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* 281. optimisticLock.js
* Testing optimistic locking to handle concurrent updates to a database
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const assert = require('assert');
const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const testsUtil = require('./testsUtil.js');
describe('281. optimisticLock.js', function() {
let isRunnable = false;
const TABLE = 'my_table';
before(async function() {
isRunnable = await testsUtil.checkPrerequisites(2100000000, 2300000000);
if (!isRunnable) {
describe('281.1 locking in tables', function() {
let connection = null;
// Function to simulate a 1-second delay
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
before(async function() {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const sql = `CREATE TABLE ${TABLE} (
value VARCHAR2(100),
version NUMBER(10)
// Set up database table with a version number column
await testsUtil.createTable(connection, TABLE, sql);
after(async function() {
await testsUtil.dropTable(connection, TABLE);
await connection.close();
afterEach(async function() {
await connection.execute(`TRUNCATE TABLE ${TABLE}`);
it('281.1.1 multiple workers that update the same row in the database at the same time', async function() {
// Insert a row into the table
await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO ${TABLE} (id, value, version) VALUES (:id, :value, :version)`,
{ id: 1, value: 'foo', version: 1 }
// Define a function to simulate a worker updating the row
async function updateRow(workerId) {
//incrementing the version column to indicate that the row has been modified
const updateQuery = `
SET value = :value, version = version + 1
WHERE id = :id AND version = :version
const updateParams = { id: 1, value: `worker ${workerId}`, version: workerId };
const result = await connection.execute(updateQuery, updateParams);
assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
// Start multiple workers to update the row concurrently
const workerCount = 10;
const workers = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= workerCount; i++) {
// Wait for all workers to finish
await Promise.all(workers);
// Verify that the final value of the row is the expected value
const selectQuery = `SELECT value FROM ${TABLE} WHERE id = :id`;
const selectParams = { id: 1 };
const selectResult = await connection.execute(selectQuery, selectParams);
const finalValue = selectResult.rows[0][0];
assert.strictEqual(finalValue, `worker ${workerCount}`);
it('281.1.2 two workers update and insert data into the same table at the same time', async function() {
One of the workers will insert a new row and not commit the transaction,
while the other worker will update an existing row.
This should result in the second worker being blocked by the first worker,
until the first worker either commits or rolls back its transaction.*/
// Insert a row into the table
await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO ${TABLE} (id, value, version) VALUES (:id, :value, :version)`,
{ id: 1, value: 'foo', version: 1 }
// Define a function to simulate a worker inserting a row and not committing
async function insertRow(workerId) {
const insertQuery = `
INSERT INTO ${TABLE} (id, value, version)
VALUES (:id, :value, :version)
const insertParams = { id: 2, value: `worker ${workerId}`, version: 1 };
await connection.execute(insertQuery, insertParams, { autoCommit: false });
// Define a function to simulate a worker updating a row
async function updateRow(workerId) {
const updateQuery = `
SET value = :value, version = version + 1
WHERE id = :id AND version = :version
const updateParams = { id: 1, value: `worker ${workerId}`, version: 1 };
await connection.execute(updateQuery, updateParams);
await connection.commit();
// Start the insert and update workers concurrently
const workers = [];
// Wait for all workers to finish
await Promise.all(workers);
// Verify that the final values of the rows are the expected values
const selectQuery = `SELECT value FROM ${TABLE} WHERE id IN (:id1, :id2) ORDER BY id`;
const selectParams = { id1: 1, id2: 2 };
const selectResult = await connection.execute(selectQuery, selectParams);
const finalValues = => row[0]);
assert.strictEqual(finalValues[0], "worker 2");
assert.strictEqual(finalValues[1], "worker 1");
// Roll back the uncommitted transaction
await connection.rollback();
it('281.1.3 two workers suspends the current session to update and insert', async function() {
Each worker will acquire a lock on the row and prevent other workers from updating it.
The worker then simulates a delay before updating the row where multiple workers might
be contending to access and update the same row simultaneously.
After updating the row, the worker checks if the update affected exactly one row and
commits the transaction if successful.
The test case waits for both threads to finish and collects their results. It then
verifies that exactly one thread succeeded and one thread failed, indicating that
the optimistic locking mechanism prevented concurrent updates and handled errors correctly.
await connection.execute(`
INSERT INTO ${TABLE} (id, value, version)
VALUES (1, 'initial', 1)
const numworkers = 2;
const results = [];
const workerTasks = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numworkers; i++) {
async function runworkerTask(i) {
let workerResult;
try {
This is done to simulate multiple users accessing a shared resource
at the same time, and to observe how the nodejs driver behaves when
two or more users are attempting to access the same tables simultaneously
// Delay execution for 1 second
await sleep(1000);
// Select the row for update
const result = await connection.execute(`
SELECT id, value, version
WHERE id = 1
`, [], { isAutoCommit: false });
const row = result.rows[0];
// Simulate a delay before updating the row
// Delay execution for 1 second
await sleep(1000);
// Increment the version number and update the row
const updateResult = await connection.execute(`
SET value = :value, version = :newVersion
WHERE id = :id AND version = :oldVersion
`, {
value: `worker ${i}`,
newVersion: row[2] + 1,
id: row[0],
oldVersion: row[2]
}, { isAutoCommit: false });
// Check that the update affected exactly one row
if (updateResult.rowsAffected !== 1) {
throw new Error('Failed to update row');
// Commit the transaction
await connection.commit();
workerResult = 'success';
} catch (err) {
workerResult = err.message;
return workerResult;
const workerResults = await Promise.all(workerTasks);
// Wait for all workers to finish and collect the results
for (let i = 0; i < numworkers; i++) {
results.push(await workerResults[i]);
// Verify that one worker succeeded and one worker failed
assert.strictEqual(results.includes('success'), true);
assert.strictEqual(results.includes('Failed to update row'), true);
describe('281.2 optimistic Locking in JSON Relational Duality View', function() {
let connection = null;
const createTableEmp = `CREATE TABLE employees (employee_id NUMBER(6)
primary key, first_name varchar2(4000),
last_name varchar2(4000), version NUMBER(10), department_id NUMBER(4))`;
const createTableDept = `CREATE TABLE departments (department_id NUMBER(4)
primary key, department_name VARCHAR2(30),
manager_id NUMBER(6))`;
const alterTableEmp = `ALTER TABLE employees ADD
(CONSTRAINT emp_dept_fk FOREIGN KEY (department_id)
REFERENCES departments)`;
const createEmpView = `CREATE or replace JSON relational duality VIEW EMP_OV
select JSON {
'LAST_NAME' is emp.last_name,
'VERSION' is emp.version,
'department_info' is
select JSON
'DEPARTMENT_ID' is dept.department_id,
'departmentname' is dept.department_name WITH(UPDATE)
from departments dept WITH(UPDATE,CHECK ETAG)
where dept.department_id = emp.department_id
returning JSON}
from employees emp WITH(INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE)`;
const createDeptView = `CREATE OR REPLACE JSON relational duality VIEW dept_ov
select JSON{
'department_id' is dept.DEPARTMENT_ID,
'department_name' is dept.DEPARTMENT_NAME,
( select
'employee_id' is emp.employee_id,
from employees emp WITH (INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE)
where emp.department_id = dept.department_id
returning json
from departments dept WITH (INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CHECK ETAG)`;
before(async function() {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
await testsUtil.createTable(connection, 'employees', createTableEmp);
await testsUtil.createTable(connection, 'departments', createTableDept);
await connection.execute(alterTableEmp);
await connection.execute(createEmpView);
await connection.execute(createDeptView);
after(async function() {
await testsUtil.dropTable(connection, 'employees');
await testsUtil.dropTable(connection, 'departments');
await connection.execute(`DROP VIEW IF EXISTS emp_ov`);
await connection.execute(`DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dept_ov`);
await connection.close();
afterEach(async function() {
await connection.execute(`DELETE from employees`);
await connection.execute(`DELETE from departments`);
it('281.2.1 multiple workers that update the view at the same time', async function() {
// Insert a row into the table
await connection.execute(`INSERT INTO departments VALUES
( 10
, 100
await connection.execute(`INSERT INTO employees VALUES
( 100
, 'Steven'
, 'King'
, 1
, 10
// Define a function to simulate a worker updating the row
async function updateRow(workerId) {
const queryUpdate = `update emp_ov set data = '{"EMPLOYEE_ID":100,"FIRST_NAME":"Lex","LAST_NAME":"De Haan",
"VERSION": ` + workerId + `,"department_info":{"DEPARTMENT_ID":10,"departmentname":"newdept"}}'
where json_value(data,'$.EMPLOYEE_ID') = 100`;
const result = await connection.execute(queryUpdate);
assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
// Start multiple workers to update the row concurrently
const workerCount = 10;
const workers = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= workerCount; i++) {
// Wait for all workers to finish
await Promise.all(workers);
// Verify that the final value of the row is the expected value
const query = `select * from emp_ov order by 1`;
const result = await connection.execute(query);
assert.strictEqual(result.rows[0][0].VERSION, workerCount);
it('281.2.2 two workers update and insert data into the same table at the same time', async function() {
One of the workers will insert a new row and not commit the transaction,
while the other worker will update an existing row.
This should result in the second worker being blocked by the first worker,
until the first worker either commits or rolls back its transaction.*/
// Insert a row into the departments table
await connection.execute(`INSERT INTO departments VALUES
( 10
, 100
await connection.execute(`INSERT INTO employees VALUES
( 100
, 'Steven'
, 'King'
, 0
, 10
// Define a function to simulate a worker inserting a row and not committing
async function insertRow(workerId) {
const queryInsert = `insert into emp_ov values ('{"EMPLOYEE_ID":` + 100 + workerId + `,"FIRST_NAME":"Lex",
"LAST_NAME":"De Haan","VERSION": ` + workerId + `,"department_info":{"DEPARTMENT_ID":10,"departmentname":"Administration"}}')`;
const result = await connection.execute(queryInsert, {}, { autoCommit: false });
assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
// Define a function to simulate a worker updating a row
async function updateRow(workerId) {
const queryUpdate = `update emp_ov set data = '{"EMPLOYEE_ID":100,"FIRST_NAME":"Harry","LAST_NAME":"Potter",
"VERSION": ` + workerId + `,"department_info":{"DEPARTMENT_ID":10,"departmentname":"Wizardry"}}'
where json_value(data,'$.EMPLOYEE_ID') = 100`;
const result = await connection.execute(queryUpdate);
assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
await connection.commit();
// Start the insert and update workers concurrently
const workers = [];
// Wait for all workers to finish
await Promise.all(workers);
// Verify that the final value of the row is the expected value
const query = `select * from emp_ov order by 1`;
const result = await connection.execute(query);
assert.strictEqual(result.rows.length, 2);
assert.strictEqual(result.rows[0][0].VERSION, 2);
assert.strictEqual(result.rows[1][0].VERSION, 1);
// Roll back the uncommitted transaction
await connection.rollback();