147 lines
4.8 KiB
147 lines
4.8 KiB
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import torch
def split_einsum(q, k, v, mask, heads, dim_head):
""" Attention Implementation backing AttentionImplementations.SPLIT_EINSUM
- Implements https://machinelearning.apple.com/research/neural-engine-transformers
- Recommended for ANE
- Marginally slower on GPU
mh_q = [
q[:, head_idx * dim_head:(head_idx + 1) *
dim_head, :, :] for head_idx in range(heads)
] # (bs, dim_head, 1, max_seq_length) * heads
k = k.transpose(1, 3)
mh_k = [
k[:, :, :,
head_idx * dim_head:(head_idx + 1) * dim_head]
for head_idx in range(heads)
] # (bs, max_seq_length, 1, dim_head) * heads
mh_v = [
v[:, head_idx * dim_head:(head_idx + 1) *
dim_head, :, :] for head_idx in range(heads)
] # (bs, dim_head, 1, max_seq_length) * heads
attn_weights = [
torch.einsum("bchq,bkhc->bkhq", [qi, ki]) * (dim_head**-0.5)
for qi, ki in zip(mh_q, mh_k)
] # (bs, max_seq_length, 1, max_seq_length) * heads
if mask is not None:
for head_idx in range(heads):
attn_weights[head_idx] = attn_weights[head_idx] + mask
attn_weights = [
aw.softmax(dim=1) for aw in attn_weights
] # (bs, max_seq_length, 1, max_seq_length) * heads
attn = [
torch.einsum("bkhq,bchk->bchq", wi, vi)
for wi, vi in zip(attn_weights, mh_v)
] # (bs, dim_head, 1, max_seq_length) * heads
attn = torch.cat(attn, dim=1) # (bs, dim, 1, max_seq_length)
return attn
def split_einsum_v2(q, k, v, mask, heads, dim_head):
""" Attention Implementation backing AttentionImplementations.SPLIT_EINSUM_V2
- Implements https://machinelearning.apple.com/research/neural-engine-transformers
- Recommended for ANE
- Marginally slower on GPU
- Chunks the query sequence to avoid large intermediate tensors and improves ANE performance
query_seq_length = q.size(3)
num_chunks = query_seq_length // CHUNK_SIZE
if num_chunks == 0:
"AttentionImplementations.SPLIT_EINSUM_V2: query sequence too short to chunk "
f"({query_seq_length}<{CHUNK_SIZE}), fall back to AttentionImplementations.SPLIT_EINSUM (safe to ignore)")
return split_einsum(q, k, v, mask, heads, dim_head)
"AttentionImplementations.SPLIT_EINSUM_V2: Splitting query sequence length of "
f"{query_seq_length} into {num_chunks} chunks")
mh_q = [
q[:, head_idx * dim_head:(head_idx + 1) *
dim_head, :, :] for head_idx in range(heads)
] # (bs, dim_head, 1, max_seq_length) * heads
# Chunk the query sequence for each head
mh_q_chunked = [
[h_q[..., chunk_idx * CHUNK_SIZE:(chunk_idx + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE] for chunk_idx in range(num_chunks)]
for h_q in mh_q
] # ((bs, dim_head, 1, QUERY_SEQ_CHUNK_SIZE) * num_chunks) * heads
k = k.transpose(1, 3)
mh_k = [
k[:, :, :,
head_idx * dim_head:(head_idx + 1) * dim_head]
for head_idx in range(heads)
] # (bs, max_seq_length, 1, dim_head) * heads
mh_v = [
v[:, head_idx * dim_head:(head_idx + 1) *
dim_head, :, :] for head_idx in range(heads)
] # (bs, dim_head, 1, max_seq_length) * heads
attn_weights = [
torch.einsum("bchq,bkhc->bkhq", [qi_chunk, ki]) * (dim_head**-0.5)
for qi_chunk in h_q_chunked
] for h_q_chunked, ki in zip(mh_q_chunked, mh_k)
] # ((bs, max_seq_length, 1, chunk_size) * num_chunks) * heads
attn_weights = [
[aw_chunk.softmax(dim=1) for aw_chunk in aw_chunked]
for aw_chunked in attn_weights
] # ((bs, max_seq_length, 1, chunk_size) * num_chunks) * heads
attn = [
torch.einsum("bkhq,bchk->bchq", wi_chunk, vi)
for wi_chunk in wi_chunked
] for wi_chunked, vi in zip(attn_weights, mh_v)
] # ((bs, dim_head, 1, chunk_size) * num_chunks) * heads
attn = torch.cat([
torch.cat(attn_chunked, dim=3) for attn_chunked in attn
], dim=1) # (bs, dim, 1, max_seq_length)
return attn
def original(q, k, v, mask, heads, dim_head):
""" Attention Implementation backing AttentionImplementations.ORIGINAL
- Not recommended for ANE
- Recommended for GPU
bs = q.size(0)
mh_q = q.view(bs, heads, dim_head, -1)
mh_k = k.view(bs, heads, dim_head, -1)
mh_v = v.view(bs, heads, dim_head, -1)
attn_weights = torch.einsum("bhcq,bhck->bhqk", [mh_q, mh_k])
if mask is not None:
attn_weights = attn_weights + mask
attn_weights = attn_weights.softmax(dim=3)
attn = torch.einsum("bhqk,bhck->bhcq", [attn_weights, mh_v])
attn = attn.contiguous().view(bs, heads * dim_head, 1, -1)
return attn