
395 lines
13 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2018, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. */
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* (UPL) 1.0 as shown at and Apache License
* 2.0 as shown at You may choose
* either license.
* If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
* the following applies:
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* 164. soda1.js
* Some basic tests of SODA.
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const assert = require('assert');
const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const sodaUtil = require('./sodaUtil.js');
const testsUtil = require('./testsUtil.js');
describe('164. soda1.js', () => {
before(async function() {
const runnable = await testsUtil.isSodaRunnable();
if (!runnable) {
await sodaUtil.cleanup();
it('164.1 getSodaDatabase() creates a sodaDatabase Object', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
await conn.close();
}); // 164.1
it('164.2 createCollection() creates a collection', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collName = "soda_test_164_2";
const coll = await sd.createCollection(collName);
await coll.drop();
await conn.close();
});// 164.2
it('164.3 openCollection() opens an existing collection', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collName = "soda_test_164_3";
const coll = await sd.createCollection(collName);
await conn.commit();
const newColl = await sd.openCollection(collName);
await newColl.drop();
await conn.close();
}); // 164.3
it('164.4 getCollectionNames() gets an array of collection names', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collNames = [
const collections = await Promise.all( {
return sd.createCollection(name);
const cNames = await sd.getCollectionNames();
assert.deepStrictEqual(cNames, collNames);
const opResults = await Promise.all( {
return coll.drop();
opResults.forEach(function(res) {
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); // 164.4
it('164.5 the operation status of collection.drop()', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collName = "soda_test_164_5";
const coll = await sd.createCollection(collName);
const res = await coll.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); // 164.5
it('164.6 Negative: the operation status of collection.drop()', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collName = "soda_test_164_6";
const coll = await sd.createCollection(collName);
await coll.drop();
const res = await coll.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, false);
await conn.close();
}); // 164.6
it('164.7 get one document', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collectionName = 'soda_test_164_7';
const coll = await sd.createCollection(collectionName);
await coll.find().remove();
// Insert a new document
const myContent = { name: "Sally", address: {city: "Melbourne"} };
await coll.insertOne(myContent);
const docs = await coll.find().getDocuments();
assert.strictEqual(docs.length, 1);
await docs.forEach(function(element) {
const content = element.getContent();
await conn.commit();
const res = await coll.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); // 164.7
it('164.8 get multiple documents', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collectionName = 'soda_test_164_8';
const coll = await sd.createCollection(collectionName);
const myContents = [
{ name: "Sally", address: {city: "Melbourne"} },
{ name: "Venkat", address: {city: "Bangalore"} },
{ name: "Changjie", address: {city: "Shenzhen"} }
await Promise.all( {
return coll.insertOne(con);
const docs = await coll.find().getDocuments();
assert.strictEqual(docs.length, 3);
await docs.forEach(function(element) {
const content = element.getContent();
await conn.commit();
const res = await coll.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); // 164.8
it('164.9 create index', async () => {
const indexName = "soda_index_164_9";
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const collectionName = 'soda_test_164_9';
const coll = await sd.createCollection(collectionName);
const index =
name: indexName,
fields: [ { path: "name" }]
await coll.createIndex(index);
await coll.dropIndex(indexName);
await coll.drop();
await conn.commit();
await conn.close();
}); // 164.9
it('164.10 the "examples/soda1.js" case with autoCommit = true', async () => {
oracledb.autoCommit = true;
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
// Create the parent object for SODA
const soda = conn.getSodaDatabase();
// Create a new SODA collection and index
const collection = await soda.createCollection("soda_test_164_10");
const indexSpec = {
"name": "CITY_IDX",
"fields": [
"path": "",
"datatype": "string",
"order": "asc"
await collection.createIndex(indexSpec);
// Insert a document
// A system generated key is created by default
const content1 = { name: "Matilda", address: {city: "Melbourne"} };
const doc1 = await collection.insertOneAndGet(content1);
const myKey = doc1.key;
assert.strictEqual(typeof (myKey), "string");
// Fetch the document back
const doc2 = await collection.find().key(myKey).getOne();
const content2 = doc2.getContent(); // A JavaScript object
assert.deepStrictEqual(content2, content1);
const content3 = testsUtil.removeID(doc2.getContentAsString()); // A JSON string
assert.strictEqual(JSON.stringify(content2), content3);
// Replace document contents
const content4 = { name: "Matilda", address: {city: "Sydney"} };
await collection.find().key(myKey).replaceOne(content4);
// Insert some more documents without caring about their keys
const content5 = { name: "Venkat", address: {city: "Bengaluru"} };
await collection.insertOne(content5);
const content6 = { name: "May", address: {city: "London"} };
await collection.insertOne(content6);
const content7 = { name: "Sally-Ann", address: {city: "San Francisco"} };
await collection.insertOne(content7);
// Find all documents with city names starting with 'S'
const documents = await collection.find()
.filter({"": {"$like": "S%"}})
for (let i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) {
const content = documents[i].getContent();
(['Sydney', 'San Francisco']).includes(;
// Count all documents
const res1 = await collection.find().count();
assert.strictEqual(res1.count, 4);
oracledb.autoCommit = false;
// Remove documents with cities containing 'o'
const res2 = await collection.find().filter({"": {"$regex": ".*o.*"}}).remove();
assert.strictEqual(res2.count, 2);
// Count all documents
const res3 = await collection.find().count();
assert.strictEqual(res3.count, 2);
await collection.dropIndex("CITY_IDX");
// Commit changes
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); // 164.10
it('164.11 the "examples/soda1.js" case with no autocommit set up', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
// Create the parent object for SODA
const soda = conn.getSodaDatabase();
// Create a new SODA collection and index
const collection = await soda.createCollection("soda_test_164_11");
const indexSpec = {
"name": "CITY_IDX",
"fields": [
"path": "",
"datatype": "string",
"order": "asc"
await collection.createIndex(indexSpec);
// Insert a document
// A system generated key is created by default
const content1 = { name: "Matilda", address: {city: "Melbourne"} };
const doc1 = await collection.insertOneAndGet(content1);
const myKey = doc1.key;
assert.strictEqual(typeof (myKey), "string");
// Fetch the document back
const doc2 = await collection.find().key(myKey).getOne();
const content2 = doc2.getContent(); // A JavaScript object
assert.deepStrictEqual(content2, content1);
const content3 = testsUtil.removeID(doc2.getContentAsString()); // A JSON string
assert.strictEqual(JSON.stringify(content2), content3);
// Replace document contents
const content4 = { name: "Matilda", address: {city: "Sydney"} };
await collection.find().key(myKey).replaceOne(content4);
// Insert some more documents without caring about their keys
const content5 = { name: "Venkat", address: {city: "Bengaluru"} };
await collection.insertOne(content5);
const content6 = { name: "May", address: {city: "London"} };
await collection.insertOne(content6);
const content7 = { name: "Sally-Ann", address: {city: "San Francisco"} };
await collection.insertOne(content7);
// Find all documents with city names starting with 'S'
const documents = await collection.find()
.filter({"": {"$like": "S%"}})
for (let i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) {
const content = documents[i].getContent();
(['Sydney', 'San Francisco']).includes(;
// Count all documents
const res1 = await collection.find().count();
assert.strictEqual(res1.count, 4);
// Remove documents with cities containing 'o'
const res2 = await collection.find().filter({"": {"$regex": ".*o.*"}}).remove();
assert.strictEqual(res2.count, 2);
// Count all documents
const res3 = await collection.find().count();
assert.strictEqual(res3.count, 2);
await collection.dropIndex("CITY_IDX");
// Commit changes
await conn.commit();
const res = await collection.drop();
assert.strictEqual(res.dropped, true);
await conn.close();
}); // 164.11
it('164.12 Negative: create collection with invalid metaData value', async () => {
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sd = conn.getSodaDatabase();
const t_collname = "soda_test_164_11";
const options = { metaData: "metaData" };
await assert.rejects(
async () => await sd.createCollection(t_collname, options),
await conn.close();
}); // 164.12