/* Copyright (c) 2015, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. */ /****************************************************************************** * * This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License * (UPL) 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl and Apache License * 2.0 as shown at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. You may choose * either license. * * If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0, * the following applies: * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * NAME * 3. examples.js * * DESCRIPTION * Test the example programs in examples/ directory. * *****************************************************************************/ 'use strict'; const oracledb = require('oracledb'); const assert = require('assert'); const dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js'); const testsUtil = require('./testsUtil.js'); describe('3. examples.js', function() { describe('3.1 connect.js', function() { it('3.1.1 tests a basic connection to the database', async function() { const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig); await conn.close(); }); }); // 3.1 describe('3.2 version.js', function() { it('3.2.1 shows the node-oracledb version attributes', async function() { const addonVer = oracledb.version; assert.strictEqual(typeof addonVer, 'number'); assert(addonVer > 0); const clientVer = testsUtil.getClientVersion(); assert.strictEqual(typeof clientVer, 'number'); assert(clientVer > 0); const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig); const serverVer = conn.oracleServerVersion; assert.strictEqual(typeof serverVer, 'number'); await conn.close(); }); }); describe('3.3 select1.js & select2.js', function() { let conn = null; before(async function() { conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig); }); after(async function() { if (conn) { await conn.close(); } }); it('3.3.1. execute a basic query', async function() { const script1 = "BEGIN \ DECLARE \ e_table_missing EXCEPTION; \ PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942); \ BEGIN \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE nodb_eg_dept PURGE'); \ EXCEPTION \ WHEN e_table_missing \ THEN NULL; \ END; \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ CREATE TABLE nodb_eg_dept ( \ department_id NUMBER, \ department_name VARCHAR2(20) \ ) \ '); \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ INSERT INTO nodb_eg_dept \ (department_id, department_name) VALUES \ (40,''Human Resources'') \ '); \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ INSERT INTO nodb_eg_dept \ (department_id, department_name) VALUES \ (180, ''Construction'') \ '); \ END; "; await conn.execute(script1); const result = await conn.execute( "SELECT department_id, department_name " + "FROM nodb_eg_dept " + "WHERE department_id = :did", [180]); assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows, [[ 180, 'Construction' ]]); }); it('3.3.2. execute queries to show array and object formats', async function() { const script2 = "BEGIN \ DECLARE \ e_table_missing EXCEPTION; \ PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942); \ BEGIN \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE nodb_locations PURGE'); \ EXCEPTION \ WHEN e_table_missing \ THEN NULL; \ END; \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ CREATE TABLE nodb_locations ( \ location_id NUMBER, \ city VARCHAR2(20) \ ) \ '); \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ INSERT INTO nodb_locations \ (location_id, city) VALUES \ (9999,''Shenzhen'') \ '); \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ INSERT INTO nodb_locations \ (location_id, city) VALUES \ (2300, ''Singapore'') \ '); \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ INSERT INTO nodb_locations \ (location_id, city) VALUES \ (1500, ''South San Francisco'') \ '); \ END; "; await conn.execute(script2); let result = await conn.execute( "SELECT location_id, city " + "FROM nodb_locations " + "WHERE city LIKE 'S%' " + "ORDER BY city"); //Check if a row in the array is [2300, 'Singapore'] let containsRow = false; for (const row of result.rows) { if (row[0] === 2300 && row[1] === 'Singapore') { containsRow = true; break; } } assert.strictEqual(containsRow, true); result = await conn.execute( "SELECT location_id, city " + "FROM nodb_locations " + "WHERE city LIKE 'S%' " + "ORDER BY city", {}, // A bind variable parameter is needed to disambiguate the following options parameter // otherwise you will get Error: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number {outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT}); // outFormat can be OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT and OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY. The // default is OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY Cities beginning with 'S' // (OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT output format) // Check if one of the row objects match // {LOCATION_ID: 1500, CITY: 'South San Francisco'} containsRow = false; for (const row of result.rows) { if (row.LOCATION_ID === 1500 && row.CITY === 'South San Francisco') { containsRow = true; break; } } assert.strictEqual(containsRow, true); }); }); /* Oracle Database has extensive JSON datatype support */ describe('3.4 selectjson.js - feature', function() { let conn = null; const testData = { "userId": 1, "userName": "Chris", "location": "Australia" }; let featureAvailable = true; before(async function() { conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig); if (conn.oracleServerVersion < 1201000200) { featureAvailable = false; return; } let sql = "BEGIN \n" + " DECLARE \n" + " e_table_missing EXCEPTION; \n" + " PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942); \n" + " BEGIN \n" + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE nodb_purchaseorder PURGE'); \n" + " EXCEPTION \n" + " WHEN e_table_missing \n" + " THEN NULL; \n" + " END; \n" + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \n" + " CREATE TABLE nodb_purchaseorder ( \n" + " po_document VARCHAR2(4000) CONSTRAINT ensure_json CHECK (po_document IS JSON) \n" + " ) \n" + " '); \n" + "END; "; await conn.execute(sql); const s = JSON.stringify(testData); sql = "INSERT INTO nodb_purchaseorder (po_document) VALUES (:bv)"; const result = await conn.execute(sql, [s]); assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1); }); // before after(async function() { if (conn) { if (featureAvailable) { await conn.execute("DROP TABLE nodb_purchaseorder PURGE"); } await conn.close(); } }); // after it('3.4.1 Selecting JSON stored in a VARCHAR2 column', async function() { if (!featureAvailable) { return; } const sql = "SELECT po_document FROM nodb_purchaseorder WHERE JSON_EXISTS (po_document, '$.location')"; const result = await conn.execute(sql); const js = JSON.parse(result.rows[0][0]); // just show first record //console.log('Query results: ', js); assert.deepStrictEqual(js, testData); }); it('3.4.2 Using JSON_VALUE to extract a value from a JSON column', async function() { if (!featureAvailable) { return; } const sql = "SELECT JSON_VALUE(po_document, '$.location') FROM nodb_purchaseorder"; const result = await conn.execute(sql); //console.log('Query results: ', result.rows[0][0]); assert.strictEqual(result.rows[0][0], "Australia"); }); it('3.4.3 Using JSON_OBJECT to extract relational data as JSON', async function() { // JSON_OBJECT is new in Oracle Database 12.2 if (conn.oracleServerVersion < 1202000000) { return; } const sql = "SELECT JSON_OBJECT ('doc' IS d.po_document) department \n" + "FROM nodb_purchaseorder d"; const result = await conn.execute(sql); //console.log(result.rows[0][0]); const js = JSON.parse(result.rows[0][0]); assert.deepStrictEqual(js.doc, testData); }); }); describe('3.5 date.js', function() { it('3.5.1 inserts and query DATE and TIMESTAMP columns', async function() { const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig); let sql = "BEGIN \n" + " DECLARE \n" + " e_table_missing EXCEPTION; \n" + " PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942); \n" + " BEGIN \n" + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE nodb_eg_testdate PURGE'); \n" + " EXCEPTION \n" + " WHEN e_table_missing \n" + " THEN NULL; \n" + " END; \n" + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \n" + " CREATE TABLE nodb_eg_testdate ( \n" + " timestampcol TIMESTAMP, \n" + " datecol DATE \n" + " ) \n" + " '); \n" + "END; \n"; await conn.execute(sql); const date = new Date(); sql = "INSERT INTO nodb_eg_testdate (timestampcol, datecol) VALUES (:ts, :td)"; const result = await conn.execute(sql, { ts: date, td: date }); assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1); const doselect = async function() { const sql = "SELECT timestampcol, datecol FROM nodb_eg_testdate"; const result = await conn.execute(sql); const ts = result.rows[0][0]; ts.setDate(ts.getDate() + 5); const d = result.rows[0][1]; d.setDate(d.getDate() - 5); }; await doselect(); await conn.execute("ALTER SESSION SET TIME_ZONE='UTC'"); await doselect(); await conn.execute("DROP TABLE nodb_eg_testdate PURGE"); await conn.close(); }); }); describe('3.6 rowlimit.js', function() { it("3.6.1 shows ways to limit the number of records fetched by queries", async function() { const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig); if (conn.oracleServerVersion < 1202000100) { await conn.close(); return; } let sql = "BEGIN \n" + " DECLARE \n" + " e_table_missing EXCEPTION; \n" + " PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942); \n" + " BEGIN \n" + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE nodb_eg_emp6 PURGE'); \n" + " EXCEPTION \n" + " WHEN e_table_missing \n" + " THEN NULL; \n" + " END; \n" + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \n" + " CREATE TABLE nodb_eg_emp6 ( \n" + " id NUMBER, \n" + " name VARCHAR2(20) \n" + " ) \n" + " '); \n" + "END; \n"; await conn.execute(sql); sql = "DECLARE \n" + " x NUMBER := 0; \n" + " n VARCHAR2(20); \n" + "BEGIN \n" + " FOR i IN 1..107 LOOP \n" + " x := x +1; \n" + " n := 'staff ' || x; \n" + " INSERT INTO nodb_eg_emp6 VALUES (x, n); \n" + " END LOOP; \n" + "END; "; await conn.execute(sql); const myoffset = 2; // number of rows to skip const mymaxnumrows = 6; // number of rows to fetch sql = "SELECT id, name FROM nodb_eg_emp6 ORDER BY id " + " OFFSET :offset ROWS FETCH NEXT :maxnumrows ROWS ONLY"; const binds = { offset: myoffset, maxnumrows: mymaxnumrows }; const options = { maxRows: 25 }; const result = await conn.execute(sql, binds, options); assert.strictEqual(result.rows.length, 6); assert.deepStrictEqual( result.rows, [ [ 3, 'staff 3' ], [ 4, 'staff 4' ], [ 5, 'staff 5' ], [ 6, 'staff 6' ], [ 7, 'staff 7' ], [ 8, 'staff 8' ] ] ); await conn.execute("DROP TABLE nodb_eg_emp6 PURGE"); await conn.close(); }); // 3.6.1 }); // 3.6 describe('3.7 plsqlproc.js and plsqlfun.js', function() { let conn = null; before(async function() { conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig); }); after(async function() { if (conn) { await conn.release(); } }); it('3.7.1 calling PL/SQL procedure and binding parameters in various ways', async function() { const proc = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_eg_proc7 (p_in IN VARCHAR2, p_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2, p_out OUT NUMBER) \n" + " AS \n" + " BEGIN \n" + " p_inout := p_in || p_inout; \n" + " p_out := 101; \n" + " END; "; const bindVars = { i: 'Chris', // bind type is determined from the data type io: { val: 'Jones', dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT }, o: { type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT } }; await conn.execute(proc); const result = await conn.execute( "BEGIN nodb_eg_proc7(:i, :io, :o); END;", bindVars); assert.strictEqual(result.outBinds.o, 101); assert.strictEqual(result.outBinds.io, 'ChrisJones'); await conn.execute("DROP PROCEDURE nodb_eg_proc7"); }); it('3.7.2 calling PL/SQL function', async function() { const proc = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION nodb_eg_func7 (p1_in IN VARCHAR2, p2_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 \n" + "AS \n" + "BEGIN \n" + " return p1_in || p2_in; \n" + "END; "; const bindVars = { p1: 'Chris', p2: 'Jones', ret: { dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 40 } }; await conn.execute(proc); const result = await conn.execute( "BEGIN :ret := nodb_eg_func7(:p1, :p2); END;", bindVars); assert.strictEqual(result.outBinds.ret, 'ChrisJones'); await conn.execute("DROP FUNCTION nodb_eg_func7"); }); }); describe('3.8 insert1.js', function() { const script = "BEGIN " + " DECLARE " + " e_table_missing EXCEPTION; " + " PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942); " + " BEGIN " + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE nodb_eg_insert8 PURGE'); " + " EXCEPTION " + " WHEN e_table_missing " + " THEN NULL; " + " END; " + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' " + " CREATE TABLE nodb_eg_insert8 ( " + " id NUMBER, " + " name VARCHAR2(20) " + " )" + " '); " + "END; "; it('3.8.1 creates a table and inserts data', async function() { const conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig); await conn.execute(script); let result = await conn.execute( "INSERT INTO nodb_eg_insert8 VALUES (:id, :nm)", [1, 'Chris']); assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1); result = await conn.execute( "INSERT INTO nodb_eg_insert8 VALUES (:id, :nm)", [2, 'Alison']); assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1); result = await conn.execute("UPDATE nodb_eg_insert8 SET name = 'Bambi'"); assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 2); await conn.execute("DROP TABLE nodb_eg_insert8 PURGE"); await conn.close(); }); }); describe('3.9 insert2.js', function() { let conn1 = null; let conn2 = null; const script = "BEGIN " + " DECLARE " + " e_table_missing EXCEPTION; " + " PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942); " + " BEGIN " + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE nodb_eg_commit9 PURGE'); " + " EXCEPTION " + " WHEN e_table_missing " + " THEN NULL; " + " END; " + " EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' " + " CREATE TABLE nodb_eg_commit9 ( " + " id NUMBER, " + " name VARCHAR2(20) " + " )" + " '); " + "END; "; before(async function() { conn1 = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig); conn2 = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig); }); after(async function() { if (conn1) { await conn1.close(); } if (conn2) { await conn2.close(); } }); it('3.9.1 tests the auto commit behavior', async function() { await conn1.execute(script); let result = await conn1.execute( "INSERT INTO nodb_eg_commit9 VALUES (:id, :nm)", [1, 'Chris'], { autoCommit: true }); assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1); result = await conn1.execute( "INSERT INTO nodb_eg_commit9 VALUES (:id, :nm)", [2, 'Alison']); assert.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1); result = await conn2.execute( "SELECT * FROM nodb_eg_commit9 ORDER BY id"); // This will only show 'Chris' because inserting 'Alison' is not commited by default. // Uncomment the autoCommit option above and you will see both rows // console.log(result.rows); assert.deepStrictEqual(result.rows, [ [ 1, 'Chris' ] ]); await conn1.execute("DROP TABLE nodb_eg_commit9 PURGE"); }); }); describe('3.10 resultset.js', function() { let conn = null; const createTable = "BEGIN \ DECLARE \ e_table_missing EXCEPTION; \ PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942); \ BEGIN \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE nodb_eg_emp10 PURGE'); \ EXCEPTION \ WHEN e_table_missing \ THEN NULL; \ END; \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ CREATE TABLE nodb_eg_emp10 ( \ employees_id NUMBER, \ employees_name VARCHAR2(20) \ ) \ '); \ END; "; const insertRows = "DECLARE \ x NUMBER := 0; \ n VARCHAR2(20); \ BEGIN \ FOR i IN 1..207 LOOP \ x := x + 1; \ n := 'staff ' || x; \ INSERT INTO nodb_eg_emp10 VALUES (x, n); \ END LOOP; \ END; "; before(async function() { conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig); await conn.execute(createTable); await conn.execute(insertRows); }); after(async function() { if (conn) { await conn.execute('DROP TABLE nodb_eg_emp10 PURGE'); await conn.close(); } }); it('3.10.1 resultset1.js - getRow() function', async function() { const result = await conn.execute( "SELECT employees_name FROM nodb_eg_emp10", [], { resultSet: true, fetchArraySize: 50 }); const rs = result.resultSet; assert.strictEqual((rs.metaData[0]).name, 'EMPLOYEES_NAME'); let rowCount = 1; while (true) { // eslint-disable-line const row = await rs.getRow(); if (!row) break; assert.strictEqual(row[0], 'staff ' + rowCount); rowCount++; } await rs.close(); }); it('3.10.2 resultset2.js - getRows() function', async function() { const numRows = 10; // number of rows to return from each call to getRows() const result = await conn.execute( "SELECT * FROM nodb_eg_emp10 ORDER BY employees_id", [], { resultSet: true, fetchArraySize: 110 }); assert.strictEqual((result.resultSet.metaData[0]).name, 'EMPLOYEES_ID'); assert.strictEqual((result.resultSet.metaData[1]).name, 'EMPLOYEES_NAME'); const rs = result.resultSet; while (true) { // eslint-disable-line const rows = await rs.getRows(numRows); if (rows.length == 0) break; } await rs.close(); }); }); describe('3.11 refcursor.js', function() { let conn = null; const script = "BEGIN \ DECLARE \ e_table_missing EXCEPTION; \ PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942); \ BEGIN \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP TABLE nodb_eg_emp11 PURGE'); \ EXCEPTION \ WHEN e_table_missing \ THEN NULL; \ END; \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ CREATE TABLE nodb_eg_emp11 ( \ name VARCHAR2(40), \ salary NUMBER, \ hire_date DATE \ ) \ '); \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ INSERT INTO nodb_eg_emp11 \ (name, salary, hire_date) VALUES \ (''Steven'',24000, TO_DATE(''20030617'', ''yyyymmdd'')) \ '); \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ INSERT INTO nodb_eg_emp11 \ (name, salary, hire_date) VALUES \ (''Neena'',17000, TO_DATE(''20050921'', ''yyyymmdd'')) \ '); \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ INSERT INTO nodb_eg_emp11 \ (name, salary, hire_date) VALUES \ (''Lex'',17000, TO_DATE(''20010112'', ''yyyymmdd'')) \ '); \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ INSERT INTO nodb_eg_emp11 \ (name, salary, hire_date) VALUES \ (''Nancy'',12008, TO_DATE(''20020817'', ''yyyymmdd'')) \ '); \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ INSERT INTO nodb_eg_emp11 \ (name, salary, hire_date) VALUES \ (''Karen'',14000, TO_DATE(''20050104'', ''yyyymmdd'')) \ '); \ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (' \ INSERT INTO nodb_eg_emp11 \ (name, salary, hire_date) VALUES \ (''Peter'',9000, TO_DATE(''20100525'', ''yyyymmdd'')) \ '); \ END; "; const proc = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_emp_rs11 (p_sal IN NUMBER, p_recordset OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) \ AS \ BEGIN \ OPEN p_recordset FOR \ SELECT * FROM nodb_eg_emp11\ WHERE salary > p_sal; \ END; "; before(async function() { conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig); await conn.execute(script); await conn.execute(proc); }); after(async function() { if (conn) { await conn.execute("DROP PROCEDURE get_emp_rs11"); await conn.execute('DROP TABLE nodb_eg_emp11 PURGE'); await conn.close(); } }); // after it('3.11.1 REF CURSOR', async function() { const numRows = 100; // number of rows to return from each call to getRows() const binds = { sal: 12000, cursor: { type: oracledb.CURSOR, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT } }; const result = await conn.execute( "BEGIN get_emp_rs11(:sal, :cursor); END;", binds); const rs = result.outBinds.cursor; assert.strictEqual(rs.metaData[0].name, 'NAME'); assert.strictEqual(rs.metaData[1].name, 'SALARY'); assert.strictEqual(rs.metaData[2].name, 'HIRE_DATE'); const rows = await rs.getRows(numRows); assert.strictEqual(rows.length, 5); await rs.close(); }); }); });