defektive 6ccd3c71e9 Dockerfile and Docker Compose for Metasploit
Adds a basic Dockerfile and docker-compose config. `docker-compose.yml`
adds a named volume for postgres so data should persist.

`$HOME/.msf4` will be mounted to `/root/.msf4` by default.
port 4444 is exposed by default

Basic Usage:

2017-03-02 11:35:24 -07:00
bin Dockerfile and Docker Compose for Metasploit 2017-03-02 11:35:24 -07:00
Dockerfile Dockerfile and Docker Compose for Metasploit 2017-03-02 11:35:24 -07:00 Dockerfile and Docker Compose for Metasploit 2017-03-02 11:35:24 -07:00
docker-compose.development.override.yml Dockerfile and Docker Compose for Metasploit 2017-03-02 11:35:24 -07:00
msfconsole.rc Dockerfile and Docker Compose for Metasploit 2017-03-02 11:35:24 -07:00

Metasploit in Docker

Getting Started

To run msfconsole

docker-compose run --rm --service-ports ms

To run msfvenom

docker-compose run --rm ms ./msfvenom

I don't like typing docker-compose --rm ...

We have included some binstubs ./bin, you can symlink them to your path.

Assuming you have $HOME/bin, and it's in your $PATH. You can run this from the project root:

ln -s `pwd`/docker/bin/msfconsole $HOME/bin/
ln -s `pwd`/docker/bin/msfvenom $HOME/bin/

But I want reverse shells...

By default we expose port 4444. You'll need to set LHOST to be a hostname/ip of your host machine.

If you want to expose more ports, or have LHOST prepopulated with a specific value; you'll need to setup a local docker-compose override for this.

Create docker/docker-compose.local.override.yml with:

version: '2'
      # example of setting LHOST
    # example of adding more ports
      - 8080:8080

Make sure you set LHOST to valid hostname that resolves to your host machine.

Now you need to set the COMPOSE_FILE environment variable to load your local override.

echo "COMPOSE_FILE=./docker-compose.yml:./docker/docker-compose.local.override.yml" >> .env

Now you should be able get reverse shells working


To setup you environment for development, you need to docker/docker-compose.development.override.yml to your COMPOSE_FILE environment variable.

If you don't have a COMPOSE_FILE environment variable, you can set it up with this:

echo "COMPOSE_FILE=./docker-compose.yml:./docker/docker-compose.development.override.yml" >> .env