
941 lines
33 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. */
* This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License
* (UPL) 1.0 as shown at and Apache License
* 2.0 as shown at You may choose
* either license.
* If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
* the following applies:
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* sessionTag.js
* The functionality tests on session tagging and session fixup callback
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const should = require('should');
const dbconfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const testsUtil = require('./testsUtil.js');
const tag1 = "LANGUAGE=FRENCH";
const tag2 = "LANGUAGE=GERMAN";
const tagBad = "XXX=YYY";
async function showConnTags(conn) {
const result = await conn.execute(`
select * from plsql_fixup_calls
order by fixup_timestamp desc
fetch next 1 rows only
return result.rows;
async function truncateTable() {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbconfig);
try {
await conn.execute("truncate table plsql_fixup_calls");
} finally {
await conn.close();
async function dropTable() {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbconfig);
try {
await conn.execute("drop table plsql_fixup_calls");
await conn.execute("drop package plsql_fixup_test");
} finally {
await conn.close();
describe('184. sessionTag.js', function() {
before(async function() {
let isRunnable = true;
if (oracledb.oracleClientVersion < 1202000100) isRunnable = false;
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(dbconfig);
const serverVersion = connection.oracleServerVersion;
if (serverVersion < 1202000100) isRunnable = false;
await connection.close();
if (!isRunnable) this.skip();
describe('184.1 Remote PL/SQL Callback', function() {
before(async function() {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbconfig);
let sql = "BEGIN \n" +
" DECLARE \n" +
" e_table_missing EXCEPTION; \n" +
" PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942); \n" +
" BEGIN \n" +
" EXECUTE IMMEDIATE('DROP TABLE plsql_fixup_calls PURGE'); \n" +
" WHEN e_table_missing \n" +
" THEN NULL; \n" +
" END; \n" +
" CREATE TABLE plsql_fixup_calls ( \n" +
" requested_tag varchar2(250), \n" +
" actual_tag varchar2(250), \n" +
" fixup_timestamp timestamp \n" +
" ) \n" +
" '); \n" +
"END; ";
await conn.execute(sql);
sql = "create or replace package plsql_fixup_test as \n" +
" type property_t is table of varchar2(64) index by varchar2(64); \n" +
" procedure log_tag ( \n" +
" requested_tag varchar2, \n" +
" actual_tag varchar2 \n" +
" ); \n" +
" procedure log_tag_callback ( \n" +
" requested_tag varchar2, \n" +
" actual_tag varchar2 \n" +
" ); \n" +
" procedure build_tab ( \n" +
" tag in varchar2, \n" +
" property_tab out property_t \n" +
" ); \n" +
" procedure set_tag_callback ( \n" +
" requested_tag in varchar2, \n" +
" actual_tag in varchar2 \n" +
" ); \n" +
"end; \n";
await conn.execute(sql);
sql = "create or replace package body plsql_fixup_test as \n" +
" procedure log_tag ( \n" +
" requested_tag varchar2, \n" +
" actual_tag varchar2 \n" +
" ) is \n" +
" pragma autonomous_transaction; \n" +
" begin \n" +
" insert into plsql_fixup_calls \n" +
" values (requested_tag, actual_tag, systimestamp); \n" +
" commit; \n" +
" end; \n" +
" procedure log_tag_callback ( \n" +
" requested_tag varchar2, \n" +
" actual_tag varchar2 \n" +
" ) is \n" +
" begin \n" +
" log_tag(requested_tag, actual_tag); \n" +
" end; \n" +
" procedure build_tab(tag in varchar2, property_tab out property_t) is \n" +
" property varchar2(64); \n" +
" property_name varchar2(64); \n" +
" property_value varchar2(64); \n" +
" property_end_pos number := 1; \n" +
" property_start_pos number := 1; \n" +
" property_name_end_pos number := 1; \n" +
" begin \n" +
" while (length(tag) > property_end_pos) \n" +
" loop \n" +
" property_end_pos := instr(tag, ';', property_start_pos); \n" +
" if (property_end_pos = 0) then \n" +
" property_end_pos := length(tag) + 1; \n" +
" end if; \n" +
" property_name_end_pos := instr(tag, '=', property_start_pos); \n" +
" property_name := substr(tag, property_start_pos, \n" +
" property_name_end_pos - property_start_pos); \n" +
" property_value := substr(tag, property_name_end_pos + 1, \n" +
" property_end_pos - property_name_end_pos - 1); \n" +
" property_tab(property_name) := property_value; \n" +
" property_start_pos := property_end_pos + 1; \n" +
" end loop; \n" +
" end; \n" +
" procedure set_tag_callback ( \n" +
" requested_tag in varchar2, \n" +
" actual_tag in varchar2 \n" +
" ) is \n" +
" req_prop_tab property_t; \n" +
" act_prop_tab property_t; \n" +
" property_name varchar2(64); \n" +
" begin \n" +
" build_tab(requested_tag, req_prop_tab); \n" +
" build_tab(actual_tag, act_prop_tab); \n" +
" property_name := req_prop_tab.first; \n" +
" while (property_name is not null) \n" +
" loop \n" +
" if ((not act_prop_tab.exists(property_name)) or \n" +
" (act_prop_tab(property_name) != req_prop_tab(property_name))) then \n" +
" execute immediate 'alter session set ' || property_name || '=''' || req_prop_tab(property_name) || ''''; \n" +
" end if; \n" +
" property_name :=; \n" +
" end loop; \n" +
" end; \n" +
"end plsql_fixup_test; \n";
await conn.execute(sql);
await conn.close();
beforeEach(async function() {
await truncateTable();
after(async function() {
await dropTable();
it('184.1.1 Acquire connection without tag', async function() {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection({
sessionCallback: "plsql_fixup_test.log_tag_callback",
const res = await showConnTags(conn);
should.strictEqual(res.length, 0);
await conn.close();
it('184.1.2 Acquire connection from pool without tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: "plsql_fixup_test.log_tag_callback",
const conn = await pool.getConnection();
const res = await showConnTags(conn);
should.strictEqual(res.length, 0);
should.strictEqual(conn.tag, '');
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.1.3 Acquire connection from pool with empty string tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: "plsql_fixup_test.log_tag_callback",
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: ''});
const res = await showConnTags(conn);
should.strictEqual(res.length, 0);
should.strictEqual(conn.tag, '');
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.1.4 Acquire connection from pool with valid tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: "plsql_fixup_test.log_tag_callback",
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
const res = await showConnTags(conn);
should.strictEqual(res[0][0], tag1);
should.strictEqual(res[0][1], null);
should.strictEqual(conn.tag, tag1);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.1.5 Acquire connection from pool with error in callback', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: "plsql_fixup_test.set_tag_callback",
await testsUtil.assertThrowsAsync(
async () => {
await pool.getConnection({tag: tagBad});
/ORA-02248/ // ORA-02248 invalid option for ALTER SESSION
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 0);
await pool.close();
it('184.1.6 Acquire connection from pool twice with same tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: "plsql_fixup_test.log_tag_callback",
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
await conn.close();
await truncateTable();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
const res = await showConnTags(conn);
should.strictEqual(res.length, 0);
should.strictEqual(conn.tag, tag1);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.1.7 Acquire connection from pool twice with different tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: "plsql_fixup_test.log_tag_callback",
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
await conn.close();
await truncateTable();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag2});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 2);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
const res = await showConnTags(conn);
should.strictEqual(res[0][0], tag2);
should.strictEqual(res[0][1], null);
should.strictEqual(conn.tag, tag2);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.1.8 Acquire connection from pool twice with different tag using matchAnyTag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: "plsql_fixup_test.log_tag_callback",
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
await conn.close();
await truncateTable();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag2, matchAnyTag: true});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
const res = await showConnTags(conn);
should.strictEqual(res[0][0], tag2);
should.strictEqual(res[0][1], tag1);
should.strictEqual(conn.tag, tag2);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.1.9 Acquire connection from pool twice with different multi-tag using matchAnyTag', async function() {
if (oracledb.oracleClientVersion < 1202000000) this.skip();
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: "plsql_fixup_test.log_tag_callback",
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag2});
await conn.close();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tagMulti});
await conn.close();
await truncateTable();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1, matchAnyTag: true});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 2);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
should.strictEqual(conn.tag, tagMulti);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.1.10 Acquire connection from pool twice with empty string tag using matchAnyTag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: "plsql_fixup_test.log_tag_callback",
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
await conn.close();
await truncateTable();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: '', matchAnyTag: true});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 2);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
const res = await showConnTags(conn);
should.strictEqual(res.length, 0);
should.strictEqual(conn.tag, '');
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it.skip('184.1.11 Acquire connection from pool twice with first connection\'s tag set to ""', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: "plsql_fixup_test.log_tag_callback",
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
conn.tag = '';
await conn.close();
await truncateTable();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
const res = await showConnTags(conn);
should.strictEqual(res[0][0], tag1);
should.strictEqual(res[0][1], null);
should.strictEqual(conn.tag, tag1);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.1.12 Acquire connection from pool twice with different tag after setting first connection\'s tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: "plsql_fixup_test.log_tag_callback",
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
conn.tag = tag2;
await conn.close();
await truncateTable();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag2});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
const res = await showConnTags(conn);
should.strictEqual(res.length, 0);
should.strictEqual(conn.tag, tag2);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
describe('184.2 Local Javascript Callback', function() {
let callbackRequestedTag, callbackActualTag;
async function asyncTagFixup(conn, requestedTag, cb) {
callbackRequestedTag = requestedTag;
callbackActualTag = conn.tag;
if (requestedTag) {
const tagParts = requestedTag.split('=');
try {
conn.tag = requestedTag;
await conn.execute(`ALTER SESSION SET nls_language = '${tagParts[1]}'`);
} catch (err) {
} else {
function tagFixup(conn, requestedTag, cb) {
callbackRequestedTag = requestedTag;
callbackActualTag = conn.tag;
if (requestedTag) {
const tagParts = requestedTag.split('=');
conn.execute(`ALTER SESSION SET nls_language = '${tagParts[1]}'`, (err) => {
if (!err) conn.tag = requestedTag;
} else {
function simpleTagFixup(conn, requestedTag, cb) {
callbackRequestedTag = requestedTag;
callbackActualTag = conn.tag;
if (requestedTag) conn.tag = requestedTag;
function resetTag() {
callbackRequestedTag = null;
callbackActualTag = null;
beforeEach(function() {
it('184.2.1 Acquire connection without tag', async function() {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, null);
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, null);
await conn.close();
it('184.2.2 Acquire connection from pool without tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
const conn = await pool.getConnection();
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, '');
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, '');
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.2.3 Acquire connection from pool with empty string tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: ''});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, '');
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, '');
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.2.4 Acquire connection from default pool with valid tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection({poolAlias: 'default', tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, tag1);
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, '');
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.2.5 Acquire connection from pool with valid tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, tag1);
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, '');
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.2.6 Acquire connection from pool with bad tag using async session callback', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: asyncTagFixup,
await testsUtil.assertThrowsAsync(
async () => {
await pool.getConnection({tag: tagBad});
/ORA-12705/ //ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 0);
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, tagBad);
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, '');
await pool.close();
it('184.2.7 Acquire connection from pool with bad tag using sync session callback', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
await testsUtil.assertThrowsAsync(
async () => {
await pool.getConnection({tag: tagBad});
/ORA-12705/ //ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 0);
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, tagBad);
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, '');
await pool.close();
it('184.2.8 Acquire connection from pool twice with same tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
await conn.close();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, null);
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, null);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.2.9 Acquire connection from pool twice with different tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
await conn.close();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag2});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 2);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, tag2);
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, '');
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.2.10 Acquire connection from pool twice with different tag using matchAnyTag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
await conn.close();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag2, matchAnyTag: true});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, tag2);
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, tag1);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.2.11 Acquire connection from pool twice with different multi-tag using matchAnyTag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: simpleTagFixup,
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag2});
await conn.close();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tagMulti});
await conn.close();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1, matchAnyTag: true});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 2);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, tag1);
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, tagMulti);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.2.12 Acquire connection from pool twice with first connection\'s tag set to ""', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
conn.tag = '';
await conn.close();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, tag1);
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, '');
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.2.13 Acquire connection from pool twice with different tag after setting first connection\'s tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
conn.tag = tag2;
await conn.close();
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag2});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, null);
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, null);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
describe('184.3 Change connection\'s tag before the connection is closed', function() {
function tagFixup(conn, requestedTag, cb) {
if (requestedTag)
conn.tag = requestedTag;
it('184.3.1 Setting connection\'s tag to undefined triggers error NJS-004', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
await testsUtil.assertThrowsAsync(
() => {
conn.tag = undefined;
/NJS-004:/ //NJS-004: invalid value for property
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.3.2 Setting connection\'s tag to random object triggers error NJS-004', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
await testsUtil.assertThrowsAsync(
() => {
conn.tag = {data: ["doesn't matter"], status: "SUCC"};
/NJS-004:/ //NJS-004: invalid value for property
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it.skip('184.3.3 Closing randomly tagged connection triggers error ORA-24488', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
conn.tag = "it doesn't matter";
await testsUtil.assertThrowsAsync(
async () => {
await conn.close();
/ORA-24488/ //ORA-24488: Invalid properties or values provided for OCISessionRelease
conn.tag = tag1;
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
describe('184.4 Dropping Session From Pool', function() {
let callbackRequestedTag, callbackActualTag;
function tagFixup(conn, requestedTag, cb) {
callbackRequestedTag = requestedTag;
callbackActualTag = conn.tag;
if (requestedTag)
conn.tag = requestedTag;
function resetTag() {
callbackRequestedTag = null;
callbackActualTag = null;
async function dropUserSession(sql) {
const connectionDetails = {
user : dbconfig.test.DBA_user,
password : dbconfig.test.DBA_password,
connectString : dbconfig.connectString,
privilege : oracledb.SYSDBA,
let conn = await oracledb.getConnection(connectionDetails);
await conn.execute(sql);
await conn.close();
async function checkConnValid(conn) {
try {
const res = await conn.execute("select * from dual");
return res.rows[0][0] === 'X';
} catch (err) {
return false;
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
beforeEach(function() {
it('184.4.1 Acquire connection from pool, close with tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
await conn.close({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 0);
await pool.close();
it('184.4.2 Acquire connection from pool, drop session', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(dbconfig);
const conn = await pool.getConnection();
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
await conn.close({drop: true});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 0);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 0);
await pool.close();
it('184.4.3 Acquire connection from pool, drop session with tag', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
poolPingInterval: 10,
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
await conn.close({tag: tag1, drop: true});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 0);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 0);
await pool.close();
it('184.4.4 Acquire connection from pool, wait for pool ping to call session fixup', async function() {
if (!dbconfig.test.DBA_PRIVILEGE) this.skip();
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
poolMax: 1,
poolPingInterval: 2,
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
const sql = `select unique 'alter system kill session '''||sid||','||serial#||'''' from v$session_connect_info where sid = sys_context('USERENV', 'SID')`;
let res = await conn.execute(sql);
await conn.close();
await dropUserSession(res.rows[0][0]);
await sleep(5000);
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(await checkConnValid(conn), true);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
should.strictEqual(callbackRequestedTag, tag1);
should.strictEqual(callbackActualTag, '');
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.4.5 Acquire connection from pool, wait for pool timeout to drop', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
poolTimeout: 3,
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
await conn.close();
await sleep(5000);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 0);
await pool.close();
it('184.4.6 Drop connection from pool with poolMin=0', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
sessionCallback: tagFixup,
poolMax: 1,
poolMin: 0,
let conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
await conn.close({drop: true});
conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.4.7 Close connection from pool with {drop: false}', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(dbconfig);
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
await conn.close({drop: false});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 0);
await pool.close();
it('184.4.8 Close connection from pool with {drop: randomObject}', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(dbconfig);
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
await testsUtil.assertThrowsAsync(
async () => {
await conn.close({drop: {data: ["doesn't matter"], status: "SUCC"}});
/NJS-007:/ //NJS-007: invalid value for %s in parameter
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.4.9 Close connection from pool with {drop: 0}', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(dbconfig);
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
await testsUtil.assertThrowsAsync(
async () => {
await conn.close({drop: 0});
/NJS-007:/ //NJS-007: invalid value for %s in parameter
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.4.10 Close connection from pool with empty object', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(dbconfig);
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
await testsUtil.assertThrowsAsync(
async () => {
await conn.close({drop: {}});
/NJS-007:/ //NJS-007: invalid value for %s in parameter
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();
it('184.4.11 Close connection from pool with {drop: random string}', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(dbconfig);
const conn = await pool.getConnection({tag: tag1});
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
await testsUtil.assertThrowsAsync(
async () => {
await conn.close({drop: "it doesn't matter"});
/NJS-007:/ //NJS-007: invalid type for %s in parameter
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsOpen, 1);
should.strictEqual(pool.connectionsInUse, 1);
await conn.close();
await pool.close();