Add new LOB tests

This commit is contained in:
Christopher Jones 2017-03-16 15:19:08 +11:00
parent 5b9be5e197
commit fa8cd0b127
9 changed files with 2078 additions and 117 deletions

test/blobDMLBindAsBuffer.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */
* You may not use the identified files except in compliance with the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License.")
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* The node-oracledb test suite uses 'mocha', 'should' and 'async'.
* See for relevant licenses.
* 78. blobDMLBindAsBuffer.js
* Testing BLOB binding as Buffer with DML.
* Test numbers follow this numbering rule:
* 1 - 20 are reserved for basic functional tests
* 21 - 50 are reserved for data type supporting tests
* 51 onwards are for other tests
'use strict';
var oracledb = require('oracledb');
var should = require('should');
var async = require('async');
var dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
var random = require('./random.js');
var fs = require('fs');
describe('78.blobDMLBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var connection = null;
var client11gPlus = true; // assume instant client runtime version is greater than
var node6plus = false; // assume node runtime version is lower than 6
var proc_blob_1 = "BEGIN \n" +
" DECLARE \n" +
" e_table_missing EXCEPTION; \n" +
" PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942); \n" +
" BEGIN \n" +
" EXECUTE IMMEDIATE('DROP TABLE nodb_dml_blob_1 PURGE'); \n" +
" WHEN e_table_missing \n" +
" THEN NULL; \n" +
" END; \n" +
" CREATE TABLE nodb_dml_blob_1 ( \n" +
" id NUMBER, \n" +
" blob BLOB \n" +
" ) \n" +
" '); \n" +
"END; ";
var sql2DropTable1 = "DROP TABLE nodb_dml_blob_1 PURGE";
before(function(done) {
oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig, function(err, conn) {
connection = conn;
// Check whether instant client runtime version is smaller than
if(oracledb.oracleClientVersion < 1201000200)
client11gPlus = false;
// Check whether node runtime version is >= 6 or not
if ( process.versions["node"].substring (0, 1) >= "6")
node6plus = true;
}); // before
after(function(done) {
connection.release(function(err) {
}); // after
var executeSQL = function(sql, callback) {
function(err) {
return callback();
var insertIntoBlobTable1 = function(id, content, callback, case64KPlus) {
if(content == "EMPTY_BLOB") {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 VALUES (:ID, EMPTY_BLOB())",
[ id ],
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
} else {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.BUFFER }
function(err, result) {
if(case64KPlus === true && client11gPlus === false) {
// NJS-050: data must be shorter than 65535
} else {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
var updateBlobTable1 = function(id, content, case64KPlus, callback) {
if(content == "EMPTY_BLOB") {
"UPDATE nodb_dml_blob_1 set blob = EMPTY_BLOB() where id = :ID",
{ ID: id },
function(err, result){
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
} else {
"UPDATE nodb_dml_blob_1 set blob = :C where id = :ID",
{ ID: id, C: content },
function(err, result){
if(case64KPlus === true && client11gPlus === false) {
// NJS-050: data must be shorter than 65535
} else {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
// compare the inserted blob with orginal content
var verifyBlobValueWithBuffer = function(selectSql, originalBuffer, specialStr, callback) {
function(err, result) {
var lob = result.rows[0][0];
if(originalBuffer == '' || originalBuffer == undefined) {
return callback();
} else {
var blobData = node6plus ? Buffer.alloc(0) : new Buffer(0);
var totalLength = 0;
lob.on('data', function(chunk) {
totalLength = totalLength + chunk.length;
blobData = Buffer.concat([blobData, chunk], totalLength);
lob.on('error', function(err) {
should.not.exist(err, "lob.on 'error' event.");
lob.on('end', function() {
if(originalBuffer == "EMPTY_BLOB") {
var nullBuffer = node6plus ? Buffer.from('', "utf-8") : new Buffer('', "utf-8");
should.strictEqual(blobData.equals(nullBuffer), true);
} else {
should.strictEqual(totalLength, originalBuffer.length);
var specStrLength = specialStr.length;
should.strictEqual(blobData.toString('utf8', 0, specStrLength), specialStr);
should.strictEqual(blobData.toString('utf8', (totalLength - specStrLength), totalLength), specialStr);
should.strictEqual(blobData.equals(originalBuffer), true);
return callback();
var checkInsertResult = function(id, content, specialStr, case64KPlus, callback) {
if(case64KPlus === true && client11gPlus === false) {
} else {
var sql = "select blob from nodb_dml_blob_1 where id = " + id;
verifyBlobValueWithBuffer(sql, content, specialStr, callback);
// Generate id for insert blob into db
var insertID = 0;
var getID = function() {
insertID = insertID + 1;
return insertID;
describe('78.1 BLOB, INSERT', function() {
before(function(done) {
executeSQL(proc_blob_1, done);
}); // before
after(function(done) {
executeSQL(sql2DropTable1, done);
}); // after
it('78.1.1 works with EMPTY_BLOB', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = "EMPTY_BLOB";
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.1
it('78.1.2 works with empty buffer', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var bigStr = '';
var content = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.2
it('78.1.3 works with empty buffer and bind in maxSize set to 32767', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var bigStr = '';
var content = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.BUFFER, maxSize: 32767 }
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.3
it('78.1.4 works with empty buffer and bind in maxSize set to 50000', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var bigStr = '';
var content = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.BUFFER, maxSize: 50000 }
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.4
it('78.1.5 works with undefined', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = undefined;
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.5
it('78.1.6 works with null', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = null;
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.6
it('78.1.7 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 32767', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = null;
function(cb) {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.BUFFER, maxSize: 32767 }
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.7
it('78.1.8 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 50000', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = null;
function(cb) {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.BUFFER, maxSize: 50000 }
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.8
it('78.1.9 works with NaN', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = NaN;
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.BUFFER }
function(err) {
// NJS-011: encountered bind value and type mismatch in parameter 2
}); // 78.1.9
it('78.1.10 works with 0', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = 0;
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.BUFFER }
function(err) {
// NJS-011: encountered bind value and type mismatch in parameter 2
}); // 78.1.10
it('78.1.11 works with Buffer length 32K', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 32768;
var specialStr = "78.1.11";
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.11
it('78.1.12 works with Buffer length (64K - 1)', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 65535;
var specialStr = "78.1.12";
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.12
it('78.1.13 works with Buffer length (64K + 1)', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 65537;
var specialStr = "78.1.13";
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content, cb, true);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, true, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.13
it('78.1.14 works with Buffer length (1MB + 1)', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 1048577; // 1 * 1024 * 1024 + 1;
var specialStr = "78.1.14";
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content, cb, true);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, true, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.14
it('78.1.15 works with Buffer length (5MB + 1)', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 5242881; // 5 * 1024 * 1024 + 1;
var specialStr = "78.1.15";
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content, cb, true);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, true, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.15
it('78.1.16 works with Buffer length (10MB + 1)', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 10485761; // 10 * 1024 * 1024 + 1;
var specialStr = "78.1.16";
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content, cb, true);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, true, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.16
it('78.1.17 bind value and type mismatch', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = 100;
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.BUFFER }
function(err) {
// NJS-011: encountered bind value and type mismatch in parameter 2
}); // 78.1.17
it('78.1.18 mixing named with positional binding', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 40000;
var specialStr = "78.1.18";
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 VALUES (:1, :2)",
id, { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.BUFFER }
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, true, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.18
it('78.1.19 bind with invalid BLOB', function(done) {
var id = getID();
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 VALUES (:1, :2)",
id, { val : {}, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.BUFFER }
function(err) {
// NJS-012: encountered invalid bind datatype in parameter 2
}); // 78.1.19
it('78.1.20 Negative: RETURNING INTO with bind type BUFFER', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 400;
var specialStr = "78.1.20";
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var sql = "INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 (id, blob) VALUES (:i, :c) RETURNING blob INTO :lobbv";
function(cb) {
i: id,
c: { val: content, type: oracledb.BUFFER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
lobbv: { type: oracledb.BUFFER, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: contentLength }
function(err) {
// NJS-028: RAW database type is not supported with DML Returning statements
], done);
}); // 78.1.20
it('78.1.21 Negative: RETURNING INTO with autocommit on', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var sql = "INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 (id, blob) VALUES (:i, EMPTY_BLOB()) RETURNING blob INTO :lobbv";
var inFileName = './test/tree.jpg';
function(cb) {
i: id,
lobbv: { type: oracledb.BLOB, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT }
{ autoCommit: true },
function(err, result) {
var inStream = fs.createReadStream(inFileName);
var lob = result.outBinds.lobbv[0];
lob.on('error', function(err) {
// ORA-22990: LOB locators cannot span transactions
inStream.on('error', function(err) {
should.not.exist(err, "inStream.on 'error' event");
lob.on('close', function(err) {
connection.commit( function(err) {
return cb();
inStream.pipe(lob); // copies the text to the CLOB
], done);
}); // 78.1.21
it('78.1.22 works with bind in maxSize smaller than buffer size', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 32768;
var specialStr = "78.1.22";
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_blob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.BUFFER, maxSize: 1 }
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.1.22
}); // 78.1
describe('78.2 BLOB, UPDATE', function() {
insertID = 0;
before(function(done) {
executeSQL(proc_blob_1, done);
}); // before
after(function(done) {
executeSQL(sql2DropTable1, done);
}); // after
it('78.2.1 update EMPTY_BLOB column', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content_1 = "EMPTY_BLOB";
var contentLength_2 = 32768;
var specialStr_2 = "78.2.1";
var bigStr_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_2, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_2, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content_1, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_1, null, false, cb);
function(cb) {
updateBlobTable1(id, content_2, false, cb);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_2, specialStr_2, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.2.1
it('78.2.2 update a cloumn with EMPTY_BLOB', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength_1 = 50000;
var specialStr_1 = "78.2.2";
var bigStr_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_1, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_1, "utf-8");
var content_2 = "EMPTY_BLOB";
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content_1, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_1, specialStr_1, false, cb);
function(cb) {
updateBlobTable1(id, content_2, false, cb);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_2, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.2.2
it('78.2.3 update EMPTY_BLOB column with empty buffer', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content_1 = "EMPTY_BLOB";
var content_2 = "";
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content_1, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_1, null, false, cb);
function(cb) {
updateBlobTable1(id, content_2, false, cb);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_2, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.2.3
it('78.2.4 update empty buffer column', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var bigStr_1 = "";
var content_1 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_1, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_1, "utf-8");
var contentLength_2 = 54321;
var specialStr_2 = "78.2.4";
var bigStr_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_2, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_2, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content_1, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_1, null, false, cb);
function(cb) {
updateBlobTable1(id, content_2, false, cb);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_2, specialStr_2, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.2.4
it('78.2.5 update a column with empty buffer', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength_1 = 50000;
var specialStr_1 = "78.2.2";
var bigStr_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_1, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_1, "utf-8");
var content_2 = "";
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content_1, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_1, specialStr_1, false, cb);
function(cb) {
updateBlobTable1(id, content_2, false, cb);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_2, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.2.5
it('78.2.6 update a column with (10MB + 1) buffer', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength_1 = 50000;
var specialStr_1 = "78.2.6_1";
var bigStr_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_1, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_1, "utf-8");
var contentLength_2 = 10485761; // 10 * 1024 * 1024 + 1;
var specialStr_2 = "78.2.6_2";
var bigStr_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_2, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_2, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
insertIntoBlobTable1(id, content_1, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_1, specialStr_1, false, cb);
function(cb) {
updateBlobTable1(id, content_2, true, cb);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_2, specialStr_2, true, cb);
], done);
}); // 78.2.6
}); // 78.2

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ var should = require('should');
var async = require('async');
var dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
var fs = require('fs');
var random = require('./random.js');
describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var connection = null;
@ -289,15 +290,6 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var getRandomString = function(length, specialStr) {
var str='';
var strLength = length - specialStr.length * 2;
for( ; str.length < strLength; str += Math.random().toString(36).slice(2));
str = str.substr(0, strLength);
str = specialStr + str + specialStr;
return str;
describe('75.1 BLOB, PLSQL, BIND_IN', function() {
var proc = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_blobs_in_751 (blob_id IN NUMBER, blob_in IN BLOB)\n" +
"AS \n" +
@ -321,7 +313,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var size = 32768;
var sequence = 1;
var specialStr = "75.1.1";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
@ -355,7 +347,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var size = 65535;
var sequence = 2;
var specialStr = "75.1.2";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
@ -524,7 +516,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var size = 50000;
var sequence = 6;
var specialStr = "75.1.9";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = [ sequence, { val: bufferStr, type: oracledb.BUFFER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN, maxSize: size } ];
@ -551,7 +543,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var size = 65535;
var sequence = 7;
var specialStr = "75.1.10";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
@ -622,7 +614,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var size = 32768;
var sequence = 11;
var specialStr = "75.2.1";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
@ -664,7 +656,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var size = 65535;
var sequence = 12;
var specialStr = "75.2.2";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
@ -778,7 +770,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var size = 50000;
var sequence = 16;
var specialStr = "75.2.6";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = [ sequence, { type: oracledb.BUFFER, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: size } ];
@ -813,7 +805,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var size = 50000;
var sequence = 17;
var specialStr = "75.2.7";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = [ sequence, { type: oracledb.BUFFER, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: size - 1 } ];
@ -844,7 +836,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var size = 50000;
var sequence = 18;
var specialStr = "75.2.8";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
@ -885,6 +877,14 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
"END nodb_blob_in_out_753;";
var sqlRun = "begin nodb_blob_in_out_753(lob_in_out => :lob_in_out); end;";
var proc_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE nodb_blob_in_out_753";
var blob_proc_inout_7531 = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_blob_in_out_7531 (lob_id IN NUMBER, lob_in_out IN OUT RAW) \n" +
"AS \n" +
"BEGIN \n" +
" insert into nodb_tab_blob_in (id, blob_1) values (lob_id, lob_in_out); \n" +
" select blob_1 into lob_in_out from nodb_tab_blob_in where id = lob_id; \n" +
"END nodb_blob_in_out_7531;";
var sqlRun_7531 = "begin nodb_blob_in_out_7531(:i, :io); end;";
var proc_drop_7531 = "DROP PROCEDURE nodb_blob_in_out_7531";
before(function(done) {
executeSQL(blob_proc_inout, done);
@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
it('75.3.1 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with Buffer size 32K', function(done) {
var size = 32768;
var specialStr = "75.3.1";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
lob_in_out: { dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, type: oracledb.BUFFER, val: bufferStr, maxSize: size }
@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
it('75.3.2 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with Buffer size 32K - 1', function(done) {
var size = 32767;
var specialStr = "75.3.2";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
lob_in_out: { dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, type: oracledb.BUFFER, val: bufferStr, maxSize: size }
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
it('75.3.3 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with Buffer size 64K - 1', function(done) {
var size = 65535;
var specialStr = "75.3.3";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
lob_in_out: { dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, type: oracledb.BUFFER, val: bufferStr, maxSize: size }
@ -966,7 +966,98 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
}); // 75.3.3
it('75.3.4 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with OUT data > maxSize', function(done) {
var specialStr = "75.3.4";
var len = 65535;
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
lob_in_out: { dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, type: oracledb.BUFFER, val: bufferStr, maxSize: len - 1 }
function(err) {
// NJS-016: buffer is too small for OUT binds
}); // 75.3.4
it('75.3.5 PLSQL, bind out to varchar2 with OUT data < maxSize', function(done) {
var sequence = 30;
var specialStr = "75.3.5";
var len = 300;
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
executeSQL(blob_proc_inout_7531, cb);
function(cb) {
var bindVar_7531 = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
io: { val:bufferStr, type: oracledb.BUFFER, dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, maxSize: len }
function(err, result) {
var resultVal ='utf8');
var resultLength = resultVal.length;
var specStrLength = specialStr.length;
should.strictEqual(resultLength, len);
should.strictEqual(resultVal.substring(0, specStrLength), specialStr);
should.strictEqual(resultVal.substring(resultLength - specStrLength, resultLength), specialStr);
function(cb) {
executeSQL(proc_drop_7531, cb);
], done);
}); // 75.3.5
it('75.3.6 PLSQL, bind out to varchar2 with OUT data > maxSize', function(done) {
var sequence = 30;
var specialStr = "75.3.6";
var len = 300;
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
function(cb) {
executeSQL(blob_proc_inout_7531, cb);
function(cb) {
var bindVar_7531 = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
io: { val:bufferStr, type: oracledb.BUFFER, dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, maxSize: len - 1 }
function(err) {
// ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
function(cb) {
executeSQL(proc_drop_7531, cb);
], done);
}); // 75.3.6
}); // 75.3
describe('75.4 Multiple BLOBs, BIND_IN', function() {
var proc = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_blobs_in_754 (blob_id IN NUMBER, blob_1 IN BLOB, blob_2 IN BLOB)\n" +
@ -989,8 +1080,8 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var size_1 = 32768;
var size_2 = 50000;
var specialStr = "75.4.1";
var bigStr_1 = getRandomString(size_1, specialStr);
var bigStr_2 = getRandomString(size_2, specialStr);
var bigStr_1 = random.getRandomString(size_1, specialStr);
var bigStr_2 = random.getRandomString(size_2, specialStr);
var bufferStr_1 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_1, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_1, "utf-8");
var bufferStr_2 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_2, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_2, "utf-8");
var sequence = 51;
@ -1028,7 +1119,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var preparedCLOBID = 301;
var sequence = 52;
var size_1 = 32768;
var bigStr_1 = getRandomString(size_1, specialStr);
var bigStr_1 = random.getRandomString(size_1, specialStr);
var bufferStr_1 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_1, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_1, "utf-8");
@ -1115,8 +1206,8 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var size_1 = 32768;
var size_2 = 50000;
var sequence = 111;
var bigStr_1 = getRandomString(size_1, specialStr);
var bigStr_2 = getRandomString(size_2, specialStr);
var bigStr_1 = random.getRandomString(size_1, specialStr);
var bigStr_2 = random.getRandomString(size_2, specialStr);
var bufferStr_1 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_1, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_1, "utf-8");
var bufferStr_2 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_2, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_2, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
@ -1163,7 +1254,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
it('75.5.2 PLSQL, BIND_OUT, bind a JPG file and a Buffer', function(done) {
var specialStr = "75.5.2";
var size_1 = 32768;
var bigStr_1 = getRandomString(size_1, specialStr);
var bigStr_1 = random.getRandomString(size_1, specialStr);
var bufferStr_1 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_1, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_1, "utf-8");
var sequence = 112;
var bindVar = {
@ -1264,7 +1355,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var preparedCLOBID = 500;
var size_1 = 32768;
var specialStr = "75.6.1";
var bigStr_1 = getRandomString(size_1, specialStr);
var bigStr_1 = random.getRandomString(size_1, specialStr);
var bufferStr_1 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_1, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_1, "utf-8");
@ -1326,7 +1417,7 @@ describe('75.blobPlsqlBindAsBuffer.js', function() {
var preparedCLOBID = 501;
var size_1 = 65535;
var specialStr = "75.6.2";
var bigStr_1 = getRandomString(size_1, specialStr);
var bigStr_1 = random.getRandomString(size_1, specialStr);
var bufferStr_1 = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr_1, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr_1, "utf-8");

test/clobDMLBindAsString.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */
* You may not use the identified files except in compliance with the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License.")
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* The node-oracledb test suite uses 'mocha', 'should' and 'async'.
* See for relevant licenses.
* 77. clobDMLBindAsString.js
* Testing CLOB binding as String with DML.
* Test numbers follow this numbering rule:
* 1 - 20 are reserved for basic functional tests
* 21 - 50 are reserved for data type supporting tests
* 51 onwards are for other tests
'use strict';
var oracledb = require('oracledb');
var should = require('should');
var async = require('async');
var dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
var random = require('./random.js');
var fs = require('fs');
describe('77.clobDMLBindAsString.js', function() {
var connection = null;
var client11gPlus = true; // assume instant client runtime version is greater than
var proc_clob_1 = "BEGIN \n" +
" DECLARE \n" +
" e_table_missing EXCEPTION; \n" +
" PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_table_missing, -00942); \n" +
" BEGIN \n" +
" EXECUTE IMMEDIATE('DROP TABLE nodb_dml_clob_1 PURGE'); \n" +
" WHEN e_table_missing \n" +
" THEN NULL; \n" +
" END; \n" +
" CREATE TABLE nodb_dml_clob_1 ( \n" +
" id NUMBER, \n" +
" clob CLOB \n" +
" ) \n" +
" '); \n" +
"END; ";
var sql2DropTable1 = "DROP TABLE nodb_dml_clob_1 PURGE";
before(function(done) {
oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig, function(err, conn) {
connection = conn;
// Check whether instant client runtime version is smaller than
if(oracledb.oracleClientVersion < 1201000200)
client11gPlus = false;
}); // before
after(function(done) {
connection.release(function(err) {
}); // after
var executeSQL = function(sql, callback) {
function(err) {
return callback();
var insertIntoClobTable1 = function(id, content, callback, case64KPlus) {
if(content == "EMPTY_CLOB") {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 VALUES (:ID, EMPTY_CLOB())",
[ id ],
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
} else {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.STRING }
function(err, result) {
if(case64KPlus === true && client11gPlus === false) {
// NJS-050: data must be shorter than 65535
} else {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
var updateClobTable1 = function(id, content, case64KPlus, callback) {
if(content == "EMPTY_CLOB") {
"UPDATE nodb_dml_clob_1 set clob = EMPTY_CLOB() where id = :ID",
{ ID: id },
function(err, result){
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
} else {
"UPDATE nodb_dml_clob_1 set clob = :C where id = :ID",
{ ID: id, C: content },
function(err, result){
if(case64KPlus === true && client11gPlus === false) {
// NJS-050: data must be shorter than 65535
} else {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
// compare the inserted clob with orginal content
var verifyClobValueWithString = function(selectSql, originalString, specialStr, callback) {
function(err, result) {
var lob = result.rows[0][0];
if(originalString == '' || originalString == undefined || originalString == null) {
return callback();
} else {
// set the encoding so we get a 'string' not a 'buffer'
var clobData = '';
lob.on('data', function(chunk) {
clobData += chunk;
lob.on('error', function(err) {
should.not.exist(err, "lob.on 'error' event.");
lob.on('end', function(err) {
if (originalString == "EMPTY_CLOB") {
should.strictEqual(clobData, "");
} else {
var resultLength = clobData.length;
var specStrLength = specialStr.length;
should.strictEqual(resultLength, originalString.length);
should.strictEqual(clobData.substring(0, specStrLength), specialStr);
should.strictEqual(clobData.substring(resultLength - specStrLength, resultLength), specialStr);
return callback();
var checkInsertResult = function(id, content, specialStr, case64KPlus, callback) {
if(case64KPlus === true && client11gPlus === false) {
} else {
var sql = "select clob from nodb_dml_clob_1 where id = " + id;
verifyClobValueWithString(sql, content, specialStr, callback);
// Generate id for insert clob into db
var insertID = 0;
var getID = function() {
insertID = insertID + 1;
return insertID;
describe('77.1 CLOB, INSERT', function() {
before(function(done) {
executeSQL(proc_clob_1, done);
}); // before
after(function(done) {
executeSQL(sql2DropTable1, done);
}); // after
it('77.1.1 works with EMPTY_CLOB', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = "EMPTY_CLOB";
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.1
it('77.1.2 works with empty string', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = '';
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.2
it('77.1.3 works with empty string and bind in maxSize set to 32767', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = "";
function(cb) {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 32767 }
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.3
it('77.1.4 works with empty string and bind in maxSize set to 50000', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = "";
function(cb) {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 50000 }
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.4
it('77.1.5 works with undefined', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = undefined;
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.5
it('77.1.6 works with null', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = null;
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.6
it('77.1.7 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 32767', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = null;
function(cb) {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 32767 }
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.7
it('77.1.8 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 50000', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = null;
function(cb) {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 50000 }
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.8
it('77.1.9 works with NaN', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = NaN;
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.STRING }
function(err) {
// NJS-011: encountered bind value and type mismatch in parameter 2
}); // 77.1.9
it('77.1.10 works with 0', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = 0;
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.STRING }
function(err) {
// NJS-011: encountered bind value and type mismatch in parameter 2
}); // 77.1.10
it('77.1.11 works with String length 32K', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 32768;
var specialStr = "77.1.11";
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.11
it('77.1.12 works with String length (64K - 1)', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 65535;
var specialStr = "77.1.12";
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.12
it('77.1.13 works with String length (64K + 1)', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 65537;
var specialStr = "77.1.13";
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content, cb, true);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, true, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.13
it('77.1.14 works with String length (1MB + 1)', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 1048577; // 1 * 1024 * 1024 + 1;
var specialStr = "77.1.14";
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content, cb, true);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, true, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.14
it('77.1.15 works with String length (5MB + 1)', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 5242881; // 5 * 1024 * 1024 + 1;
var specialStr = "77.1.15";
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content, cb, true);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, true, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.15
it('77.1.16 works with String length (10MB + 1)', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 10485761; // 10 * 1024 * 1024 + 1;
var specialStr = "77.1.16";
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content, cb, true);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, true, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.16
it('77.1.17 bind value and type mismatch', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content = 100;
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.STRING }
function(err) {
// NJS-011: encountered bind value and type mismatch in parameter 2
}); // 77.1.17
it('77.1.18 mixing named with positional binding', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 40000;
var specialStr = "77.1.18";
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 VALUES (:1, :2)",
id, { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.STRING }
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, true, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.18
it('77.1.19 bind with invalid CLOB', function(done) {
var id = getID();
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 VALUES (:1, :2)",
id, { val : {}, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.STRING }
function(err) {
// NJS-012: encountered invalid bind datatype in parameter 2
}); // 77.1.19
it('77.1.20 RETURNING INTO with bind type STRING', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 400;
var specialStr = "77.1.20";
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var sql = "INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 (id, clob) VALUES (:i, :c) RETURNING clob INTO :lobbv";
function(cb) {
i: id,
c: { val: content, type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
lobbv: { type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: contentLength }
{ autoCommit: false },
function(err, result) {
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.20
it('77.1.21 Negative: RETURNING INTO with autocommit on', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var sql = "INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 (id, clob) VALUES (:i, EMPTY_CLOB()) RETURNING clob INTO :lobbv";
var inFileName = './test/clobexample.txt';
function(cb) {
i: id,
lobbv: { type: oracledb.CLOB, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT }
{ autoCommit: true },
function(err, result) {
var inStream = fs.createReadStream(inFileName);
var lob = result.outBinds.lobbv[0];
lob.on('error', function(err) {
// ORA-22990: LOB locators cannot span transactions
inStream.on('error', function(err) {
should.not.exist(err, "inStream.on 'error' event");
lob.on('close', function(err) {
connection.commit( function(err) {
return cb();
inStream.pipe(lob); // copies the text to the CLOB
], done);
}); // 77.1.21
it('77.1.22 works with bind in maxSize smaller than string length', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength = 32768;
var specialStr = "77.1.22";
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
"INSERT INTO nodb_dml_clob_1 VALUES (:ID, :C)",
ID : { val : id },
C : { val : content, dir : oracledb.BIND_IN, type : oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 1 }
function(err, result) {
should.strictEqual(result.rowsAffected, 1);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content, specialStr, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.1.22
}); // 77.1
describe('77.2 CLOB, UPDATE', function() {
insertID = 0;
before(function(done) {
executeSQL(proc_clob_1, done);
}); // before
after(function(done) {
executeSQL(sql2DropTable1, done);
}); // after
it('77.2.1 update EMPTY_CLOB column', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content_1 = "EMPTY_CLOB";
var contentLength_2 = 32768;
var specialStr_2 = "77.2.1";
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content_1, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_1, null, false, cb);
function(cb) {
updateClobTable1(id, content_2, false, cb);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_2, specialStr_2, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.2.1
it('77.2.2 update a cloumn with EMPTY_CLOB', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength_1 = 50000;
var specialStr_1 = "77.2.2";
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_2 = "EMPTY_CLOB";
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content_1, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_1, specialStr_1, false, cb);
function(cb) {
updateClobTable1(id, content_2, false, cb);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_2, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.2.2
it('77.2.3 update EMPTY_CLOB column with empty string', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content_1 = "EMPTY_CLOB";
var content_2 = "";
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content_1, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_1, null, false, cb);
function(cb) {
updateClobTable1(id, content_2, false, cb);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_2, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.2.3
it('77.2.4 update empty string column', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var content_1 = "";
var contentLength_2 = 54321;
var specialStr_2 = "77.2.4";
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content_1, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_1, null, false, cb);
function(cb) {
updateClobTable1(id, content_2, false, cb);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_2, specialStr_2, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.2.4
it('77.2.5 update a column with empty string', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength_1 = 50000;
var specialStr_1 = "77.2.2";
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_2 = "";
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content_1, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_1, specialStr_1, false, cb);
function(cb) {
updateClobTable1(id, content_2, false, cb);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_2, null, false, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.2.5
it('77.2.6 update a column with (10MB + 1) string', function(done) {
var id = getID();
var contentLength_1 = 50000;
var specialStr_1 = "77.2.6_1";
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var contentLength_2 = 10485761; // 10 * 1024 * 1024 + 1;
var specialStr_2 = "77.2.6_2";
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
function(cb) {
insertIntoClobTable1(id, content_1, cb, false);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_1, specialStr_1, false, cb);
function(cb) {
updateClobTable1(id, content_2, true, cb);
function(cb) {
checkInsertResult(id, content_2, specialStr_2, true, cb);
], done);
}); // 77.2.6
}); // 77.2

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ var should = require('should');
var async = require('async');
var dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
var fs = require('fs');
var random = require('./random.js');
describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
var connection = null;
@ -289,15 +290,6 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
var getRandomString = function(length, specialStr) {
var str='';
var strLength = length - specialStr.length * 2;
for( ; str.length < strLength; str += Math.random().toString(36).slice(2));
str = str.substr(0, strLength);
str = specialStr + str + specialStr;
return str;
describe('74.1 CLOB, PLSQL, BIND_IN', function() {
var proc = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_clobs_in_741 (clob_id IN NUMBER, clob_in IN CLOB)\n" +
"AS \n" +
@ -321,7 +313,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
var len = 32768;
var sequence = 1;
var specialStr = "74.1.1";
var clobStr = getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var clobStr = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
c: { val: clobStr, type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN, maxSize: len }
@ -353,7 +345,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
var len = 65535;
var sequence = 2;
var specialStr = "74.1.2";
var clobStr = getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var clobStr = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
c: { val: clobStr, type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN, maxSize: len }
@ -517,7 +509,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
var len = 50000;
var sequence = 6;
var specialStr = "74.1.9";
var clobStr = getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var clobStr = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bindVar = [ sequence, { val: clobStr, type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN, maxSize: 50000 } ];
@ -584,7 +576,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
var len = 32768;
var sequence = 11;
var specialStr = "74.2.1";
var clobStr = getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var clobStr = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
c: { type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: len }
@ -617,7 +609,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
}); // 74.2.1
it('74.2.2 PLSQL, BIND_OUT with String length 34K - 1', function(done) {
it('74.2.2 PLSQL, BIND_OUT with String length 64K - 1', function(done) {
// The upper limit on the number of bytes of data that can be bound as
// `STRING` or `BUFFER` when node-oracledb is linked with Oracle Client
// 11.2 libraries is 64 Kb. With Oracle Client 12, the limit is 1 Gb
@ -625,7 +617,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
var len = 65535;
var sequence = 12;
var specialStr = "74.2.2";
var clobStr = getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var clobStr = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
c: { type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: len }
@ -761,7 +753,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
var len = 50000;
var sequence = 17;
var specialStr = "74.2.7";
var clobStr = getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var clobStr = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bindVar = [ sequence, { type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: len } ];
@ -795,7 +787,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
var len = 50000;
var sequence = 18;
var specialStr = "74.2.8";
var clobStr = getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var clobStr = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bindVar = [ sequence, { type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: len - 1 } ];
@ -881,6 +873,14 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
"END nodb_clob_in_out_743;";
var sqlRun = "begin nodb_clob_in_out_743(lob_in_out => :lob_in_out); end;";
var proc_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE nodb_clob_in_out_743";
var clob_proc_inout_7431 = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_clob_in_out_7431 (lob_id IN NUMBER, lob_in_out IN OUT VARCHAR2) \n" +
"AS \n" +
"BEGIN \n" +
" insert into nodb_tab_clob_in (id, clob_1) values (lob_id, lob_in_out); \n" +
" select clob_1 into lob_in_out from nodb_tab_clob_in where id = lob_id; \n" +
"END nodb_clob_in_out_7431;";
var sqlRun_7431 = "begin nodb_clob_in_out_7431(:i, :io); end;";
var proc_drop_7431 = "DROP PROCEDURE nodb_clob_in_out_7431";
before(function(done) {
executeSQL(clob_proc_inout, done);
@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
it('74.3.1 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with String length 32K', function(done) {
var specialStr = "74.3.1";
var len = 32768;
var clobVal = getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var clobVal = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bindVar = {
lob_in_out: { dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, type: oracledb.STRING, val: clobVal, maxSize: len }
@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
it('74.3.2 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with String length 32K - 1', function(done) {
var specialStr = "74.3.2";
var len = 32767;
var clobVal = getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var clobVal = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bindVar = {
lob_in_out: { dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, type: oracledb.STRING, val: clobVal, maxSize: len }
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
it('74.3.3 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with String length 64K - 1', function(done) {
var specialStr = "74.3.3";
var len = 65535;
var clobVal = getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var clobVal = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bindVar = {
lob_in_out: { dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, type: oracledb.STRING, val: clobVal, maxSize: len }
@ -959,6 +959,94 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
}); // 74.3.3
it('74.3.4 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with OUT data > maxSize', function(done) {
var specialStr = "74.3.4";
var len = 65535;
var clobVal = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
var bindVar = {
lob_in_out: { dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, type: oracledb.STRING, val: clobVal, maxSize: len - 1 }
function(err) {
// NJS-016: buffer is too small for OUT binds
}); // 74.3.4
it('74.3.5 PLSQL, bind out to varchar2 with OUT data < maxSize', function(done) {
var sequence = 30;
var specialStr = "74.3.5";
var len = 300;
var clobStr = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
function(cb) {
executeSQL(clob_proc_inout_7431, cb);
function(cb) {
var bindVar_7431 = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
io: { val:clobStr, type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, maxSize: len }
function(err, result) {
var resultVal =;
var resultLength = resultVal.length;
var specStrLength = specialStr.length;
should.strictEqual(resultLength, len);
should.strictEqual(resultVal.substring(0, specStrLength), specialStr);
should.strictEqual(resultVal.substring(resultLength - specStrLength, resultLength), specialStr);
function(cb) {
executeSQL(proc_drop_7431, cb);
], done);
}); // 74.3.5
it('74.3.6 PLSQL, bind out to varchar2 with OUT data > maxSize', function(done) {
var sequence = 30;
var specialStr = "74.3.6";
var len = 300;
var clobStr = random.getRandomString(len, specialStr);
function(cb) {
executeSQL(clob_proc_inout_7431, cb);
function(cb) {
var bindVar_7431 = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
io: { val:clobStr, type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, maxSize: len - 1 }
function(err) {
// ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
function(cb) {
executeSQL(proc_drop_7431, cb);
], done);
}); // 74.3.6
}); // 74.3
describe('74.4 Multiple CLOBs, BIND_IN', function() {
@ -982,9 +1070,9 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
var specialStr = "74.4.1";
var sequence = 100;
var len1 = 50000;
var clobStr_1 = getRandomString(len1, specialStr);
var clobStr_1 = random.getRandomString(len1, specialStr);
var len2 = 10000;
var clobStr_2 = getRandomString(len2, specialStr);
var clobStr_2 = random.getRandomString(len2, specialStr);
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
c1: { val: clobStr_1, type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN, maxSize: len1 },
@ -1018,7 +1106,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
var preparedCLOBID = 200;
var len1 = 50000;
var specialStr = "74.4.2";
var clobStr_1 = getRandomString(len1, specialStr);
var clobStr_1 = random.getRandomString(len1, specialStr);
function(cb) {
@ -1105,8 +1193,8 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
var sequence = 110;
var len1 = 50000;
var len2 = 10000;
var clobStr_1 = getRandomString(len1, specialStr);
var clobStr_2 = getRandomString(len2, specialStr);
var clobStr_1 = random.getRandomString(len1, specialStr);
var clobStr_2 = random.getRandomString(len2, specialStr);
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
c1: { type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: len1 },
@ -1152,7 +1240,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
var specialStr = "74.5.2";
var sequence = 111;
var len1 = 50000;
var clobStr_1 = getRandomString(len1, specialStr);
var clobStr_1 = random.getRandomString(len1, specialStr);
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
c1: { type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: len1 },
@ -1248,7 +1336,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
it('74.6.1 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT, bind a txt file and a 32K string', function(done) {
var specialStr = "74.6.1";
var len1 = 32768;
var clobVal = getRandomString(len1, specialStr);
var clobVal = random.getRandomString(len1, specialStr);
var preparedCLOBID = 200;
@ -1308,7 +1396,7 @@ describe('74.clobPlsqlBindAsString.js', function() {
it('74.6.2 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT, bind a txt file and a 64K - 1 string', function(done) {
var specialStr = "74.6.2";
var len1 = 65535;
var clobVal = getRandomString(len1, specialStr);
var clobVal = random.getRandomString(len1, specialStr);
var preparedCLOBID = 201;

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ var oracledb = require('oracledb');
var async = require('async');
var should = require('should');
var dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
var random = require('./random.js');
describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
@ -146,15 +147,6 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var getRandomString = function(length, specialStr) {
var str='';
var strLength = length - specialStr.length * 2;
for( ; str.length < strLength; str += Math.random().toString(36).slice(2));
str = str.substr(0, strLength);
str = specialStr + str + specialStr;
return str;
describe('78.1 fetch CLOB columns by setting oracledb.fetchAsString', function() {
before('create Table and populate', function(done) {
@ -214,7 +206,7 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id = 2;
var specialStr = '78.1.2';
var contentLength = 26;
var content = getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
@ -242,11 +234,11 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id_1 = 3;
var specialStr_1 = '78.1.3_1';
var contentLength_1 = 26;
var content_1 = getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var id_2 = 4;
var specialStr_2 = '78.1.3_2';
var contentLength_2 = 30;
var content_2 = getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
function(cb) {
@ -282,11 +274,11 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id_1 = 5;
var specialStr_1 = '78.1.4_1';
var contentLength_1 = 20;
var content_1 = getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var id_2 = 6;
var specialStr_2 = '78.1.4_2';
var contentLength_2 = 36;
var content_2 = getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
function(cb) {
@ -328,7 +320,7 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id = 7;
var specialStr = '78.1.5';
var contentLength = 65535;
var content = getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
@ -357,7 +349,7 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var specialStr = '78.1.6';
var specialStrLen = specialStr.length;
var contentLength = 100;
var content = getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
@ -405,7 +397,7 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id = 10;
var specialStr = '78.1.8';
var contentLength = 40;
var content = getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
@ -454,7 +446,7 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id = 11;
var specialStr = '78.1.9';
var contentLength = 26;
var content = getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
@ -514,10 +506,10 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id = 12;
var specialStr_1 = '78.1.10_1';
var contentLength_1 = 26;
var content_1 = getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var specialStr_2 = '78.1.10_2';
var contentLength_2 = 30;
var content_2 = getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
function(cb) {
@ -561,11 +553,11 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id_1 = 13;
var specialStr_1 = '78.1.11_1';
var contentLength_1 = 26;
var content_1 = getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var id_2 = 14;
var specialStr_2 = '78.1.11_2';
var contentLength_2 = 30;
var content_2 = getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 1;
@ -600,11 +592,11 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id_1 = 15;
var specialStr_1 = '78.1.12_1';
var contentLength_1 = 26;
var content_1 = getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var id_2 = 16;
var specialStr_2 = '78.1.12_2';
var contentLength_2 = 30;
var content_2 = getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 20;
@ -689,7 +681,7 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id = 2;
var specialStr = '78.2.2';
var contentLength = 26;
var content = getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
@ -718,11 +710,11 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id_1 = 3;
var specialStr_1 = '78.2.3_1';
var contentLength_1 = 26;
var content_1 = getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var id_2 = 4;
var specialStr_2 = '78.2.3_2';
var contentLength_2 = 30;
var content_2 = getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
function(cb) {
@ -760,11 +752,11 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id_1 = 5;
var specialStr_1 = '78.2.4_1';
var contentLength_1 = 20;
var content_1 = getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var id_2 = 6;
var specialStr_2 = '78.2.4_2';
var contentLength_2 = 36;
var content_2 = getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
function(cb) {
@ -811,7 +803,7 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id = 7;
var specialStr = '78.2.5';
var contentLength = 65535;
var content = getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
@ -841,7 +833,7 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var specialStr = '78.2.6';
var specialStrLen = specialStr.length;
var contentLength = 100;
var content = getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
var content = random.getRandomString(contentLength, specialStr);
function(cb) {
@ -891,10 +883,10 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id = 10;
var specialStr_1 = '78.2.10_1';
var contentLength_1 = 26;
var content_1 = getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var specialStr_2 = '78.2.10_2';
var contentLength_2 = 30;
var content_2 = getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
function(cb) {
@ -942,11 +934,11 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id_1 = 11;
var specialStr_1 = '78.2.9_1';
var contentLength_1 = 26;
var content_1 = getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var id_2 = 12;
var specialStr_2 = '78.2.9_2';
var contentLength_2 = 30;
var content_2 = getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 1;
@ -983,11 +975,11 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id_1 = 13;
var specialStr_1 = '78.2.10_1';
var contentLength_1 = 26;
var content_1 = getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var id_2 = 14;
var specialStr_2 = '78.2.10_2';
var contentLength_2 = 30;
var content_2 = getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var maxRowsBak = oracledb.maxRows;
oracledb.maxRows = 20;
@ -1062,10 +1054,10 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id = 1;
var specialStr_1 = '78.3.1_1';
var contentLength_1 = 26;
var content_1 = getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var specialStr_2 = '78.3.1_2';
var contentLength_2 = 100;
var content_2 = getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
function(cb) {
@ -1099,10 +1091,10 @@ describe('78. fetchClobAsString.js', function() {
var id = 2;
var specialStr_1 = '78.3.2_1';
var contentLength_1 = 30;
var content_1 = getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var content_1 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_1, specialStr_1);
var specialStr_2 = '78.3.2_2';
var contentLength_2 = 50;
var content_2 = getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
var content_2 = random.getRandomString(contentLength_2, specialStr_2);
function(cb) {

View File

@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ Overview of node-oracledb functional tests
74.1.10 PLSQL, BIND_IN with invalid CLOB
74.2.1 PLSQL, BIND_OUT with String length 32K
74.2.2 PLSQL, BIND_OUT with String length 34K - 1
74.2.2 PLSQL, BIND_OUT with String length 64K - 1
74.2.3 PLSQL, BIND_OUT for null with small maxsize
74.2.4 PLSQL, BIND_OUT for null with 64k maxsize
74.2.5 PLSQL, BIND_OUT with empty string
@ -1138,6 +1138,9 @@ Overview of node-oracledb functional tests
74.3.1 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with String length 32K
74.3.2 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with String length 32K - 1
74.3.3 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with String length 64K - 1
74.3.4 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with OUT data > maxSize
74.3.5 PLSQL, bind out to varchar2 with OUT data < maxSize
74.3.6 PLSQL, bind out to varchar2 with OUT data > maxSize
74.4 Multiple CLOBs, BIND_IN
74.4.1 PLSQL, BIND_IN, bind two string
74.4.2 PLSQL, BIND_IN, bind a txt file and a string
@ -1175,6 +1178,9 @@ Overview of node-oracledb functional tests
75.3.1 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with Buffer size 32K
75.3.2 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with Buffer size 32K - 1
75.3.3 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with Buffer size 64K - 1
75.3.4 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT with OUT data > maxSize
75.3.5 PLSQL, bind out to varchar2 with OUT data < maxSize
75.3.6 PLSQL, bind out to varchar2 with OUT data > maxSize
75.4 Multiple BLOBs, BIND_IN
75.4.1 PLSQL, BIND_IN, bind two Buffer
75.4.2 PLSQL, BIND_IN, bind a JPG file and a Buffer
@ -1198,6 +1204,70 @@ Overview of node-oracledb functional tests
76.3.1 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT, bind a 32K string and a 32K buffer
76.3.2 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT, bind a 64K - 1 string and a 64K - 1 buffer
77.1.1 works with EMPTY_CLOB
77.1.2 works with empty string
77.1.3 works with empty string and bind in maxSize set to 32767
77.1.4 works with empty string and bind in maxSize set to 50000
77.1.5 works with undefined
77.1.6 works with null
77.1.7 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 32767
77.1.8 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 50000
77.1.9 works with NaN
77.1.10 works with 0
77.1.11 works with String length 32K
77.1.12 works with String length (64K - 1)
77.1.13 works with String length (64K + 1)
77.1.14 works with String length (1MB + 1)
77.1.15 works with String length (5MB + 1)
77.1.16 works with String length (10MB + 1)
77.1.17 bind value and type mismatch
77.1.18 mixing named with positional binding
77.1.19 bind with invalid CLOB
77.1.20 RETURNING INTO with bind type STRING
77.1.21 Negative: RETURNING INTO with autocommit on
77.1.22 works with bind in maxSize smaller than string length
77.2.1 update EMPTY_CLOB column
77.2.2 update a cloumn with EMPTY_CLOB
77.2.3 update EMPTY_CLOB column with empty string
77.2.4 update empty string column
77.2.5 update a column with empty string
77.2.6 update a column with (10MB + 1) string
78.1.1 works with EMPTY_BLOB
78.1.2 works with empty buffer
78.1.3 works with empty buffer and bind in maxSize set to 32767
78.1.4 works with empty buffer and bind in maxSize set to 50000
78.1.5 works with undefined
78.1.6 works with null
78.1.7 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 32767
78.1.8 works with null and bind in maxSize set to 50000
78.1.9 works with NaN
78.1.10 works with 0
78.1.11 works with Buffer length 32K
78.1.12 works with Buffer length (64K - 1)
78.1.13 works with Buffer length (64K + 1)
78.1.14 works with Buffer length (1MB + 1)
78.1.15 works with Buffer length (5MB + 1)
78.1.16 works with Buffer length (10MB + 1)
78.1.17 bind value and type mismatch
78.1.18 mixing named with positional binding
78.1.19 bind with invalid BLOB
78.1.20 Negative: RETURNING INTO with bind type BUFFER
78.1.21 Negative: RETURNING INTO with autocommit on
78.1.22 works with bind in maxSize smaller than buffer size
78.2.1 update EMPTY_BLOB column
78.2.2 update a cloumn with EMPTY_BLOB
78.2.3 update EMPTY_BLOB column with empty buffer
78.2.4 update empty buffer column
78.2.5 update a column with empty buffer
78.2.6 update a column with (10MB + 1) buffer
77. lobProperties2.js
77.1 CLOB: chunkSize (read-only)
77.2 BLOB: chunkSize (read-only)

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ var should = require('should');
var async = require('async');
var dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.js');
var fs = require('fs');
var random = require('./random.js');
describe('76.lobBindAsStringBuffer.js', function() {
var connection = null;
@ -335,15 +336,6 @@ describe('76.lobBindAsStringBuffer.js', function() {
var getRandomString = function(length, specialStr) {
var str='';
var strLength = length - specialStr.length * 2;
for( ; str.length < strLength; str += Math.random().toString(36).slice(2));
str = str.substr(0, strLength);
str = specialStr + str + specialStr;
return str;
describe('76.1 Multiple LOBs, BIND_IN', function() {
var proc = "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE nodb_lobs_in_761 (id IN NUMBER, clob_in IN CLOB, blob_in IN BLOB)\n" +
"AS \n" +
@ -364,7 +356,7 @@ describe('76.lobBindAsStringBuffer.js', function() {
it('76.1.1 PLSQL, CLOB&BLOB, bind a string and a buffer', function(done) {
var specialStr = "76.1.1";
var length = 50000;
var bigStr = getRandomString(length, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(length, specialStr);
var bigBuffer = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var sequence = 700;
var bindVar = {
@ -401,7 +393,7 @@ describe('76.lobBindAsStringBuffer.js', function() {
var sequence = 2;
var size = 40000;
var specialStr = "76.1.2";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
function(cb) {
@ -447,7 +439,7 @@ describe('76.lobBindAsStringBuffer.js', function() {
var sequence = 303;
var size = 40000;
var specialStr = "76.1.3";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigBuffer = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
@ -533,7 +525,7 @@ describe('76.lobBindAsStringBuffer.js', function() {
var length = 50000;
var specialStr = "76.2.1";
var sequence = 311;
var bigStr = getRandomString(length, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(length, specialStr);
var bigBuffer = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
@ -578,7 +570,7 @@ describe('76.lobBindAsStringBuffer.js', function() {
it('76.2.2 PLSQL, CLOB&BLOB, bind a string and a JPG file', function(done) {
var size = 40000;
var specialStr = "76.2.2";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var sequence = 312;
var bindVar = {
i: { val: sequence, type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_IN },
@ -657,7 +649,7 @@ describe('76.lobBindAsStringBuffer.js', function() {
it('76.2.3 PLSQL, CLOB&BLOB, bind a txt file and a buffer', function(done) {
var size = 40000;
var specialStr = "76.2.3";
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigBuffer = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var sequence = 313;
var bindVar = {
@ -752,7 +744,7 @@ describe('76.lobBindAsStringBuffer.js', function() {
it('76.3.1 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT, bind a 32K string and a 32K buffer', function(done) {
var specialStr = "76.3.1";
var size = 32768;
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
clob: { dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, type: oracledb.STRING, val: bigStr, maxSize: size },
@ -785,7 +777,7 @@ describe('76.lobBindAsStringBuffer.js', function() {
it('76.3.2 PLSQL, BIND_INOUT, bind a 64K - 1 string and a 64K - 1 buffer', function(done) {
var specialStr = "76.3.2";
var size = 65535;
var bigStr = getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bigStr = random.getRandomString(size, specialStr);
var bufferStr = node6plus ? Buffer.from(bigStr, "utf-8") : new Buffer(bigStr, "utf-8");
var bindVar = {
clob: { dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT, type: oracledb.STRING, val: bigStr, maxSize: size },

View File

@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ test/plsqlBindScalar.js

test/random.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */
* You may not use the identified files except in compliance with the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License.")
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* The node-oracledb test suite uses 'mocha', 'should' and 'async'.
* See for relevant licenses.
* random.js
* generate a random string which length is 'length', with specialStr
* in it's head and tail
'use strict';
var random = exports;
module.exports = random;
// generate a random string which length is 'length', with specialStr in it's head and tail
random.getRandomString = function (length, specialStr) {
var str='';
var strLength = length - specialStr.length * 2;
for( ; str.length < strLength; str += Math.random().toString(36).slice(2));
str = str.substr(0, strLength);
str = specialStr + str + specialStr;
return str;