
1872 lines
68 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2017, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. */
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* (UPL) 1.0 as shown at and Apache License
* 2.0 as shown at You may choose
* either license.
* If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
* the following applies:
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* 87. fetchBlobAsBuffer1.js
* Testing Oracle data type support - BLOB.
* To fetch BLOB columns as buffer by setting oracledb.fetchAsBuffer.
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const assert = require('assert');
const fs = require('fs');
const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const random = require('./random.js');
describe('87. fetchBlobAsBuffer1.js', function() {
let connection = null;
let insertID = 1; // assume id for insert into db starts from 1
const inFileName = './test/blobTmpFile.txt';
const defaultStmtCache = oracledb.stmtCacheSize;
const proc_create_table1 = "BEGIN \n" +
" DECLARE \n" +
" e_table_missing EXCEPTION; \n" +
" PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942);\n" +
" BEGIN \n" +
" WHEN e_table_missing \n" +
" THEN NULL; \n" +
" END; \n" +
" CREATE TABLE nodb_blob1 ( \n" +
" ID NUMBER, \n" +
" B BLOB \n" +
" ) \n" +
" '); \n" +
"END; ";
const drop_table1 = "DROP TABLE nodb_blob1 PURGE";
before('get one connection', async function() {
oracledb.stmtCacheSize = 0;
connection = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
await fs.promises.writeFile(inFileName, '');
}); // before
after('release connection', async function() {
oracledb.stmtCacheSize = defaultStmtCache;
await connection.close();
await fs.promises.unlink(inFileName);
}); // after
// Generic function to insert a single row given ID, and data
const insertIntoBlobTable1 = async function(id, content) {
let result;
if (content == "EMPTY_BLOB") {
result = await connection.execute(
[ id ]);
assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
} else {
result = await connection.execute(
"INSERT INTO nodb_blob1 VALUES (:ID, :B)",
ID: { val: id },
B: { val: content, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN, type: oracledb.BUFFER }
assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
const updateBlobTable1 = async function(id, content) {
const result = await connection.execute(
"UPDATE nodb_blob1 set B = :B where ID = :ID",
{ ID: id, B: content });
assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
describe('87.1 fetch BLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsBuffer', function() {
before('Create table and populate', async function() {
await connection.execute(proc_create_table1);
}); // before
after('drop table', async function() {
await connection.execute(drop_table1);
}); // after
const insertAndFetch = async function(id, specialStr, insertContent) {
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, insertContent);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id });
const resultVal = result.rows[0][1];
if (specialStr === null) {
assert.strictEqual(resultVal, null);
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(resultVal, insertContent);
beforeEach('set oracledb.fetchAsBuffer', function() {
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [ oracledb.BLOB ];
}); // beforeEach
afterEach('clear the by-type specification', function() {
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [];
}); // afterEach
it('87.1.1 works with NULL value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = null;
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.1.1
it('87.1.2 works with empty Buffer', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = Buffer.from("", "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.1.2
it('87.1.3 works with small value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.1.3';
const contentLength = 20;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.1.3
it('87.1.4 works with (64K - 1) value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.1.4';
const contentLength = 65535;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.1.4
it('87.1.5 works with (64K + 1) value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.1.5';
const contentLength = 65537;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.1.5
it('87.1.6 works with (1MB + 1) data', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.1.6';
const contentLength = 1048577; // 1MB + 1
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.1.6
it('87.1.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.1.7';
const contentLength = 200;
const specialStrLength = specialStr.length;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT dbms_lob.substr(B, " + specialStrLength + ", 1) from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id });
const resultVal = result.rows[0][0];
const buffer2Compare = Buffer.from(specialStr, "utf-8");
assert.deepStrictEqual(resultVal, buffer2Compare);
}); // 87.1.7
it('87.1.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = "EMPTY_BLOB";
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.1.8
it('87.1.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.1.9_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.1.9_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0][1], content_1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[1][1], content_2);
}); // 87.1.9
it('87.1.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.1.10';
const contentLength = 200;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B AS B1, B AS B2 from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0][1], content);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0][2], content);
}); // 87.1.10
it('87.1.11 works with update statement', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.1.11_1';
const contentLength_1 = 208;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const specialStr_2 = '87.1.11_2';
const contentLength_2 = 200;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr_1, content_1);
await updateBlobTable1(id, content_2);
const result = await connection.execute("SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0][1], content_2);
}); // 87.1.11
it('87.1.12 works with REF CURSOR', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.1.12';
const contentLength = 100;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
const ref_proc = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_ref(blob_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR)\n" +
"AS \n" +
"BEGIN \n" +
" OPEN blob_cursor FOR \n" +
" SELECT B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id + "; \n" +
await connection.execute(ref_proc);
const sql = "BEGIN nodb_ref(:b); END;";
const bindVar = {
b: { type: oracledb.CURSOR, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT }
const result = await connection.execute(sql, bindVar);
const rows = await result.outBinds.b.getRows(3);
assert.deepStrictEqual(rows[0][0], content);
await result.outBinds.b.close();
const ref_proc_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE nodb_ref";
await connection.execute(ref_proc_drop);
}); // 87.1.12
it('87.1.13 fetch BLOB with stream', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.1.13';
const contentLength = 200;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [];
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id);
const lob = result.rows[0][0];
let blobData = Buffer.alloc(0);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
lob.on('data', function(chunk) {
blobData = Buffer.concat([blobData, chunk]);
lob.on('error', reject);
lob.on('end', lob.destroy);
lob.on('close', resolve);
assert.deepStrictEqual(blobData, content);
}); // 87.1.13
it('87.1.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.1.14_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.1.14_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 1;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE id = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2);
assert.strictEqual(result.rows.length, 1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0][1], content_1);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
}); // 87.1.14
it('87.1.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.1.15_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.1.15_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 10;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE id = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2);
assert.strictEqual(result.rows.length, 2);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0][1], content_1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[1][1], content_2);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
}); // 87.1.15
it('87.1.16 override oracledb.fetchAsBuffer with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.1.16';
const contentLength = 20;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id },
fetchInfo: { B: { type: oracledb.DEFAULT } }
const lob = result.rows[0][1];
const blobData = await lob.getData();
assert.deepStrictEqual(blobData, content);
}); // 87.1.16
it('87.1.17 works with await connection.queryStream()', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.1.17';
const contentLength = 200;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
const sql = "SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id;
const stream = await connection.queryStream(sql);
let counter = 0;
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
stream.on('error', reject);
stream.on('end', stream.destroy);
stream.on('close', resolve);
stream.on('data', function(data) {
assert.deepStrictEqual(data[1], content);
assert.strictEqual(counter, 1);
}); // 87.1.17
it('87.1.18 works with await connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.1.18_1';
const contentLength_1 = 26;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.1.18_2';
const contentLength_2 = 30;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 20;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const sql = "SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2;
const stream = await connection.queryStream(sql);
let counter = 0;
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
stream.on('error', reject);
stream.on('end', stream.destroy);
stream.on('close', resolve);
stream.on('data', function(data) {
const result = data[1];
if (counter == 1) {
assert.deepStrictEqual(result, content_1);
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(result, content_2);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
assert.strictEqual(counter, 2);
}); // 87.1.18
it('87.1.19 works with await connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows = actual number of rows in the table', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.1.19_1';
const contentLength_1 = 26;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.1.19_2';
const contentLength_2 = 30;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 2;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const sql = "SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2;
const stream = await connection.queryStream(sql);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
stream.on('error', function(error) {
assert.ifError(error, null, 'Error event should not be triggered');
let counter = 0;
stream.on('data', function(data) {
const result = data[1];
if (counter == 1) {
assert.deepStrictEqual(result, content_1);
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(result, content_2);
stream.on('end', function() {
assert.strictEqual(counter, 2);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
stream.on('close', function() {
}); // 87.1.19
it('87.1.20 works with await connection.queryStream() and oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.1.20_1';
const contentLength_1 = 26;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.1.19_2';
const contentLength_2 = 30;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 1;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const sql = "SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2;
const stream = await connection.queryStream(sql);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
stream.on('error', function(error) {
assert.ifError(error, null, 'Error event should not be triggered');
let counter = 0;
stream.on('data', function(data) {
const result = data[1];
if (counter == 1) {
assert.deepStrictEqual(result, content_1);
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(result, content_2);
stream.on('end', function() {
assert.strictEqual(counter, 2);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
stream.on('close', function() {
}); // 87.1.20
}); // 87.1
describe('87.2 fetch BLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsBuffer and outFormat = oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT', function() {
before('Create table and populate', async function() {
await connection.execute(proc_create_table1);
}); // before
after('drop table', async function() {
await connection.execute(drop_table1);
}); // after
beforeEach('set oracledb.fetchAsBuffer', function() {
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [ oracledb.BLOB ];
}); // beforeEach
afterEach('clear the by-type specification', function() {
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [];
}); // afterEach
const insertAndFetch = async function(id, specialStr, insertContent) {
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, insertContent);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT });
const resultVal = result.rows[0].B;
if (specialStr === null) {
assert.strictEqual(resultVal, null);
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(resultVal, insertContent);
it('87.2.1 works with NULL value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = null;
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.2.1
it('87.2.2 works with empty Buffer', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = Buffer.from("", "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.2.2
it('87.2.3 works with small value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.2.3';
const contentLength = 20;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.2.3
it('87.2.4 works with (64K - 1) value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.2.4';
const contentLength = 65535;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.2.4
it('87.2.5 works with (64K + 1) value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.2.5';
const contentLength = 65537;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.2.5
it('87.2.6 works with (1MB + 1) data', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.2.6';
const contentLength = 1048577; // 1MB + 1
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.2.6
it('87.2.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.2.7';
const contentLength = 200;
const specialStrLength = specialStr.length;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT dbms_lob.substr(B, " + specialStrLength + ", 1) AS B1 from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT });
const resultVal = result.rows[0].B1;
const buffer2Compare = Buffer.from(specialStr, "utf-8");
assert.deepStrictEqual(resultVal, buffer2Compare);
}); // 87.2.7
it('87.2.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = "EMPTY_BLOB";
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.2.8
it('87.2.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.2.9_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.2.9_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2,
{ },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT });
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0].B, content_1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[1].B, content_2);
}); // 87.2.9
it('87.2.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.2.10';
const contentLength = 200;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B AS B1, B AS B2 from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id,
{ },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT });
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0].B1, content);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0].B2, content);
}); // 87.2.10
it('87.2.11 works with update statement', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.2.11_1';
const contentLength_1 = 201;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const specialStr_2 = '87.2.11_2';
const contentLength_2 = 208;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr_1, content_1);
await updateBlobTable1(id, content_2);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id,
{ },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT });
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0].B, content_2);
}); // 87.2.11
it('87.2.12 works with REF CURSOR', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.2.12';
const contentLength = 100;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
const ref_proc = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_ref(blob_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR)\n" +
"AS \n" +
"BEGIN \n" +
" OPEN blob_cursor FOR \n" +
" SELECT B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id + "; \n" +
await connection.execute(ref_proc);
const sql = "BEGIN nodb_ref(:b); END;";
const bindVar = {
b: { type: oracledb.CURSOR, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT }
const result = await connection.execute(sql, bindVar);
const rows = await result.outBinds.b.getRows(3);
assert.deepStrictEqual(rows[0][0], content);
await result.outBinds.b.close();
const ref_proc_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE nodb_ref";
await connection.execute(ref_proc_drop);
}); // 87.2.12
it('87.2.13 fetch BLOB with stream', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.2.13';
const contentLength = 200;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [];
result = await connection.execute("SELECT B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id);
const lob = result.rows[0][0];
let blobData = Buffer.alloc(0);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
lob.on('error', reject);
lob.on('end', lob.destroy);
lob.on('close', resolve);
lob.on('data', function(chunk) {
blobData = Buffer.concat([blobData, chunk]);
assert.deepStrictEqual(blobData, content);
}); // 87.2.13
it('87.2.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.2.14_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.2.14_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 1;
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE id = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2,
{ },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT });
assert.strictEqual(result.rows.length, 1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0].B, content_1);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
}); // 87.2.14
it('87.2.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.2.15_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.2.15_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 10;
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE id = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2,
{ },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT });
assert.strictEqual(result.rows.length, 2);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0].B, content_1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[1].B, content_2);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
}); // 87.2.15
it('87.2.16 override oracledb.fetchAsBuffer with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.2.16';
const contentLength = 20;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id },
fetchInfo: { B: { type: oracledb.DEFAULT } }
const lob = result.rows[0][1];
const blobData = await lob.getData();
await lob.close();
assert.deepStrictEqual(blobData, content);
}); // 87.2.16
}); // 87.2
describe('87.3 fetch BLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsBuffer, outFormat = oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT and resultSet = true', function() {
before('Create table and populate', async function() {
await connection.execute(proc_create_table1);
}); // before
after('drop table', async function() {
await connection.execute(drop_table1);
}); // after
beforeEach('set oracledb.fetchAsBuffer', function() {
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [ oracledb.BLOB ];
}); // beforeEach
afterEach('clear the by-type specification', function() {
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [];
}); // afterEach
const insertAndFetch = async function(id, specialStr, insertContent) {
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, insertContent);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT,
resultSet: true
const row = await result.resultSet.getRow();
const resultVal = row.B;
if (specialStr === null) {
assert.strictEqual(resultVal, null);
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(resultVal, insertContent);
await result.resultSet.close();
it('87.3.1 works with NULL value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = null;
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.3.1
it('87.3.2 works with empty Buffer', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = Buffer.from("", "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.3.2
it('87.3.3 works with small value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.3.3';
const contentLength = 20;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.3.3
it('87.3.4 works with (64K - 1) value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.3.4';
const contentLength = 65535;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.3.4
it('87.3.5 works with (64K + 1) value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.3.5';
const contentLength = 65537;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.3.5
it('87.3.6 works with (1MB + 1) data', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.3.6';
const contentLength = 1048577; // 1MB + 1
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.3.6
it('87.3.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.3.7';
const contentLength = 200;
const specialStrLength = specialStr.length;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT dbms_lob.substr(B, " + specialStrLength + ", 1) AS B1 from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT,
resultSet: true
const row = await result.resultSet.getRow();
const buffer2Compare = Buffer.from(specialStr, "utf-8");
assert.deepStrictEqual(row.B1, buffer2Compare);
await result.resultSet.close();
}); // 87.3.7
it('87.3.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = "EMPTY_BLOB";
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.3.8
it('87.3.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.3.9_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.3.9_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const rowNumFetched = 2;
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2,
{ },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT,
resultSet: true
const row = await result.resultSet.getRows(
assert.deepStrictEqual(row[0].B, content_1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(row[1].B, content_2);
await result.resultSet.close();
}); // 87.3.9
it('87.3.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.3.10';
const contentLength = 200;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B AS B1, B AS B2 from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id,
{ },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT,
resultSet: true
const row = await result.resultSet.getRow();
assert.deepStrictEqual(row.B1, content);
assert.deepStrictEqual(row.B2, content);
await result.resultSet.close();
}); // 87.3.10
it('87.3.11 works with update statement', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.3.11_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const specialStr_2 = '87.3.11_2';
const contentLength_2 = 208;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr_1, content_1);
await updateBlobTable1(id, content_2);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id,
{ },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT,
resultSet: true
const row = await result.resultSet.getRow();
assert.deepStrictEqual(row.B, content_2);
await result.resultSet.close();
}); // 87.3.11
it('87.3.12 works with REF CURSOR', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.3.12';
const contentLength = 100;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
const ref_proc = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_ref(blob_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR)\n" +
"AS \n" +
"BEGIN \n" +
" OPEN blob_cursor FOR \n" +
" SELECT B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id + "; \n" +
await connection.execute(ref_proc);
const sql = "BEGIN nodb_ref(:b); END;";
const bindVar = {
b: { type: oracledb.CURSOR, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT }
const result = await connection.execute(sql, bindVar);
const rows = await result.outBinds.b.getRows(3);
assert.deepStrictEqual(rows[0][0], content);
await result.outBinds.b.close();
const ref_proc_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE nodb_ref";
await connection.execute(ref_proc_drop);
}); // 87.3.12
it('87.3.13 fetch BLOB with stream', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.3.13';
const contentLength = 200;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [];
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id);
const lob = result.rows[0][0];
let blobData = Buffer.alloc(0);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
lob.on('error', reject);
lob.on('end', lob.destroy);
lob.on('close', resolve);
lob.on('data', function(chunk) {
blobData = Buffer.concat([blobData, chunk]);
assert.deepStrictEqual(blobData, content);
}); // 87.3.13
it('87.3.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.3.14_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.3.14_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 1;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const rowNumFetched = 2;
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE id = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2,
{ },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT,
resultSet: true
const row = await result.resultSet.getRows(rowNumFetched);
assert.strictEqual(row.length, 2);
assert.deepStrictEqual(row[0].B, content_1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(row[1].B, content_2);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
await result.resultSet.close();
}); // 87.3.14
it('87.3.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.3.15_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.3.15_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 10;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE id = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2,
{ },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT,
resultSet: true
const rows = await result.resultSet.getRows(2);
assert.strictEqual(rows.length, 2);
assert.deepStrictEqual(rows[0].B, content_1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(rows[1].B, content_2);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
await result.resultSet.close();
}); // 87.3.15
it('87.3.16 override oracledb.fetchAsBuffer with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.3.16';
const contentLength = 20;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id },
fetchInfo: { B: { type: oracledb.DEFAULT } }
const lob = result.rows[0][1];
const blobData = await lob.getData();
await lob.close();
assert.deepStrictEqual(blobData, content);
}); // 87.3.16
}); // 87.3
describe('87.4 fetch BLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsBuffer and outFormat = oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY', function() {
before('Create table and populate', async function() {
await connection.execute(proc_create_table1);
}); // before
after('drop table', async function() {
await connection.execute(
}); // after
beforeEach('set oracledb.fetchAsBuffer', function() {
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [ oracledb.BLOB ];
}); // beforeEach
afterEach('clear the by-type specification', function() {
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [];
}); // afterEach
const insertAndFetch = async function(id, specialStr, insertContent) {
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, insertContent);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY });
const resultVal = result.rows[0][1];
if (specialStr === null) {
assert.strictEqual(resultVal, null);
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(resultVal, insertContent);
it('87.4.1 works with NULL value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = null;
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.4.1
it('87.4.2 works with empty Buffer', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = Buffer.from("", "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.4.2
it('87.4.3 works with small value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.4.3';
const contentLength = 20;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.4.3
it('87.4.4 works with (64K - 1) value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.4.4';
const contentLength = 65535;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.4.4
it('87.4.5 works with (64K + 1) value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.4.5';
const contentLength = 65537;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.4.5
it('87.4.6 works with (1MB + 1) data', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.4.6';
const contentLength = 1048577; // 1MB + 1
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.4.6
it('87.4.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.4.7';
const contentLength = 200;
const specialStrLength = specialStr.length;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT dbms_lob.substr(B, " + specialStrLength + ", 1) from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY });
const resultVal = result.rows[0][0];
const buffer2Compare = Buffer.from(specialStr, "utf-8");
assert.deepStrictEqual(resultVal, buffer2Compare);
}); // 87.4.7
it('87.4.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = "EMPTY_BLOB";
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.4.8
it('87.4.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.4.9_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.4.9_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2,
{ },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY });
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0][1], content_1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[1][1], content_2);
}); // 87.4.9
it('87.4.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.4.10';
const contentLength = 200;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B AS B1, B AS B2 from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id,
{ },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY });
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0][1], content);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0][2], content);
}); // 87.4.10
it('87.4.11 works with update statement', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.4.11_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const specialStr_2 = '87.4.11_2';
const contentLength_2 = 208;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr_1, content_1);
await updateBlobTable1(id, content_2);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id,
{ },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY });
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0][1], content_2);
}); // 87.4.11
it('87.4.12 works with REF CURSOR', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.4.12';
const contentLength = 100;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
const ref_proc = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_ref(blob_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR)\n" +
"AS \n" +
"BEGIN \n" +
" OPEN blob_cursor FOR \n" +
" SELECT B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id + "; \n" +
await connection.execute(ref_proc);
const sql = "BEGIN nodb_ref(:b); END;";
const bindVar = {
b: { type: oracledb.CURSOR, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT }
const result = await connection.execute(sql, bindVar);
const rows = await result.outBinds.b.getRows(3);
assert.deepStrictEqual(rows[0][0], content);
await result.outBinds.b.close();
const ref_proc_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE nodb_ref";
await connection.execute(ref_proc_drop);
}); // 87.4.12
it('87.4.13 fetch BLOB with stream', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.4.13';
const contentLength = 200;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [];
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id);
const lob = result.rows[0][0];
let blobData = Buffer.alloc(0);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
lob.on('error', reject);
lob.on('end', lob.destroy);
lob.on('close', resolve);
lob.on('data', function(chunk) {
blobData = Buffer.concat([blobData, chunk]);
assert.deepStrictEqual(blobData, content);
}); // 87.4.13
it('87.4.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.4.14_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.4.14_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 1;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE id = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2,
{ },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY });
assert.strictEqual(result.rows.length, 1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0][1], content_1);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
}); // 87.4.14
it('87.4.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.4.15_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.4.15_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 10;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE id = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2,
{ },
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY });
assert.strictEqual(result.rows.length, 2);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[0][1], content_1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows[1][1], content_2);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
}); // 87.4.15
it('87.4.16 override oracledb.fetchAsBuffer with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.4.16';
const contentLength = 20;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id },
fetchInfo: { B: { type: oracledb.DEFAULT } }
const lob = result.rows[0][1];
const blobData = await lob.getData();
await lob.close();
assert.deepStrictEqual(blobData, content);
}); // 87.4.16
}); // 87.4
describe('87.5 fetch BLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsBuffer, outFormat = oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY and resultSet = true', function() {
before('Create table and populate', async function() {
await connection.execute(proc_create_table1);
}); // before
after('drop table', async function() {
await connection.execute(drop_table1);
}); // after
beforeEach('set oracledb.fetchAsBuffer', function() {
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [ oracledb.BLOB ];
}); // beforeEach
afterEach('clear the by-type specification', function() {
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [];
}); // afterEach
const insertAndFetch = async function(id, specialStr, insertContent) {
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, insertContent);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY,
resultSet: true
const row = await result.resultSet.getRow();
const resultVal = row[1];
if (specialStr === null) {
assert.strictEqual(resultVal, null);
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(resultVal, insertContent);
await result.resultSet.close();
it('87.5.1 works with NULL value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = null;
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.5.1
it('87.5.2 works with empty Buffer', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = Buffer.from("", "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.5.2
it('87.5.3 works with small value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.5.3';
const contentLength = 20;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.5.3
it('87.5.4 works with (64K - 1) value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.5.4';
const contentLength = 65535;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.5.4
it('87.5.5 works with (64K + 1) value', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.5.5';
const contentLength = 65537;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.5.5
it('87.5.6 works with (1MB + 1) data', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.5.6';
const contentLength = 1048577; // 1MB + 1
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr, content);
}); // 87.5.6
it('87.5.7 works with dbms_lob.substr()', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.5.7';
const contentLength = 200;
const specialStrLength = specialStr.length;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT dbms_lob.substr(B, " + specialStrLength + ", 1) AS B1 from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY,
resultSet: true
const row = await result.resultSet.getRow();
const resultVal = row[0];
const buffer2Compare = Buffer.from(specialStr, "utf-8");
assert.deepStrictEqual(resultVal, buffer2Compare);
await result.resultSet.close();
}); // 87.5.7
it('87.5.8 works with EMPTY_BLOB()', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const content = "EMPTY_BLOB";
await insertAndFetch(id, null, content);
}); // 87.5.8
it('87.5.9 fetch multiple BLOB rows as Buffer', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.5.9_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.5.9_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2,
{ },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY,
resultSet: true
const rows = await result.resultSet.getRows(2);
assert.deepStrictEqual(rows[0][1], content_1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(rows[1][1], content_2);
await result.resultSet.close();
}); // 87.5.9
it('87.5.10 fetch the same BLOB column multiple times', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.5.10';
const contentLength = 200;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B AS B1, B AS B2 from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id,
{ },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY,
resultSet: true
const row = await result.resultSet.getRow();
assert.deepStrictEqual(row[1], content);
assert.deepStrictEqual(row[2], content);
await result.resultSet.close();
}); // 87.5.10
it('87.5.11 works with update statement', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.5.11_1';
const contentLength_1 = 208;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const specialStr_2 = '87.5.11_2';
const contentLength_2 = 208;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
await insertAndFetch(id, specialStr_1, content_1);
await updateBlobTable1(id, content_2);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id,
{ },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY,
resultSet: true
const row = await result.resultSet.getRow();
assert.deepStrictEqual(row[1], content_2);
await result.resultSet.close();
}); // 87.5.11
it('87.5.12 works with REF CURSOR', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.5.12';
const contentLength = 100;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
let result = null;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
const ref_proc = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_ref(blob_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR)\n" +
"AS \n" +
"BEGIN \n" +
" OPEN blob_cursor FOR \n" +
" SELECT B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id + "; \n" +
await connection.execute(ref_proc);
const sql = "BEGIN nodb_ref(:b); END;";
const bindVar = {
b: { type: oracledb.CURSOR, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT }
result = await connection.execute(
const rows = await result.outBinds.b.getRows(3);
assert.deepStrictEqual(rows[0][0], content);
await result.outBinds.b.close();
const ref_proc_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE nodb_ref";
await connection.execute(ref_proc_drop);
}); // 87.5.12
it('87.5.13 fetch BLOB with stream', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.5.13';
const contentLength = 200;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [];
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = " + id);
const lob = result.rows[0][0];
const blobData = await lob.getData();
await lob.close();
assert.deepStrictEqual(blobData, content);
}); // 87.5.13
it('87.5.14 works with setting oracledb.maxRows < actual number of rows in the table', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.5.14_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.5.14_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 1;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE id = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2,
{ },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY,
resultSet: true
const rows = await result.resultSet.getRows(2);
assert.strictEqual(rows.length, 2);
assert.deepStrictEqual(rows[0][1], content_1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(rows[1][1], content_2);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
await result.resultSet.close();
}); // 87.5.14
it('87.5.15 works with setting oracledb.maxRows > actual number of rows in the table', async function() {
const id_1 = insertID++;
const specialStr_1 = '87.5.15_1';
const contentLength_1 = 200;
const strBuf_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
const content_1 = Buffer.from(strBuf_1, "utf-8");
const id_2 = insertID++;
const specialStr_2 = '87.5.15_2';
const contentLength_2 = 100;
const strBuf_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
const content_2 = Buffer.from(strBuf_2, "utf-8");
const maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 10;
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_1, content_1);
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id_2, content_2);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE id = " + id_1 + " or id = " + id_2,
{ },
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY,
resultSet: true
const rows = await result.resultSet.getRows(2);
assert.strictEqual(rows.length, 2);
assert.deepStrictEqual(rows[0][1], content_1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(rows[1][1], content_2);
oracledb.maxRows = maxRowsBak;
await result.resultSet.close();
}); // 87.5.15
it('87.5.16 override oracledb.fetchAsBuffer with fetchInfo set to oracledb.DEFAULT', async function() {
const id = insertID++;
const specialStr = '87.5.16';
const contentLength = 20;
const strBuf = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
const content = Buffer.from(strBuf, "utf-8");
await insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content);
const result = await connection.execute(
"SELECT ID, B from nodb_blob1 WHERE ID = :id",
{ id: id },
fetchInfo: { B: { type: oracledb.DEFAULT } }
const lob = result.rows[0][1];
const blobData = await lob.getData();
await lob.close();
assert.deepStrictEqual(blobData, content);
}); // 87.5.16
}); // 87.5