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* If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
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* 283. aq7.js
* Test Oracle Advanced Queueing (AQ).
* Test cases for JSON payload type with AQ.
'use strict';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const dbconfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
const testsUtil = require('./testsUtil.js');
const assert = require('assert');
const fs = require('fs');
describe('283. aq7.js', function() {
let conn = null;
let isRunnable = false;
const AQ_USER_PWD = testsUtil.generateRandomPassword();
const objQueueName = "NODB_ADDR_QUEUE7";
const objType = "JSON";
const objTable = "NODB_TAB_JSON";
const plsqlCreateQueue = `
QUEUE_TABLE => '${AQ_USER}.${objTable}',
multiple_consumers => FALSE,
QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE => '${objType}'
QUEUE_NAME => '${AQ_USER}.${objQueueName}',
QUEUE_TABLE => '${AQ_USER}.${objTable}'
QUEUE_NAME => '${AQ_USER}.${objQueueName}'
const credential = {
user: AQ_USER,
password: AQ_USER_PWD,
connectString: dbconfig.connectString
before(async function() {
isRunnable = await testsUtil.checkPrerequisites(2100000000, 2100000000);
if (!dbconfig.test.DBA_PRIVILEGE || oracledb.thin || !isRunnable) {
await testsUtil.createAQtestUser(AQ_USER, AQ_USER_PWD);
conn = await oracledb.getConnection(credential);
await conn.execute(plsqlCreateQueue);
}); // before
after(async function() {
if (!dbconfig.test.DBA_PRIVILEGE || oracledb.thin || !isRunnable) {
await conn.close();
await testsUtil.dropAQtestUser(AQ_USER);
}); // after
it('283.1 JSON type in enqOne/deqOne', async () => {
const queue = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{ payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
await queue.enqOne ({
payload: {
empName: "Chris",
empCity: "Melbourne"
await conn.commit();
const options = { payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON };
const queue2 = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName, options);
const msg = await queue2.deqOne();
await conn.commit();
assert.strictEqual(msg.payload.empName, "Chris");
assert.strictEqual(msg.payload.empCity, "Melbourne");
}); // 283.1
it('283.2 JSON type in enqMany/deqMany', async () => {
const queue3 = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{ payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON });
const empList = [
{payload: { empName: "Employee #1", empId: 101 }},
{payload: { empName: "Employee #2", empId: 102 }},
{payload: { empName: "Employee #3", empId: 103 }}
await queue3.enqMany(empList);
await conn.commit();
const queue4 = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON});
navigation: oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG,
wait: oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NO_WAIT
const msgs = await queue4.deqMany(5); // get at most 5 messages
assert.equal(msgs[0].payload.empName, "Employee #1");
assert.equal(msgs[1].payload.empName, "Employee #2");
assert.equal(msgs[2].payload.empName, "Employee #3");
assert.equal(msgs[0].payload.empId, 101);
assert.equal(msgs[1].payload.empId, 102);
assert.equal(msgs[2].payload.empId, 103);
assert.strictEqual(queue4.deqOptions.navigation, oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG);
}); // 283.2
it('283.3 Map JS object directly into JSON - enqOne/deqOne', async () => {
const queue = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{ payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const data = {
empName: "employee name",
empCity: "City"
await queue.enqOne({
payload: data,
await conn.commit();
const queue2 = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON});
const msg = await queue2.deqOne();
await conn.commit ();
assert.equal(msg.payload.empName, "employee name");
assert.equal(msg.payload.empCity, "City");
}); // 283.3
it('283.4 Map JS object directly into JSON - enqMany/deqMany', async () => {
const queue = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{ payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const dataList = [
{payload: { empName: "Employee #1", empCity: "City1" }},
{payload: { empName: "Employee #2", empCity: "City2" }},
{payload: { empName: "Employee #3", empCity: "City3" }}
await queue.enqMany(dataList);
await conn.commit();
const queue2 = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON});
navigation: oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG,
wait: oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NO_WAIT
const msgs = await queue2.deqMany(5); // get at most 5 messages
assert.equal(msgs[0].payload.empName, "Employee #1");
assert.equal(msgs[1].payload.empName, "Employee #2");
assert.equal(msgs[2].payload.empName, "Employee #3");
assert.equal(msgs[0].payload.empCity, "City1");
assert.equal(msgs[1].payload.empCity, "City2");
assert.equal(msgs[2].payload.empCity, "City3");
assert.strictEqual(queue2.deqOptions.navigation, oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG);
}); // 283.4
it('283.5 enqOne and deqOne Null & Boolean in JSON', async function() {
const queue = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{ payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const data = {
empName: null,
empCity: true
await queue.enqOne({
payload: data,
await conn.commit();
const queue2 = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON});
const msg = await queue2.deqOne();
await conn.commit();
assert.equal(msg.payload.empName, null);
assert.equal(msg.payload.empCity, true);
}); // 283.5
it('283.6 enqMany and deqMany Null & Boolean in JSON', async function() {
const queue = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{ payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
const dataList = [
{payload: { empName: null, empCity: true }},
{payload: { empName: null, empCity: false }},
{payload: { empName: null, empCity: true }}
await queue.enqMany(dataList);
await conn.commit();
const queue2 = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON});
navigation: oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG,
wait: oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NO_WAIT
const msgs = await queue2.deqMany(5); // get at most 5 messages
assert.equal(msgs[0].payload.empName, null);
assert.equal(msgs[1].payload.empName, null);
assert.equal(msgs[2].payload.empName, null);
assert.equal(msgs[0].payload.empCity, true);
assert.equal(msgs[1].payload.empCity, false);
assert.equal(msgs[2].payload.empCity, true);
assert.strictEqual(queue2.deqOptions.navigation, oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG);
}); // 283.6
it('283.7 enqOne and deqOne with JSON val as array type', async function() {
const queue = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{ payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
await queue.enqOne({
payload: { "employees": [ "Employee1", "Employee2", "Employee3" ] },
await conn.commit();
const queue2 = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON});
const msg = await queue2.deqOne();
await conn.commit();
[ "Employee1", "Employee2", "Employee3" ]);
}); // 283.7
it('283.8 enqMany and deqMany with JSON val as array type', async function() {
const queue3 = await conn.getQueue (objQueueName,
{ payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON });
const empList = [
{payload: { empName1: ["Employee #1", 101] }},
{payload: { empName2: ["Employee #2", 102] }},
{payload: { empName3: ["Employee #3", 103] }}
await queue3.enqMany(empList);
await conn.commit();
const queue4 = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON});
navigation: oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG,
wait: oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NO_WAIT
const msgs = await queue4.deqMany(3); // get at most 3 messages
assert.deepStrictEqual(msgs[0].payload.empName1, ["Employee #1", 101]);
assert.deepStrictEqual(msgs[1].payload.empName2, ["Employee #2", 102]);
assert.deepStrictEqual(msgs[2].payload.empName3, ["Employee #3", 103]);
assert.strictEqual(queue4.deqOptions.navigation, oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG);
}); // 283.8
it('283.9 enqOne and deqOne JSON val as object type', async function() {
const queue = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{ payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
await queue.enqOne({
{ "employee": { "name": "Employee1", "age": 30, "city": "New City" } },
await conn.commit();
const queue2 = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON});
const msg = await queue2.deqOne();
await conn.commit();
{ "name": "Employee1", "age": 30, "city": "New City" });
}); // 283.9
it('283.10 enqMany and deqMany with JSON val as object type', async function() {
const queue3 = await conn.getQueue (objQueueName,
{payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON});
const empList = [
{payload: { empDetails1:
{ "name": "Employee1", "age": 24, "city": "New City" } }},
{payload: { empDetails2:
{ "name": "Employee2", "age": 30, "city": "New York" } }},
{payload: { empDetails3:
{ "name": "Employee3", "age": 28, "city": "New Land" } }}
await queue3.enqMany(empList);
await conn.commit();
const queue4 = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON});
navigation: oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG,
wait: oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NO_WAIT
const msgs = await queue4.deqMany(3); // get at most 3 messages
{ "name": "Employee1", "age": 24, "city": "New City" });
{ "name": "Employee2", "age": 30, "city": "New York" });
{ "name": "Employee3", "age": 28, "city": "New Land" });
assert.strictEqual(queue4.deqOptions.navigation, oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG);
}); // 283.10
it('283.11 enqOne and deqOne CLOB value into a JSON key', async function() {
const inFileName = './test/clobexample.txt';
const jsonDoc = {
employees: [ "Employee1", "Employee2", "Employee3" ],
clobData: fs.readFileSync(inFileName, { encoding: 'utf8' }),
const queue = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{ payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON }
await queue.enqOne({
payload: jsonDoc,
await conn.commit();
const queue2 = await conn.getQueue(objQueueName,
{payloadType: oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON });
const msg = await queue2.deqOne();
await conn.commit();
assert.deepStrictEqual(msg.payload, jsonDoc);
}); // 283.11