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/* Copyright (c) 2016, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. */
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* (UPL) 1.0 as shown at and Apache License
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* If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
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* 67. poolCache.js
* Testing properties of connection pool.
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const assert = require('assert');
const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
describe('67. poolCache.js', function() {
describe('67.1 basic functional tests', function() {
it('67.1.1 caches pool as default if pool is created when cache is empty', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(dbConfig);
const defaultPool = oracledb.getPool();
assert.strictEqual(pool, defaultPool);
assert.strictEqual(pool.poolAlias, "default");
await pool.close(0);
it('67.1.2 removes the pool from the cache on terminate', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(dbConfig);
await pool.close(0);
() => oracledb.getPool(),
it('67.1.3 can cache and retrieve an aliased pool', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 'random-pool-alias'};
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(config);
assert.strictEqual(pool.poolAlias, config.poolAlias);
const aliasedPool = oracledb.getPool(config.poolAlias);
assert.strictEqual(pool, aliasedPool);
await pool.close(0);
it('67.1.4 throws an error if the poolAlias already exists in the cache', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 'pool1'};
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(config);
await assert.rejects(
async () => await oracledb.createPool(config),
await pool.close(0);
it('67.1.5 does not throw an error if multiple pools are created without a poolAlias', async function() {
const pool1 = await oracledb.createPool(dbConfig);
const pool2 = await oracledb.createPool(dbConfig);
await pool1.close();
await pool2.close();
it('67.1.6 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is not a string', async function() {
// Setting poolAlias to something other than a string. Could be
// boolean, object, array, etc.
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: {}};
await assert.rejects(
async () => await oracledb.createPool(config),
it('67.1.7 makes poolAttrs.poolAlias a read-only attribute on the pool named poolAlias', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: "my-pool"};
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(config);
assert.strictEqual(pool.poolAlias, config.poolAlias);
() => pool.poolAlias = "some-new-value",
/TypeError: Cannot set/
assert.strictEqual(pool.poolAlias, config.poolAlias);
await pool.close(0);
it('67.1.8 retrieves the default pool, even after an aliased pool is created', async function() {
const pool1 = await oracledb.createPool(dbConfig);
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 'random-pool-alias'};
const pool2 = await oracledb.createPool(config);
// Not specifying a name, default will be used
const defaultPool = oracledb.getPool();
assert.strictEqual(pool1, defaultPool);
assert.strictEqual(pool1.poolAlias, "default");
await pool1.close();
await pool2.close();
it('67.1.9 retrieves the right pool, even after multiple pools are created', async function() {
const config1 = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 'random-pool-alias-1'};
const config2 = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 'random-pool-alias-2'};
const config3 = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 'random-pool-alias-3'};
const pool1 = await oracledb.createPool(config1);
const pool2 = await oracledb.createPool(config2);
const pool3 = await oracledb.createPool(config3);
assert.strictEqual(pool1, oracledb.getPool(config1.poolAlias));
assert.strictEqual(pool2, oracledb.getPool(config2.poolAlias));
assert.strictEqual(pool3, oracledb.getPool(config3.poolAlias));
await pool1.close();
await pool2.close();
await pool3.close();
it('67.1.10 throws an error if the pool specified in getPool doesn\'t exist', function() {
() => oracledb.getPool(),
() => oracledb.getPool("some-random-alias"),
it('67.1.11 does not throw an error if multiple pools are created without a poolAlias in the same call stack', async function() {
let pool1, pool2;
const routine1 = async function() {
pool1 = await oracledb.createPool(dbConfig);
const routine2 = async function() {
pool2 = await oracledb.createPool(dbConfig);
await Promise.all([routine1(), routine2()]);
await pool1.close();
await pool2.close();
describe('67.2 oracledb.getConnection functional tests', function() {
it('67.2.1 gets a connection from the default pool when no alias is specified', async function() {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(dbConfig);
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection();
await conn.close();
await pool.close(0);
it('67.2.2 gets a connection from the pool with the specified poolAlias', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 'random-pool-alias'};
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(config);
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(config.poolAlias);
await conn.close();
await pool.close(0);
it('67.2.3 throws an error if an attempt is made to use the default pool when it does not exist', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 'random-pool-alias'};
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(config);
await assert.rejects(
async () => await oracledb.getConnection(),
await pool.close(0);
it('67.2.4 throws an error if an attempt is made to use a poolAlias for a pool that is not in the cache', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 'random-pool-alias'};
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(config);
await assert.rejects(
async () => await oracledb.getConnection("pool-alias-that-does-not-exist"),
await pool.close(0);
it('67.2.5 gets a connection from the default pool, even after an aliased pool is created', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 'random-pool-alias'};
const pool1 = await oracledb.createPool(dbConfig);
const pool2 = await oracledb.createPool(config);
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection();
// Using the hidden pool property to check where the connection came from
assert.strictEqual(pool1, conn._pool);
await conn.close();
await pool1.close();
await pool2.close();
it('67.2.6 uses the right pool, even after multiple pools are created', async function() {
const config1 = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 'random-pool-alias-1'};
const config2 = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 'random-pool-alias-2'};
const config3 = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 'random-pool-alias-3'};
const pool1 = await oracledb.createPool(config1);
const pool2 = await oracledb.createPool(config2);
const pool3 = await oracledb.createPool(config3);
const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(config2.poolAlias);
assert.strictEqual(pool2, conn._pool);
await conn.close();
await pool1.close();
await pool2.close();
await pool3.close();
it('67.2.7 gets a connection from the default pool', async function() {
const config = {
poolMax: 4,
poolMin: 1,
poolIncrement: 1,
poolTimeout: 0 // never terminate unused connections
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(config);
const conn = await pool.getConnection();
await conn.close();
await pool.close(0);
}); // 67.2
// This suite extends 67.1.6 case with various types
describe('67.3 poolAlias attribute', function() {
it('67.3.1 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is an object', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: {'foo': 'bar'}};
await assert.rejects(
async () => await oracledb.createPool(config),
it('67.3.2 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is an array', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: []};
await assert.rejects(
async () => await oracledb.createPool(config),
it('67.3.3 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is a number', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: 123};
await assert.rejects(
async () => await oracledb.createPool(config),
it('67.3.4 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is a boolean', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: false};
await assert.rejects(
async () => await oracledb.createPool(config),
it('67.3.5 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is null', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: null};
await assert.rejects(
async () => await oracledb.createPool(config),
it('67.3.6 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is an empty string', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: null};
await assert.rejects(
async () => await oracledb.createPool(config),
it('67.3.7 throws an error if poolAttrs.poolAlias is NaN', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: NaN};
await assert.rejects(
async () => await oracledb.createPool(config),
it('67.3.8 works if poolAttrs.poolAlias is undefined', async function() {
const config = {...dbConfig, poolAlias: undefined};
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(config);
assert.strictEqual(pool.poolAlias, "default");
await pool.close(0);
}); // 67.3