
1.9 KiB

Tell us what this change does. If you're fixing a bug, please mention the github issue number.

Please ensure you are submitting from a unique branch in your repository to master in Rapid7's.


List the steps needed to make sure this thing works

  • Start msfconsole
  • use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi
  • ...
  • Verify the thing does what it should
  • Verify the thing does not do what it should not
  • Document the thing and how it works (Example)

If you are opening a PR for a new module that exploits a specific piece of hardware or requires a complex or hard-to-find testing environment, we recommend that you send us a demo of your module executing correctly. Seeing your module in action will help us review your PR faster!

Specific Hardware Examples:

  • Switches
  • Routers
  • IP Cameras
  • IoT devices

Complex Software Examples:

  • Expensive proprietary software
  • Software with an extensive installation process
  • Software that requires exploit testing across multiple significantly different versions
  • Software without an English language UI

We will also accept demonstrations of successful module execution even if your module doesn't meet the above conditions. It's not a necessity, but it may help us land your module faster!

Demonstration of successful module execution can take the form of a packet capture (pcap) or a screen recording. You can send pcaps and recordings to Please include a CVE number in the subject header (if applicable), and a link to your PR in the email body. If you wish to sanitize your pcap, please see the wiki.