/* Copyright (c) 2017, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ /****************************************************************************** * * You may not use the identified files except in compliance with the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License.") * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * The node-oracledb test suite uses 'mocha', 'should' and 'async'. * See LICENSE.md for relevant licenses. * * NAME * 146. urowidProcedureBindAsString6.js * * DESCRIPTION * Testing UROWID(> 200 bytes) plsql procedure bind inout as String. * *****************************************************************************/ 'use strict'; var oracledb = require('oracledb'); var should = require('should'); var async = require('async'); var dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js'); var sql = require('./sql.js'); var random = require('./random.js'); describe('146. urowidProcedureBindAsString6.js', function() { var connection = null; var tableName_indexed = "nodb_urowid_indexed_proc"; var tableName_normal = "nodb_urowid_normal_proc"; var insertID = 1; var table_indexed = "BEGIN \n" + " DECLARE \n" + " e_table_missing EXCEPTION; \n" + " PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942);\n" + " BEGIN \n" + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE " + tableName_indexed + " PURGE' ); \n" + " EXCEPTION \n" + " WHEN e_table_missing \n" + " THEN NULL; \n" + " END; \n" + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ( ' \n" + " CREATE TABLE " + tableName_indexed + " ( \n" + " c1 NUMBER, \n" + " c2 VARCHAR2(3125), \n" + " primary key(c1, c2) \n" + " ) organization index \n" + " '); \n" + "END; "; var table_normal = "BEGIN \n" + " DECLARE \n" + " e_table_missing EXCEPTION; \n" + " PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942);\n" + " BEGIN \n" + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE " + tableName_normal + " PURGE' ); \n" + " EXCEPTION \n" + " WHEN e_table_missing \n" + " THEN NULL; \n" + " END; \n" + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ( ' \n" + " CREATE TABLE " + tableName_normal + " ( \n" + " ID NUMBER, \n" + " content UROWID(4000) \n" + " ) \n" + " '); \n" + "END; "; var drop_table_indexed = "DROP TABLE " + tableName_indexed + " PURGE"; var drop_table_normal = "DROP TABLE " + tableName_normal + " PURGE"; before('get connection and create table', function(done) { async.series([ function(cb) { oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig, function(err, conn) { should.not.exist(err); connection = conn; cb(); }); }, function(cb) { sql.executeSql(connection, table_indexed, {}, {}, cb); }, function(cb) { sql.executeSql(connection, table_normal, {}, {}, cb); } ], done); }); after('release connection', function(done) { async.series([ function(cb) { sql.executeSql(connection, drop_table_indexed, {}, {}, cb); }, function(cb) { sql.executeSql(connection, drop_table_normal, {}, {}, cb); }, function(cb) { connection.release( function(err) { should.not.exist(err); cb(); }); } ], done); }); beforeEach(function(done) { insertID++; done(); }); describe('146.1 PROCEDURE BIND_INOUT as UROWID', function() { var proc_create = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_rowid_bind_inout_1461 (id_in IN NUMBER, content IN OUT UROWID)\n" + "AS \n" + "BEGIN \n" + " insert into " + tableName_normal + " (id, content) values (id_in, content); \n" + " select content into content from " + tableName_normal + " where id = id_in; \n" + "END nodb_rowid_bind_inout_1461; "; var proc_execute = "BEGIN nodb_rowid_bind_inout_1461 (:i, :c); END;"; var proc_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE nodb_rowid_bind_inout_1461"; before('create procedure', function(done) { sql.executeSql(connection, proc_create, {}, {}, done); }); after('drop procedure', function(done) { sql.executeSql(connection, proc_drop, {}, {}, done); }); it('146.1.1 urowid length > 500', function(done) { var expectedLength = 500; procedureBindInout(proc_execute, expectedLength, done); }); it('146.1.2 urowid length > 1000', function(done) { var expectedLength = 1000; procedureBindInout(proc_execute, expectedLength, done); }); it('146.1.3 urowid length > 2000', function(done) { var expectedLength = 2000; procedureBindInout(proc_execute, expectedLength, done); }); }); describe('146.2 PROCEDURE BIND_INOUT as string', function() { var proc_create = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_rowid_bind_inout_1462 (id_in IN NUMBER, content IN OUT VARCHAR2)\n" + "AS \n" + "BEGIN \n" + " insert into " + tableName_normal + " (id, content) values (id_in, content); \n" + " select content into content from " + tableName_normal + " where id = id_in; \n" + "END nodb_rowid_bind_inout_1462; "; var proc_execute = "BEGIN nodb_rowid_bind_inout_1462 (:i, :c); END;"; var proc_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE nodb_rowid_bind_inout_1462"; before('create procedure', function(done) { sql.executeSql(connection, proc_create, {}, {}, done); }); after('drop procedure', function(done) { sql.executeSql(connection, proc_drop, {}, {}, done); }); it('146.2.1 urowid length > 500', function(done) { var expectedLength = 500; procedureBindInout(proc_execute, expectedLength, done); }); it('146.2.2 urowid length > 1000', function(done) { var expectedLength = 1000; procedureBindInout(proc_execute, expectedLength, done); }); it('146.2.3 urowid length > 2000', function(done) { var expectedLength = 2000; procedureBindInout(proc_execute, expectedLength, done); }); }); describe('146.3 PROCEDURE BIND_INOUT, UPDATE', function() { var proc_create = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_rowid_bind_inout_1463 (id_in IN NUMBER, content_1 IN OUT UROWID, content_2 IN OUT UROWID)\n" + "AS \n" + "BEGIN \n" + " insert into " + tableName_normal + " (id, content) values (id_in, content_1); \n" + " update " + tableName_normal + " set content = content_2 where id = id_in; \n" + " select content into content_1 from " + tableName_normal + " where id = id_in; \n" + " select content into content_2 from " + tableName_normal + " where id = id_in; \n" + "END nodb_rowid_bind_inout_1463; "; var proc_execute = "BEGIN nodb_rowid_bind_inout_1463 (:i, :c1, :c2); END;"; var proc_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE nodb_rowid_bind_inout_1463"; before('create procedure', function(done) { sql.executeSql(connection, proc_create, {}, {}, done); }); after('drop procedure', function(done) { sql.executeSql(connection, proc_drop, {}, {}, done); }); it('146.3.1 update with urowid length > 500', function(done) { var expectedLength_1 = 20; var expectedLength_2 = 500; procedureBindInout_update(proc_execute, expectedLength_1, expectedLength_2, done); }); it('146.3.2 update with urowid length > 1000', function(done) { var expectedLength_1 = 20; var expectedLength_2 = 1000; procedureBindInout_update(proc_execute, expectedLength_1, expectedLength_2, done); }); it('146.3.3 update with urowid length > 2000', function(done) { var expectedLength_1 = 20; var expectedLength_2 = 2000; procedureBindInout_update(proc_execute, expectedLength_1, expectedLength_2, done); }); }); var procedureBindInout = function(proc_execute, expectedLength, callback) { var str = random.getRandomLengthString(expectedLength); var urowid, urowidLen; async.series([ function(cb) { var sql_insert = "insert into " + tableName_indexed + " values (" + insertID + ", '" + str + "')"; sql.executeInsert(connection, sql_insert, {}, {}, cb); }, function(cb) { connection.execute( "select ROWID from " + tableName_indexed + " where c1 = " + insertID, function(err, result) { should.not.exist(err); urowid = result.rows[0][0]; urowidLen = urowid.length; urowidLen.should.be.above(expectedLength); cb(); } ); }, function(cb) { var bindVar_inout = { i: { val: insertID, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN }, c: { val: urowid, type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, maxSize: 5000 } }; connection.execute( proc_execute, bindVar_inout, function(err, result) { should.not.exist(err); var resultVal = result.outBinds.c; should.strictEqual(resultVal, urowid); cb(); } ); } ], callback); }; var procedureBindInout_update = function(proc_execute, contentLen_1, contentLen_2, callback) { var str_1 = random.getRandomLengthString(contentLen_1); var str_2 = random.getRandomLengthString(contentLen_2); var urowid_1, urowid_2, urowidLen_1, urowidLen_2, id_1, id_2; async.series([ function(cb) { id_1 = insertID; var sql_insert = "insert into " + tableName_indexed + " values (" + id_1 + ", '" + str_1 + "')"; sql.executeInsert(connection, sql_insert, {}, {}, cb); }, function(cb) { connection.execute( "select ROWID from " + tableName_indexed + " where c1 = " + id_1, function(err, result) { should.not.exist(err); urowid_1 = result.rows[0][0]; urowidLen_1 = urowid_1.length; urowidLen_1.should.be.above(contentLen_1); cb(); } ); }, function(cb) { id_2 = insertID + 1; var sql_insert = "insert into " + tableName_indexed + " values (" + id_2 + ", '" + str_2 + "')"; connection.execute( sql_insert, function(err) { should.not.exist(err); cb(); } ); }, function(cb) { connection.execute( "select ROWID from " + tableName_indexed + " where c1 = " + id_2, function(err, result) { should.not.exist(err); urowid_2 = result.rows[0][0]; urowidLen_2 = urowid_2.length; urowidLen_2.should.be.above(contentLen_2); cb(); } ); }, function(cb) { var bindVar_inout = { i: { val: insertID, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN }, c1: { val: urowid_1, type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, maxSize: 5000 }, c2: { val: urowid_2, type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, maxSize: 5000 } }; connection.execute( proc_execute, bindVar_inout, function(err, result) { should.not.exist(err); var resultVal_1 = result.outBinds.c1; var resultVal_2 = result.outBinds.c2; should.strictEqual(resultVal_1, urowid_2); should.strictEqual(resultVal_2, urowid_2); insertID = insertID + 10; cb(); } ); } ], callback); }; });