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* 178. soda10.js
* Test Soda Bulk insertion methods.
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const assert = require('assert');
const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const sodaUtil = require('./sodaUtil.js');
const testsUtil = require('./testsUtil.js');
describe('178. soda10.js', function() {
let runnable;
let conn, soda;
before(async function() {
const runnable = await testsUtil.isSodaRunnable();
if (!runnable) {
} else {
conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
soda = conn.getSodaDatabase();
await sodaUtil.cleanup();
}); // before()
after(async function() {
if (!runnable) {
await conn.close();
}); // after()
const inContents = [
{ id: 1, name: "Paul", office: "Singapore" },
{ id: 2, name: "Emma", office: "London" },
{ id: 3, name: "Kate", office: "Edinburgh" },
{ id: 4, name: "Changjie", office: "Shenzhen" }
it('178.1 insertMany() with newSodaDocumentArray', async function() {
const COLL = "soda_test_178_1";
const collection = await soda.createCollection(COLL);
const inDocuments = [];
for (let i = 0; i < inContents.length; i++) {
inDocuments[i] = soda.createDocument(inContents[i]); // n.b. synchronous method
await collection.insertMany(inDocuments);
// Fetch back
const outDocuments = await collection.find().getDocuments();
const outContents = [];
for (let i = 0; i < outDocuments.length; i++) {
outContents[i] = testsUtil.removeID(outDocuments[i].getContent()); // n.b. synchronous method
assert.deepStrictEqual(outContents, inContents);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
}); // 178.1
it('178.2 insertMany() with newSodaDocumentContentArray', async function() {
const COLL = "soda_test_178_2";
const collection = await soda.createCollection(COLL);
await collection.insertMany(inContents);
// Fetch back
const outDocuments = await collection.find().getDocuments();
const outContents = [];
for (let i = 0; i < outDocuments.length; i++) {
outContents[i] = testsUtil.removeID(outDocuments[i].getContent()); // n.b. synchronous method
assert.deepStrictEqual(outContents, inContents);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
}); // 178.2
it('178.3 insertManyAndGet() with newDocumentArray', async function() {
const COLL = "soda_test_178_3";
const collection = await soda.createCollection(COLL);
const inDocuments = [];
for (let i = 0; i < inContents.length; i++) {
inDocuments[i] = soda.createDocument(inContents[i]); // n.b. synchronous method
const middleDocuments = await collection.insertManyAndGet(inDocuments);
const middleContents = [];
for (let i = 0; i < middleDocuments.length; i++) {
middleContents[i] = middleDocuments[i].getContent();
assert.deepStrictEqual(middleContents, [null, null, null, null]);
// Fetch back
const outDocuments = await collection.find().getDocuments();
const outContents = [];
for (let i = 0; i < outDocuments.length; i++) {
outContents[i] = testsUtil.removeID(outDocuments[i].getContent()); // n.b. synchronous method
assert.deepStrictEqual(outContents, inContents);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
}); // 178.3
it('178.4 insertManyAndGet() with newDocumentContentArray', async function() {
const COLL = "soda_test_178_4";
const collection = await soda.createCollection(COLL);
const middleDocuments = await collection.insertManyAndGet(inContents);
const middleContents = [];
for (let i = 0; i < middleDocuments.length; i++) {
middleContents[i] = middleDocuments[i].getContent();
assert.deepStrictEqual(middleContents, [null, null, null, null]);
// Fetch back
const outDocuments = await collection.find().getDocuments();
const outContents = [];
for (let i = 0; i < outDocuments.length; i++) {
outContents[i] = testsUtil.removeID(outDocuments[i].getContent()); // n.b. synchronous method
assert.deepStrictEqual(outContents, inContents);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
}); // 178.4
it('178.5 Negative - insertMany() with an empty array', async function() {
const COLL = "soda_test_178_5";
const collection = await soda.createCollection(COLL);
await assert.rejects(
async function() {
await collection.insertMany([]);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
}); // 178.5
it('178.6 Negative - insertManyAndGet() with an empty array', async function() {
const COLL = "soda_test_178_6";
const collection = await soda.createCollection(COLL);
await assert.rejects(
async function() {
await collection.insertManyAndGet([]);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
}); // 178.6
it('178.7 insertManyAndGet() with hint option', async function() {
// The SODA hint is available with Oracle Client 21.3 and
// in 19 from 19.11
const clientVersion = testsUtil.getClientVersion();
if (clientVersion < 2103000000) {
if (clientVersion < 1911000000 || clientVersion >= 2000000000) {
const COLL = "soda_test_178_7";
const collection = await soda.createCollection(COLL);
const inDocuments = [];
for (let i = 0; i < inContents.length; i++) {
inDocuments[i] = soda.createDocument(inContents[i]); // n.b. synchronous method
const options = {hint: "MONITOR"};
const middleDocuments = await collection.insertManyAndGet(inDocuments, options);
const middleContents = [];
for (let i = 0; i < middleDocuments.length; i++) {
middleContents[i] = middleDocuments[i].getContent();
assert.deepStrictEqual(middleContents, [null, null, null, null]);
// Fetch back
const outDocuments = await collection.find().hint("MONITOR").getDocuments();
const outContents = [];
for (let i = 0; i < outDocuments.length; i++) {
outContents[i] = testsUtil.removeID(outDocuments[i].getContent()); // n.b. synchronous method
assert.deepStrictEqual(outContents, inContents);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
}); // 178.7
it('178.8 Negative - insertManyAndGet() with invalid options parameter', async function() {
const COLL = "soda_test_178_8";
const collection = await soda.createCollection(COLL);
const inDocuments = [];
for (let i = 0; i < inContents.length; i++) {
inDocuments[i] = soda.createDocument(inContents[i]); // n.b. synchronous method
const options = 3;
await assert.rejects(
async function() {
await collection.insertManyAndGet(inDocuments, options);
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
}); // 178.8