted rowid with empty string
107.3.10 UPDATE restricted rowid with extented rowid
107.3.11 INSERT with default type/dir - named bind
107.3.12 INSERT with default type/dir - positional bind
107.3.13 UPDATE with default type/dir - named bind
107.3.14 UPDATE with default type/dir - positional bind
107.4 WHERE
107.4.1 can bind in WHERE clause
108. rowidProcedureBindAsString_bindin.js
108.1 PROCEDURE BIND_IN as rowid
108.1.1 works with null
108.1.2 works with empty string
108.1.3 works with undefined
108.1.4 works with NaN
108.1.5 works with extended rowid
108.1.6 works with restricted rowid
108.1.7 works with string 0
108.1.8 works with number 0
108.1.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended rowid
108.1.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
108.1.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
108.1.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
108.1.13 bind error: NJS-037
108.1.14 bind error: NJS-052
108.2 PROCEDURE BIND_IN as string
108.2.1 works with null
108.2.2 works with empty string
108.2.3 works with undefined
108.2.4 works with NaN
108.2.5 works with extended rowid
108.2.6 works with restricted rowid
108.2.7 works with string 0
108.2.8 works with number 0
108.2.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended rowid
108.2.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
108.2.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
108.2.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
108.2.13 bind error: NJS-037
108.2.14 bind error: NJS-052
108.3.1 update null with rowid
108.3.2 update empty string with rowid
108.3.3 update undefined with rowid
108.3.4 works with default bind type/dir
108.3.5 works with default bind type/dir - null value
108.3.6 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
108.3.7 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
109. rowidFunctionBindAsString_bind.js
109.1 FUNCTION BIND_IN/OUT as rowid
109.1.1 works with null
109.1.2 works with empty string
109.1.3 works with undefined
109.1.4 works with NaN
109.1.5 works with extended rowid
109.1.6 works with restricted rowid
109.1.7 works with string 0
109.1.8 works with number 0
109.1.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended rowid
109.1.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
109.1.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
109.1.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
109.1.13 bind error: NJS-037
109.1.14 bind error: NJS-052
109.2 FUNCTION BIND_IN/OUT as string
109.2.1 works with null
109.2.2 works with empty string
109.2.3 works with undefined
109.2.4 works with NaN
109.2.5 works with extended rowid
109.2.6 works with restricted rowid
109.2.7 works with string 0
109.2.8 works with number 0
109.2.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended rowid
109.2.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
109.2.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
109.2.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
109.2.13 bind error: NJS-037
109.2.14 bind error: NJS-052
109.3.1 update null with rowid
109.3.2 update empty string with rowid
109.3.3 update undefined with rowid
109.3.4 works with default bind type/dir
109.3.5 works with default bind type/dir - null value
109.3.6 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
109.3.7 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
110. rowidProcedureBindAsString_bindout.js
110.1 PROCEDURE BIND_OUT as rowid
110.1.1 works with null
110.1.2 works with empty string
110.1.3 works with undefined
110.1.4 works with NaN
110.1.5 works with extended rowid
110.1.6 works with restricted rowid
110.1.7 works with string 0
110.1.8 works with number 0
110.1.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended rowid
110.1.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
110.1.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
110.1.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
110.1.13 bind error: NJS-037
110.1.14 bind error: NJS-052
110.2 PROCEDURE BIND_OUT as string
110.2.1 works with null
110.2.2 works with empty string
110.2.3 works with undefined
110.2.4 works with NaN
110.2.5 works with extended rowid
110.2.6 works with restricted rowid
110.2.7 works with string 0
110.2.8 works with number 0
110.2.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended rowid
110.2.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
110.2.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
110.2.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
110.2.13 bind error: NJS-037
110.2.14 bind error: NJS-052
110.3.1 update null with rowid
110.3.2 update empty string with rowid
110.3.3 update undefined with rowid
110.3.4 works with default bind type/dir
110.3.5 works with default bind type/dir - null value
110.3.6 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
110.3.7 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
111. rowidProcedureBindAsString_bindinout.js
111.1.1 works with null
111.1.2 works with empty string
111.1.3 works with undefined
111.1.4 works with NaN
111.1.5 works with extended rowid
111.1.6 works with restricted rowid
111.1.7 works with string 0
111.1.8 works with number 0
111.1.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended rowid
111.1.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
111.1.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
111.1.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
111.1.13 bind error: NJS-037
111.1.14 bind error: NJS-052
111.2 PROCEDURE BIND_INOUT as string
111.2.1 works with null
111.2.2 works with empty string
111.2.3 works with undefined
111.2.4 works with NaN
111.2.5 works with extended rowid
111.2.6 works with restricted rowid
111.2.7 works with string 0
111.2.8 works with number 0
111.2.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended rowid
111.2.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
111.2.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
111.2.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
111.2.13 bind error: NJS-037
111.2.14 bind error: NJS-052
111.3.1 update null with rowid
111.3.2 update empty string with rowid
111.3.3 update undefined with rowid
111.3.4 works with default bind type/dir
111.3.5 works with default bind type/dir - null value
111.3.6 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
111.3.7 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
112. rowidFunctionBindAsString_bindinout.js
112.1 FUNCTION BIND_INOUT as rowid
112.1.1 works with null
112.1.2 works with empty string
112.1.3 works with undefined
112.1.4 works with NaN
112.1.5 works with extended rowid
112.1.6 works with restricted rowid
112.1.7 works with string 0
112.1.8 works with number 0
112.1.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended rowid
112.1.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
112.1.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
112.1.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
112.1.13 bind error: NJS-037
112.1.14 bind error: NJS-052
112.2 FUNCTION BIND_INOUT as string
112.2.1 works with null
112.2.2 works with empty string
112.2.3 works with undefined
112.2.4 works with NaN
112.2.5 works with extended rowid
112.2.6 works with restricted rowid
112.2.7 works with string 0
112.2.8 works with number 0
112.2.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended rowid
112.2.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
112.2.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
112.2.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
112.2.13 bind error: NJS-037
112.2.14 bind error: NJS-052
112.3.1 update null with rowid
112.3.2 update empty string with rowid
112.3.3 update undefined with rowid
112.3.4 works with default bind type/dir
112.3.5 works with default bind type/dir - null value
112.3.6 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
112.3.7 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
113. dataTypeUrowid.js
113.1 testing ROWID data type
113.1.1 query rowid
113.1.2 works well with result set
113.1.3 works well with REF Cursor
113.1.4 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
113.2 stores null value correctly
113.2.1 testing Null, Empty string and Undefined
114. urowidDMLBindAsString1.js
114.1.1 works with null
114.1.2 works with empty string
114.1.3 works with extended rowid
114.1.4 works with restricted rowid
114.1.5 throws error with number 0
114.1.6 works with string 0
114.1.7 works with substr
114.1.8 bind null with default type/dir - named bind
114.1.9 bind null with default type/dir - positional bind
114.1.10 bind extented rowid with default type/dir - named bind
114.1.11 bind extented rowid with default type/dir - positional bind
114.1.12 works with undefined
114.1.13 bind undefined with default type/dir - named bind
114.1.14 bind undefined with default type/dir - positional bind
114.1.15 works with NaN
114.2 UPDATE
114.2.1 UPDATE null column
114.2.1 UPDATE extented rowid with restricted rowid
114.2.3 UPDATE restricted rowid with null
114.3.1 INSERT null
114.3.2 INSERT extented rowid
114.3.3 INSERT restricted rowid
114.3.7 UPDATE null with extented rowid
114.3.8 UPDATE extented rowid with null
114.3.9 UPDATE restricted rowid with empty string
114.3.10 UPDATE restricted rowid with extented rowid
114.3.11 INSERT with default type/dir - named bind
114.3.12 INSERT with default type/dir - positional bind
114.3.13 UPDATE with default type/dir - named bind
114.3.14 UPDATE with default type/dir - positional bind
107.4 WHERE
107.4.1 can bind in WHERE clause
115. urowidDMLBindAsString2.js
115.1.1 works with urowid length > 200
115.1.2 works with urowid length > 500
115.1.3 works with maxSize < 200
115.2 UPDATE
115.2.1 update null with urowid length > 200
115.2.2 update enpty string with urowid length > 500
115.2.3 update with urowid length > 500
115.2.4 works with maxSize < 200
115.3.1 urowid length > 200
115.3.2 urowid length > 500
115.4 WHERE
115.4.1 urowid length > 200
115.4.2 urowid length > 500
115.5 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual rows
115.5.1 urowid length > 200
115.5.2 urowid length > 500
115.6 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual rows
115.6.1 urowid length > 200
115.6.2 urowid length > 500
115.7 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual rows
115.7.1 urowid length > 200
115.7.2 urowid length > 500
116. fetchUrowidAsString.js
116.1 works with fetchInfo option
116.1.1 fetchInfo
116.1.2 fetchInfo, and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
116.1.3 fetchInfo, and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
116.1.4 fetchInfo, and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
116.1.5 fetchInfo, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
116.1.6 fetchInfo, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
116.1.7 fetchInfo, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
116.1.8 fetchInfo, resultSet = true
116.2 works with fetchInfo and outFormat = OBJECT
116.2.1 fetchInfo with outFormat = OBJECT
116.2.2 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, and resultSet = true
116.2.3 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
116.2.4 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
116.2.5 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
116.2.6 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
116.2.7 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
116.2.8 fetchInfo, outFormat = OBJECT, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
116.3 works with fetchInfo and outFormat = ARRAY
116.3.1 fetchInfo
116.3.2 fetchInfo, and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
116.3.3 fetchInfo, and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
116.3.4 fetchInfo, and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
116.3.5 fetchInfo, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
116.3.6 fetchInfo, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
116.3.7 fetchInfo, queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
116.3.8 fetchInfo, resultSet = true
116.4 fetch as string by default
116.4.1 fetch by default
116.4.2 oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
116.4.3 oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
116.4.4 oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
116.4.5 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
116.4.6 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
116.4.7 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
116.4.8 resultSet = true
116.5 fetch as string by default with outFormat = OBJECT
116.5.1 fetch by default
116.5.2 oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
116.5.3 oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
116.5.4 oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
116.5.5 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
116.5.6 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
116.5.7 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
116.5.8 resultSet = true
116.6 fetch as string by default with outFormat = ARRAY
116.6.1 fetch by default
116.6.2 oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
116.6.3 oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
116.6.4 oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
116.6.5 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
116.6.6 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
116.6.7 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
116.6.8 resultSet = true
117. fetchUrowidAsString_indexed.js
117.1 works with fetchInfo option and urowid length > 200/500
117.1.1 fetchInfo
117.1.2 oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
117.1.3 oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
117.1.4 oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
117.1.5 resultSet = true
117.1.6 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
117.1.7 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
117.1.8 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
117.2 works with fetchInfo and outFormat = OBJECT, urowid length > 200/500
117.2.1 fetchInfo
117.2.2 oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
117.2.3 oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
117.2.4 oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
117.2.5 resultSet = true
117.2.6 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
117.2.7 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
117.2.8 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
117.3 works with fetchInfo and outFormat = ARRAY, urowid length > 200/500
117.3.1 fetchInfo
117.3.2 oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
117.3.3 oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
117.3.4 oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
117.3.5 resultSet = true
117.3.6 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
117.3.7 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
117.3.8 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
117.4 fetch as string by default, urowid length > 200/500
117.4.1 fetchInfo
117.4.2 oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
117.4.3 oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
117.4.4 oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
117.4.5 resultSet = true
117.4.6 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
117.4.7 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
117.4.8 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
117.5 fetch as string by default with outFormat = OBJECT, urowid length > 200/500
117.5.1 fetchInfo
117.5.2 oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
117.5.3 oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
117.5.4 oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
117.5.5 resultSet = true
117.5.6 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
117.5.7 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
117.5.8 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
117.6 fetch as string by default with outFormat = ARRAY, urowid length > 200/500
117.6.1 fetchInfo
117.6.2 oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
117.6.3 oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
117.6.4 oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
117.6.5 resultSet = true
117.6.6 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows
117.6.7 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows
117.6.8 queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows
118. urowidProcedureBindAsString1.js
118.1.1 works with null
118.1.2 works with empty string
118.1.3 works with undefined
118.1.4 works with NaN
118.1.5 works with extended ROWID
118.1.6 works with restricted ROWID
- 118.1.7 works with string 0
118.1.8 works with number 0
118.1.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended ROWID
118.1.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
118.1.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
118.1.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
118.1.13 bind error: NJS-037
118.1.14 bind error: NJS-052
118.2 PROCEDURE BIND_IN as string
118.2.1 works with null
118.2.2 works with empty string
118.2.3 works with undefined
118.2.4 works with NaN
118.2.5 works with extended ROWID
118.2.6 works with restricted ROWID
118.2.7 works with string 0
118.2.8 works with number 0
118.2.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended ROWID
118.2.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
118.2.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
118.2.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
118.2.13 bind error: NJS-037
118.2.14 bind error: NJS-052
118.3.1 update null with UROWID
118.3.2 update empty string with UROWID
118.3.3 update undefined with UROWID
- 118.3.4 works with default bind type/dir
118.3.5 works with default bind type/dir - null value
118.3.6 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
118.3.7 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
119. urowidProcedureBindAsString2.js
119.1.1 works with null
119.1.2 works with empty string
119.1.3 works with undefined
119.1.4 works with NaN
119.1.5 works with extended ROWID
119.1.6 works with restricted ROWID
- 119.1.7 works with string 0
119.1.8 works with number 0
119.1.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended ROWID
119.1.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
119.1.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
119.1.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
119.1.13 bind error: NJS-037
119.1.14 bind error: NJS-052
119.2 PROCEDURE BIND_OUT as string
119.2.1 works with null
119.2.2 works with empty string
119.2.3 works with undefined
119.2.4 works with NaN
119.2.5 works with extended ROWID
119.2.6 works with restricted ROWID
- 119.2.7 works with string 0
119.2.8 works with number 0
119.2.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended ROWID
119.2.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
119.2.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
119.2.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
119.2.13 bind error: NJS-037
119.2.14 bind error: NJS-052
119.3.1 update null with UROWID
119.3.2 update empty string with UROWID
119.3.3 update undefined with UROWID
- 119.3.4 works with default bind type/dir
119.3.5 works with default bind type/dir - null value
119.3.6 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
119.3.7 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
120. urowidProcedureBindAsString3.js
120.1.1 works with null
120.1.2 works with empty string
120.1.3 works with undefined
120.1.4 works with NaN
120.1.5 works with extended ROWID
120.1.6 works with restricted ROWID
- 120.1.7 works with string 0
120.1.8 works with number 0
120.1.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended ROWID
120.1.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
120.1.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
120.1.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
120.1.13 bind error: NJS-037
120.1.14 bind error: NJS-052
120.2 PROCEDURE BIND_INOUT as string
120.2.1 works with null
120.2.2 works with empty string
120.2.3 works with undefined
120.2.4 works with NaN
120.2.5 works with extended ROWID
120.2.6 works with restricted ROWID
120.2.7 works with string 0
120.2.8 works with number 0
120.2.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended ROWID
120.2.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
120.2.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
120.2.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
120.2.13 bind error: NJS-037
120.2.14 bind error: NJS-052
120.3.1 update null with UROWID
120.3.2 update empty string with UROWID
120.3.3 update undefined with UROWID
- 120.3.4 works with default bind type/dir
120.3.5 works with default bind type/dir - null value
120.3.6 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
120.3.7 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
121. urowidFunctionBindAsString1.js
121.1.1 works with null
121.1.2 works with empty string
121.1.3 works with undefined
121.1.4 works with NaN
121.1.5 works with extended ROWID
121.1.6 works with restricted ROWID
- 121.1.7 works with string 0
121.1.8 works with number 0
121.1.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended ROWID
121.1.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
121.1.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
121.1.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
121.1.13 bind error: NJS-037
121.1.14 bind error: NJS-052
121.2 FUNCTION BIND_IN/OUT as string
121.2.1 works with null
121.2.2 works with empty string
121.2.3 works with undefined
121.2.4 works with NaN
121.2.5 works with extended ROWID
121.2.6 works with restricted ROWID
- 121.2.7 works with string 0
121.2.8 works with number 0
121.2.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended ROWID
121.2.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
121.2.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
121.2.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
121.2.13 bind error: NJS-037
121.2.14 bind error: NJS-052
121.3.1 update null with UROWID
121.3.2 update empty string with UROWID
121.3.3 update undefined with UROWID
- 121.3.4 works with default bind type/dir
121.3.5 works with default bind type/dir - null value
121.3.6 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
121.3.7 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
122. urowidFunctionBindAsString2.js
122.1.1 works with null
122.1.2 works with empty string
122.1.3 works with undefined
122.1.4 works with NaN
122.1.5 works with extended ROWID
122.1.6 works with restricted ROWID
- 122.1.7 works with string 0
122.1.8 works with number 0
122.1.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended ROWID
122.1.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
122.1.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
122.1.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
122.1.13 bind error: NJS-037
122.1.14 bind error: NJS-052
122.2 FUNCTION BIND_INOUT as string
122.2.1 works with null
122.2.2 works with empty string
122.2.3 works with undefined
122.2.4 works with NaN
122.2.5 works with extended ROWID
122.2.6 works with restricted ROWID
122.2.7 works with string 0
122.2.8 works with number 0
122.2.9 works with default bind type/dir - extended ROWID
122.2.10 works with default bind type/dir - null value
122.2.11 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
122.2.12 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
122.2.13 bind error: NJS-037
122.2.14 bind error: NJS-052
122.3.1 update null with UROWID
122.3.2 update empty string with UROWID
122.3.3 update undefined with UROWID
- 122.3.4 works with default bind type/dir
122.3.5 works with default bind type/dir - null value
122.3.6 works with default bind type/dir - empty string
122.3.7 works with default bind type/dir - undefined
123. dataTypeNclob.js
123.1 insert and stream out
123.1.1 works with data size 100
123.1.2 works with data size 3000
123.2 insert and fetch as string with fetchInfo
123.2.1 works with data size 100
123.2.2 works with data size 3000
123.2.3 works with resultSet
123.3 insert and fetch as string with oracledb.fetchAsString
123.3.1 works with data size 100
123.3.2 works with data size 3000
123.3.2 works with resultSet
123.4 ref cursor
123.4.1 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
123.4.2 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by oracledb.fetchAsString
123.5 stores null value correctly
123.5.1 works with Null, Empty string and Undefined
124. nclobDMLBindAsString.js
124.1 DML binding
124.1.1 bind in via INSERT
124.1.2 bind out via RETURNING INTO
124.1.3 bind in via UPDATE
124.1.3 bind in via WHERE
125. longDMLBind.js
125.1.1 works with data size 64K - 1
125.1.2 works with data size 64K
125.1.3 works with data size 64K + 1
125.1.4 works with data size 1MB + 1
125.2 UPDATE
125.2.1 works with data size 64K - 1
125.2.2 works with data size 64K
125.2.3 works with data size 64K + 1
125.2.4 works with data size 1MB + 1
125.3.1 do not support in returning into
126. longrawDMLBind.js
126.1.1 works with data size 64K - 1
126.1.2 works with data size 64K
126.1.3 works with data size 64K + 1
126.1.4 works with data size 1MB + 1
126.1.5 works with data size 100
126.1.6 set maxSize to 2000
126.1.7 set maxSize to 4GB
126.2 UPDATE
126.2.1 works with data size 64K - 1
126.2.2 works with data size 64K
126.2.3 works with data size 64K + 1
126.2.4 works with data size 1MB + 1
126.2.5 set maxSize to 2000
126.2.6 set maxSize to 4GB
126.3.1 do not support in returning into
127.1 stream txt file into BLOB column
127.1.1 works with 64K txt file
127.1.2 works with 64K+1 txt file
127.1.3 works with 1MB+1 txt file
128.1 stream txt file into CLOB column
128.1.1 works with 64KB txt file
128.1.2 works with 64KB+1 txt file
128.1.3 works with 1MB+1 txt file
129. longProcedureBind_inout.js
129.1.1 works with NULL
129.1.2 works with undefined
129.1.3 works with empty string
129.1.4 works with data size 4000
129.1.5 works with data size (32K - 1)
129.1.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)
129.1.7 set maxSize to size 1GB
129.2.1 works with NULL
129.2.2 works with undefined
129.2.3 works with empty string
129.2.4 works with data size 4000
129.2.5 works with data size (32K - 1)
129.2.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)
129.2.7 set maxSize to size 1GB
130. longProcedureBind_out.js
130.1.1 works with NULL
130.1.2 works with undefined
130.1.3 works with empty string
130.1.4 works with data size 4000
130.1.5 works with data size (32K - 1)
130.1.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)
130.1.7 set maxSize to size 1GB
130.2.1 works with NULL
130.2.2 works with undefined
130.2.3 works with empty string
130.2.4 works with data size 4000
130.2.5 works with data size (32K - 1)
130.2.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)
130.2.7 set maxSize to size 1GB
131. longProcedureBind_in.js
131.1.1 works with NULL
131.1.2 works with undefined
131.1.3 works with empty string
131.1.4 works with data size 4000
131.1.5 works with data size (32K - 1)
131.1.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)
131.1.7 set maxSize to size 1GB
131.2.1 works with NULL
131.2.2 works with undefined
131.2.3 works with empty string
131.2.4 works with data size 4000
131.2.5 works with data size (32K - 1)
131.2.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)
131.2.7 set maxSize to size 1GB
132. longrawProcedureBind_in.js
132.1.1 works with NULL
132.1.2 works with undefined
132.1.3 works with empty buffer
132.1.4 works with data size 2000
132.1.5 works with data size (32K - 1)
132.1.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)
132.1.7 set maxSize to size 1GB
132.2.1 works with NULL
132.2.2 works with undefined
132.2.3 works with empty buffer
132.2.4 works with data size 2000
132.2.5 works with data size 32767
132.2.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)
132.2.7 set maxSize to size 1GB
133. longrawProcedureBind_inout.js
133.1.1 works with NULL
133.1.2 works with undefined
133.1.3 works with empty buffer
133.1.4 works with data size 2000
133.1.5 works with data size 32760
133.1.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)
133.1.7 set maxSize to size 1GB
133.2.1 works with NULL
133.2.2 works with undefined
133.2.3 works with empty buffer
133.2.4 works with data size 2000
133.2.5 works with data size 32760
133.2.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)
133.2.7 set maxSize to size 1GB
134. longrawProcedureBind_out.js
134.1.1 works with NULL
134.1.2 works with undefined
134.1.3 works with empty buffer
134.1.4 works with data size 2000
134.1.5 works with data size 32760
134.1.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)
134.1.7 set maxSize to size 1GB
134.2.1 works with NULL
134.2.2 works with undefined
134.2.3 works with empty buffer
134.2.4 works with data size 2000
134.2.5 works with data size 32760
134.2.6 set maxSize to size (32K - 1)
134.2.7 set maxSize to size 1GB
135. clobDMLReturningMultipleRowsAsStream.js
135.1 CLOB DML returning multiple rows as stream
135.1.1 CLOB DML returning multiple rows as stream
136. clobDMLReturningMultipleRowsAsString.js
136.1 CLOB DML returning multiple rows as String
136.1.1 CLOB DML returning multiple rows as String
137. blobDMLReturningMultipleRowsAsBuffer.js
137.1 BLOB DML returning multiple rows as buffer
137.1.1 BLOB DML returning multiple rows as buffer
138. blobDMLReturningMultipleRowsAsStream.js
138.1 BLOB DML returning multiple rows as stream
138.1.1 BLOB DML returning multiple rows as stream
139. fetchAsStringWithRefCursor.js
139.1 columns fetched from REF CURSORS can be mapped by fetchInfo settings
139.2 fetchAsString takes effect as well
140. v8Getter.js
140.1 Negative: overwrite the getter() function of bind in objects
140.1.1 ProcessBindsByName()
140.1.2 ProcessBindsByPos()
140.2 Negative (ProcessBind): OUT bind with properties altered
140.3 Negative: PL/SQL Indexed Table
140.3.1 bind an element being altered-JSON object
140.3.2 GetBindTypeAndSizeFromValue()
140.4 Negative: fetchInfo
140.4.1 changes getter() of fetchInfo itself
140.4.2 changes getter() of the value of fetchInfo object
141. insertNaNToNumber.js
141.1 SQL, stores NaN
141.1.1 insert NaN to NUMBER column will report ORA-00984
141.1.2 binding in NaN by name into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
141.1.3 binding in NaN by position into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
141.2 PL/SQL, Function, bind NaN
141.2.1 binding in NaN by name into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
141.2.2 binding in NaN by position into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
141.2.3 binding inout NaN by name into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
141.2.4 binding inout NaN by position into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
141.3 PL/SQL, Procedure, bind NaN
141.3.1 binding in NaN by name into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
141.3.2 binding in NaN by position into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
141.3.3 binding inout NaN by name into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
141.3.4 binding inout NaN by position into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
141.4 PL/SQL, Procedure, bind NaN, indexed table
141.4.1 binding in NaN by name into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
141.4.2 binding in NaN by position into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
141.4.3 binding inout NaN by name into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
141.4.4 binding inout NaN by position into Oracle NUMBER column throws DPI-1055
142. urowidFunctionBindAsString3.js
142.1.1 urowid length > 200
142.1.2 urowid length > 500
142.1.3 urowid length > 2000
142.2 FUNCTION BIND_IN/OUT as string
142.2.1 urowid length > 200
142.2.2 urowid length > 500
142.2.3 urowid length > 2000
142.3.1 update with UROWID > 200
142.3.2 update with UROWID > 500
142.3.3 update with UROWID > 2000
143. urowidFunctionBindAsString4.js
143.1.1 urowid length > 200
143.1.2 urowid length > 500
143.1.3 urowid length > 2000
143.2 FUNCTION BIND_INOUT as string
143.2.1 urowid length > 200
143.2.2 urowid length > 500
143.2.3 urowid length > 2000
143.3.1 update with UROWID > 200
143.3.2 update with UROWID > 500
143.3.3 update with UROWID > 2000
144. urowidProcedureBindAsString4.js
144.1.1 urowid length > 500
144.1.2 urowid length > 1000
144.1.3 urowid length > 2000
144.2 PROCEDURE BIND_IN as string
144.2.1 urowid length > 500
144.2.2 urowid length > 1000
144.2.3 urowid length > 2000
144.3.1 update with urowid length > 500
144.3.2 update with urowid length > 1000
144.3.3 update with urowid length > 2000
145. urowidProcedureBindAsString5.js
145.1.1 urowid length > 500
145.1.2 urowid length > 1000
145.1.3 urowid length > 2000
145.2.1 urowid length > 500
145.2.2 urowid length > 1000
145.2.3 urowid length > 2000
146. urowidProcedureBindAsString6.js
146.1.1 urowid length > 500
146.1.2 urowid length > 1000
146.1.3 urowid length > 2000
146.2 PROCEDURE BIND_INOUT as string
146.2.1 urowid length > 500
146.2.2 urowid length > 1000
146.2.3 urowid length > 2000
146.3.1 update with urowid length > 500
146.3.2 update with urowid length > 1000
146.3.3 update with urowid length > 2000
147. prefetchRows.js
147.1 oracledb.prefetchRows
147.1.1 oracledb.prefetchRows = 0
147.1.2 oracledb.prefetchRows = NaN
147.1.3 oracledb.prefetchRows = undefined
147.1.4 oracledb.prefetchRows = null
147.1.5 oracledb.prefetchRows = random string
147.1.6 oracledb.prefetchRows = Boolean
147.2 execute() option prefetchRows
147.2.2 prefetchRows = 0
147.2.2 prefetchRows = NaN
147.2.3 prefetchRows = undefined
147.2.4 prefetchRows = null
147.2.5 prefetchRows = random string
147.2.6 prefetchRows = Boolean
148. fetchArraySize1.js
148.1 oracledb.fetchArraySize
148.1.1 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 0
148.1.2 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1
148.1.3 Negative: oracledb.fetchArraySize = undefined
148.1.4 Negative: oracledb.fetchArraySize = null
148.1.5 Negative: oracledb.fetchArraySize = random string
148.1.6 Negative: oracledb.fetchArraySize = Boolean
148.1.7 Negative: oracledb.fetchArraySize = NaN
148.1.8 oracledb.fetchArraySize = big number
148.2 execute() option fetchArraySize
148.2.1 fetchArraySize = 0
148.2.2 fetchArraySize = 1
148.2.3 fetchArraySize = undefined works as default value 100
148.2.4 Negative: fetchArraySize = null
148.2.5 Negative: fetchArraySize = random string
148.2.6 Negative: fetchArraySize = Boolean
148.2.7 Negative: fetchArraySize = NaN
148.2.8 fetchArraySize = big number
149. fetchArraySize2.js
149.1 basic fetch with different maxRows and oracledb.fetchArraySize
149.1.1 maxRows > table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize
149.1.2 maxRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
149.1.3 table size > maxRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize
149.1.4 table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize > maxRow
149.1.5 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize < table size
149.1.6 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize = table size
149.1.7 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
149.1.8 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize/10
149.1.9 maxRows = 10 * oracledb.fetchArraySize
149.1.10 maxRows > fetchArraySize, fetchArraySize = (table size)/10
149.1.11 maxRows = 0, fetchArraySize = table size
149.1.12 maxRows = 9999999, fetchArraySize = table size
149.1.13 maxRows = (table size - 1), fetchArraySize = table size
149.1.14 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1), maxRows = table size
149.2 REF CURSORS with different numRows and oracledb.fetchArraySize
149.2.1 numRows > table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize
149.2.2 numRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
149.2.3 table size > numRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize
149.2.4 table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize > maxRow
149.2.5 numRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize < table size
149.2.6 numRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize = table size
149.2.7 numRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
149.2.8 numRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize/10
149.2.9 numRows = 10 * oracledb.fetchArraySize
149.2.10 numRows > fetchArraySize, fetchArraySize = (table size)/10
149.2.11 numRows = (table size - 1), fetchArraySize = table size
149.2.12 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1), numRows = table size
149.3 queryStream() with different maxRows and oracledb.fetchArraySize
149.3.1 maxRows > table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize
149.3.2 maxRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
149.3.3 table size > maxRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize
149.3.4 table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize > maxRow
149.3.5 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize < table size
149.3.6 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize = table size
149.3.7 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
149.3.8 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize/10
149.3.9 maxRows = 10 * oracledb.fetchArraySize
149.3.10 maxRows > fetchArraySize, fetchArraySize = (table size)/10
149.3.11 maxRows = 0, fetchArraySize = table size
149.3.12 maxRows = 9999999, fetchArraySize = table size
149.3.13 maxRows = (table size - 1), fetchArraySize = table size
149.3.14 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1), maxRows = table size
150. fetchArraySize3.js
150.1 DML binding
150.1.1 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1
150.1.2 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 50
150.1.3 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 100
150.1.4 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1000
150.1.5 oracledb.fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
150.2 procedure binding
150.2.1 Bind OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1
150.2.2 Bind OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 50
150.2.3 Bind OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 100
150.2.4 Bind OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1000
150.2.5 Bind OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
150.2.6 Bind IN OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1
150.2.7 Bind IN OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 50
150.2.8 Bind IN OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 100
150.2.9 Bind IN OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1000
150.2.10 Bind IN OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
150.3 function binding
150.3.1 Bind OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1
150.3.2 Bind OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 50
150.3.3 Bind OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 100
150.3.4 Bind OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1000
150.3.5 Bind OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
150.3.6 Bind IN OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1
150.3.7 Bind IN OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 50
150.3.8 Bind IN OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 100
150.3.9 Bind IN OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1000
150.3.10 Bind IN OUT with oracledb.fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
151. fetchArraySize4.js
151.1 getRows() of resultSet = true
151.1.1 numRows > table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize
151.1.2 numRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
151.1.3 table size > numRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize
151.1.4 table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize > maxRow
151.1.5 numRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize < table size
151.1.6 numRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize = table size
151.1.7 numRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
151.1.8 numRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize/10
151.1.9 numRows = 10 * oracledb.fetchArraySize
151.1.10 numRows > fetchArraySize, fetchArraySize = (table size)/10
151.1.11 numRows = (table size - 1), fetchArraySize = table size
151.1.12 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1), numRows = table size
151.2 getRow() of resultSet = true
151.2.1 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1
151.2.2 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 20
151.2.3 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 50
151.2.4 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 100
151.2.5 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 200
151.2.6 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1000
151.2.7 oracledb.fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
151.3 interleaved calls to getRow() and getRows()
151.3.1 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1
151.3.2 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 20
151.3.3 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 50
151.3.4 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 100
151.3.5 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 200
151.3.6 oracledb.fetchArraySize = 1000
151.3.6 oracledb.fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
152. fetchArraySize5.js
152.1 basic fetch with different maxRows and fetchArraySize
152.1.1 maxRows > table size > fetchArraySize
152.1.2 maxRows > fetchArraySize > table size
152.1.3 table size > maxRows > fetchArraySize
152.1.4 table size > fetchArraySize > maxRow
152.1.5 maxRows = fetchArraySize < table size
152.1.6 maxRows = fetchArraySize = table size
152.1.7 maxRows = fetchArraySize > table size
152.1.8 maxRows = fetchArraySize/10
152.1.9 maxRows = 10 * fetchArraySize
152.1.10 maxRows > fetchArraySize, fetchArraySize = (table size)/10
152.1.11 maxRows = 0, fetchArraySize = table size
152.1.12 maxRows = (table size - 1), fetchArraySize = table size
152.1.13 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1), maxRows = table size
152.2 REF CURSORS with different numRows and fetchArraySize
152.2.1 numRows > table size > fetchArraySize
152.2.2 numRows > fetchArraySize > table size
152.2.3 table size > numRows > fetchArraySize
152.2.4 table size > fetchArraySize > maxRow
152.2.5 numRows = fetchArraySize < table size
152.2.6 numRows = fetchArraySize = table size
152.2.7 numRows = fetchArraySize > table size
152.2.8 numRows = fetchArraySize/10
152.2.9 numRows = 10 * fetchArraySize
152.2.10 numRows > fetchArraySize, fetchArraySize = (table size)/10
152.2.11 numRows = (table size - 1), fetchArraySize = table size
152.2.12 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1), numRows = table size
152.3 queryStream() with different maxRows and fetchArraySize
152.3.1 maxRows > table size > fetchArraySize
152.3.2 maxRows > fetchArraySize > table size
152.3.3 table size > maxRows > fetchArraySize
152.3.4 table size > fetchArraySize > maxRow
152.3.5 maxRows = fetchArraySize < table size
152.3.6 maxRows = fetchArraySize = table size
152.3.7 maxRows = fetchArraySize > table size
152.3.8 maxRows = fetchArraySize/10
152.3.9 maxRows = 10 * fetchArraySize
152.3.10 maxRows > fetchArraySize, fetchArraySize = (table size)/10
152.3.11 maxRows = 0, fetchArraySize = table size
152.3.12 maxRows = (table size - 1), fetchArraySize = table size
152.3.13 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1), maxRows = table size
153. fetchArraySize6.js
153.1 DML binding
153.1.1 fetchArraySize = 1
153.1.2 fetchArraySize = 50
153.1.3 fetchArraySize = 100
153.1.4 fetchArraySize = 1000
153.1.5 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
153.2 procedure binding
153.2.1 Bind OUT with fetchArraySize = 1
153.2.2 Bind OUT with fetchArraySize = 50
153.2.3 Bind OUT with fetchArraySize = 100
153.2.4 Bind OUT with fetchArraySize = 1000
153.2.5 Bind OUT with fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
153.2.6 Bind IN OUT with fetchArraySize = 1
153.2.7 Bind IN OUT with fetchArraySize = 50
153.2.8 Bind IN OUT with fetchArraySize = 100
153.2.9 Bind IN OUT with fetchArraySize = 1000
153.2.10 Bind IN OUT with fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
153.3 function binding
153.3.1 Bind OUT with fetchArraySize = 1
153.3.2 Bind OUT with fetchArraySize = 50
153.3.3 Bind OUT with fetchArraySize = 100
153.3.4 Bind OUT with fetchArraySize = 1000
153.3.5 Bind OUT with fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
153.3.6 Bind IN OUT with fetchArraySize = 1
153.3.7 Bind IN OUT with fetchArraySize = 50
153.3.8 Bind IN OUT with fetchArraySize = 100
153.3.9 Bind IN OUT with fetchArraySize = 1000
153.3.10 Bind IN OUT with fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
154. fetchArraySize7.js
154.1 getRows() of resultSet = true
154.1.1 numRows > table size > fetchArraySize
154.1.2 numRows > fetchArraySize > table size
154.1.3 table size > numRows > fetchArraySize
154.1.4 table size > fetchArraySize > maxRow
154.1.5 numRows = fetchArraySize < table size
154.1.6 numRows = fetchArraySize = table size
154.1.7 numRows = fetchArraySize > table size
154.1.8 numRows = fetchArraySize/10
154.1.9 numRows = 10 * fetchArraySize
154.1.10 numRows > fetchArraySize, fetchArraySize = (table size)/10
154.1.11 numRows = (table size - 1), fetchArraySize = table size
154.1.12 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1), numRows = table size
154.2 getRow() of resultSet = true
154.2.1 fetchArraySize = 1
154.2.2 fetchArraySize = 20
154.2.3 fetchArraySize = 50
154.2.4 fetchArraySize = 100
154.2.5 fetchArraySize = 200
154.2.6 fetchArraySize = 1000
154.2.7 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
154.3 interleaved calls to getRow() and getRows()
154.3.1 fetchArraySize = 1
154.3.2 fetchArraySize = 20
154.3.3 fetchArraySize = 50
154.3.4 fetchArraySize = 100
154.3.5 fetchArraySize = 200
154.3.6 fetchArraySize = 1000
154.3.7 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1)
155. fetchArraySize8.js
155.1 Streaming clobs with different oracledb.fetchArraySize
155.1.1 maxRows > table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize
155.1.2 maxRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
155.1.3 table size > maxRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize
155.1.4 table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize > maxRow
155.1.5 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize < table size
155.1.6 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize = table size
155.1.7 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
155.1.8 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize/10
155.1.9 maxRows = 10 * oracledb.fetchArraySize
155.1.10 maxRows > fetchArraySize, fetchArraySize = (table size)/10
155.1.11 maxRows = 0, fetchArraySize = table size
155.1.12 maxRows = (table size - 1), fetchArraySize = table size
155.1.13 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1), maxRows = table size
155.2 Streaming clobs with different execute() option fetchArraySize
155.2.1 maxRows > table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize
155.2.2 maxRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
155.2.3 table size > maxRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize
155.2.4 table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize > maxRow
155.2.5 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize < table size
155.2.6 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize = table size
155.2.7 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
155.2.8 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize/10
155.2.9 maxRows = 10 * oracledb.fetchArraySize
155.2.10 maxRows > fetchArraySize, fetchArraySize = (table size)/10
155.2.11 maxRows = 0, fetchArraySize = table size
155.2.12 maxRows = (table size - 1), fetchArraySize = table size
155.2.13 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1), maxRows = table size
156. fetchArraySize9.js
156.1 Streaming blobs with different oracledb.fetchArraySize
156.1.1 maxRows > table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize
156.1.2 maxRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
156.1.3 table size > maxRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize
156.1.4 table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize > maxRow
156.1.5 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize < table size
156.1.6 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize = table size
156.1.7 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
156.1.8 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize/10
156.1.9 maxRows = 10 * oracledb.fetchArraySize
156.1.10 maxRows > fetchArraySize, fetchArraySize = (table size)/10
156.1.11 maxRows = 0, fetchArraySize = table size
156.1.12 maxRows = (table size - 1), fetchArraySize = table size
156.1.13 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1), maxRows = table size
156.2 Streaming blobs with different execute() option fetchArraySize
156.2.1 maxRows > table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize
156.2.2 maxRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
156.2.3 table size > maxRows > oracledb.fetchArraySize
156.2.4 table size > oracledb.fetchArraySize > maxRow
156.2.5 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize < table size
156.2.6 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize = table size
156.2.7 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize > table size
156.2.8 maxRows = oracledb.fetchArraySize/10
156.2.9 maxRows = 10 * oracledb.fetchArraySize
156.2.10 maxRows > fetchArraySize, fetchArraySize = (table size)/10
156.2.11 maxRows = 0, fetchArraySize = table size
156.2.12 maxRows = (table size - 1), fetchArraySize = table size
156.2.13 fetchArraySize = (table size - 1), maxRows = table size
157. maxRows.js
157.1 Default maxRows == 0, which means unlimited
157.2 specify the value at execution
157.3 equals to the total amount of rows
157.4 cannot set it to be a negative number
157.5 sets it to be large value
157.6 shows 12c new way to limit the number of records fetched by queries
157.7 oracledb.maxRows > 0 && oracledb.maxRows < totalAmount
157.8 oracledb.maxRows > 0, execute() with maxRows=0