/* Copyright (c) 2015, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ /****************************************************************************** * * You may not use the identified files except in compliance with the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License.") * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * The node-oracledb test suite uses 'mocha', 'should' and 'async'. * See LICENSE.md for relevant licenses. * * NAME * 58. properties.js * * DESCRIPTION * Testing getters and setters for oracledb and pool classes. * This test aims to increase the code coverage rate. * *****************************************************************************/ 'use strict'; var oracledb = require('oracledb'); var should = require('should'); var async = require('async'); var dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js'); var assist = require('./dataTypeAssist.js'); describe('58. properties.js', function() { describe('58.1 Oracledb Class', function() { var defaultValues = {}; before('save the default values', function() { defaultValues.poolMin = oracledb.poolMin; defaultValues.poolMax = oracledb.poolMax; defaultValues.poolIncrement = oracledb.poolIncrement; defaultValues.poolTimeout = oracledb.poolTimeout; defaultValues.maxRows = oracledb.maxRows; defaultValues.fetchArraySize = oracledb.fetchArraySize; defaultValues.autoCommit = oracledb.autoCommit; defaultValues.connectionClass = oracledb.connectionClass; defaultValues.externalAuth = oracledb.externalAuth; defaultValues.fetchAsString = oracledb.fetchAsString; defaultValues.outFormat = oracledb.outFormat; defaultValues.lobPrefetchSize = oracledb.lobPrefetchSize; defaultValues.queueTimeout = oracledb.queueTimeout; defaultValues.stmtCacheSize = oracledb.stmtCacheSize; defaultValues.poolPingInterval = oracledb.poolPingInterval; defaultValues.fetchAsBuffer = oracledb.fetchAsBuffer; defaultValues.edition = oracledb.edition; defaultValues.events = oracledb.events; }); after('restore the values', function() { oracledb.poolMin = defaultValues.poolMin; oracledb.poolMax = defaultValues.poolMax; oracledb.poolIncrement = defaultValues.poolIncrement; oracledb.poolTimeout = defaultValues.poolTimeout; oracledb.maxRows = defaultValues.maxRows; oracledb.fetchArraySize = defaultValues.fetchArraySize; oracledb.autoCommit = defaultValues.autoCommit; oracledb.connectionClass = defaultValues.connectionClass; oracledb.externalAuth = defaultValues.externalAuth; oracledb.fetchAsString = defaultValues.fetchAsString; oracledb.outFormat = defaultValues.outFormat; oracledb.lobPrefetchSize = defaultValues.lobPrefetchSize; oracledb.queueTimeout = defaultValues.queueTimeout; oracledb.stmtCacheSize = defaultValues.stmtCacheSize; oracledb.poolPingInterval = defaultValues.poolPingInterval; oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = defaultValues.fetchAsBuffer; oracledb.edition = defaultValues.edition; oracledb.events = defaultValues.events; }); it('58.1.1 poolMin', function() { var t = oracledb.poolMin; oracledb.poolMin = t + 1; t.should.eql(defaultValues.poolMin); (oracledb.poolMin).should.eql(defaultValues.poolMin + 1); }); it('58.1.2 poolMax', function() { var t = oracledb.poolMax; oracledb.poolMax = t + 1; t.should.eql(defaultValues.poolMax); (oracledb.poolMax).should.eql(defaultValues.poolMax + 1); }); it('58.1.3 poolIncrement', function() { var t = oracledb.poolIncrement; oracledb.poolIncrement = t + 1; t.should.eql(defaultValues.poolIncrement); (oracledb.poolIncrement).should.eql(defaultValues.poolIncrement + 1); }); it('58.1.4 poolTimeout', function() { var t = oracledb.poolTimeout; oracledb.poolTimeout = t + 1; t.should.eql(defaultValues.poolTimeout); (oracledb.poolTimeout).should.eql(defaultValues.poolTimeout + 1); }); it('58.1.5 maxRows', function() { var t = oracledb.maxRows; oracledb.maxRows = t + 1; t.should.eql(defaultValues.maxRows); (oracledb.maxRows).should.eql(defaultValues.maxRows + 1); }); it('58.1.6 fetchArraySize', function() { var t = oracledb.fetchArraySize; oracledb.fetchArraySize = t + 1; t.should.eql(defaultValues.fetchArraySize); (oracledb.fetchArraySize).should.eql(defaultValues.fetchArraySize + 1); }); it('58.1.7 autoCommit', function() { var t = oracledb.autoCommit; oracledb.autoCommit = !t; t.should.eql(defaultValues.autoCommit); (oracledb.autoCommit).should.eql( !defaultValues.autoCommit ); }); it('58.1.8 version (read-only)', function() { (oracledb.version).should.be.a.Number(); should.throws( function() { oracledb.version = 5; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'version' of object '#" ); }); it('58.1.9 connectionClass', function() { var t = oracledb.connectionClass; oracledb.connectionClass = 'DEVPOOL'; var cclass = oracledb.connectionClass; should.equal(t, ''); should.strictEqual(cclass, 'DEVPOOL'); }); it('58.1.10 externalAuth', function() { var t = oracledb.externalAuth; oracledb.externalAuth = !t; t.should.eql(defaultValues.externalAuth); (oracledb.externalAuth).should.eql( !defaultValues.externalAuth ); }); it('58.1.11 fetchAsString', function() { var t = oracledb.fetchAsString; oracledb.fetchAsString = [oracledb.DATE]; t.should.eql(defaultValues.fetchAsString); (oracledb.fetchAsString).should.not.eql(defaultValues.fetchAsString); }); it('58.1.12 outFormat', function() { var t = oracledb.outFormat; oracledb.outFormat = oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT; t.should.eql(oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY); (oracledb.outFormat).should.not.eql(defaultValues.outFormat); }); it('58.1.13 lobPrefetchSize', function() { var t = oracledb.lobPrefetchSize; oracledb.lobPrefetchSize = t + 1; t.should.eql(defaultValues.lobPrefetchSize); (oracledb.lobPrefetchSize).should.eql(defaultValues.lobPrefetchSize + 1); }); it('58.1.14 oracleClientVersion (read-only)', function () { var t = oracledb.oracleClientVersion; t.should.be.a.Number(); should.throws( function() { oracledb.oracleClientVersion = t + 1; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'oracleClientVersion' of object '#" ); }); it('58.1.15 queueTimeout', function() { var t = oracledb.queueTimeout; oracledb.queueTimeout = t + 1000; should.equal(t, defaultValues.queueTimeout); should.notEqual(oracledb.queueTimeout, defaultValues.queueTimeout); }); it('58.1.16 stmtCacheSize', function() { var t = oracledb.stmtCacheSize; oracledb.stmtCacheSize = t + 5; should.equal(t, defaultValues.stmtCacheSize); should.notEqual(oracledb.stmtCacheSize, defaultValues.stmtCacheSize); }); it('58.1.17 poolPingInterval', function() { var t = oracledb.poolPingInterval; oracledb.poolPingInterval = t + 100; should.equal(t, defaultValues.poolPingInterval); should.notEqual(oracledb.poolPingInterval, defaultValues.poolPingInterval); }); it('58.1.18 fetchAsBuffer', function() { var t = oracledb.fetchAsBuffer; oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [ oracledb.BLOB ]; t.should.eql(defaultValues.fetchAsBuffer); (oracledb.fetchAsBuffer).should.not.eql(defaultValues.fetchAsBuffer); }); it('58.1.19 Negative - connectionClass ', function() { should.throws( function() { oracledb.connectionClass = NaN; }, /NJS-004: invalid value for property [\w]/ ); }); it('58.1.20 Negative - autoCommit', function() { should.throws( function() { oracledb.autoCommit = 2017; }, /NJS-004: invalid value for property [\w]/ ); }); it('58.1.21 Negative - outFormat', function() { should.throws( function() { oracledb.outFormat = 'abc'; }, /NJS-004: invalid value for property [\w]/ ); }); it('58.1.22 Negative - externalAuth', function() { should.throws( function() { oracledb.externalAuth = 2017; }, /NJS-004: invalid value for property [\w]/ ); }); it('58.1.23 versionString (read-only)', function() { var t = oracledb.versionString; t.should.be.a.String(); should.throws( function() { oracledb.versionString = t + "foobar"; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'versionString' of object '#" ); }); it('58.1.24 versionSuffix (read-only)', function() { var t = oracledb.versionSuffix; if (t) // it could be a String, or undefined t.should.be.a.String(); should.throws( function() { oracledb.versionSuffix = t + "foobar"; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'versionSuffix' of object '#" ); }); it('58.1.25 oracleClientVersionString (read-only)', function () { var t = oracledb.oracleClientVersionString; t.should.be.a.String(); should.throws( function() { oracledb.oracleClientVersion = t + "foobar"; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'oracleClientVersionString' of object '#" ); }); it('58.1.26 edition', function() { var t = oracledb.edition; oracledb.edition = 'foobar'; var e = oracledb.edition; should.equal(t, ''); should.strictEqual(e, 'foobar'); }); it('58.1.27 Negative - edition', function() { should.throws( function() { oracledb.edition = 123; }, /NJS-004: invalid value for property edition/ ); }); it('58.1.28 events', function() { var t = oracledb.events; oracledb.events = true; should.strictEqual(t, false); should.strictEqual(oracledb.events, true); }); it('58.1.29 Negative - events', function() { should.throws( function() { oracledb.events = 'hello'; }, /NJS-004: invalid value for property events/ ); }); }); // 58.1 describe('58.2 Pool Class', function() { var pool = null; before(function(done) { oracledb.createPool( { user: dbConfig.user, password: dbConfig.password, connectString: dbConfig.connectString }, function(err, p) { should.not.exist(err); pool = p; done(); } ); }); after(function(done) { pool.terminate(function(err) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); it('58.2.1 poolMin', function() { var t = pool.poolMin; t.should.be.a.Number(); should.throws( function() { pool.poolMin = t + 1; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'poolMin' of object '#" ); }); it('58.2.2 poolMax', function() { var t = pool.poolMax; t.should.be.a.Number(); should.throws( function() { pool.poolMax = t + 1; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'poolMax' of object '#" ); }); it('58.2.3 poolIncrement', function() { var t = pool.poolIncrement; t.should.be.a.Number(); should.throws( function() { pool.poolIncrement = t + 1; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'poolIncrement' of object '#" ); }); it('58.2.4 poolTimeout', function() { var t = pool.poolTimeout; t.should.be.a.Number(); should.throws( function() { pool.poolTimeout = t + 1; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'poolTimeout' of object '#" ); }); it('58.2.5 stmtCacheSize', function() { var t = pool.stmtCacheSize; t.should.be.a.Number(); should.throws( function() { pool.stmtCacheSize = t + 1; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'stmtCacheSize' of object '#" ); }); it('58.2.6 connectionsInUse', function() { var t = pool.connectionsInUse; t.should.be.a.Number(); should.throws( function() { pool.connectionsInUse = t + 1; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'connectionsInUse' of object '#" ); }); it('58.2.7 connectionsOpen', function() { var t = pool.connectionsOpen; t.should.be.a.Number(); should.throws( function() { pool.connectionsOpen = t + 1; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'connectionsOpen' of object '#" ); }); it('58.2.8 queueTimeout', function() { var t = pool.queueTimeout; t.should.be.a.Number(); should.throws( function() { pool.queueTimeout = t + 1000; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'queueTimeout' of object '#" ); }); it('58.2.9 poolPingInterval', function() { var t = pool.poolPingInterval; t.should.be.a.Number(); should.throws( function() { pool.poolPingInterval = t + 100; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'poolPingInterval' of object '#" ); }); }); // 58.2 describe('58.3 Connection Class', function() { var connection = null; before('get one connection', function(done) { oracledb.getConnection( { user: dbConfig.user, password: dbConfig.password, connectString: dbConfig.connectString }, function(err, conn) { should.not.exist(err); connection = conn; done(); } ); }); after('release connection', function(done) { connection.release( function(err) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); it('58.3.1 Connection object initial toString values', function() { connection.should.be.an.Object; should.equal(connection.action, null); should.equal(connection.module, null); should.equal(connection.clientId, null); (connection.stmtCacheSize).should.be.a.Number(); (connection.stmtCacheSize).should.be.greaterThan(0); }); it('58.3.2 stmtCacheSize (read-only)', function() { var t = connection.stmtCacheSize; t.should.be.a.Number(); should.throws( function() { connection.stmtCacheSize = t + 1; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'stmtCacheSize' of object '#" ); }); it('58.3.3 clientId (write-only)', function() { var t = connection.clientId; should.strictEqual(t, null); should.throws( function() { connection.clientId = 4; }, /NJS-004: invalid value for property [\w]/ ); should.doesNotThrow( function() { connection.clientId = "103.3"; } ); }); it('58.3.4 action (write-only)', function() { var t = connection.action; should.strictEqual(t, null); should.throws( function() { connection.action = 4; }, /NJS-004: invalid value for property [\w]/ ); should.doesNotThrow( function() { connection.action = "103.3 action"; } ); }); it('58.3.5 module (write-only)', function() { var t = connection.module; should.strictEqual(t, null); should.throws( function() { connection.module = 4; }, /NJS-004: invalid value for property [\w]/ ); should.doesNotThrow( function() { connection.clientId = "103.3 module"; } ); }); it('58.3.6 oracleServerVersion (read-only)', function () { var t = connection.oracleServerVersion; t.should.be.a.Number(); should.throws( function() { connection.oracleServerVersion = t + 1; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'oracleServerVersion' of object '#" ); }); it('58.3.7 oracleServerVersionString (read-only)', function () { var t = connection.oracleServerVersionString; t.should.be.a.String(); should.throws( function() { connection.oracleServerVersion = t + "foobar"; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'oracleServerVersion' of object '#" ); }); it('58.3.8 currentSchema', function() { var t = connection.currentSchema; should.strictEqual(t, ''); should.throws( function() { connection.currentSchema = 4; }, /NJS-004: invalid value for property [\w]/ ); should.doesNotThrow( function() { connection.currentSchema = dbConfig.user; } ); }); }); // 58.3 describe('58.4 ResultSet Class', function() { var tableName = "nodb_number"; var numbers = assist.data.numbers; var connection = null; var resultSet = null; before('get resultSet class', function(done) { async.series([ function(callback) { oracledb.getConnection( { user: dbConfig.user, password: dbConfig.password, connectString: dbConfig.connectString }, function(err, conn) { should.not.exist(err); connection = conn; callback(); } ); }, function(callback) { assist.setUp(connection, tableName, numbers, callback); }, function(callback) { connection.execute( "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " ORDER BY num", [], { resultSet: true, outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT }, function(err, result) { should.not.exist(err); resultSet = result.resultSet; callback(); } ); } ], done); }); after( function(done) { connection.execute( "DROP TABLE " + tableName + " PURGE", function(err) { should.not.exist(err); connection.release( function(err) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); } ); }); it('58.4.1 metaData (read-only)', function(done) { should.exist(resultSet.metaData); var t = resultSet.metaData; t.should.eql( [ { name: 'NUM' }, { name: 'CONTENT' } ] ); should.throws( function() { resultSet.metaData = {"foo": "bar"}; }, "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'metaData' of object '#" ); resultSet.close(done); }); }); // 58.4 });