Update AIX and Solaris install instructions

This commit is contained in:
Christopher Jones 2016-07-08 16:54:51 +10:00
parent e6581c6b55
commit 792847c7f6
1 changed files with 237 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ limitations under the License.
6. [Node-oracledb Installation on Windows](#instwin)
7. [Copying node-oracledb Binaries on Windows](#winbins)
8. [Advanced Installation on Linux](#linuxadv)
9. [Node-oracledb Installation on AIX.PPC64 with Instant Client ZIP files](#instaix)
10. [Node-oracledb Installation on SOLARIS.X64 with Instant Client ZIP files](#instsolarisamd)
## <a name="overview"></a> 1. Overview
@ -65,9 +67,10 @@ Instructions may need to be adjusted for your platform and environment.
I have ... | Follow this ...
Linux. My database is on another machine. | [Node-oracledb Installation on Linux with Instant Client RPMs](#instrpm)
Solaris or AIX. My database is on another machine. | [Node-oracledb Installation on Linux with Instant Client ZIP files](#instzip)
Linux, Solaris or AIX. My database is on the same machine. | [Node-oracledb Installation on Linux with a Local Database](#instoh)
Linux. My database is on another machine. | [Node-oracledb Installation on Linux with Instant Client RPMs](#instrpm), [Node-oracledb Installation on Linux with Instant Client ZIP files](#instzip)
AIX. My database is on another machine. | [Node-oracledb Installation on AIX.PPC64 with Instant Client ZIP files](#instaix)
Solaris.x64. My database is on another machine. | [Node-oracledb Installation on SOLARIS.X64 with Instant Client ZIP files](#instsolarisamd)
Linux, Solaris or AIX. My database is on the same machine. | [Node-oracledb Installation on Linux with a Local Database](#instoh)
Linux, Solaris or AIX. I have the full Oracle client (installed via runInstaller) on the same machine. | [Node-oracledb Installation on Linux with a Local Database](#instoh)
Apple OS X | [Node-oracledb Installation on OS X with Instant Client](#instosx)
Windows | [Node-oracledb Installation on Windows](#instwin)
@ -742,3 +745,234 @@ FORCE_RPATH=1 npm install oracledb
node example.js
## <a name="instaix"></a> 9. Node-oracledb Installation on AIX.PPC64 with Instant Client ZIP files
### 9.1 Install Node.js
Download IBM AIX.PPC64 SDK for Node.js from
The downloaded file will be a shell script.
Execute the shell script. While executing, a prompt will appear asking for the Install Folder and Link Folder.
Give the desired location, say `/opt`, where node binary is supposed to build. On completion, a success message will be displayed.
sh node-v0.10.40-aix-ppc64.bin
Set PATH to include Node.js and Node-gyp binaries.
export PATH=/opt/node-v4.2.1/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/opt/node-v4.2.1/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/node-gyp-bin:$PATH
Set LIBPATH to include libstdc++.a and libgcc_s.a. This setting is only needed with Node.js v0.10.* and v0.12.*,
whereas this setting is not required from Node.js V4 and later versions.
With Node.js V0.10.* and V0.12.*, the libstdc++ dependency is taken care by explicitly adding '/opt/freeware/lib64' in $LIBPATH.
Since Node.js V4 or later uses GCC 4.8, there is no need to explictly set '/opt/freeware/lib64' in $LIBPATH.
export LIBPATH=/opt/freeware/lib64
### 9.2 Install the free Oracle Instant Client 'Basic' and 'SDK' ZIPs
Download the free **Basic** and **SDK** ZIPs from
[Oracle Technology Network]( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/aix5lsoft-098883.html)
Install them into the /opt/oracle.
cd /opt/oracle
unzip instantclient-basic-aix.ppc64-
uzip instantclient-sdk-aix.ppc64-
cd instantclient_12_1
To run applications, you will need to set the link path:
export LIBPATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1:$LIBPATH
### 9.3 Install the add-on
Tell the installer where to find Instant Client:
export OCI_LIB_DIR=/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1
export OCI_INC_DIR=/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1/sdk/include
These variables are only needed during installation.
If you are behind a firewall you may need to set your proxy, for
export http_proxy=http://my-proxy.example.com:80/
Install node-oracledb from the
[NPM registry](https://www.npmjs.com/package/oracledb):
npm install oracledb
Note:The make version should be GNU Make v4.1-1 (or 3.80-3 for AIX) or above on the AIX.PPC64 platform for building node-oracledb.
### 9.4 Run an example program
Download the
[example programs](https://github.com/oracle/node-oracledb/tree/master/examples) from GitHub.
Edit `dbconfig.js` and set the database credentials to your
module.exports = {
user : "hr",
password : "welcome",
connectString : "localhost/XE"
Run one of the examples:
node select1.js
A compiler supporting C++11 is required when building with Node.js v4 or later, otherwise the NAN component will fail to build.
The V8 JavaScript engine's use of C++11 features results in a dependency on version 4.8 or later of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
GCC 4.8 or later, is required for Node.js version 4 and later.
## <a name="instsolarisamd"></a> 10. Node-oracledb Installation on SOLARIS.X64 with Instant Client ZIP files
### 10.1 Install Node.js
Download the
[Node.js Source code] (https://nodejs.org/) .
Compile and Build the Node.js engine from the source code.
./configure --prefix=/scratch/node_project/node/node-v0.12.7/nodejs0127
make install
The *configure* file, *common.gypi* file and *Makefile* are not handled for the Solaris.x64 platform.
For Solaris.x64, the processor is 'i386'.
By default, inside the *configure* file, 'i386' is set to 'ia32' which is for 32 bit architecture.
If the installation is performed on a 64 bit architecture, 'i386' should be set to 'x64' instead of 'ia32'.
matchup = {
'__i386__' : 'x64',
Accordingly, the changes should be made in *common.gypi* so that the 'x64' target architecture point to 'i386', which is setup in the above step.
target_arch=="x64"', {
'xcode_settings': {'ARCHS': ['i386']},
Also changes have to be done in *Makefile*
ifeq ($(DESTCPU),arm)
Node.js binaries for Solaris.x64 are available on Node.js site ('node-v*-sunos-x64.tar'- which just needs extracting the tar files and the software will be installed).
However, even simple Node.js program will fail when installing through these binaries.
So install Node.js engine by compiling and building the source code with the steps and changes as mentioned above.
Set PATH to include Node.js and Node-gyp binaries
export PATH=/opt/node-v0.12.8/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/opt/node-v0.12.8/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/node-gyp-bin:$PATH
If warnings are shown for 'objdump' and 'dtrace', set PATH to include the same.
[Most likely /usr/gnu/bin and /usr/bin respectively]
### 10.2 Install the free Oracle Instant Client 'Basic' and 'SDK' ZIPs
Download the free **Basic** and **SDK** ZIPs from
[Oracle Technology Network]( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/solx8664soft-097204.html )
Install them into /opt/oracle.
cd /opt/oracle
unzip instantclient-basic-solaris.x64-
unzip instantclient-sdk-solaris.x64-
cd instantclient_12_1
To run applications, you will need to set the link path:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64=/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64
### 10.3 Install the add-on
Tell the installer where to find Instant Client:
export OCI_LIB_DIR=/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1
export OCI_INC_DIR=/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1/sdk/include
These variables are only needed during installation.
If you are behind a firewall you may need to set your proxy, for
export http_proxy=http://my-proxy.example.com:80/
Install node-oracledb from the
[NPM registry](https://www.npmjs.com/package/oracledb):
npm install oracledb
### 10.4 Run an example program
Download the
[example programs](https://github.com/oracle/node-oracledb/tree/master/examples) from GitHub.
Edit `dbconfig.js` and set the database credentials to your
module.exports = {
user : "hr",
password : "welcome",
connectString : "localhost/XE"
Run one of the examples:
node select1.js