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/* Copyright (c) 2017, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. */
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* (UPL) 1.0 as shown at and Apache License
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* If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
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* 19. fetchTimestampAsString.js
* Fetch Oracle TIMESTAMP types as String data
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const assert = require('assert');
const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const assist = require('./dataTypeAssist.js');
describe('19. fetchTimestampAsString.js', function() {
let connection = null;
before(async function() {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
if (oracledb.thin) {
// thin mode doesn't support NLS (use fetchTypeHandler instead)
return this.skip();
await connection.execute(
`alter session set nls_timestamp_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF'`);
await connection.execute(
`alter session set nls_timestamp_tz_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF'`);
after(async function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [];
await connection.close();
describe('19.1 TIMESTAMP', function() {
const tableName = `nodb_timestamp1`;
const inData = assist.TIMESTAMP_STRINGS;
before(async function() {
await assist.setUp4sql(connection, tableName, inData);
after(async function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [];
await connection.execute(`DROP table ` + tableName + ` PURGE`);
}); // after
afterEach(function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [];
it('19.1.1 fetchInfo option', async function() {
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_1_1;
await test1(tableName, ref);
it('19.1.2 fetchInfo option, outFormat is OBJECT', async function() {
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_1_2;
await test2(tableName, ref);
it('19.1.3 fetchInfo option, enables resultSet', async function() {
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_1_1;
await test3(tableName, ref);
it('19.1.4 fetchInfo option, resultSet and OBJECT outFormat', async function() {
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_1_2;
await test4(tableName, ref);
it('19.1.5 fetchAsString property', async function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [ oracledb.DATE ];
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_1_1;
await test5(tableName, ref);
it('19.1.6 fetchAsString property and OBJECT outFormat', async function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [ oracledb.DATE ];
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_1_2;
await test6(tableName, ref);
it('19.1.7 fetchAsString property, resultSet', async function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [ oracledb.DATE ];
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_1_1;
await test7(tableName, ref);
it('19.1.8 fetchAsString property, resultSet and OBJECT outFormat', async function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [ oracledb.DATE ];
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_1_2;
await test8(tableName, ref);
}); // 19.1
describe('19.2 TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE', function() {
const tableName = "nodb_timestamp3";
const inData = assist.TIMESTAMP_TZ_STRINGS_1;
before(async function() {
await assist.setUp4sql(connection, tableName, inData);
after(async function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [];
await connection.execute(`DROP table ` + tableName + ` PURGE`);
}); // after
afterEach(function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [];
it('19.2.1 fetchInfo option', async function() {
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_1;
await test1(tableName, ref);
it('19.2.2 fetchInfo option, outFormat is OBJECT', async function() {
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_2;
await test2(tableName, ref);
it('19.2.3 fetchInfo option, enables resultSet', async function() {
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_1;
await test3(tableName, ref);
it('19.2.4 fetchInfo option, resultSet and OBJECT outFormat', async function() {
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_2;
await test4(tableName, ref);
it('19.2.5 fetchAsString property', async function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [ oracledb.DATE ];
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_1;
await test5(tableName, ref);
it('19.2.6 fetchAsString property and OBJECT outFormat', async function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [ oracledb.DATE ];
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_2;
await test6(tableName, ref);
it('19.2.7 fetchAsString property, resultSet', async function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [ oracledb.DATE ];
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_1;
await test7(tableName, ref);
it('19.2.8 fetchAsString property, resultSet and OBJECT outFormat', async function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [ oracledb.DATE ];
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_2;
await test8(tableName, ref);
it('19.2.9 fetchAsString property and Different NLS timestamp TZ format', async function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [ oracledb.DATE ];
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_3;
// change TSTZ format
await connection.execute(
`alter session set nls_timestamp_tz_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS:FF'`);
await test5(tableName, ref);
// restore TSTZ format
`alter session set nls_timestamp_tz_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF'`);
}); // 19.2
describe('19.3 testing maxRows settings and queryStream() to fetch as string', function() {
const tableName = "nodb_timestamp3";
const inData = assist.TIMESTAMP_TZ_STRINGS_1;
const defaultLimit = oracledb.maxRows;
before(async function() {
assert.strictEqual(defaultLimit, 0);
await assist.setUp4sql(connection, tableName, inData);
after(async function() {
oracledb.fetchAsString = [];
await connection.execute(`DROP table ` + tableName + ` PURGE`);
}); // after
beforeEach(function() {
assert.strictEqual(oracledb.maxRows, defaultLimit);
afterEach(function() {
oracledb.maxRows = defaultLimit;
it('19.3.1 works well when setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows', async function() {
oracledb.maxRows = inData.length * 2;
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_1;
await test1(tableName, ref);
it('19.3.2 maxRows = actual num of rows', async function() {
oracledb.maxRows = inData.length;
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_1;
await test1(tableName, ref);
it('19.3.3 works when oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows', async function() {
const half = Math.floor(inData.length / 2);
oracledb.maxRows = half;
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_1.slice(0, half);
await test1(tableName, ref);
it('19.3.4 uses queryStream() and maxRows > actual number of rows', async function() {
oracledb.maxRows = inData.length * 2;
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_1;
await test9(tableName, ref);
it('19.3.5 uses queryStream() and maxRows = actual number of rows', async function() {
oracledb.maxRows = inData.length;
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_1;
await test9(tableName, ref);
it('19.3.6 maxRows < actual rows. maxRows does not restrict queryStream()', async function() {
const half = Math.floor(inData.length / 2);
oracledb.maxRows = half;
const ref = assist.content.timestamp_3_1;
await test9(tableName, ref);
}); // 19.3
// fetchInfo option
async function test1(table, want) {
const result = await connection.execute(
`select content from ` + table + ` order by num`,
{ fetchInfo: { "CONTENT": { type: oracledb.STRING } } });
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows, want);
// fetchInfo option, outFormat is OBJECT
async function test2(table, want) {
const result = await connection.execute(
`select content from ` + table + ` order by num`,
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT,
fetchInfo: { "CONTENT": { type: oracledb.STRING } }
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows, want);
// fetchInfo option, resultSet
async function test3(table, want) {
const result = await connection.execute(
`select content from ` + table + ` order by num`,
resultSet: true,
fetchInfo: { "CONTENT": { type: oracledb.STRING } }
let count = 0;
await fetchRowFromRS(result.resultSet);
async function fetchRowFromRS(rs) {
const row = await rs.getRow();
if (row) {
assert.deepStrictEqual(row, want[count]);
return fetchRowFromRS(rs);
} else {
await rs.close();
} // end of fetchRowFromRS
async function test4(table, want) {
const result = await connection.execute(
`select content from ` + table + ` order by num`,
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT,
resultSet: true,
fetchInfo: { "CONTENT": { type: oracledb.STRING } }
let count = 0;
await fetchRowFromRS(result.resultSet);
async function fetchRowFromRS(rs) {
const row = await rs.getRow();
if (row) {
assert.deepStrictEqual(row, want[count]);
return fetchRowFromRS(rs);
} else {
await rs.close();
} // end of fetchRowFromRS
async function test5(table, want) {
const result = await connection.execute(
`select content from ` + table + ` order by num`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows, want);
async function test6(table, want) {
const result = await connection.execute(
`select content from ` + table + ` order by num`,
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT });
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows, want);
async function test7(table, want) {
const result = await connection.execute(
`select content from ` + table + ` order by num`,
resultSet: true
let count = 0;
await fetchRowFromRS(result.resultSet);
async function fetchRowFromRS(rs) {
const row = await rs.getRow();
if (row) {
assert.deepStrictEqual(row, want[count]);
return fetchRowFromRS(rs);
} else {
await rs.close();
} // end of fetchRowFromRS
async function test8(table, want) {
const result = await connection.execute(
`select content from ` + table + ` order by num`,
resultSet: true,
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT
let count = 0;
await fetchRowFromRS(result.resultSet);
async function fetchRowFromRS(rs) {
const row = await rs.getRow();
if (row) {
assert.deepStrictEqual(row, want[count]);
return fetchRowFromRS(rs);
} else {
await rs.close();
} // end of fetchRowFromRS
async function test9(table, want) {
const sql = `select content from ` + table + ` order by num`;
const stream = await connection.queryStream(
{ fetchInfo: { "CONTENT": { type: oracledb.STRING } } }
const result = [];
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
stream.on('error', function(error) {
stream.on('data', function(data) {
stream.on('end', function() {
assert.deepStrictEqual(result, want);
stream.on('close', function() {